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Deciding his life is colourless, Do Kyungsoo had erased his emotions and feelings
from his heart. He lives a life of a man without soul, who wanders around with no
light to guide him till the moment she came into her life, the grey world is finally
replaced with burst of colours.


They said the love of your life could be anywhere. Well, Do Kyungsoo didn’t know
that or he never think about it seriously as he found living a life was already hard
enough so love was not his priority. With the usual busy life as a celebrity whom he
had a love-hate relationship with, he mostly keep things to himself since his life is
far than normal from most of the regular people till he shuts himself from the
world. The usual sparks of life bitters down to the pit of nothingness.

Kyungsoo went through his days with the constant performances, packed
schedules and occasionally involved in a long term work of acting so never had time
to get a proper rest till he found the long hours and sleepless nights become too
unbearable. In the end, the job he used to love so much become a bother. However,
he found calm and comfort on a girl, different from he usually encounter whom he
met an unexpected place in which she had stuck in his thoughts for months and
months. After living in such a dreadful and boring life, even though he had been
the famous idol in EXO, he had felt tired with the attention. With this girl,
everything changed immediately even on his belief in life. Some said if you wished
to meet that someone badly, you might found them at unexpected place and time.
True to those words, he did and he made sure he will never miss the second chance
been given to him. Kyungsoo made sure this girl will never escape his eyes again.


1. DULL (Track: What is Love, MAMA)

2. FEARFUL (Track: Run, Overdose)
3. SLEEPLESS (Track: Moonlight, Overdose)
4. JOY (Track: First Love, Love Me Right)
5. BLISS (Track: Beautiful, Exodus)
6. LOVE (My Answer, Exodus)
7. ANGER (Track: Monster, Exact)
8. SAD (Track: Sing For You)
9. HAPPY (Track: Lucky, XOXO)
10. ETERNITY (Track: Tender Love, Love Me Right)


Definition: Boring; not exciting or interesting

Synonym: deadening, tiresome, wearisome, dim

Dull. Everything seems dull. From the air that provides him the oxygen to breathe
to the spacious room which somehow feel cramped to his bone. His joints and
bones feel achingly tired. He doesn’t even want to open his eyes to see the new day
which he never had the pleasure to greet them. The dullness intensified with the
heavy heartedness he feels after waking up. The air circulating in the room seems
to thicken as he breathes them. It is suffocating from the moment he opens his
eyes to greet the brightness of light that shimmers from the window to the point he
almost falls into a dizzying spell but manage to clear his mind before it happens.

The colour in his room looks greyish and white and he is momentarily confused by
the change from blue he was adapted to. His mind is playing tricks when he sees
the bland colours swimming in his eyes so he blinks multiple times to adjust to the
light. After some time, his sight recovers as he sees the colour of a picture frame, a
light shade of orange, beside his bed. The frame holds a picture of a man in a dark
navy suit, a woman in a red blouse and a little boy in the middle holding their
hands tight in his small one. The moment when the picture is taken appears
without notice with the memories blurring his mind, a fading scene he barely
remembers. However, he can’t seem to relive the situation. Frustrated to gain back
the clear image of the old memory, he opts to rub his eyes instead to replace that
random moment of his inner thinking.

The house is eerily quiet; the peacefulness very much to his liking. It feels such
bliss to delve in the quietness which entranced him to fall into his own thought. He
catches the current time which state 8.00 am, considering it is way too early to do
anything he just stays at the bed without even moving an inch from his position.
Kyungsoo watches the white ceiling blankly. Work isn’t in his schedule today,
basically he is free for the whole day. He finally got his break after a long time. He
had wrapped up a long filming and shooting for his latest film yesterday, he was
glad it finished because the scenes were very tough and energy consuming. After
the final take of the scene of him and the main actress, Kyungsoo sigh in relief and
then dragged himself back home to falls dead tired to his bed late at night. He soon
knocked out to sleep.

Kyungsoo move his head to the left side to locate whether Jongin already wake up
or not. What he sees is only an empty bed with the bed linen and cover neatly
folded at the end of the bed. Jongin probably went up to the gym since he is an
early riser than most of the members.

