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Interview Preparation

Interview - Question Bank


Table of Contents

Chapter Topic Page

No. No.

1 Personal Interview – Commonly asked

1.1 Personal and personality-based 1-13
1.2 Skills based questions
2 Interview Questions– Academic &
Current Affairs
2.1 Economics Questions
2.2 Business Studies Questions
2.3 Finance & Accounting Questions
2.4 Current Affairs/General Awareness
2.5 Engineering Questions
2.6 Humanities Questions
Chapter 1: Personal Interview – Commonly asked

Personal Interview forms an

essential part of selection PERSONALITY
process in most of the B-
schools. These interviewers BACKGROUND

intend to gauge through GOALS

your personality traits and

required skills. The purpose

of the interview is to assess

your suitability for an MBA SELF

program in their institution.


Given below is the list of

top interview questions that are commonly asked in B-
1.1 Personal and personality-based questions
 Describe yourself in three words.
 How would your friends describe you?
 What are your strongest abilities?
 What is your biggest weakness?

 Give an example of something that you have done
that shows initiative-taking ability?
 What have you disliked in your past jobs?
 What is that one quality that makes you stand out
among your peers?
 What major problem have you encountered and
how did you deal with it?
 Have you ever faced any failures? What did you
learn from them?
 Can you work on several assignments
 What has been your greatest challenge?
 Are you creative? Give me an example. What have
you done that you consider creative?
 You say you have analytical skills. Do an analysis
of an issue, such as global warming.

 What does ‘success’ mean to you?
 What does ‘failure’ mean to you?
 What is more important to you: money or type of
 Who do you admire? Why?
 What are you passionate about?
 Who is your hero/ role model and why?
 Have you set any new goals for yourself recently?
 What are your five to ten year career goals?
 What are your career and educational goals?
 How would you like your lasting impression to be?
 What are your career options right now?
 Do you have a final statement?
 What are your career options right now?
 How do you think you have improved your career

 Tell me about yourself/ What would you like us to
know about you that is not mentioned in your
 What are the three most important
events/incidents of your life?
 What are your three major accomplishments/
achievements in life?
 Where did you grow up?
 What were you doing during this gap of time that is
mentioned in your resume?
 What is that one experience in your life that you
would want to go back and change?

1.2 Skills based questions





Management and leadership skills:

 Define leadership.
 Give me an example of a leadership role that you
have played when not everything went as planned.
 Why management? Why this institute? How do you
know that management interests you?
 Can business and ethics go together?
 What qualities should a successful manager
possess? Do you have these attributes?

 What is management?
 How do you think it will help you? What are your
career goals?
 Tell me how it will help you in business decision
making process?
 Suppose you have an assured monthly salary
because of which you don’t face any compulsion to
work, what would you do then?
 With management you are closing options and you
will be serving only the corporate section?
 Would you still like to do an MBA?
Interpersonal Skills:
 Have you ever managed a conflict? How?
 What kinds of people do you like to work with?
 Define cooperation.
 What kinds of people you cannot work with?
 Have you ever spoken before a group of people?
How large?
Education/ Institute based questions
 You have five minutes to describe the most
relevant instance in the past, which shows that you

are uniquely qualified for admission to our
 Why <name of the institute>?
 What do you know about our institute?
 What are you looking for in our institute?
 What would you add to our institute?
 How would you balance the different priorities MBA
student life presents?
 What makes you think you would be successful in
 How would you go about evaluating a business?
 What area of specialization do you plan to opt for?
 What is your favourite subject? Which college
classes did you like the most?
 Which college classes did you like the least? Why?
 Describe a course that has had the greatest impact
on your thinking?
 Did your grades accurately reflect your abilities?
Why/Why not?

