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Introduction to Turbomachinery

Textbooks and References: Daugherty, Franzini & Finnemore : Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, SI-Metric Edition
Dixon & Hall, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 6th Edition

Outline of Topics
I. Energy Equation
Flow and Different Types of Losses in Pressure Conduits
Continuity Equation
Impulse Momentum Equation, Velocity Triangles
Similitude and Dimensional Analysis
Similarity Laws for Turbomachinery
Efficiency Definitions for Turbomachinery
Specific Speed, Peripheral Velocity Factor
II. Impulse Turbines, Jet size optimization
Reaction Turbines, Francis and Propeller Turbines
Hydroelectric Turbine Selection
III. Pumps – Axial, Mixed Flow and Radial Flow Pumps
Evaluation Method
Pump Curve and System Characteristic Curve Raw Grade for Intro to Turbomachinery = 0.7 x quizzes + 0.30 x long exam
Pumps in Series and Parallel Long Exam Schedule: 10:30-1:00 pm March 8, 2022
Basic Principles Involved
• Continuity Equation – Law of Conservation of Mass
• Law of Conservation of Energy
• Impulse Momentum Equation
• Dimensional Analysis and Similarity Laws
• Similarity Laws for Turbomachinery
• Velocity Triangles for Turbomachines
• Efficiency Definitions for Pumps and Turbines
Continuity Equation – Law of Conservation of Mass
Sum of mass flow rates over all boundaries of a control volume equals rate of change in mass over control volume

For steady state process

Mass flow through a boundary

Single entry and single exit

Law of Conservation of Energy
First law of thermodynamics applied to closed process (system undergoing a cycle)

First law of thermodynamics for a system undergoing a change in state

Change in energy of a system per unit mass Change in energy per unit weight (divide by g)

Energy per unit weight = total head = pressure head + velocity head + elevation head

When dealing with fluids it is

pressure energy kinetic energy potential energy
more convenient to look at
per unit weight per unit weight per unit weight energy per unit weight

pressure head + elevation head = + = static head

velocity head = dynamic head

Total head = total energy per unit weight of fluid = static head + dynamic head = + +
Impulse Momentum Equation

Impulse Momentum Equation in terms of Force

Impulse Momentum Equation for turbomachines - in terms of Moment or Torque

Turbine Pump

Head equivalent of mechanical work Velocity Triangles for Turbomachines

Efficiency Definitions for Pumps and Turbines


Hydraulic Overall
efficiency efficiency




Dimensional Analysis and Similarity Laws for Tubomachines

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