After confirming the missing of Jongin, Kyungsoo falls back to his slumber of
blurry thoughts and random thinking. He doesn’t knows why he did it but lately, it
seems that he unconsciously reels in self-immersion almost every day right after he
rise from sleep. It is sort of meditation or a push for him to continue living his
spiritless life. The insipid, dull and boring life he had gotten accustomed to.
Somehow, Kyungsoo found out the thinking he done lately are not helping him to
solve the problem he needs to finish but it made the thing more complicated.

Feeling frustrated with no solution in his favour, Kyungsoo force the bubbles of
thought to stop from forming and close his eyes. When the brightness of the room
vanishes from his vision, an image of his grandfather appears before him. The old
man wears a strict expression with a firm lips that scream disappointment and
unsatisfied from what Kyungsoo sees. The expression is the one where Kyungsoo
was so used seeing, the kind of expression where his grandfather’s face will shows
when he found something to his dislike or unacceptable. The one in which
Kyungsoo is most afraid of.

Instantly, the thoughts that had been haunting his mind these past weeks
resurfaced and caused Kyungsoo to jumps out of his bed in shock. With no time for
hesitation, Kyungsoo rushes out from his room and moves outside quickly to the
living room. He sprints to the bathroom like lightning and the sudden move startles
Joonmyun who just come out from his bedroom. He is on his way to wash up but
almost falls down after Kyungsoo passes him by with such speed. He regains his
footing by holding to the nearest chair and stares at the odd Kyungsoo. Joonmyun
shrugs his shoulder, understand Kyungsoo’s unexpected behaviour very well after
living with him for 6 years now and turn direction to the kitchen instead.

After Kyungsoo is done with shower, he exits the toilet. He greets Joonmyun who is
currently stuffing himself with a bowl of cereal, the guy smiles sheepishly after
being caught in an embarrassing position. Jongin just comes back from the gym
with a duffel bag strapped behind his back, with Yixing tagging behind him silently.
Other members also come crowding into the kitchen when they saw Chen is trying
to prepare breakfast and each of them shamelessly start to order any random
menu for Chen to cook for them especially Sehun who requested for a full set
Korean meal to be served to him. The outrageous order earned a beating from
Baekhyun who hits Sehun’s head with a spatula and the youngest pouts out of
pain while muttering to himself on his hyung’s lack of sense on his joking skill.

Kyungsoo doesn’t even bother to join, he politely rejects Chanyeol’s invitation for
breakfast saying he got something to take care of. Busy with something back at
home, he mutters to them and they nod understandingly. Jongin gives a
sympathetic glance noticed by Kyungsoo to which he responds by giving a
reassuring smile.

Kyungsoo enters the bedroom and lock the door. He prepares himself to go out by
putting on a long winter coat and grabs an oversized black scarf from his drawer,
wrapping the cloth around his neck to cover his face. Once he is satisfied with how
he looks, Kyungsoo puts on a spectacle to ensure he looks different. He believes his
outfit will make him look conspicuous and unrecognizable by anyone especially
fans. He wants to make sure he won’t be followed by fans when he goes out
because the attention is making him uncomfortable.

Luckily, their current house is located in a place hidden from many people and
fans didn’t get their new address like their previous one as they moved to this new
house secretly late at night to avoid sasaeng. Due to uncontrollable behaviour of
some fans and some dangerous situation, SM had given them a private house
where not many people have access to them and it is situated in a very tight
surveillance neighbourhood. Kyungsoo gets out from his room and waved others
goodbye as he steps outside the house carefully. He inspects the surrounding, the
coast is clear and he proceeds to the road and start to walk along the pavement.
There is another thing he needs to think about and this time it requires more effort
and meticulous preparation to get a perfect result. In hope for a happy ending and
no frowning face at the end of the day, Kyungsoo sigh heavily on the prospect of
having to use his energy on something so simple, he’s pretty sure this task will
drains his energy more than necessary. With a gloomy thought and heavy steps,
Kyungsoo marches forward to where his feet brings him to the place he barely goes;
the nursery.


Kyungsoo enters the flower shop. It is known as one of the best nursery in the
neighbourhood as told by Hakyeon whom likes flower very much. The flowers
inside the nursery emit strong but pleasing, sweet fragrance and it feels soothing.
The scent attacks his nose making him breathless by such wonderful smell. He
never feels so peaceful like this for a long time and it felt good to the point he wants
to lie down on the cold floor and fall asleep to the beautiful scent.