 Demonstrate skills that you can transfer from past
Work Experience based questions
 Describe your job profile. Tell us about your major
contributions to the company.
 Describe your job and areas of responsibility.
 What are your achievements outside these
 Where did you work? What are the developments
you have done there?
 Which company were you working for?
 What were the products/services?
 Is it listed on the stock exchange?
 What is the strength of the company in terms of
the people working in the company?
 Who are the major suppliers/clients/customers of
the company?
 Who is the Director of the company? Can
you briefly describe the hierarchy of the company?

Extra-Curricular based questions
 What extra-curricular activities have you been
involved in?
 What have you learned from these activities?
 Were these extracurricular activities worth the time
you put into them?
 How did you become involved in these
extracurricular activities?
 What do you enjoy doing outside of work in your
free time?
 Who/which is your favourite author / actor / singer
/ artist/ book / movie / song / painting?
 Which newspapers/magazines/journals do you
read regularly? Which book have you read recently?
 Have you ever done volunteer activities?
Hobbies based questions
 What are your hobbies?
 How much time do you spend on them?
 How did you develop this hobby?
 What have you learned from this hobby? How do
you plan to apply it in your life?

 How do you plan to pursue it in future?
 Any major achievements in your hobby?
 How do you allocate time between your hobbies
and other activities?
 How much cost do you incur to pursue your
 What kind of novels do you read? Why?
 Name a recent book that you have read? What did
you learn from it?
Situation Based Questions
 10 coins are tossed in air, what is the probability of
getting 5 heads?
 12 people on a ship have nothing to eat. It is
decided that 6 would die and other 6 would eat
them. On which side will you be?
 Can you sell this pen to me?
 Can you solve this puzzle?(9 points were given and
a candidate was asked to join all points with 4
straight lines without lifting the pen).
 Can you draw the graph of the spin shot on the XY
axis? Which mathematical graph does it represent?

 Compare the cars which you own (Santro and
 Describe five uses of a stapler other than the
normal reasons for which it is put to use.
 Different situations were given on a sheet and you
have to interpret each of the situations. For e.g.
You are going from Hyderabad to Bangalore with
family, you were out too late and your room was
locked by someone else and you didn't get a room.
What will you do?
 Even after preparing for one full year you couldn't
get into an IIT. Why low grades in Engineering also?
 Gaming is an addiction and not a hobby. Comment.
Why should we select you?
 Give an example when you felt compassionate &
helped some poor people.
 State 2 instances where you witnessed corruption
first hand.
Behavioral Interview Questions
 Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me
how you achieved it.
 Give an example of a goal you couldn't meet and
how you handled it.
 Describe a stressful situation and how you handled
 Tell me about how can you work effectively under
 Have you been in a situation where you didn't have
enough work to do?
 Have you ever made a mistake? How did you
handle it?
 Describe a decision you made that was unpopular
and how you implemented it.
 Did you ever make a risky decision? Why? How did
you handle it?
 Did you ever postpone making a decision? Why?
 Have you gone above and beyond the call of duty?
If so, how?
 Have you worked on multiple projects? How did
you prioritize?
 How did you handle meeting a tight deadline?
 Give an example of how you set goals and achieve
 What would you do when your schedule is
interrupted? Give an example of how you handle it.
 Have you had to convince a team to work on a
project they weren't thrilled about? How did you do
 What do you do if you disagree with a co-worker?
 Do you listen? Give an example of when you did or
when you didn't listen.
 Have you handled a difficult situation with a
supervisor? How?
 Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal
with the situation?
 Describe a long-term project that you managed.
How did you keep everything moving along in a
timely manner?

Chapter 2: Personal Interview – Academic

2.1 Economics Questions

Common Economics Questions asked in MBA Interviews:
 According to you, how much time will it take for the
countries to come out of recession?
 Are exports included in GDP?
 Can you comment something on the ongoing
 Can you elaborate on the various sub accounts of
 Can you comment on this year's budget?
 What do you know about the budget and the
 Do you know of any mechanism by which RBI can
withdraw excess money supply from the FOREX
 Can you talk about the responsibilities of RBI in
simple points?
 Give SEBI guidelines for a small investor.

