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SECTION-A Very Short Answer Type Questions : 415. (a) Plasma state (b) Surface (c) Solid (d) Liquefy (e) Cooling (f) Compressibilty (g) Attractive forces {h) Sublimation ()) Boling point ) BEC SECTION-B 1. 4) 4) 15. 3) 22. (3) 29. (1) 36. (1) SECTION-B nc) 8 8) 18. (4) SECTION-C 1 (1) a(t) SECTION-D 1 8) (2) (4) (2) a) (3) (2) 8) a) (3) ay Level-I 5. (a) 12 (1) (4) 2) (ty BBREN (3) (ly @ 4) @) 2) (3) (ly Matter in Our Surroundings CHAPTER Answers & Solutions (Level-l) SECTION-A : Very Short Answer Type Questions : 1 11 12, 13. 14. 16. It causes cooling, Particles Gaseous state Bose-Einstein Condensate Proportionally, ie., rate of evaporation increases with increase in temperature. Latent heat of fusion, Interconversion of states due to effect of temperature: Matter Diffusion ‘The temperature at which a solid melts to becomea liquid at the atmospheric pressure is called its melting point. When any activity is performed by huge number of molecules throughout the mass at a time, it is called bulk phenomenon. For example, boiling is a bulk phenomena. Both have high compressibility. But sponge is a solid with aerial pores. Due to difference in intermolecular forces between them as well as difference in kinetic energy of molecules. The heat energy required to change 1 kg of a liquid to a gas at 1 atm pressure at its bolling point is called latent heat of vaporisation. {@) Plasma state (b) Surface (c) Solid (d) Liquefy (e) Cooling (f) Compressibilty (g) Attractive forces (h) Sublimation (i) Boiling point ()) BEC Short Answer Type Questions : 1 (Liquid : Temperature in °C = 25°C K = 25 +273 = 298 K (ii) Gaseous : Temperature in *C = 100°C K = 100 + 273 = 373 K (il) Solid : Temperature in *C = K=0 +273 = 273K rc ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ‘Matter in Our Surroundings: Answers & Solutions (Level!) 10. 11 12, 13. 14. 16. 16. () Liquid starts boiling and converts into gaseous state after attaining its bolling point. (i) Oxygen diffuses into water. Solid state, because their molecules have high forces of attraction. During summers we perspire profusely, The sweat draws the heat from our body and evaporates away. This makes us feel cool. Cotton being 2 good absorber of water, absorbs the sweat and exposes it to air. That is why we prefer to wear cotton clothes in summers. ‘The inter-particle forces of attraction in liquids is less than the solids. So, particles of water attract each ther but the attraction is not strong enough to prevent the diver to cut through water. ‘The inter-particle distance is more in gases than in the liquids. Thus, in gases particles are far apart and there is a lot of empty space between them. So, the gases are compressible whereas in liquids, the particles are relatively closer to each other and can be brought more closer only by applying pressure. ‘A gas fils completely the vessel in which itis kept because there is negligible forces of attraction between the gas particles. These are thus, free to move and occupy all the space available to them. ‘The gas particles are always in random movement in all the directions. In this process they collide with each other and also with the walls of the container. The impact or the force of the moving gas particles per unit area exerts a pressure on the walls of the container. ‘A wooden table is called a solid because it maintains its shape even when subjected to outside force. Moreover, it also have a definite volume. Therefore a wooden table is a solid. We can move our hand in air freely because gas particles are far apart and these have negligible forces of attraction among themselves. But in a solid block of wood the particles are strongly held together because of strong inter-partcle forces of attraction and need huge force to break them apart, ‘Temperature remains constant becalsé the heat given to the matter is used up in overcoming the forces of attraction between particles. This is called latent heats ‘Atmospheric gases can be liquefied if.a high pressure is applied below their critical temperature, ‘On a hot dry day, there is high temperature and low humidity, Both these factors are responsible for increasing evaporation. This means better cooling, Water kept in an earthen pot (matka) becomes cool during summers, particularly hot day as the ‘evaporation of water from the pot through its pores becomes faster. The latent heat of vaporization absorbed by the evaporating water keeps the water inside the matka cool. Acetone or petrol or perfume are