With the sound of throat clearing, he focus back to the reality, a little bit shocked
by the interruption for he is so deep in his own thought. Eliminating his random
thoughts, he turns around to the source of noise and sees a person standing in the
counter. It’s a woman probably in her late forties, her posture bent down and
fatigue decorates her face yet a glowing smile still attached on her lips. Her right
hand is busily trimming the flower stem on a brown pot on the side of the counter.

She eyes Kyungsoo from top to bottom. It is unintentional for her to stare because
she found the young man to be weird and odd since he is wearing a mask that fully
covers his mouth and a thick sunglass hide his eyes. His jacket seems way bigger
than his build and it looks like he is wearing multiple of clothes inside. Basically,
he looks so stuffy in those thick layers of clothing. The old lady resumes her work,
ignoring him.

Kyungsoo lowers down his hat more to cover his hair and walks towards the
counter. Beside the old lady, there is a young girl in her early 20’s and she too
stares curiously at Kyungsoo. He’s afraid she might recognize him so he fumbles
around his scarf and pulls them properly behind his neck to wrap it tighter to his
face ensuring it won’t show his features. He wants to be as conspicuous as
possible. With a slow pace and his hands keep fiddling the dark beige scarf, he
prays badly that she won’t notice. He stands in front of the counter with a small
gap between his body and the table. The young girl perks up from her position to
greet him and she waits patiently there. Acting as nonchalantly as possible,
Kyungsoo starts to open his mouth.

“May I know where I can find suitable flowers for a special occasion?” he lowers his
voice with the tone he practiced at home this morning in which it does sound
different from his own voice and sounded much like Chanyeol.

“There are plenty of them here in front which is commonly bought by our customer
for occasions like weddings, birthday and proposal. But you can also pick the
unique ones at the Green Room at the back of our nursery. There are many
selections over there with many unique and rare flowers that you can choose
yourself,” she said in a professional manner. Her clipped tone suggests she had
been saying it so many time that it comes out naturally now.

“Do you want me to assist you in finding the flowers?” she asks politely. Kyungsoo
shakes his head and rejects her offer nicely by stating he can do just fine by
himself. She smiles understandingly and points to the place she mentioned before
to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo mutters his thanks in hushed tone. He moves to the direction the girl
point before. Assuming the girl doesn’t recognize him, Kyungsoo finally let out a
breath of relief. He hates himself for being paranoid of others ever since he became
a celebrity. After being consistently followed by crazy fans, he had developed a fear
of going out.

Kyungsoo stands in front a section called Eden. His eyes flit to each flower that
blooms in the cold room; the vibrant colours brighten the place. Most of the flowers
Kyungsoo see now is alien to him, he never know there were many beautiful flowers
exist in this world. He only knows about the typical flowers like rose and when he
sees at the rows of roses in the middle of the room, he is shocked that there are
many types of rose. Kyungsoo marvels on the beauty and delicate details of each
flower as he scan the best one to be gifted to someone he knows. He is completely
stuck and clueless.

Choosing a flower for someone was never his job, most of the time it was done by
someone else. But this time it is different since the person who will be receiving it is
someone he looks up to and respect. He doesn’t know what to choose and no idea
what is the person’s favourite. Kyungsoo scratch his neck, thinking hard on his
choice. He should have brought Hakyeon with him but the guy is so busy with his
new drama so Kyungsoo doesn’t want to bother him. He pulls off the sunglasses
and stares at the rows of different flowers.

The scarf that wrapped around his neck suddenly feels too tight as if it grasping his
bare skin and the sensation feels exactly like choking. He pants for air quietly and
forces himself to stop imagining wild things. Kyungsoo recently discovers that when
he gets an extreme stress, he will have a slight panic attack but luckily it wasn’t
severe so he keeps quiet about it from others. He doesn’t want others to worry. He
sighs while rubbing his throbbing head.

Remembering the person that supposed to receive the flower to celebrate the
person, it doesn’t ease his mind. It is Kyungsoo’s grandfather 76 th birthday today,
the whole family is having a big celebration for him. The old man was really hard to
please and his stubbornness is one of the traits Kyungsoo is afraid of. He wants his
grandfather to approve him. It’s already been 5 years but his grandfather still
doesn’t accept Kyungsoo’s status as a celebrity saying he wasted his talent in
engineering field for a ridiculous job. Maybe by showing up today and being
genuine will finally makes him open up more on him, he thinks to himself. But the
problem is he still doesn’t know what to choose.

