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Volume 21, Number 3, 2015, pp. 113–128 Paradigms

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/acm.2014.0186

Manual and Electrical Needle Stimulation

in Acupuncture Research:
Pitfalls and Challenges of Heterogeneity

Helene M. Langevin, MD, CM,1 Rosa Schnyer, DAOM,2 Hugh MacPherson, PhD,3 Robert Davis, MS,4
Richard E. Harris, PhD,5 Vitaly Napadow, PhD,6 Peter M. Wayne, PhD,1 Ryan J. Milley, MAcOM,7
Lixing Lao, PhD,8 Elisabet Stener-Victorin, PhD,9 Jiang-Ti Kong, MD,10 and Richard Hammerschlag, PhD, 7
on behalf of the Executive Board of the Society for Acupuncture Research


In the field of acupuncture research there is an implicit yet unexplored assumption that the evidence on manual
and electrical stimulation techniques, derived from basic science studies, clinical trials, systematic reviews, and
meta-analyses, is generally interchangeable. Such interchangeability would justify a bidirectional approach to
acupuncture research, where basic science studies and clinical trials each inform the other. This article examines
the validity of this fundamental assumption by critically reviewing the literature and comparing manual to
electrical acupuncture in basic science studies, clinical trials, and meta-analyses. The evidence from this study
does not support the assumption that these techniques are interchangeable. This article also identifies endemic
methodologic limitations that have impaired progress in the field. For example, basic science studies have not
matched the frequency and duration of manual needle stimulation to the frequency and duration of electrical
stimulation. Further, most clinical trials purporting to compare the two types of stimulation have instead tested
electroacupuncture as an adjunct to manual acupuncture. The current findings reveal fundamental gaps in the
understanding of the mechanisms and relative effectiveness of manual versus electrical acupuncture. Finally,
future research directions are suggested to better differentiate electrical from manual simulation, and impli-
cations for clinical practice are discussed.

Introduction a means to provide stronger treatment. Further, electrical

stimulation is frequently favored in basic science research be-

D espite substantial growth in the field of acupuncture

research in the last decade, significant challenges still
impede drawing overall conclusions from the available data.
cause of its readily quantifiable stimulation parameters of fre-
quency, intensity, and duration. As a result of these assumptions
and research preferences, the potential differences between the
The indiscriminate use of the term acupuncture, which does two most common modes of needle stimulation, manual and
not differentiate between diverse intervention styles and electrical, are poorly understood and largely unaddressed.
techniques, contributes to this challenge. 1 In particular, manual This article is the second in a series of white papers put
and electrical stimulation of the acupuncture needle are com- forth by the Board of the Society for Acupuncture Research
monly assumed to be equivalent means of achieving thera- addressing methodologic issues in the field. The first white
peutic benefit, with electrical stimulation mainly considered as paper highlighted paradoxes in acupuncture research,

Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
University of Texas, Austin, School of Nursing, Austin, TX.
Department of Health Sciences, University of York, Heslington, York, United Kingdom.
Stromatec Inc, Burlington, VT.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, Portland, OR.
School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
Department of Anesthesiology, Stanford Medical School, Palo Alto, CA.


