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Nama : Dio Pradana

Kelas : VII A


Read the example of text and the way to answer the question
Bacalah contoh teks dan cara menjawab pertanyaannya!

The Cat
Shania keeps the cat. The cat has soft fur. The fur is also white. The cat is fat. The
cat likes to eat fish. The cat also likes to drink milk. The cat is also funny. Shania likes
to play with the cat in her spare time.
Based on the text, please mention the physical appearance as characteristics of her
cat that is described!
(berdasarkan teks, sebutkan ciri-ciri fisik dari kucingnya seperti yang
The Answer: The cat is fat. The cat has soft fur. The fur is also white
(Jawaban: Kucingnya gemuk. Kucingnya memiliki bulu yang lembut. Bulunya

1. Readjuga putih)
the following text for answering the question number 1

Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 1!

My Friend

I always sit beside her in classroom. She is my friend, Anita. She has a slim body,

straight hair and short body, with black little eyes and white skin. Her weight is thirty

nine kilograms. She is third child from five sisters. It means she has two big sisters

and two little sisters. Anita and I often spend the time by doing homework together,

watching the movie, sightseeing and shopping together.

Based on the text, mention the physical appearance as characteristics of her

friend, Anita that is described!

The Answer : She has a slim body, straight hair and short body, with black little

eyes and white skin. Anita and I often spend the time by doing homework

together, watching the movie, sightseeing and shopping together.

2. Read the following text for answering the question number 2

Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 2!

My cat

I have a pet. It is cat. The cat’s name is Molly. The cat has white and grey fur.

The cat has lovely green eyes. The cat is very soft and furry. The cat eats fish and

drinks milks. The cat plays with me when I come back from school. The cat likes to

play with the ball in the garden. The cat loves me. The cat can show its love by

licking me when I come back from school. The cat sleeps in a small basket near my

bed. I love my pet very much and take care of it.

Based on the text, mention the physical appearance as characteristics of her cat,

Molly that is described!

The Answer: The cat has white and grey fur. The cat has lovely green eyes. The

cat is very soft and furry. The cat eats fish and drinks milks.The cat loves me.
The cat can show its love by licking me when I come back from school. The cat

sleeps in a small basket near my bed.



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