Kyungsoo stands at the spot in front of many potted flowers and he didn’t budge
from there for the past 10 minutes as he think really hard. He contemplates
between several flowers he is familiar with such as rose, white lily, carnation and
magnolia. However, Kyungsoo doesn’t feel certain with his options. A nagging
feeling disturbs him on his choice thus his decision still remains unanswered. His
mind is getting tired from looking at the bright reflections of each petal of the
flowers. The colours are swimming in his eyes, filling his nerves with the
extravagant views of randomness contrasted to his greyish world he had
accustomed to these past years and he isn’t prepared for it. Kyungsoo become
mentally exhausted so he staggers back and closes his eyelid to block the dizzying

“Violet,” an unexpected calm voice arises beside him and he is caught by surprise.

Kyungsoo didn’t notice there is other person in this section. He was too caught up
in his own misery to acknowledge another presence in the area. He mentally cursed
inside his head for taking off his sunglasses earlier, now he can’t hide his face from
the person. His right hand quickly made its way up to his scarf and pulls them up
to cover the bottom half of his face. He opens his eyes slowly to look at the person.

Kyungsoo’s eyes widen once he set his sight on the person, a girl. The young girl is
touching a purplish magenta flower delicately with her hand. Her appearance
intrigued him the most, she isn’t someone from Korea. Kyungsoo is awestruck with
this rare occurrence of meeting a foreigner.

“If you are looking for a flower, violet should be perfect,” she speaks again,
emphasizing her words from before but her attention is still on the flower. She is
pretty fluent for a non-Korean, Kyungsoo mused to himself.

She didn’t lift her face to look at him so he can only see her side profile. He lowers
his cap when the girl talks again.

“Insecurity and afraid of being known. If you feel that way from the moment you
step out from your house, it’s not healthy, you know,” said the girl.

Finally, she put down the flower she holds and stares at Kyungsoo directly. Her
face revealed completely. Instantly, Kyungsoo was pulled into her dark hazel eyes.
The translucent of her orbs reflect his face clearly and he is stunned. She stares at
him blankly, a ghost of smile lingers on her lips as she flits her gaze back to the

Kyungsoo is in doubt whether this girl knows him or don’t, perhaps she was one of
the fans or perhaps not. His mind is going crazy again and he suddenly worries if
she is one of the crazy fans. He shifts uncomfortably in his place, wondering
whether to bail from the nursery or just stay.

He pretends like he didn’t hear her so he changes his stare to the flowers in front of
him. She may leave him alone if he does that, Kyungsoo thinks to himself. With
such thought in his mind, he didn’t expect the girl to chuckle by his side as her
soft laugh fills the quiet room.

“I never know that you truly stick to the image presented by the shows on
television. It is amazing to naturally display your personality without acting them,”
she speaks.
With the words coming out from her mouth, Kyungsoo absolutely sure she knows
him very well. He lets out a resigned sigh and rubs his temple with defeat. Now, he
needs to act polite so as to keep his good image and not ruins it by being rude.

“I’m sorry I didn’t hear you jus-,” he tries to apologize but she cuts him off with a
startling statement.

“There is no need to pretend, you know. You don’t really mean it, the apology. I
prefer you to be yourself without adopting some kind of image told by your
company,” she turns her body to face him fully so he sees her face when they are

She stares at him politely, not focusing her eyes on him but keeps them at some
other parts he doesn’t know where. Her words made him clamp his mouth, frozen
his mind with the blunt remark.

She doesn’t sound cynical or sarcastic. Her tone indicates a fact that he himself is
taken aback by the truth.

“Why do you say that?” he asked then, curiously.

“It’s good to be honest with yourself first so you can do the same to others. Acting
as someone else as a defence to protect yourself will just made you unhappy in the
end. That is why I prefer you not to apologize,” she says, her right hand caressing a
white flower delicately.

She lets out a statement that sounds too close to what Kyungsoo had been this
past 5 years. He is speechless by the pointing fact, it feels like those words come
slapping his cheek because he can feel an invisible pain surges. He stares hard at
the girl, her lack of reaction to his uncomfortableness sets him to a whirlwinds of
confusion. She speaks as if she had been living inside his mind all this time and
the way she approach him is different from how normal fans would be.

