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Project 1: Protinex

Market Opportunity Analysis

Segmenting, Positioning and Branding
Learner Name: <Shivrajsinh M. Tomar
Q1. Based on the details shared in the video, come up with various
criteria based on which Protinex could do segmentation, targeting and
positioning. Additionally, provide your rationale for it. Mention at least
three criteria for segmentation.

(Word Limit: 200 words for your entire answer)

(Note: Only the segmentation part of slide 1 will be graded in this question.)
Answer 1
Segmentation Geographic: Tier 1 and tier 2 cities of India.
Demographic: Males and Females. Age 21-30
Psychographic: College students who doesn't take care of their health while studying and
goingnto college and eating unhealthy, Young professionals don't have time to workmon
their health as they are working hard to achieve their goals in their life, and also start-up
entrepreneurs who are not actually taking care of their health While working on their
Behavioral: Available alternative are not according to the relevant customers and customer
are confused due to having many confusing options and myths around health drinks.
Targeting Young professionals living alone in far from home, colege students:
People need everyday protein and vitamin intakes to live a healthy life that they don't get in their
everyday meal due eating outside and not having a proper diet .

Fitness enthusiast, who knows Importance of everyday protein intakes and want to have great
physic for their passion, self esteem and work.

Positioning A brand that is full of protein and vitamin that is catered to Indian audience and With this offering
one just need to make it a daily habit to balance it'shealth oteinand it's trusted by doctors and
recommend by them.
Q2. Based on the information given in the video, how would you plot Protinex on
the perceptual map? Have you seen any shifts in the last few years?

(Word Limit: 120 words)

You can follow these steps:
What parameters can you differentiate on? Mention the 2 most important factors with
regards to HFDs. These will act as the axes for your perceptual map.
Create a perceptual map for the HFD players in India (You will have to show Protinex
+ competitors in the HFD sector). Add the image of your map in the solution ppt.
Answer 2
Enter your response. You may also draw the perceptual map with pen and paper and add an image of the same. Add the
positions of Protinex and its competitors.

Only when needed for a problem



Mass Premium

Horlicks, Boost Protein x

Regular as food
Q3. Drawing insights from what you saw in the video, devise a positioning
statement for Protinex.

(Word Limit: 120 words)

As a recap, the framework of a positioning statement is given below:
‘For [target market], Protinex is [frame of reference/competitive set] that [key benefits,
unique value claim] because [reasons to believe, evidence]’.
Answer 3
‘For college students, young professionals, Entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast, Protinex is Like having a everyday meal That
makes your everyday Life easier and healthier As it Comes with everyday necessary protein and vitamin because We have a
history of trust from doctors and now they recommend you to make it a daily habit for a healthier lifestyle.
Q4. Build your marketing mix to help Protinex shift from a prescription-based
brand, to an everyday nutrition brand. You will have to mention the rationale
behind each of these.

As a recap, the 4Ps of marketing — Product, Price, Place, and Promotion — are distinct
factors that marketers can influence in order to create a meaningful product or service and
market it to a defined audience.
Note: Please draft at least 30 -70 words for each of 4Ps.
Answer 4
To target a different market it should launch new products with trust of doctors in new flavours and different forms small size to
big size units according to the consumer choice and should be in a different packaging that attracts the modern consumer like with
some famous doctor photos quotes, celebrities and etc.
It should price the product according to the size of the product from lower to higher premium prices tppeople are now health
conscious. Cater the right audience.
It should be a masstIge brand rather than just being a mass or a premium brand to serve larger audience as many people are
health conscious now a days.
Should be available on all the major e-commerce website of India and its own website too.
Also in the major malls and stores as well and can also setup their own small marts as well.
Should be available esthere where people find it more easily avavilable.

Should develop its campaigns around three segments forncollege students it can show how with protein x intake you can become
a stud in college, for young professionals and entrepreneurs you can show how well they can perform to reach great heights and
how fitness enthusiast oucan maintain outheir physics outo get compliments ouand work around their physics.
Should involve various fitness influencer's, and doctors in their campaigns around all the social media like
YouTube,Instagram,facebook, etc.
Q5. Now that you have finalised the marketing mix for Protinex, you have to
create a digital marketing go-to strategy. You can use the digital marketing
framework you learnt in DM Channels and Metrics module. You will have to
identify the digital content, digital devices, digital channels, and digital metrics to
track for Protinex, with the rationale behind each.
Answer 5
Digital Content:
Highly create content like video, images, posts and stories for various platforms of social media to effectively spread their word
out and specially video by influencer's using their product and providing reviews.

Digital Devices:
Majority of the users are using mobile as their primary devices in all the segments we are targeting so we must make most effort
in providing mobile content and some part of it to laptop and computer content as well.

Digital Channels:
Awareness: SEO, SEM and social media to spread fast as seo and sem will recommend the contents of social media.
Consideration: Social media like watching review on YouTube, following the Instagram account of the brand and watching their
influencer's using it.
Purchase: social Media and email , providing better deals and discounts with coupon codes from their influencer's Delight:
Providing easy return and Exchange , recommending discountsnew products according to their preferences.
Digital Metrics:
Highly recommend to analise measure the reach, engagement, How many people's are seeing your content .

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