specifically the challenges presented by incongruent find- for 5 minutes with that of running for an hour, one could
ings between basic science experiments and clinical trials of not conclude that walking and running had different effects
acupuncture efficacy, as well as by the limited evidence on because, in this experiment, the type of exercise would be
the benefit of verum acupuncture relative to sham needling. 1 confounded with its duration. An analogous situation oc-
The present paper systematically reviews clinical trials and curs in acupuncture research that compares continuous
basic science studies that report comparisons between electrical stimulation for the duration of the treatment
manual (MA) and electrical (EA) acupuncture to determine (about 20 minutes) versus intermittent manual stimulation
whether evidence-based conclusions can be drawn con- (every few minutes, for just a few seconds) or just initial
cerning the similarities and differences between these nee- manual stimulation. If a difference were observed in some
dling techniques. In addition, this article examines systematic physiologic measurement (e.g., blood flow indicating brain
reviews and meta-analyses that have separately assessed trials region activation) between the two conditions, one could
that used each of the two types of needle stimulation. The not conclude that this difference was due to the type of
literature was searched for basic science studies, clinical trials stimulation (manual versus electrical) because this was
of acupuncture, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Ta- confounded by the duration (20 minutes versus a few
bles 1–3 describe the search strategy and inclusion and ex- seconds) or by the periodicity (intermittent versus contin-
clusion criteria for each category. uous) of the stimulus. To answer this question, manual
The aim of this white paper is to evaluate a generally versus electrical stimulation would need to be performed
held but largely unexplored assumption in the field: that for the same amount of time and periodicity (e.g., 10
evidence derived from basic and clinical studies of EA and seconds of stimulation every 5 minutes for 20 minutes).
MA is generally interchangeable and can be used in a A commonly heard rationale for comparing acupuncture
bidirectional approach to acupuncture research, translating stimuli of different durations is that while electrical stimu-
between basic science and clinical studies. This article also lation is typically applied for at least 15–20 minutes, con-
discusses why it is imperative for future research to ex- tinuous MA for this amount of time is not done clinically
plore the relative clinical benefits and modes of action of because continuous manual stimulation would be too painful
MA versus EA to better inform clinical practice, and re- (while continuous electrical stimulation can be better tol-
search guidelines to more directly compare these treatment erated because its intensity is adjustable). However, exper-
modalities are proposed. iments in humans or animals comparing manual versus
electrical stimulation for a short duration (e.g., 10 seconds
total) would be feasible as well as scientifically important.
Comparisons of MA and EA: Distinct Challenges
Experiments in anesthetized animals comparing manual
for Basic and Clinical Research
versus electrical stimulation for longer durations (e.g., 20
Clinical research comparing the effectiveness of MA minutes) also would fulfill these criteria. Unfortunately, as
and EA asks a pragmatic question: Which treatment works shown below, few such experiments have been published to
better? This is a broad but clinically relevant question. Basic date.
research comparing MA and EA, on the other hand, asks: It is important to stress that the duration of manual versus
Does stimulating a needle manually cause the same, or electrical stimulation is not simply a nuisance to be dealt
different, physiological effects than stimulating it electri- with methodologically. Ample evidence from basic studies
cally? This is specific question whose direct relevance is of cell signaling, gene expression, and tissue plasticity
primarily scientific. suggests that the duration of a stimulus (from milliseconds
In basic research, experimental variables need to be to minutes to days) profoundly affects its biological func-
‘‘isolated,’’ such that any difference in outcome between tion. Furthermore, habituation and refractoriness to further
two treatments can be ascribed to the variable that is being stimulation are well-described phenomena indicating that
examined, as opposed to some other factor. In clinical ‘‘more is better’’ does not always apply in physiology.
trials of acupuncture, manual needle stimulation tech- Controlling the duration of MA or EA needle stimulation, as
niques are nearly always applied for a much shorter du- well as comparing the effects of different stimulus dura-
ration than is electrical stimulation (i.e., seconds rather tions, should improve understanding of their physiologic
than minutes). Even when manual stimulation is repeated effects. Furthermore, careful consideration of what is meant
a few times at intervals during the treatment, the total by ‘‘stimulation’’ is important as well. Electrical needle
duration of active stimulation is much shorter in MA than stimulation is typically continuous, while manual stimula-
EA. Furthermore, MA and EA are not always clearly tion is brief or intermittent, with the needles left in place in
separated. For example, in a study of EA, manual stimu- between periods of stimulation. One could hypothesize that
lation is frequently performed briefly first to ‘‘obtain de the tissue is still ‘‘stimulated’’ by the presence of the in-
qi’’, followed by electrical stimulation, such that MA is dwelling needle, even in between periods of manual needle
actually compared to a combination of MA plus EA. In manipulation. This type of stimulation could include static
any case, unless specifically addressed, the duration of stretching of tissue that has wrapped around the needle and
active stimulation constitutes a confounding factor when remained stretched after the manipulation stops. It is
comparing MA versus EA (or MA versus MA + EA). therefore imperative that these potential effects be tested
From a scientific perspective, confounders can arise while controlling one variable at a time.
when the effect of a treatment is compared across two In contrast to basic research, comparative effectiveness
conditions in the presence of another variable that also clinical research can readily ask whether prolonged elec-
systematically differs across the two conditions. For ex- trical stimulation (treatment A) is more clinically effective
ample, if one compares the physiologic effects of walking than brief manual stimulation (treatment B) because in this
Table 1. Characteristics of Basic Science Articles Examining Electrical and Manual Acupuncture (Two Research Questions)
Research question 1: Is there any evidence that electrical stimulation of needles has physiologic effects distinct from manual stimulation when performed under otherwise identical conditions?
Databases and dates: MEDLINE, AcuTrials, and PubMed through March 31, 2013

Search strings: ‘‘manual’’ AND ‘‘electrical’’ AND ‘‘acupuncture’’

Type of
participants/ Participants/
Author, year MA methods EA methods subjects subjects (n) Outcomes Results/study quality
Ernst and LI4; ‘‘twirling needle to elicit LI4; needle manipulation as in MA, Human (healthy) 17 F/2 M Skin Both MA and EA increased
Lee, painful sensation’’ plus 1 Hz for 15 min; muscle temperature skin temperature; EA
198539 contractions were generated showed transient
decrease in temperature
Ernst and St36; ‘‘twirling needle to elicit St36; needle manipulation as in MA, Human (healthy) 17 F/2 M Skin Both MA and EA increased
Lee, painful sensation’’ plus 1 Hz for 15 min; muscle temperature skin temperature; EA
198640 contractions were generated but showed transient
below pain threshold decrease in temperature
Ceccherelli St36, GB30; ‘‘left and right rotating St36, GB30; insertion same as MA; Animal (rat) 105 M (15 per Inflammation Both MA and EA equally
et al., movements for 30 seconds at the stimulation with 5 Hz and group) reduced paw swelling
200241 beginning of the session and every 5 mAmp pulsed current lasting following inflammation,
5 minutes for 20 minutes’’ 500 s with whole event lasted and both treatments
2.8 ms were blocked by local
and systemic naloxone
Kong et al., LI4; ‘‘the needle was rotated LI4; same as MA plus 3 Hz electrical Human (healthy) 5 F/6 M Brain response EA activated insula (and
200242 clockwise and counterclockwise stimulation with a 30-ms to needling other regions) whereas

at a rate of about 180 times per continuous rectangular wave form (fMRI) MA deactivated insula
minute’’ (3Hz) during two 1-min pulse; attempt was made to match (and other regions);
blocks within a 5-min run; de qi de qi sensation during MA direct comparison of
was obtained EA versus MA showed
greater activations in
precentral gyrus during
EA as compared to MA
Zhou et al., PC5-6; 2 Hz for 2 min of needle PC5-6; same as MA with 2-Hz Animal (rat) 15 M Blood pressure Equivalent decrease in
200536 stimulation stimulation, 0.3–0.5 mAmp, blood pressure
0.5-ms duration, and for 2 min; responses for MA and
also compared 40- and 100-Hz EA; also similar
stimulation afferent neural
impulses/s recorded
from MA and EA
afferents; no effects of
EA with higher
frequency, 40 or 100 Hz
Kong et al., LI4, St36, Sp6; rotation frequency LI4, St36, Sp6; EA was performed Humans (healthy) F 8/M 23 Evoked pain EA and MA evoked
200543 3 Hz, three 7-min stimulation with alternating 2-Hz and (thermal) analgesia but were not
periods, manually stimulated 1 15-Hz stimulation every 30 s significantly different;
point for 30 s, followed by a 15-s simultaneously at the 3 points different subjects
break; de qi was elicited in three 7-min blocks; de qi was responded to EA and
elicited MA; EA and MA had
similar sensory sensations
Table 1. (Continued)
Type of
participants/ Participants/
Author, year MA methods EA methods subjects subjects (n) Outcomes Results/study quality