“I don’t understand. You know who I am, right?” he confirms again to which she
nods nonchalantly.

“Of course, Do Kyungsoo,” she lowers her voice to whisper his name. The corner of
her mouth lifts up. Her eyes crinkle in excitement and joy. She looks like she is
enjoying the situation.
“Do you like us then?” Kyungsoo asks, he doesn’t even know why he inquires such
question. He pleads in his head for her to say yes, either the answer is for his relief
or satisfaction, he can’t decide.

She smiles widely, such a beautiful smile appears on her face and for once in a very
long period, Kyungsoo saw sparkles of colour. Her smiles appear bright replacing
the bland grey he was so used to. His eyes went wide, even bigger when she
answers his question.

“A lot. I like you guys a lot. So much that it feels so surreal to see you in person,”
she states honestly. The reply sounds so sincere. Even Kyungsoo doesn’t know how
to react to that.

“My best friend particularly likes you the most. She will be excited if I said I met
you here,” she states. Kyungsoo becomes worried again.

What if she calls her friend to come here, he thinks.

“Don’t worry, she is not here in Korea,” she assures him with a smile. This girl
always smile, doesn’t she gets tired of it, he mentally said. Kyungsoo fix his scarf
and looks at her secretly while pretending to focus on the flower.

The girl chuckles softly and clears her throat. He is expecting another question
from her but she is silent instead and that got him. She’s been talking until now so
why suddenly she becomes quiet.

“So, are you done choosing?” she pops a question, it caught Kyungsoo off guard. He
flinches, groaned inwardly on what she is asking. He still hasn’t decided.

“What do you mean, before uh, the flower you mention at first, uhm that viola
things?” he stutters stupidly and inside his mind, he badly wants to smack himself
for sputtering awkwardly.

He barely looks at her and just waits idly at the side for her answer. From the
corner of his eyes, the girl doesn’t even change her gaze away from the purple
flower she is holding.

“The name is Violet. In my opinion, it is the most beautiful flower in this world.
This,” she holds out the purple flower in her right hand to Kyungsoo,” symbolizes
pure and true love. The heart shaped petals suits its meaning and the name. I like
it a lot,” she ends her words.
Kyungsoo looks at her and saw her eager expression of wanting him to take the
flower. He carefully touches the flower called Violet and feels them between his
hands. As soon as he grasps them softly, he knows that this will be the perfect one
for his grandfather, there is no doubt about that. His gut feeling told him so.

“It’s beautiful,” he states. He’s genuinely attracted to the flower.

“I told you so. I had always like Violet, and in Korea it is easier to find them
compared to where I came from,” she reveals.

“I will take your advice and get this one,” Kyungsoo finally decided and he smiles
unconsciously behind his mask. “Thank you,” he delivers his gratefulness to which
she accepts with a smile and a shrug of her shoulder like she is proud of her
suggestion being accepted.

“You know what, I feel like I’m being too busybody. Sometimes, I don’t realize why I
did that. Pardon me for my rude behaviour,” she grins apologetically.

“No, its fine,” said Kyungsoo simply. He doesn’t know how to respond since he is
awkward with someone he barely knows.

“Well, you can proceed with your business, I’m just going to look for more at the

She immediately walks to the end of the room and disappears through the door
without even saying goodbye. Kyungsoo is intrigued. He stares at the spot where
she stands for a few seconds and then shakes his head to brush his thought away
from meeting such a weird girl.

He walks to the counter, bringing along a bunch of Violet in his hand. With his
sunglasses on, he request for the flower to be packed and the old lady from before
swiftly make them into a pretty bouquet. After paying, he walks out of the nursery.
But before he steps out of the door, his eyes were wandering around the shop
looking for that particular girl. However, she had already left after taking a single
Violet with her.

Kyungsoo then heads to the meeting place he is supposed to go with a hope that
the present he brought with him will be liked by his grandfather. Somehow, the
girl’s smile made its way to his mind and the image comforts him as he walks with
heavy heart to the judgement place.

