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ConductionHeat conduction (or
thermal conduction) is the movement of heat from
one solid to another one that has different
temperature when they are touching each other. For
example, we can warm our hands by touching hot-
water bottles.ConvectionConvective
heat transfer, often referred to simply as
convection, is the transfer of heat from one place
to another by the movement of
fluids. Convection is usually the dominant form
of heat transfer in liquids and gases.

RadiantThermal radiation is different

from thermal convection and thermal conduction—a
person near a raging bonfire feels radiant
heating from the fire, even if the surrounding air is
very cold. In the Drum Roaster it comes from the
Metal Overheating. If the long wavelenghts hits a
material like Coffee, the energy of the wave is
converted to molecular vibration which we see as a

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