Napadow St36; ‘‘manual stimulation consisted St36; 2-Hz or 100-Hz stimulation at Humans (healthy) F 7/M 6 Brain response MA evoked greater
et al., of even motion twisting technique 0.7–3.6 mAmp ‘‘set midway to needling deactivation of limbic
200544 at 1 Hz’’; two 1-min stimulations between the sensory and pain system as compared to
thresholds for each subject’’ EA; EA evoked greater
activation of
somatosensory system;
There were some shared
Inoue et al., ‘‘The needle was manually 10-Hz ‘‘stimulation of the pudendal Animal (Rat) M 13 Blood Flow EA and MA increased
200845 the neighboring (or sciatic) nerve was sciatic nerve blood
muscle of lumbar vertebra performed.the nerve was flow, with more robust
L6.rotation stimulation was exposed and after amputation the effects seen with EA
conducted in the same direction distal stump was placed on a (MA increased 57%
after insertion until the needle platinum bipolar electrode and versus EA increased
stopped and then the needle was efferent electrical stimulation.’’ 100%)
left in place for 3 min before being
removed.For a total of 58
Johansson Needles rotated back and forth 5 Continuous stimulation at 2 Hz for Animal (rat) n = 10 per group Glucose EA and MA both
et al, times every 5 min for 15 min 15 min tolerance, influenced glucose

201346 insulin homeostasis but had
sensitivity, different effects on
gene insulin sensitivity
Lang et al., Sp6, Sp9, St36, GB39; treatments Sp6, Sp9, St36, GB39; EA involved Humans (healthy) 12 F/12 M Evoked pain EA (both 2 Hz and
201047 lasted 30 minutes; second 2 Hz and 100 Hz; ‘‘stimulus (thermal, 100 Hz) was superior to
stimulation was given midway intensity was increased, so that mechanical, MA for mechanical pin
through the session by rotation of the patient felt the stimulation and pressure) prick pain; both EA and
the needle; elicited de qi both strongly, but not painfully (2– MA equivalently
following needle insertion and 8mAmp)’’; Each treatment lasted increased thermal heat
midway through treatment 30 min; elicited de qi with needle pain and pressure pain
before EA thresholds
Zheng et al., St36, St40; ‘‘needles were rotated St36, St40; ‘‘Needles were Humans (healthy) 15 F/21 M Evoked pain EA greater than MA
201048 180–360 degrees between the inserted.and manipulated to (electrical) for both single and
fingers at 3–5 Hz in a bidirectional achieve De qi sensations. The temporal summation
manner, first clockwise then needles were then connected to of electrical pain
anticlockwise’’; stimulation was the EA stimulator.and electrical thresholds immediately
repeated 9 times and took stimuli.were delivered at an and 24 h after
approximately 10 s; this alternating frequency of 2 and intervention
manipulation was repeated every 100 Hz every 6 sec’’; intensity of
5 min 6 times over a period of stimulation was strong but
25 min; de qi was elicited comfortable with visible muscle
contraction; the total duration of
EA treatment was 25 min
Table 1. (Continued)
Type of
participants/ Participants/
Author, year MA methods EA methods subjects subjects (n) Outcomes Results/study quality

Schliessbach LI4, LI11; ‘‘rotated the needle in an LI4, LI11; 100 Hz for 3 seconds, Humans (healthy) 23 F/22 M Evoked pain EA engenders greater
et al., angle of approximately 180, both followed by 2 Hz for 3 s; current (pressure) analgesia during
201149 clockwise and anticlockwise, and was applied during the whole stimulation than with
at the same time lifting and 5 min; ‘‘current intensity was MA; after stimulation
thrusting it 2–3 mm along its gradually increased. patients EA and MA were
vertical axis’’; this maneuver was were repeatedly asked whether equivalent at increasing
performed every 30 s during the they felt muscle twitches, tingling, pain thresholds
5 min of needling or burning sensations. Current
intensity was finally set at a level
that created perceptible but well-
tolerable sensations.’’
Yamamoto ‘‘An acupuncture needle.was ‘‘An acupuncture needle was Animal (rat) 9M Blood pressure Both EA and MA
et al., inserted into a point below the inserted into a point and heart rate attenuated heart rate
201150 knee joint just lateral to the tibia approximately 1 cm from the MA and arterial blood
in the left or right leg. The needle needle toward the ankle joint and pressure, and these
was twisted clockwise and used as the ground’’; the effects were both
counter-clockwise, and moved up stimulation frequency was set at blocked by a stretch-
and down at a frequency of 1– 10 Hz in 6 and at 20 Hz in 3 of the channel blocker

2 Hz for a duration of 120 s.’’ 9 rats involved in

Research Question 2: ‘‘Does electrical stimulation delivered via an inserted acupuncture needle have effects different from electrical stimulation percutaneously when performed under otherwise
identical conditions?’’
Research Strategy: As above
Type of
participants/ Participants/
Author, year TENS methods EA or MA methods subjects subjects (n) Outcomes Results/study quality
Wang et al., St36, Sp6; ‘‘surface silver plate EA: St36, Sp6; ‘‘simulation Animal (rat) 32 (sex not Evoked pain 2- and 15-Hz EA and
199251 electrodes (5 · 6 mm) were delivered via the needles for a reported) (thermal) TENS blocked by
bilaterally placed in contact with total of 30 min duration. In each naloxone;100-Hz EA
the skin. The same stimulation EA session, intensity of and TENS not naloxone
procedures as EA were employed stimulation was always increased sensitive; tolerance to
and such TENS usually produced stepwise.lasting for 10 min EA reduced TENS
similar behavioral changes as EA each’’; 3 different frequencies effects, and tolerance to
stimulation’’; 2-, 15-, and 100-Hz used: 2, 15, and 100 Hz TENS reduced EA
stimulation effects

MA, manual acupuncture; EA, electrical acupuncture; F, female; M, male; TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
Table 2. Characteristics of Clinical Trials Examining Electrical and Manual Acupuncture
Research question: ‘‘Is there any evidence that electrical stimulation of acupuncture points results in significantly distinct clinical outcomes when compared to manual stimulation?’’