Flashes of light, glimpses of smile, secrets stares and the pair of brown eyes. The
image is moving fast but he can still catch the scene and capture them in mind.
But it was a bit uncomfortable and weird to have such dream and Kyungsoo never
have this kind of trick. He doesnt know what time it is sincd he closed his eyes but
it felt as if passing by slowly. He then ooen his eyes to the darkness, lying on his
back as he hears the soft snores sounded from Jongin’s whose sleeping on his bed.
He sigh






Kyungsoo’s haven’t been coming to the café for almost 2 weeks now and it made Nabila felt restless.
She wondered if he is busy with his current schedule or something came up suddenly that made he
forgot about their usual routine at the café. Since today is the 15 th day Kyungsoo had been missing
without any news, Nabila decided to call him and ask the reason of his absent.

The number that she constantly called and now had been saved as one of her speed dial is then
called by her. As she waited for the ring of the tone, her heart beats faster and unknown feeling of
worry wash over her. After the 5th ring, she thought that Kyungsoo might not pick up the phone and
she almost rejects the call before a soft voice answered the phone made her stop her action. She
holds the phone tightly to her ear and breathes out a small whisper of hello.

“Hello, there”, an unfamiliar voice speaks to her. This causes Nabila to be in a dazed mode since she
did not expect an unknown person to answer her call. She recognized Kyungsoo’s voice easily
because they had been contacting each other frequently but she doesn’t even know who the person
on the line is now.
“Uhm.. hi. May I speak to Kyungsoo, please?” She hesitated at first but soon clearly stated her
intention of calling.

“I am afraid you can’t because well, Kyungsoo is asleep now, Miss.. Violet”, He explained to her with
that soft voice of his.

Violet? Why does he save my name as that? The question pops up in Nabila’s head but she shakes it
off as she heard the other person start to say something.

“Actually, Kyungsoo is admitted in the hospital now because he fainted yesterday and I’m currently
in charge of taking care of him. I’m Zhang Yixing by the way and I don’t think your real name is
Violet, so… “, he told Nabila about Kyungsoo current state. The unexpected response from Yixing
struck Nabila speechless.

Nabila started to get worried again and unconsciously she paced backward and forth on the sidewalk
as she absorbed what Yixing told her. Okay, first Kyungsoo passed out and he is in hospital. Second is
the fact that she is talking with Zhang Yixing, the one that she really liked in EXO. Third is he asked
her name. Well, Nabila tried to calm herself down and take a deep breath.

“How is he and is he fine? Why did he pass out and could you please tell me where he is now?” She
questioned Yixing in a very worried tone as her finger crumpled her shirt waiting for his answer. Her
shawl wrapped on her head felt tight as she worried about Kyungsoo and the feeling suffocated her
as her mind kept worrying about Kyungsoo.

“I don’t think telling you the location of Kyungsoo now is the right thing to do since you haven’t tell
me your name yet”, he contemplated cautiously since he need to be extra cautious with stranger,
afraid it might be the wrong person they get into such as paparazzi or sasaeng fans.

“Ah, I am deeply sorry. I am Izreen Nabila, Kyungsoo’s friend. I am so sorry for my rash behaviour
just now, I’m just really worried”, Nabila immediately apologized for her mistake of not introducing
herself earlier. She understands the prospect of being an idol in K-pop industry as they need to
maintain their reputation well and protect their image.

Izreen Nabila…. Yixing repeats the name with his mouth as his wheel of mind turned back to find the
memory of Kyungsoo talking about this particular girl. Nabila seems to strike familiarity to him as he
remembered his conversation with Kyungsoo few days ago.

“Owh, Nabila. I remembered you, Kyungsoo once told me about you. You guys seem close and if
Kyungsoo talks about you it means that he trusted you”, Yixing then talks to her.
“Hankuk Hospital, Seoul. This is where Kyungsoo is admitted”, Yixing told her about his whereabouts.

Right after knowing the place Kyungsoo at, Nabila’s feet then walks to the nearest cab and start
hailing the taxi while she speaks on her phone.

“May I visit him today, please”, she begs softly and her desperate tone is noticed by Yixing.

“Why not? Of course, you can. I mean Kyungsoo will love it if he knows you came, “ Yixing confirmed
her permission and assured her that it will be okay to visit Kyungsoo because he himself also feel
curious about this girl that Kyungsoo being sharing about.

40 minutes later,

Nabila rushed to the hospital door as soon as she arrived there. Her hand holds a beautiful blooming
violet bouquet tightly as she pushed the door carefully since there are two old ladies who is going
out at the same time she is going in. Being the polite girl she always be, she lets the old lady to walk
off first before she went in. She half smiled to them as her heart does not feel calm until she sees
Kyungsoo in front of her. She will not feel relaxed until she sees that Kyungsoo is fine and well. Her
heart just won’t let her.