 How do you determine dollar's rate and on what
formula is it based?
 How do you think GDP contributes to the economy
of a country?
 How many banks are there in India?
 Is forex a part of BOP?
 Is there any proposal of opening new banks in
 What is inflation?
 What is equimarginal utility?
 What is Macro Economics?
 Tell me something about GST.
 Tell us about the functioning of RBI, who is the
current governor of RBI?
 What are CRR, Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate and
Bank Rate, how are they used by RBI?
 What are direct and indirect taxes?
 What is a Budget?
 What is a SEZ?
 What is balance of payments?
 What is centre's role and state's role in planning?
 What is export data and import data?
2.2 Business Studies Questions
Common Business Studies Questions asked in MBA
 What is EQ?
 What is business entity concept?
 Ritu is the manager of the northern division of a
large corporate house. At what level does she work
in the organization? What are her basic functions?
 Is Management an Art or Science?
 Can you talk about scientific management? State
any three of its principles.
 What do you know about scientific management as
per Taylor?
 What do you know about the Principle of Espirit de
corps given by Henry Fayol?
 What do you understand by business environment?
 Why is it important for business enterprises to
understand their environment? Explain briefly.
 Why are rules considered to be plans?

 What are the main features to be considered by the
management while planning?
 What are the steps taken by management in the
planning process?
 Is planning actually worth the huge costs it
involves? Explain.
 Could you briefly explain the steps involved in
hiring human resources in an organization?
 What factors would you say affect the location of a
business unit?
 Can you discuss some of the job training
techniques employed by an organization?
 What is the systems approach to management?
Also explain its merits.
 Have you heard of Peter Drucker? Tell us about
some of his contributions to the development of
management thought?
 How would you say diversification is an integral
growth strategy?
 Could you tell me some merits of project

 What according to you is the significance of
informal communication in an organization?
 What do you understand by management grid?
 Why do you think people resist change and what is
it anyway?
 Tell me the importance of management grid.
2.3 Finance and Accounting Questions
Common Finance and Accounting Questions asked in
MBA Interviews:
 How do we calculate income tax?
 Do you think operating profit can be more than the
gross profit?
 Can you describe how Private Banking works?
 Can you differentiate between current assets &
fixed assets?
 What is the difference between revenue and profit?
 Do you invest in stock markets?
 For a big MNC, What documents are covered in the
Financial Statement?
 Have you heard about investment banking?
 How do you record sundry allowances in accounts?
 How many different accounting standards are
 In which language was accountancy first
 Suppose you have a balance sheet of an SME
company, how will you decide whether to finance
the company or not?
 Tell me something about double entry book
 Tell us about accounts and taxation.
 What are the different types of taxes?
 What is capital budgeting?
 What is the difference between book value and
market value?
 What is finance?
 What is ICWA, balance sheet?
 What is Fixed Cost, Variable Cost and Break Even
 What is Income tax?
 What is Indirect tax?
 What is India's Foreign Exchange Reserve?

 What is Investment Banking?
 What is liquidity?
 What is Marginal Costing?
2.4 Current Affairs / General Awareness Questions
(Expected in GD/PI 2020)
 What does P stands for in VVPAT?
 Who is the author of the book “Bridgital Nation?”
 Quito is the capital of which country?
 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Stadium located in which
 What is the minimum capital required for small
finance bank?
 Kalesar National Park is situated in which state?
 Which is the first payment bank?
 Vijayawada situated near which river of India?
 What is the Capital of Venezuela?
 Name the largest and oldest museum in India.
 Bathukamma festival is celebrated in which State
of India?
 When is the UN day celebrated?