Search strategy:

Databases and dates: MEDLINE and AcuTrials, from inception through December 31, 2012

Search strings: PubMed: ‘‘Electroacupuncture’’ [Title/Abstract] AND ‘‘Acupuncture’’ [Title/Abstract]; limits - Limits: Humans AND Randomized Controlled Trial AND English; AcuTrials: ‘‘Acupuncture vs. acupuncture
AND electroacupuncture’’

Inclusion criteria: Trials that reported testing MA and EA in separate groups and that needled the same acupoints in each group. Case studies, case series, noncontrolled trials, and interventions that did not use acupuncture
needling were excluded (e.g., TENS, laser, other nonfiliform needle procedures).

Participants No. of Findings

Study, year Condition Design (n) TXs MA methods EA methods Outcome measures Result(s) (EA vs. MA) Comments
Ghaly, 1987 Emesis: (1) MA; (2) EA; 50 1 No description re: No description re: de (1) Vomiting with/ No between-group MA + EA = MA High dropout rate;
postoperative (3) cyclizine; de qi qi; EA stimulation: without nausea and differences in findings
(4) no Tx 10 Hz to participant (2) nausea alone 1–3; groups based on
tolerance 1–3 > 4 observational
Zang, 199954 Facial paralysis (1) MA; (2) EA 150 30 No de qi elicited; De qi elicited; EA Practitioner assessed Both groups MA + EA = MA Designed to assess
intermittent stimulation: response to care: improved; no effect of MA
needle 15–20 Hz to induce cured, improved, between-group vibrating

vibration muscle twitch failed differences needle
technique technique
Bao et al., 200655 Vascular dementia (1) MA; (2) EA; 60 40 De qi elicited De qi elicited; EA (1) Dementia Scale; All groups MA + EA = MA MA Tx lasted 10 h
(3) Medication stimulation: 240 Hz (2) MMSE; (3) improved; no vs. EA 30 min
to participant functional activity; between-group
tolerance and (4) Serum differences
levels (T3, T4, and
Frisk et al., 200956 Hot flushing: (1) MA; (2) EA 31 14 De qi elicited De qi elicited; EA (1) Number/distress Both groups MA + EA = MA
prostate cancer stimulation: 2 Hz; from hot flushes improved
no other details and (2) change in
given hot flush score
Freire et al., 201057 Sleep apnea (1) MA; (2) EA 40 1 De qi elicited De qi elicited; EA (1) Apnea indices MA and EA MA + EA = MA
2 Hz; (3) EA stimulation: 2 or and (2) respiratory (10 Hz):
10 Hz; (4) no 10 Hz to induce events significant
Tx muscle twitch improvements
in 3 measures;
EA (2 Hz) and
no Tx: no
changes in any
Table 2. (Continued)
Participants No. of Findings
Study, year Condition Design (n) TXs MA methods EA methods Outcome measures Result(s) (EA vs. MA) Comments

Moon et al., 200358 Stroke: elbow (1) MA; (2) EA; 35 8 No description re: No de qi elicited; EA Modified Ashworth EA reduced elbow MA + EA > MA All groups
spasticity (3) MA + Moxa de qi stimulation: 50 Hz scale spasticity; received ROM
to induce muscle group 2 > 1 exercises
twitch and 3
Zheng et al., 201259 Analgesia/ (1) MA; (2) EA; 45 1 De qi elicited De qi elicited; EA (1) Ramsey sedation EA reduced use of MA + EA > MA All groups
sedation: (3) no Tx stimulation: 2/ scale and (2) midazolam received
intubation 100 Hz at 10– bispectral index monitored by usual care
15 mA (not bispectral (midazolam)
detectable by index; no
participants); between-group
30 min on, 30 min difference
off (6 h total)
Mackenzie et al., Analgesia: labor (1) MA; (2) EA; 105 1 De qi elicited No de qi elicited; EA Rate of epidural No between-group EA = MA Trend of more
201160 induction (3) sham MA; stimulation: 2 Hz to analgesia differences epidurals in EA
(4) sham EA; induce muscle vs. MA
(5) no Tx twitch
Michalek-Sauberer Dentistry: tooth (1) MA (ear); (2) 149 1 No description re: No description re: de (1) Pain intensity No between-group MA + EA = MA ‘‘. neither MA
et al., 200761 extraction EA; (3) sham de qi (auricular qi; EA stimulation: (VAS) and (2) differences nor EA reduce
EA acupuncture) 100/2 Hz (no other medication acute pain’’