Yixing had texted her from Kyungsoo’s phone on the room number they in. She walked straight to
the lift and waited in front of the door while biting her lip nervously. There are few glances directed
at her probably due to the fact that she is a foreigner and they rarely see a girl with hijab like her.
Nabila is immune to those type of glances so she ignore them and she does not seem to mind it since
her mind is a jumbled mess of Kyungsoo only.

Once the lift reach the ground floor and the door then open to allow the people to abroad or get off
it. Nabila along with other visitor and one nurse aboard the lift after the lift is emptied out from the
people who are in it. She pressed the button 10 and anxiously waiting the lift to bring her to the
destination. The lift finally reach the 10th floor with only two people left in the lift consist of Nabila
and another woman who is probably another visitor like her too. The woman keep looking at her
phone and she looks like she is searching for something but she doesn’t know what it is. Nabila
preferred not to interrupt her because to her, the woman seems intimidating. She throws back small
glances to that woman once she gets off the lift to catch a shiny light from her watch. She then walk
straight along the hallway while finding room number 1012.
She heaved herself to get ready to meet the person inside and knock on the door with her right
hand. A voice saying comes in from inside made Nabila push the door slowly before entering the

What caught Yixing eyes after the person came in is the fact that she is different. So different from
what he expected her to be. He was quite surprised that her appearance already made a deep
impression on him. He didn’t know that Nabila is different from any girl. Her head covering and her
gracefulness made Yixing feel quite taken aback as he did not know how to properly introduce
himself now.

“Hello, Im Izreen Nabila the one that called you before this”.She bowed politely to him and Yixing
immediately do the same.

“Hi, I’m Yixing. It’s nice to meet you”, Yixing scratched his neck awkwardly unsure what to do next.

She seems to be in an awkward position too as she just stand near the door without moving. Yixing
then noticed the flower held on her hand and speak up.

“You can put the flower in the vase beside Kyungsoo there. Go and see him. He is sleeping for now”,
Yixing motioned her to do her things and left herself to attend to Kyungsoo.

Right after he said that, her tense shoulder seems to relax a bit and she then walked with light steps
towards Kyungsoo bed. Her face search for the person’s face she been yearning for. Once she
watched his face, the feeling of emptiness and worry wash away seeing the tranquillity of
Kyungsoo’s face. His perfectly eyebrow is arched calmly and there is a trace of tiredness on his eyes
as his dark eye bags is prominent on his face. His breath soundlessly comes out as he sleep
peacefully on the bed.

Hanbyul just stared at his face and thanking God in her heart that Kyungsoo is just fine. Yixing who
sat on the window pane only watched Nabila’s face that had this evident worry on her eyes. There is
also something undetectable on her eyes that Yixing cannot interpret as she keeps watching
Kyungsoo sleeping. Nabila then realised that she was just standing there immersed in staring at
Kyungsoo while doing nothing. She directed her gaze towards Yixing and saw that he was staring at
her. He doesn’t seem bothered on the fact that he was caught by her but instead just give her his
dimpled smile. Nabila just smiles back.

“What happened actually?”She speaks up after she finally finish arranged the flower she brought on
the vase on the small table beside Kyungsoo’s bed. She turned her head to Yixing, waiting for his
explanation. Yixing who is fiddling with his phone and doing nothing, whip his head to Nabila’s
direction and met with her curious stare. He kept his phone inside his hoodie pocket and straighten
himself up on the window sill while crossing his arms on his chest.

“We are busy with working on the new album which is due to be released on 2 months’ time so
everyone work hard to actively participate in it. Kyungsoo is particularly worked harder since he
wrote a song for the new album. So, he been working more than us and I guess it takes a toll on his
body. He always is the hardworking one. He fainted yesterday when we practiced our choreography.
The doctor mentioned about him being dehydrated and lacking of sleep had taking an effect on his
boy so he cannot take it when we exert ourselves to perform such a heavy dance so he just
collapsed. We are being very secretive about this since it is better if the media do not catch whiff of
it because it will be a hassle to explain and Kyungsoo needs time off”.