 Astana is the capital of which country?
 What is the name of joint military exercise of India
and USA?
 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI)
was established in which year?
 What does “F” stands for in PFMS?
 Adam’s Bridge Marine National Park is situated in
which country?
 What is the venue for Olympics 2024?
 Who is the author of the book “Unstoppable: My
Life So Far”?
 What is India’s current rank in Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) Index?
 Where is the first physical branch of Paytm
Payment Bank located?
 What has been the impact of removal of Article 370
from the Constitution of India? How many states
and UTs are in India current?What do you know
about the RCEP? Why has India refused to sign it
so far?
 Describe what know about the US-China trade war.
 What are the Green Good Deeds?
 Which year was International Labour Organisation
established? (2019 – 100th anniversary)
 How is food system related to forest fires?
 Which recent social issue in news is related to the
Shah Bano case?
 What do you know of blockchain technology? What
are its applications?
 What is Chandrayaan-2 mission? Who is the
‘Vikram Lander’ named after?
 Who has been recently appointed as the IMF Chief?
2.5 Engineering Questions
Computer Science/IT Questions
 Draw the diagram for waterfall model of software
 Describe the OSI Model.
 Difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
 What is Data mining?
 How does programming differ from Cloud
 How is Unix different from Windows?

 Can you tell me how many types of software
development Models are there?
 Have you studied C, C++ etc.? Which language are
you strong in? Describe any projects that you did in
these two languages?
 How can C++ help in any business?
 How are IP addresses assigned?
 How is Unix different from Linux?
 Tell us something about assembly languages.
 What is analytics?
 8085 is how many bit processors? What about
 What is WIMAX?
 Give an example of Digital electronics sum: related
to addition of binary numbers.
 Describe LAN and WAN.
 Tell us something about Indian IT industry.
 Do you know what is Abacus?
 Tell us something about Software Engineering,
standard deviation, coefficient of variation.

 Name five people who have brought change in
Computer Science.
 Is there any mechanism to increase the reliability
of software?
 Name an application of data Structures in OS.
 Name a few Operating Systems.
 What does embedded software mean?
Electronics Engineering Questions
 What is the difference between TDMA and FDMA?
 What is a 555 timer?
 How many memory locations can be addressed by
a microprocessor with 14 address lines?
 How do you make a memory card of a mobile
 Which type of architecture does 8085 have?
 What will be the common test case for SMS and
Mp3 player applications?
 What is the difference between a photo-diode and a
solar cell?
 Explain negative test cases for testing mobile

 What is the exact meaning of manual testing?
 What is the significance of "4-20 mA" signal in hart
 How do you check the mobile battery charge
 Is it possible to reverse the order of a Variable
Frequency drive?
 What do you mean by "flow of electron"?
 6 dB pad introduces how much attenuation?
 Why does charging batteries take a long time?
 What can be done to quicken the battery charging
 Is it possible to build an AC or DC variable-speed
generator with a variable field current controlled by
a signal from a torque sensor connected to the
shaft of the generator (i.e., net torque = 0)?
 How is the transmission of a signal in a computer
over x number of clock cycles translated into
 When recording infrasound waves or microwaves-
how do they differ from one another?

 What is the best way to read infrasound waves or
 What are encoders and decoders?
 What are the uses of encoders and decoders?
 Explain the working of encoders and decoders with
a circuit diagram.
 Which voltage source converts chemical energy to
electrical energy?
 The removal of a non-neutral subatomic particle
converts the atom into?
Agricultural Engineering Questions
 What is the role of agricultural engineers in
national development?
 What are steps taken by Indian Government to
improve agriculture?
 What was the impact of Land reforms on Indian
 What are subsidies?
 What is the purpose of Minimum Support Price?
 What are latest announcement in budget impacting
agrarian sector?

 How can digital India program help farmers to
improve farm productivity & income?
 Discuss wastage of farm produce in India?
 How can Indian minimize the agro waste from
farms to markets?
 What are the factors affecting productivity in
 What is the role of Indian Meteorological
 What is Agriculture’s contribution to GDP of India?
 What were the negative impacts of Green
Revolution in India?
 What is mechanization and its involvement?
 Which is the best form of mechanization and why?
 Explain two distinct categories of Water Resources
in Agri Engineering.
 What is artificial chromosome construction?
 What is Flow Control?
 What do you understand by Unit Hydrograph?
 Explain how to develop a Unit Hydrograph from a
single peak runoff hydrograph.