information consumption
Tam et al., 200762 Rheumatoid (1) MA; (2) EA; 36 20 De qi elicited; De qi elicited; EA Pain (VAS) No change in pain MA + EA = MA No effect on pain
arthritis (3) sham connected to stimulation: for any group; for any group
acupuncture EA device 4/20Hz; no other groups
without current; details given 1 > 2 > 3 in
intermittent number of
twirling to tender joints
select needles
Tao, 200063 Back pain: (1) MA; (2) EA 157 10 De qi elicited De qi elicited; EA Practitioner assessed Both groups MA + EA > MA
superior cluneal stimulation: 80 Hz response to care: improved on all
nerve to participant cured, improved, measures;
entrapment tolerance failed group 2 > 1
Tsui and Leung, Tennis elbow (1) MA; (2) EA; 40 6 De qi elicited No description re: de (1) Pain (VAS) and EA improved pain MA + EA > MA
200264 (3) no treatment qi; EA stimulation: (2) grip strength and grip
4 Hz to participant strength; groups
tolerance 2 >1 >3
Guo, 200365 Analgesia (1) MA; (2) EA 72 10 De qi elicited De qi elicited; EA Practitioner assessed Both groups MA + EA > MA
(ligamentous stimulation: response to care: improved on all
sprains) 40–80 Hz to cured, improved, measures;
participant failed group 2 > 1
Table 2. (Continued)
Participants No. of Findings
Study, year Condition Design (n) TXs MA methods EA methods Outcome measures Result(s) (EA vs. MA) Comments
Sator-Katzenschlager Neck pain (1) MA (ear); (2) 21 6 No de qi elicited No de qi elicited; (1) Pain (VAS), (2) Group 2 > 1 in all MA + EA > MA
et al., 200366 EA (auricular needle connected to psychological well- outcomes
acupuncture); P-Stim device; being, (3) activity,
connected to EA stimulation: (4) sleep, and (5)
P-Stim 1 Hz at 2 mA medication use
device without (not detectable by
current participants)
Sator- Katzenschlager Low back pain (1) MA (ear); (2) 61 6 No de qi elicited No de qi elicited; (1) Pain (VAS), (2) Both groups MA + EA > MA
et al., 200467 EA (auricular needle connected to psychological well- improved on all
acupuncture); P-Stim device; being, (3) activity, measures; EA
connected to EA stimulation: (4) sleep, and (5) significantly
P-Stim 1 Hz at 2 mA (not medication use better vs. MA
device without detectable by

current participants)
Sator-Katzenschlager Analgesia: (1) MA (ear); (2) 94 1 No de qi elicited No de qi elicited; Pain (VAS) Pain relief (and MA + EA > MA All groups
et al., 200668 IVF Tx EA; (3) sham (auricular needle connected to well-being) received usual
MA acupuncture); P-Stim device; were care analgesia
connected to EA stimulation: significantly
P-Stim device 1 Hz at 2 mA (not greater in EA
without current detectable by (perioperative
participants) and
group 2 > 1 > 3
Xue et al., 200769 Neck pain (1) MA; (2) EA 58 20 De qi elicited De qi elicited; EA Practitioner assessed Both groups MA + EA > MA
(cervical stimulation: 10– response to care: improved; EA
spondylopathy) 12 Hz to participant cured, improved, significantly
tolerance failed better vs. MA

TX, treatment; MMSE, Mini-Mental Status Examination; T3, triiodothyronine; T4, thyroxine; FT3, free triiodothyronine; ROM, range of motion; VAS, visual analogue scale; IVF, in vitro
Table 3. Characteristics of Systematic Reviews that Included Meta-Analyses Comparing Manual and Electrical Acupuncture Trial Outcomes
Research question: ‘‘Is there any evidence that electrical stimulation of acupuncture points results in significantly distinct clinical outcomes when compared to manual
Databases and dates: MEDLINE and AcuTrials, January 1, 2000–December 31, 2012

Search strings: PubMed: ‘‘electroacupuncture’’ AND ‘‘acupuncture’’; AcuTrials: ‘‘Acupuncture vs. acupuncture AND electroacupuncture’’
Inclusion criteria: Reviews that reported pooling of data in a meta-analysis in which comparisons were made between outcomes associated with MA and EA. Reviews listed only
as abstracts or protocols, previous reviews by the same researchers, reviews of interventions that did not use acupuncture needling, and reviews in the form of editorials or
commentaries were excluded.
Design, relevant Comparison
Study, year Condition trials Trials with MA Trials with EA analyzed Results Comments
Direct comparisons
Manheimer et al., Osteoarthritis Meta-analysis, 9 4 trials, 1215 patients 5 trials, 614 Comparing effect Effect size of MA trials: EA superior to
201070 trials patients sizes as SMDs in SMD, - 0.11 (95% MA
single analysis CI, - 0.29 to - 0.11);
with test of EA trials: SMD, 0.50
interaction (95% CI, - 0.81 to
- 0.20); p for
interaction = 0.042)
Indirect comparisons

White et al., 201171 Smoking Meta-analysis, 14 All 14 trials,a 2206 4 trials, 462 Separately MA vs sham MA: RR, Difference not
cessation trials patients patients comparing vs. 1.18 (95% CI, 1.03– directly
sham control 1.34); EA vs sham evaluated, but
using RRs EA: RR, 1.17 (95% EA vs. sham
CI, 0.89–1.54) statistically
Lu et al., 200772 Chemotherapy- Meta-analysis, 10 All 7 trials, 270 patients 3 trials, 169 Comparing WMD Leukocyte increase in Significant
induced trials patients for leucocyte those trials with EA: leukocyte
leukopenia increase vs. WMD, 1.863 (95% increase in the
control CI,1.096–2.629); 3 EA trials
p = 0.041; no increase
for MA
Smith et al., 201073 Depression Meta-analysis, 5 3 trials, 175 patients 2 trials, 117 Separately MA vs SSRI: SMD, Difference not
trials patients comparing vs. - 0.02 (95% CI, directly
SSRIs using - 0.33 to 0.28); EA evaluated;
SMDs vs SSRI: SMD, 0.07 neither
(95% CI, - 0.38 to comparison
0.53) statistically

