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Questions (Ungrateful Twins)

1. What are the names of Mr. Jackson’s twin sons?

A. John and Joshua

B. Joe and Joseph

C. Jack and Jacob

2. What was the job of Mr. Jackson?

A. Mr. Jackson was a fisherman.

B. Mr. Jackson was a butler.

C. Mr. Jackson was a farmer.

3. Why can’t Mr. Jackson go the sea?

A. because he suddenly felt sick

B. because it was a monsoon season

C. because he needed to go somewhere

4. What does Joe dream of?

A. They became rich.

B. Their father was struggling on the sea.

C. Their mother died.

5. What is the moral lesson of the story?

A. We should be angry to those who helped us.

B. We should be disregard to those who helped us.

C. We should be grateful to those who helped us.

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