 Discuss Thiessen polygon method of averaging
 Briefly explain the process of estimating missing
rainfall data and adjustment of records for missing
stations by double mass analysis method.
 What are the main objectives of watershed
management programmes?
 Briefly explain gulley erosion.
 What is the difference between contour strip
cropping and buffer strip cropping?
Chemical Engineering Questions
 What is flow control?
 Mention the difference between unit operation and
unit process?
 What is a solvent?
 What are the three classes of organic solvent?
 What are the design considerations for a piping
system in order to transfer slurries?
 Explain the third law of thermodynamics?
 What is Pneumatic Conveying?

 Suggest a common carrier gas used in Pneumatic
 What are some general Piping Materials used to
transport Slurries?
 What may cause bulk solids to stop flowing from a
 Suggest a typical reason for solid size aggregation
in bulk solid systems
 What is a "saltation velocity"?
 What will happen if demineralized water is sprayed
in a fin fan?
 Which industries require filtered compressed air?
 State a few tank mixing rules of thumb?
 What is a good source of equations for calculating
discharge flow rates from accidental releases?
 What are the characteristics of "good" cooling
tower water?
 What is Condensate Lift?
 Can condensate control in a reboiler cause water
hammer problems?
 Why should vacuum breaker be included in steam
utilization piping practices?
 What is the procedure to estimate the friction
factor involved in heat exchanger tubes?
 What is a Barometric Condenser?
 What effects does choking a vertical thermo
siphon have on the heat transfer rate?
 What is entropy?
 List the advantages and disadvantages of a PFR.
Mechanical Engineering Questions
 How is Machine different from an Engine?
 Describe Newton’s Law of Viscosity?
 Give examples of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian
 Define Taylor’s Time and Motion theory
 Define Reynold’s Number
 Why is Bernaulli’s equation relevant?
 What is a turbo machine?
 Explain wheel and axle system of a car to a
 What is Surface Tension?
 When do we fully know the motion of fluid?

 What is standard atmospheric pressure?
 What is the difference between condenser and
cooling tower?
 Define say bolt seconds universal
 Define bulk modulus of elasticity
 What is the role of a butterfly valve?
 What are different cold drawing processes?
 Distinguish between poise and stoke
 What is buoyant force equal to?
 What is the difference between steady flow and 1,
2, 3 dimensional flows?
 Define Neutral Equilibrium
 What is Co-efficient of Performance?
 Define Reversed Carnot cycle
 Differentiate between hoop tension and
circumferential tension
 What is Archimedes Principle?
 Define Fluid Mechanics.
Civil Engineering Questions
 What is meant by Gantry Girder?

 Why is the brick red in colour?
 What is ductility?
 What is bolt value?
 What should be percentage of silt content in sand?
 What is the meaning of M.S.L for civil field?
 What is the least count of Total station?
 As a civil engineer, how would you reduce global
 At what temperature is granulation carried out?
 Being a civil engineer, why do you want to do MBA?
 Can you tell us the concept of air-conditioning with
 Define metallurgy?
 Define strength and toughness?
 Will you opt for a civil engineering job if you don't
get through MBA this year?
 Do you know about the cable suspended bridges?
 How can you make a building earthquake
 How do you design a beam?

 What kind of steel is used in rails? What qualities
does it need to possess?
 Questions on Geographical Information Systems.
 Tell me one company which makes pistons.
 What are the different types of furnaces?
 Why do you want to pursue an MBA after
completing your graduation in architecture?
 What is a power grid?
 What are the features of earthquake resistant
 What is a turbine?
Electrical Engineering Questions
 In what units is Resistance measured?
 The number of microamperes in 2 milli amperes is
how much?
 An electric heater draws 3.5 A from a 110 V source.
What is the resistance of the heating element?
 If 750 μA is flowing through 11k Ω resistance, what
is the voltage drop across the resistor?