Table 3. (Continued)
Design, relevant Comparison
Study, year Condition trials Trials with MA Trials with EA analyzed Results Comments
Cho et al., 2009 Obesity Meta-analysis 2 trials, 43 patients 2 trials, 53 Separately MA vs. lifestyle Difference not
patients comparing vs. control: mean directly
lifestyle control, difference, 2.16 (95% evaluated, MA
using RRs CI, 0.47–3.84); EA vs vs. lifestyle
lifestyle control: control
mean difference, 1.20 statistically
(95% CI, - 0.65 to significant
Lee et al., 200975 Schizophrenia Meta-analysis, All 7 trials,a 457 5 trials, 365 Separately MA + drug vs. drug: Difference not
7 trials patients patients comparing with RR, 1.15 (95% CI, directly

adjunctive drug 1.04–1.28); evaluated, both
vs. drug alone, EA + drug vs drug: comparisons
using RRs RR, 1.19 (95% CI, statistically
1.00–1.43) significant
Langhorst et al., Fibromyalgia Meta-analysis, 5 trials, 175 patients 2 trials, 104 Separately MA vs. control SMD, Difference not
201076 7 trials patients comparing effect - 0.19 (95% CI, directly
sizes vs. control - 0.52 to - 0.14); EA evaluated, but
using SMDs vs. controls: SMD, EA vs. sham
0.43 (95% CI, statistically
- 0.81 to - 0.04) significant
( p < 0.03)
Trials include those with MA and EA, with data on number of trials and number of patients not separated out.
SMD, standardized mean difference; CI, confidence interval; RR, risk ratios; WMD, weighted mean difference; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

case one is simply asking, Which treatment works better? A recently published survey of practitioners compared
However, an important caveat to this question is that if acupuncture patterns of use in the European Union (n = 559)
differences were found between the treatments, one would and China (n = 461). 28 Use of EA was reported by 39.7% of
not know whether this had anything to do with the electrical European acupuncturists (with pain as the most frequently
stimulation. treated condition) and 28.2% of Chinese practitioners (with
neurologic conditions, mainly stroke, as most frequently
Brief History of MA and EA treated). Because some European practitioners refer to the
Voll electrodiagnosis system as EA, it is possible that this
Descriptions of manual acupuncture techniques date at
survey overestimates the number of European acupunctur-
least as far back as the Neijing (ca. 300 BCE) and include a
ists who practice traditional EA as defined in this paper.
wide variety of needle manipulation techniques, such as
Analyses of surveys and insurance claims in the United
rotation, lifting, and thrusting techniques. In contrast, the
States indicate that EA is used in 12–15% of all acupuncture
use of electrical methods to stimulate acupuncture needles is
treatments.29,30 When treating chronic back pain, the re-
considerably more recent, with origins in both Europe and
ported use of EA in the United States increases to 24–
Asia.2,3 In France, the late 18th-century interest in the
32%.31 The decision to use EA appears to be practitioner
medical uses of electricity was contemporaneous with the
dependent: Thirty-five percent of United Kingdom acu-
introduction of acupuncture by Jesuit missionaries returning
puncturists reported never using EA, while 13% reported
from China.4,5 Use of electrical stimulation of needles,
using it ‘‘most or all of the time.’’32 Finally, use of EA
however, did not necessarily imply that the technique was
appears to be based on the perception that it will improve
informed by knowledge of Chinese or other East Asian
clinical effectiveness in patients with more severe condi-
theory. Early 20th-century British studies of electrical
tions or those more resistant to treatment. In a survey of
stimulation of acupuncture needles to treat sciatica describe
United States acupuncturists treating chronic low back pain,
needle placement as guided by sites of pain, with no men-
51% of practitioners reported using EA because ‘‘something
tion of traditional Chinese practice.6 Acupuncture and
simpler hadn’t worked.’’33
electricity were coupled in a different manner in the 1950s
and 1960s with the independent explorations in Germany
(Voll), France (Niboyet), and Japan (Nakatani) of electro- Physiologic Effects of Manual Versus Electrical
dermal activity at acupoints as a means of objectifying di- Needling Stimulation
agnosis.7 The mid 20th century also saw practitioners in
In basic science animal studies, both MA and EA have
Japan beginning to apply EA methods, apparently as a result
been observed to activate all four types of afferent nerve
of contact with their Western counterparts,7 while Chinese
fibers. 34 These fibers include the thick myelinated Aa and
acupuncturists were studying electrical stimulation at acu-
Ab fibers, the thin myelinated Ad fibers, and the thin un-
points as a result of the emphasis on integration of Western
myelinated C-fibers, all of which innervate skin and muscle.
medical concepts into Traditional Chinese Medicine.3,8
The innervation of fascia is less well known but is thought to
The early 1970s interest in acupuncture in the United
include abundant nociceptors.35 Single afferent fiber re-
States and Europe led to Western studies of both MA and
cordings found predominantly C and A fiber activation in
EA for experimental pain.9,10 Identification of the endoge-
response to both EA and MA. 36 However, from a broader
nous opioids in the mid-1970s led to pioneering animal re-
physiologic perspective there is reason to suspect different
search by Pomeranz in Toronto11 and Han in Beijing.12 This
physiologic responses to manual versus electrical stimula-
research, implicating endogenous opioids in EA-induced
tion of acupuncture needles. As the acupuncture needle
analgesia, set the stage for the use of EA to explore a wide
traverses the epidermis, dermis, fascia, and muscle it con-
range of biochemical and physiologic correlates of acu-
tacts multiple tissues and cell types, and it is reasonable to
puncture treatment.13–16 Clinical trials of EA soon followed,
suspect that these differing tissues and cells respond dif-
with publications first appearing in the early to mid-
ferently to electrical current added to an indwelling metal
needle versus manual needle stimulation alone. For exam-
ple, EA may depolarize the resting membrane potential of
Current Patterns of Use
neighboring excitable cells that in turn could lead to action
Patterns of use of MA versus EA vary greatly by con- potentials along peripheral nerves and subsequent signaling
dition treated, practitioner preference and training, and cascades. On the other hand, manual manipulation of the
stimulation parameters. Needling techniques, whether MA needle, typically including lifting and thrusting to elicit de
or EA, are widely heterogeneous. Manual stimulation qi, dynamically alters the extracellular milieu, resulting in
techniques may include rotation of the needle in one or rotational deformation of fascia tissue,37 which may affect
both directions and lifting and thrusting of the needle in the physiology and gene expression of fibroblasts. Another
myriad combinations. These techniques may range from potentially important difference in the physiologic effects of
subtle and barely perceptible to vigorous, rapid, and MA and EA is that during EA in animal models, the in-
forceful.7,21–27 EA techniques vary by stimulation ampli- tensity of the pulsed electrical current is often adjusted to
tude, frequency, waveform, and duration. Clinically, EA is produce repetitive contractions of local muscles. This does
often performed after the needle has been manually stim- not happen with MA. Indeed, low-frequency (2 Hz) EA
ulated sufficiently to obtain de qi, the characteristic nee- modulates muscle sympathetic activity, similar to the effect
dling sensation commonly associated with acupuncture. of exercise. 38 In summary, it is not yet known whether and
From this perspective, EA may be seen as additive to MA to what extent the effects of EA result from sensory afferent
rather than as a distinct technique. stimulation, fascial deformation, and/or muscle contractions