Nabila listened to Yixing words intently and understands now why Kyungsoo fainted. She feels
regretful for not calling him up when he didn’t come to the café as usual. She feels extremely
regretful. Even though she always felt that Kyungsoo is probably busy with his work so she doesn’t
want to bother him but she now realized that she is just bluffing with herself since she so badly
wanted to call him but she was scared. Thousands of thoughts move around in Nabila’s head until it
was interrupted by the loud ringing from Yixing’s phone.

Yixing answered it quickly and keeps humming yes as a response to the caller. Nabila who sat at the
chair beside the bed just watch Kyungsoo and at the same time glances at Yixing direction too. Only
now she fully realized that she had been talking with her favourite idol but she does not seem to be
as enthusiastic as she had thought she will be because the only thing she is concerned now is the
wellbeing of Kyungsoo.

“Nabila, “ Yixing called her. She turned her head and mumbled a small yeah as a faint blush painted
across her cheek which Yixing noticed but kept quiet about it.

He rubs his eyes before saying; “I need to go now since I have a schedule this evening. Jongin is
supposed to come but he will be late because his photoshoot haven’t finished yet. He said it will be
over by 5.30 pm. If you don’t mind, could you please stay with Kyungsoo for the time being because
we don’t want him to wake up with no one beside him”.

Nabila checked her watch and it state 3.05 pm. She doesn’t have any important matters to attend to
so she thinks it would not be a problem to stay with Kyungsoo at all. Instead, she felt quite happy
“Yeah, I will. I will take care of him until Jongin comes”, She answered him. Yixing grabs his bag from
the small table and walks to the door before he turns to Nabila,

“But, you must be really carful to not get caught by anyone here on your visit here. I’m afraid it will
cause news. Just be extra careful”.

Nabila nod understandingly because she knows the effect of their image if any gossips about a girl
being involved with EXO came out, hell will break loose.

Yixing then proceeds his way out and on his way to his scheduled place. Nabila pulled her chair
nearer to bed and watched the calmness presented by Kyungsoo. The words that Kyungsoo utters to
her 2 weeks before played in her mind forcing each and every syllable to her mind. She cannot
forget the seriousness in his eyes and wondered if he is being truthful about it. She can’t
comprehend it. After mindlessly watching Kyungsoo, she take a look at her watch again and see that
its 4.20 pm already. She then prepares to perform her asr prayer. Luckily, the bathroom is in the
room so it will be easier for her to take the wudhu’. After cleaning up herself, she then pray to the
only God and once she finish, she pray to Him to heal Kyungsoo . She then recites Al-Quran softly to
calm her heart, filling it with warmth of the ayat.

Kyungsoo in a dreamlike state. Hearing the soft whisper of words and the warmth spread all over his

4.45 pm and Nabila start to feel hungry so she went down to the cafeteria to grab some light snack
to cease the hunger. When she went up again, stop once she notice two unknown men standing in
front of Kyungsoo’s room. The camera hanging on their neck is what makes her aware of what their
intention here. They are the journalist who wanted to get news and probably will get bigger news
about her if she wasn’t careful.

The woman who she saw previously on the lift is also standing there with her frown etched deeply
on her forehead. She seems unsatisfied that she wasn’t the only one there. She starts to turn her
head and her eyes caught Nabila who is walking in their direction. Nabila cannot run away now so to
conceal her identity she just keep walking straight and enter the room at the farthest corner. The
woman journalist just watch her movement and suspicion hits her but once she see that Nabila
moves into the different room, she just throw the suspicion away. In her mind there is no way idol
will be involved with that kind of girl.

Nabila breathed a sigh of relief and looks around in the room she just entered and prepares herself
to apologize for disturbing. Fortunately, the patient is sleeping and no one is there beside her. She
stays in the room for about approximately 20 minutes before she moves out and out from the
hospital. She texted Yixing who gave his number before he leaves.

“I had to go now. There are reporters in front of Kyungsoo’s room and I can’t possibly go in there
without causing any trouble so I had to go. I’m truly sorry”, she briefly texted him.

Before she goes out, she had told the nurse on the reception desk of the presence of the three
reporters and immediately security guards are sent there to usher them away. Nabila watches this
going on outside the building while hiding herself behind the walls. After she confirmed that the 3
reporters is gone, then only she went back home. She looks back at the hospital and mumbled a
small sorry.



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