 A resistor is connected across a 50 V source. What
is the current in the resistor if the color code is red,
orange, and silver?
 Approximately how many milli amperes of current
flow through a circuit with a 40 V source and 6.8k
Ω of resistance?
 When converting 1,600 kilohms to mega ohms, the
result is?
 What is inrush current?
 In a Tap changing transformer, where is the tap
connected? Is it connected in the primary side or
the secondary side?
 Why are transformer ratings in KVA?
 What is the difference between fuse and breaker?
 What is the difference between delta-delta and
delta-star transformer?
 Capacitor is load free component but why ampere
meter shows current when capacitor bank breaker
 Why is electricity in India in the multiples of 11 like
11kv, 22kv, 33kv?
 Why do we use AC and not DC system in India?

 Which type of motor is used in trains, what is the
rating of supply used? Explain the working
 Are battery banks connected in series or in parallel
and why?
 Differentiate between megger test equipment and
contact resistance meter test instruments.
 When do we connect the large capacitor back in
 What is electrical diversity factor in electrical
 Why is field rheostat kept in minimum position
while armature rheostat is kept in maximum
 Why does the humming sound occur in computers
in HT transmission line?
 What is the difference between resistance
grounding system and resistance earthing system?
 When a fourth resistor is connected in series with
three resistors, does the total resistance increase
or decrease and by how much?

 A sine wave voltage is applied across an inductor.
When the frequency of the voltage is decreased,
does the current increase or decrease?
2.6 Humanities Questions
Psychology Questions
 Suggest how you may have used psychology to
solve a personal or professional problem?
 What is ‘Ego’ from psychological perspective?
 What may be the effect of self-awareness on our
 How can you briefly define Structuralism?
 What is Freud’s standing on Dreams?
 Discuss Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.
 What are the two conflicting drives of Human
Psyche as per Freud?
 Distinguish between a through and an observation.
 What do you understand by ‘Observing Self’?
 What are 3 different methods for evaluating a
patient through Observing Self?
 Explain Acceptance and Commitment therapy
technique developed by Dr. Stephen Hayes

 Advise three psychotherapy methods.
 Give an example of classical conditioning
 How is operant conditioning different from
classical conditioning?
 What is cognitive behavior therapy?
 What are the steps involved in Elli’s behavioral
cognitive therapy?
 What is the core belief of Existential therapy?
 What are different talk therapies?
 What is the true purpose of counseling?
 What was Klein’s take on Unconscious
Phantasies? How did it differ from Freud?
 How counter transference can complicate the
therapy process?
 Differentiate between Projective Identification and
 What is the Oedipus complex?
 Is there a defined age for occurrence of Oedipus

 What are psychological challenges of late
Sociology Questions
 What is Sociology?
 Is Sociology just pure common sense?
 What is the significance of Sociology?
 How can we think sociologically?
 What are the KEY sociological characteristics that
have made you the social individual that you are?
 How does sociology help us to better understand
how our own society functions?
 What is meant by unintended consequences?
 How much of sociology is determined through
 Are sociology and psychology closely related?
 How is sociology different from anthropology?
 What is the difference between society and
 Do you think the process of observation changes
the behavior being observed?
 What are normative statements?
 Discuss how Pierre Bourdieu's theories could be
used to analyze power and inequality in society.
 How does music influence culture?
 What are different Sociology theories?
 Which sociological theory is most effective in
approaching social issues?
 What are limitations of Structural-Functionalism
 What is Conflict Theory?
 What are the propositions of Role Theory?
 Discuss Feminist theory in today’s context
 What is Ritzer’s integrative (micro-macro) theory of
social analysis?
 Why do you think it is often difficult to do business
across cultures?
 What are your views on assisted suicide? What
would have been Kant’s views?
 What is social order?
Political Science Questions
 Who is considered the father of Political Science?
 What is the significance of Political Science?

