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of polymerization, stepwise and 
addition polymerization; copolymeriz
ation, random, alternative,
block and graft
polymerization. Industrial methods of
---------------------POLYMER macromolecules

process of polymerization
Polymerization, any process in which relatively small molecules,
called monomers, combine chemically to produce a very large
chainlike or network molecule, called a polymer. The monomer
molecules may be all alike, or they may represent two-SBR,NBR
rubber , three, or more different compounds.
example of polymerization
Polymerization that occurs through the joining of monomers using
bonds is called addition polymerization. The simplest example
involves the formation of polyethylene from ethylene molecules.
Polyethylene - films, packaging, bottles. Polypropylene-PP -
kitchenware, fibers, appliances.

function of polymerization
Polymerization is the process to create polymers. During
polymerization, smaller molecules, called monomers or units are
chemically combined to create larger molecules or a
macromolecule-macro –units.

different types of polymerization

There are two general types of polymerization reactions: addition

polymerization and condensation polymerization. In addition
polymerization, the monomers add to one another in such a way
that the polymer contains all the atoms of the starting monomers.-
Ex.-Ethene-Polythene –C2H4-(C2H4)n

steps in addition polymerization

Addition or chain polymerization can be divided into 3 steps

– initiation-start, propagation-go forward/increase, and

addition polymerization is also called chain growth

In addition polymerization (also called chain-growth
polymerization), a chain reaction adds new monomer units to the
growing polymer molecule one at a time through bonds in the
monomer. The polymerization process takes place in three
distinct steps.

steps of polymerization

Chain-growth/Addition polymerizations involve the steps of chain

initiation, chain propagation, and termination

Polymerization Reactions

There are two basic types of polymerization, chain-reaction (or

addition) and step-reaction (or condensation) polymerization.

chain reactions
Polymerization reactions are chain reactions, and the formation of
Teflon from tetra-fluoro-ethylene (C2F4) is one example.
C2H4-ETHENE-ETHYLENE-C2F4-TEFLON-non-sticking kitchen

Difference Between Addition and Condensation


Addition Polymerization Condensation Polymerization

By-products such as ammonia, water and
Produces no by-products
HCl are produced
Addition of monomers results Condensation of monomers result in
in polymers-fast polymers-steps-slow

difference between step growth polymerization and addition


The main difference is this: In a step growth

reaction/condensation , the growing chains may react with each
other to form even longer chains, But in an addition
polymerization, only monomers react with growing chains.

condensation polymerization
In condensation polymerization, a small molecule is formed as
a by-product each time a bond is formed between two
monomers. This small molecule is often water. An example of a
condensation polymer is nylon.
6 hmt+6 adipic acid=Nylon 66+ H2O

products of condensation polymerization

Common condensation polymers include Nylon, polyesters-

synthetic/manmade –parents- Petroleum
and proteins-Amino acid-AA-AA-AA—AAA-AA—AA-
Types of polymers

 Random Copolymer. A random copolymer is one in which the

monomer residues are located randomly in the polymer
molecule. An example is the copolymer of vinyl chloride-PVC-
VC-VC-VC-VC and vinyl acetate-PVA-VA-VA-VA-VA .

block polymer
The key difference between block and graft copolymer is that
a block copolymer has blocks of repeating units whereas a graft
copolymer has branches of repeating units.
block and graft copolymers
Graft copolymers are branched macromolecules in which the
branches are of a different type from the backbone 1.; block
copolymers are linear macromolecules containing long sequences
of units of differing types 2.

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