or whether the effects of MA are qualitatively and quanti- MA,47 suggesting that the analgesic effects of EA and MA
tatively similar to those of EA. may have overlapping but not identical mechanisms, similar
For this component of the white paper, the basic science to the neuroimaging findings above. Further, in healthy
peer-reviewed literature was systematically searched for humans significantly greater analgesia for EA was observed
acupuncture research studies that specifically compared compared with MA, with the analgesic effect of EA oc-
electrical and manual stimulation with respect to biological curring immediately following treatment and peaking hours
outcomes (see Table 1 for search strategy). Given the wide after needle removal.48 This last finding is of significance
breadth of possible outcomes to investigate, the main do- because no other studies reported outcomes hours after
mains of interest were limited to animal and human exper- needle removal, which raises the possibility that the window
imental studies that evaluated: (1) peripheral receptors and of observation needed for determining analgesic effects of
their ligands; (2) cardiovascular responses, including blood EA may need to extend long after treatment. Finally, a re-
pressure; (3) central nervous system effects, including brain- cent study looking at mechanical pressure pain found EA
based outcomes; and (4) subjective outcomes in experi- superior to MA at increasing pain thresholds in healthy
mental settings, such as pain reports. humans. 49 Of note, not all human experimental pain studies
Thirteen physiological studies (5 in animals, 8 in humans) identified in our search showed differences between EA and
met our selection criteria (Table 1).36,39–51 Significant het- MA. For example, no difference was reported between EA
erogeneity existed across studies, with variability in needle and MA for experimental thermal pain.43
insertion location, electrical stimulation frequency, and Overall, while modest evidence suggests a potential dif-
stimulation duration. In searching for studies that compared ference between the physiologic effects of electrical and
the two stimulation modalities while controlling for con- manual stimulation of acupuncture needles, the very small
founding factors such as needle location, insertion depth of number of studies in which needle stimulation method was
needle, and treatment duration, it was discovered that the not confounded by other factors and the variability in
duration of needle stimulation during EA was nearly always methods used greatly reduce the ability to extend findings
much longer than in MA (e.g., 15–30 minutes for EA and a outside of individual research reports and to draw general-
few seconds for MA). izable conclusions.
Moreover, most studies failed to specify whether they
were directly comparing EA versus MA or whether EA was
Clinical Trials Comparing MA and EA
studied as an addition to MA. For instance, EA can be
performed with needles simply inserted or both inserted and The literature on randomized controlled clinical trials of
manipulated to achieve de qi sensation before electrical acupuncture was searched to identify comparative effec-
current stimulation. This ambiguity complicated the inter- tiveness research on MA versus EA. The aim was to assess
pretation and integration of findings across studies. Of note, whether the clinical trials data reflect survey data on patterns
all studies identified were in healthy humans or rats, with no of use of these needle stimulation techniques.
studies conducted in clinical populations or preclinical The literature search from inception through December
models of human disease. That said, some tentative con- 31, 2012, initially identified 118 randomized controlled
clusions were drawn. trials published in English, of which 17 met our selection
In one study, EA and MA performed at the same fre- criteria (see search strategy in legend to Table 2).53–69 Next,
quency (2 Hz), location, and duration had nearly identical trials that used EA adjunctively to MA (designated as MA
effects on centrally driven sympathetic nervous system ac- versus MA + EA) were differentiated from trials that directly
tivity (decreased blood pressure in a hypertensive rodent compared the two procedures (MA versus EA). If all pro-
model).36 However, some studies did report differences cedures in the EA group before electrostimulation were the
between EA and MA. In two human studies, EA evoked a same as procedures in the MA group (e.g., de qi was initially
transient decrease in temperature that was not seen in elicited in each group), the trial was considered MA versus
MA,39,40 and the authors suggested that the cooling with EA MA + EA; if the pre-electrostimulation procedure in the EA
could be a vasomotor spinal reflex response. More recent group was different (e.g., if de qi was elicited only in the
data from functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of MA group), the trial was considered MA versus EA. On the
healthy humans, in which stimulus duration (continuous basis of these considerations, only one trial directly com-
manual stimulation and time of EA) was matched between pared MA vs EA;60 the remaining 16 trials were designated
conditions, showed greater activation in the somatosensory MA versus MA + EA. Consistent with acupuncture research
cortex with EA; in contrast, MA resulted largely in the in general and with reported patterns of use in clinical
deactivation of limbic system structures.42,44 These findings practice, most trials evaluated pain conditions (n = 10
were substantiated by a recent meta-analysis of acupuncture [59%]). Of these, 7 trials (70%) reported MA + EA to have a
functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, which noted superior ‘‘clinical effect’’ compared with MA alone; one
that while multiple areas were activated by both, EA pro- study found a trend in favor of EA, while the other two
duced greater activation in primary somatosensory cortex studies found no difference (Table 2).
while MA produced greater deactivation in the putamen.52 In clinical trials for pain conditions, better analgesia ap-
With respect to behavioral responses in humans, three pears to be obtained when prolonged electrical stimulation is
separate studies noted significant differences between EA added to manual stimulation compared with brief or inter-
and MA for analgesic responses to experimental pain mittent manual acupuncture needle stimulation alone.
stimuli. While EA had a greater effect than MA for pin- However, too few randomized controlled trials specifically
prick pain, thermal and mechanical (i.e., pressure stimuli) assessed this question to draw robust conclusions. Most of
behavioral tests did not show differences between EA and these trials included few participants (range, 21–157) and

