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March Hat

A free pattern by Meghan Babin

Kelbourne Woolens Year of Hats

March Hat
Meghan Babin

Specifications Stitch Patterns

YARN K1, P1 Ribbing (in the rnd over a mult of 2):
Kelbourne Woolens Germantown (100% N. American Rnd 1: *K1, p1; rep from * around.
wool; 220 yds/100 gm skein): honey, 1 (1) skein. Rep Rnd 1 for pattern.
24 sts and 28 rnds = 4” (10 cm) in Seersucker Stitch on Seersucker Stitch (in the rnd over a mult of 4):
largest needle, after blocking. Rnd 1: *K1, p1; rep from * around.
NEEDLES Rnd 2: *K1, p1; rep from * around.
1 – 16” (40 cm) US 3 (3.25 mm) circular. Rnd 3: *P1, k3; rep from * around.
1 – 16” (40 cm) US 5 (3.75 mm) circular. Rnd 4: *P1, k3; rep from * around.
1 – 16” (40 cm) US 7 (4.5 mm) circular. Rnd 5: *K1, p1; rep from * around.
1 – set US 7 (4.5 mm) DPNs. Rnd 6: *K1, p1; rep from * around.
Check your gauge and adjust needle size(s) accordingly if necessary. Rnd 7: *K2, p1, k1; rep from * around.
NOTIONS Rnd 8: *K2, p1, k1; rep from * around.
Size G-6 (4 mm) crochet hook, waste yarn, stitch marker, Rep Rnds 1–8 for pattern.
tapestry needle, pom pom maker, Kelbourne Woolens label,
sewing thread, sharp sewing needle. Directions
18 (20)” [45.75 (51) cm] circumference, 10.5” [26.5 cm] Using smallest ndl, crochet hook, and waste yarn,
length. provisionally cast on 55 (61) sts. Do not join.
SKILLS Rnd 1: Using main yarn, * k1, yo; rep from * to 1 st rem,
Knitting, purling, knit purl patterning from charts. k1 – 109 (121) sts.
Join for working in the rnd.
Worthy of Note Rnd 2: Slip st from last rnd onto LH ndl, pm, k2tog, *p1,
The March Hat is worked in the round from the brim up. sl1wyb; rep from to 1 st rem, p1 – 108 (120) sts.
The pattern begins with a Tubular Cast On. If you do Rnd 3: *K1, sl1wyf; rep from * around.
not wish to use the tubular cast on method you may opt to Rnd 4: *Sl1wyb, p1; rep from * around.
begin by casting on 108 (120) sts, joining for working in the Repeat Rnd 3 once more.
round, and then skipping to the Brim instructions.
Change to second largest ndl.
When working the crown decreases, change to double
pointed needles when the circumference is too small to fit BRIM:
onto the circulars. Work in K1, P1 Ribbing for 3” (7.5 cm).

Abbrevations Change to largest ndl.

For commonly used abbreviations in this and other
Kelbourne Woolens patterns, visit: Body:
Work Rnds 1–8 of Seersucker Stitch from chart or written
instructions 5 times.

©2019 Kelbourne Woolens. All rights reserved. 2

March Hat
Meghan Babin

Rnd 1 (Dec): *Ssk, k1, p1; rep from * around – 81 (90) sts.
Seersucker Chart
Rnd 2 (Dec): *Ssk, p1; rep from * around – 54 (60) sts. 8
Rnd 3 (Dec): *Ssk; rep from * around – 27 (30) sts. 7
Size 18” Only: 5
Rnd 4 (Dec): *Ssk; rep from * to 1 st rem, k1 – 14 sts. 4
Rnd 5 (Dec): *Ssk; rep from * to 1 st rem, k1 – 7 sts. 3
Size 20” Only:
Rnd 4 (Dec): *Ssk; rep from * around – 15 sts. repeat
Rnd 5 (Dec): *Ssk; rep from * to 1 st rem, k1 – 8 sts.


Break yarn. Thread through live stitches 2–3 times and
fasten off. Remove waste yarn from provisionally CO edge. Knit
Weave in remaining ends. Soak in cool water and wool
wash, and block to measurements. Purl

Pom Pom:
Make a 4” diameter pompom with remaining yarn. Secure
pom pom to hat and tie off inside.

Using sewing thread and a sharp sewing needle sew-on
Kelbourne Woolens label to brim as shown.

Year of Hats Useful Tips

12 designs from
Kelbourne Woolens For a tutorial on working from charts, visit:

©2019 Kelbourne Woolens. All rights reserved. 3

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©2019 Kelbourne Woolens. All rights reserved. Images © Linette Kielinski. v.1. 3.15.19
Not to be reproduced or re-knit for sale or profit. 4

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