 In the Marxian Political discourse, what does
ideology signify?
 Who was the exponent of Negative Liberty?
 What is Barker’s view of Justice?
 What is difference between Imperialism and
 What did Rousseau advocate?
 Discuss Gramsci’s concept of Hegemony
 What was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s idea of State
 Discuss Feminist Theory of the State
 Discuss Marx’s understanding of Human Essence
and Alienation
 Examine Gandhi’s critique of Modernisation
 Compare the views of Kautilya and Machiavelli on
 Distinguish between Power and Authority
 Discuss David Easton’s model of systems analysis
 Discuss the concept of Welfare State
 Discuss the role of Globalisation on Internal
Politics of a country
 Why is there a rise in right wing leaders across the
 What will be the impact of Britain’s exit from EU?
 What is China’s thought process with OBOR?
 How America’s wars are affecting the world?
 What is the difference between “Equality of
Opportunity” and “Equality of Outcome”?
 What constitutes India’s Parliament?
 Write any four fundamental duties prescribed in the
Constitution of India.
 On which basis does a State have representation in
Upper House?
Mass Communication Questions
 Pick any news item which caught your fancy in
recent times and explain what you liked and
disliked about its presentation?
 Critically analyse prime time debates on national
news channels.
 What is your thought on this statement: ‘Mass
Communication has become a means of Mass

 Is the objective of Media to forward the news or to
give their opinion on the news?
 The law has become subservient to public
perception built through mass communication.
Discuss in light of verdicts on celebrity cases in
court of law
 Discuss the conflict of interest in media houses
being owned or affiliated to politicians and large
 Discuss the relevance of Freedom of Speech in
today’s world. Should it be absolute?
 How brand Modi has been built using different
method of mass communication?
 Vote is once in 5 years, media is the voice in
between. Discuss
 How has 24*7 air time affected news reporting?
 What are the key advantages of communication
satellite GSAT9?
 What was the impact of mass communication on
World War II?
 Can media shape important questions in society?
 Define Mass Communication in one short sentence

 Who is more important: content, mode, recipient or
 How is Mass Communication different from
interpersonal communication?
 Differentiate between interpersonal and intra-
personal communication
 What are the primary functions of Mass
 What are the salient features of Mass
 What are different mediums of mass
 Discuss Cultivation Theory of Gerbner and
 What is Spiral of Silence theory?
 Discuss cause and effects relationship as a
quantitative method to study mass communication
 Distinguish between dependency theory and
modernization theory in mass communication.
 Discuss the relevance of ‘communication theory’ of
Robert T. Craig

Mathematics Questions
 Is mathematics important in the world of
 Is math the best means to make sense of our
 What are the challenges in mathematical modeling
of brain?
 How does mathematics contribute in development
of society?
 Give two examples of unsolved problems in
 Briefly describe the problem of Poincare conjecture
 What are the origins of mathematics?
 What is history of mathematics in India?
 What are the uses of algebra?
 What are different categories of algebra?
 How will you prove that every algebraically closed
field is infinite?
 Differentiate between classic algebra and linear
 What is real analysis and its implications?

 What is the significance of Pythagoras theorem?
 What is Euclid’s contribution to mathematics?
 Briefly discuss Aryabhata’s contribution to
 What is Alan Turing famous for? How did he do it?
 Briefly describe Landau-Ramanujan constant
 What is understood by abstract mathematics?
 What is meant by commutative property of
 Describe the order of operations in math or
 What is the significance and application of binary
 How can you prove that similar matrices have
same characteristic polynomial?
 How do you calculate the shortest distance
between the skew lines?
 How can you prove that distinct non-zero
eigenvectors of a matrix are independent linearly?


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