their findings may not be generalizable. More specifically, without rigorous testing of whether the physiologic effects
clinical differences between MA and MA augmented by EA are similar in both cases. Second, clinical recommendations
may depend on the location of acupuncture points (e.g., ear and individual practitioner decisions for when to use EA or
versus body), patient population (e.g., elderly versus young MA are based far more on clinical experience than on
athletes), condition (e.g., back pain versus headache), and clinical research.
cause of pain (e.g., inflammation versus neuropathy). This review of 40 years of acupuncture research explored
differences between manual and electrical modes of stimu-
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses on MA lation. Very few clinical trials have directly compared MA to
Versus EA EA stimulation, and meta-analyses have often been per-
formed across a broad spectrum of clinical trials of acu-
In addition to examining individual clinical trials, we
puncture without discriminating between the two stimulation
explored the literature to assess whether systematic reviews
techniques. Furthermore, in basic science studies directly
and meta-analyses might shed light on the relative effec-
comparing the effects of MA versus EA stimulation, the
tiveness of MA and EA (search strategy included in Table
mode of stimulation has almost always been confounded by
3).70–76 Of the 188 identified reviews, 89 met our initial
the stimulus duration (i.e., a few seconds for MA versus 15–
inclusion criteria. Of these 89 reviews, 15 did not pool data
30 minutes for EA). Whenever manual and electrical acu-
in a meta-analysis, so that no quantitative comparison was
puncture have been compared in basic research, the main
conducted, and only 7 of the remaining reviews presented
concern of researchers has been to compare treatments that
pooled data that included a quantitative comparison of
are clinically relevant rather than design experiments in
outcome for MA and EA. These 7 were meta-analyses that
which the mode of stimulation (MA versus EA) is not con-
used quantitative methods to pool trial data either compar-
founded by some other factor. In other words, in basic sci-
ing MA with EA in the same analysis (a direct comparison)
ence, clinical relevance has systematically trumped scientific
or comparing MA versus controls with EA versus controls in
rigor. It is therefore important to recognize that while com-
2 separate analyses (an indirect comparison).
paring physiologic effects of manual acupuncture to an
Of the 7 reviews, only 1 included a direct comparison of
electrical stimulus of identical duration may not be clinically
MA versus EA. 70 In this analysis, through a statistical test
relevant, it is of scientific importance. Controlling for stim-
for an interaction, acupuncture for osteoarthritis using EA
ulus duration may require testing shorter EA durations to
(pooled effect from 4 trials, n = 614) was superior to the use
match the duration of the MA stimulus, assuming prolonged
of only MA (pooled effect of 5 trials, n = 1215) ( p = 0.042)
MA is not feasible. Controlling the frequency of stimulation
(Table 3). The other 6 reviews made comparisons of the two
also may require lower frequencies of electrical stimulation,
stimulation procedures in an indirect manner, using different
such as 2 Hz, a frequency that can be achieved with manual
data in separate analyses to compare the effects of MA
manipulation. Controlling other factors with high-tech solu-
versus controls against EA versus controls. These indi-
tions, such as robotics or mechanical devices to standardize
rect comparisons, which make comparability more limited,
needle placement, rotation, and duration, might also be
included acupuncture for smoking cessation,71 chemotherapy-
beneficial and necessary.
induced leukopenia,72 depression,77 obesity,74 schizophrenia,75
In contrast to basic science experiments, comparing two
and fibromyalgia76 (Table 3). Across these 6 reviews, the
different clinically relevant methods of delivering acu-
findings are inconclusive as to whether EA or MA was
puncture (i.e., short-duration MA and prolonged EA) in
associated with better outcomes.
clinical trials is valid as long as the aim is truly comparative
In summary, the identified systematic reviews and meta-
effectiveness: that is, pragmatically asking what works best
analyses provided limited pooled data relevant to the aims
with no attempt at understanding why. If it is found, for
of this white paper. From 89 eligible systematic reviews,
example, that electrical stimulation for 20 minutes produces
there were only 1 direct quantitative comparison of MA
greater clinical improvement than 20 minutes of MA during
versus EA, which suggested that EA might be superior to
which the needles are manipulated for only a few seconds at
MA for treating pain in knee osteoarthritis, and 6 indirect
the outset, one cannot conclude that the electrical current
comparisons that were inconclusive. Thus, the evidence
itself was responsible for the difference in clinical im-
from systematic reviews on the comparative effectiveness of
provement between the two methods. Moreover, mecha-
MA versus EA is difficult to interpret. Most clinical trials
nisms identified from basic research using EA (e.g.,
within the reviews are underpowered, and therefore any
neurophysiologic basis of pain) cannot be assumed to be
subgroup analysis conducted within trials is even more
relevant to clinical trials that use MA. Unless this is spe-
likely to be underpowered.
cifically emphasized, the tendency to attribute clinical
benefits to the electrical stimulation will remain, which will
Conclusions and Recommendations
perpetuate the current level of confusion. However, as long
Research on both manual and electrical acupuncture is as one remains conscious of these caveats, pragmatic rec-
typically lumped together to constitute scientific evidence ommendations for clinical practice can be based on the
on ‘‘acupuncture.’’ However, the following important comparative effectiveness of EA and MA.
question is rarely addressed: Is there a fundamental differ- Finally, patterns of use, which differ widely among
ence between stimulating manually and electrically? practitioners, should be more thoroughly explored. EA is
This white paper was motivated by the recognition of two commonly added as an adjunct to MA, and the decision to
areas of weakness in the acupuncture evidence base. First, include EA in a treatment is based on numerous factors,
models of the mechanisms of action of acupuncture are including condition treated, severity of symptoms, individ-
often based on basic science studies using solely EA or MA ual patient differences, and practitioners’ preference and

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