volatile liquids, 12, they have low boiling points. When kept on palm, they can absorb enough energy from the palm or surroundings and evaporate causing the palm to feel cool, Hot tea or milk covers larger surface area on a saucer resulting in the increase in the rate of evaporation. The tea or milk cools faster in a saucer and so we can sip it more comfortably. Long Answer Type Questions : 1 Variants responsible in the interconversion of states : interconversion of states occur due to the cchange in the conditional variants as temperature, pressure etc. Interconversion due to temperature : Dense state on increasing the temperature converts to less denser state due to increase in the kinetic energy of the particles. Due to increase in kinetic energy, the particles start vibrating with greater speed. The energy supplied by heat overcomes the forces of attraction between the particles. The particles leave their fixed position and start moving freely. A stage is reached when the interconversion occurs. Interconversion due to pressure : Pressure also causes interconversion in the similar way as the temperature does, but here a state of less density changes to a state of high density, Factors Affecting Rate of Evaporation (Area : Evaporation is a surface phenomenon. Increase in the surface area Increases the rate of evaporation ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ‘Answers & Solutions (Level) Matter in Our Surroundings (ii) Temperature : Higher the temperature, higher will be the number of active particles with higher kinetic energy. So, faster will be the rate of evaporation, (iii) Humidity : Water vapours present in the air cause humidity. Humidity decreases the rate of evaporation (iv) Wind speed : The particles leave the surface easily with the help of wind. So, wind increases the rate of evaporation. (v)_ Nature of liquid : Lower the boiling point of a liquid, higher is its rate of evaporation. Plasma is the fourth known state of matter. In this state, all the particles get highly activated and charged, thereby making a pool of charged gaseous particles, ‘The majority of the matter in the universe is actually found in the plasma state. ‘Common Forms of Plasma (Space and astrophysics plasma ‘Sun, stars, solar wind, interstellar medium ete. (il) Terrestial plasma Lightning ball, lightning jets, polar aurorae ete. (ill) Artificially produced plasma Plasma display, rocket exhaust, electric arc. It is also called as the fifth state of matter. Physically the BEC is just opposite to plasma state. It is very rigid at absolute zero. Its existence was predicted by an Indian Scientist named Satyendra Bose in 1920, who took his work to Albert Einstein and so, named as Bose-Einstein Condensate, Itis a state in which the atoms (particles) are at their lowest energy state possible. This state is obtained by the super cooling of a gas of extremely low density» This pracess is called as Bose-Einstein Condensation, ‘The particles of matter have the following characteristics () The particles of matter have space between them, (il) The particles of matter move continuously and thus, they possess kinetic energy. (ii) The particles of matter can diffuse into'one another. (v)_ The particles of matter attract each other, The force of attraction depends on the kind of matter. (v) The size of a particles of matter are. very small SECTION-B : Objective Type Questions): 1 Answer (4) Gaseous state of iquids is known as vapour, bu there are only five states of matter known BEC, plasma solid, liquid and gas. Answer (2) Under the high pressure carbon dioxide could be stored as a solid and on reducing to 1 atm pressure, it changes to gaseous state and so itis called as dry ice. Answer (3) Except some cases, solids are negligibly compressible. They have fixed shape and size. Answer (1) ‘Sublimation is the process of inlerconversion of solid state direclly into the gaseous stale. Answer (4) Answer (3) Answer (3) ‘Answer (4) Answer (4) The process of changing a liquid into a solid upon cooling is called freezing ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ‘Matter in Our Surroundings: Answers & Solutions (Level!) 10. " 12, 13. 14. 16. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22, 23, 24, 26. 26. 27. 28, 29, 20, 34 22, 33, 36, 36, 37. 