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Opening remarks

Good morning,everybody. I am pleasured seeing people who gathered here to

celebrate our Christmas party. I especially like to thank our school President Jose
Lorde R. Villamor Ph.D and to all teacher who help to make this Christmas party
possible.We are excited to have you all here, In this event we hope that all of the
efforts of teachers who help to prepare this event will be enjoyed by you all
students,parents,and other people who come to gather in this christmas party in
our campus.We prepared treats to all,and by after seconds we will start our
competition.For always,enjoy this event and a Merry Christmas to all.
Welcome address
But before that I am happy to introduce to you Teacher Maries ____, she is our
guest speaker for the day. She has been teaching in the prestigious Stratford
International School for a little under a year now and has helped students through
and through with her expertise in the science curriculum. She is a major in biology
and has studied under various scientific works.
Aside from academic accomplishments she is a helpful and kind to teacher whom
is an inspiration to the science community. Everyone please rise up from their
seats and give a warm welcome to Teacher Maries !

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