38, 39, 40. Answer (2) Answer (2) Answer (1) Answer (3) Answer (1) Answer (3) Answer (2) Answer (3) In stars, all the partcies exist in super excited state and ionised form. Therefore, they exhibit plasma state Answer (4) Answer (1) In BEC, particles exhibit very unexcited lower activated state Answer (1) Answer (3) Diffusion is the spontaneous intermixing of particles. ‘Answer (3) Answer (1) Answer (4) Answer (2) In the sold state, the attractive forces’ among the particles are very high so they are closely packed and 0, diffusion is dificult for the solid stat@ but-as we come to the liquid and gaseous state the attractive force among the particles decreases. So, space between the paiticles increases and the diflusion rate too. ‘Answer (4) ‘Answer (4) ‘Answer (4) Answer (1) ‘Answer (3) ‘Answer (1) Answer (3) c_F-32 53” x _x-32 7 Be = x=-40 ‘Ans. ~40 °C, ~40 °F Answer (1) Answer (3) Answer (3) Answer (1) Answer (2) Answer (4) Answer (4) Answer (2) => 9x=5x-160 => 4x=~160 gaa ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 Matter in Our Surroundings CHAPTER Answers & Solutions (Level-Il) SECTION-A : Subjective Type Questions 1 2 Plasma state Generally liquids have lower density than solids, But in case of ice, which is a solid, the structure is cage like that have vacant spaces present between water molecules in it. Thus, ice is lighter than water. Hence, ice floats on water, ‘The SI unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa). Theiatméspheric pressure at sea level is 1 atmosphere, and is taken as the normal atmospheric pressure. Hence, 1 atm = 1.01 x 10° Pa in SI unit term, It means that the amount of heat energy consumed when 1 kg of water changes into vapours is, equal to 22.5 x 10° J/kg, It means that the amount of heat energy consumed when 1 kg of ice changes into water is equal to 3.34 x 10° Jikg We smell food as the particles of the aroma of food diffuse in the air of the kitchen and reach us. Diffusion becomes faster if the food is hot as the particles have high kinetic energy. So, the smell of hot sizzling food reaches us readily whereas cold food particles take a very long time to diffuse and hence, we have to go close to have a smell of it. 4) Liquia (i) X = 0°C, represents boiling point and Y = 100°C represents melting point. (il) OA (wy) BC (i) Liquid state Ail) ONG (ii) Liquefication ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 Matter in Our Surroundings ‘Answers & Solutions (Level) 9.) A.solid has strong intermolecular forces so it does not flow but intemotecular forces are weaker in liquids. Therefore molecules of liquid are able to slide over one another and make them flow. (ii) Latent heat of fusion of ice is higher than water at same temperature. So, it appears more colder than water. (ii) Camphor balls are sublimable in nature so they are stored in air tight containers. 10. (i) Difference between evaporation and boiling Evaporation Boiling (1) Itis a spontaneous process that takes | (1) It occurs at a particular temperature place at any temperature below the i.e., atthe boiling point of liquid. Itis nota boiling point of the liquid. spontaneous process. (2) It is a surface phenomenon i.e., | (2) It is a bulk phenomenon ic., it occurs evaporation takes place at surface of throughout the mass ofthe liquid with the liquid only, formation of bubbles. (i) (@) Temperature in °C = Temperature in K -273, = 400-273 are (b) Temperature in °C = 0-273 =-273°C (ii) (@) Temperature in kelvin = Temperature in °C +273) = -40 + 273 = 233K (b) Temperature in kelvin = 27 + 273 = 300K SECTION-B : Objective Type Questions ¢ 1. Answer (4) 2. Answer (3) Anthracene will sublime and get deposited ’on the cooler walls of the inverted funnel. 3. Answer (3) 4, Answer (1) Rate of diffusion increases with increase in temperature. 5. Answer (4) Sxro+a2 5 8 = 2x-40432=-40°F 5x40 +32=-40 6 Answer (4) 7. Answer (2) 8 Answer (3) 1s Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ‘Answers & Solutions (Level) Matter in Our Surroundings 9. Answer (4) ssn seperation canon Lid aeneaton = OS Solid 10. Answer (4) 11. Answer (4) 42. Answer (1) 13, Answer (2) According to Boyle's law PAV, = PAV => 1 360 = 0.80 « Vv, 350 v, = 330 aa7.t e080 14, Answer (3) [Me ™, [Ma > M, ty 24 fe 4 7 aT 4 ST yim, > M,=329 16. Answer (4) 3 te fs 14-104 a Va, » cn V6, SECTION-C : Assertion & Reason Type Questions : 4. Answer (1) Answer (3) Answer (1) ‘Answer (1) ‘Answer (1) Answer (1) Answer (1) Answer (1) Aaka Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ‘Matter in Our Surroundings ‘Answers & Solutions (Level) SECTION-D : Match the Columns Type Questions : 1. Answer (3) Answer (1) 2. 3. Answer (3) 4. Answer (2) 5. Answer (1) ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

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