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Brock Hoffman


Revision Plan
Part 1: Summary of Peer Comments
After receiving the feedback from my fellow classmates, I believe I will have a great plan going forward
on how to improve my portfolio. One of the things I enjoy about peer reviews is it allows me to gain a
perspective of my work that I cannot normally gain through my own eyes. After looking through the
reviews some of my weaknesses in my portfolio were adding more artifacts to each page, cleaning up
some grammar issues, updating my resume, and adding an image to the reflections page to keep the
appearance consistent. Some of the strengths of my portfolio were the overall navigation, functionality,
and relevance. One of my main goals in designing the portfolio in its ground stages was to make sure all
the buttons work and the artifacts all appeared on screen. I was very pleased with the feedback I
received and hope to put a great plan together on how to improve such weaknesses.

Part 2: Your Action Plan

Navigation: Was one of my strengths in the preliminary stages of my portfolio my goal now is as I am
making changes and corrections to the portfolio I need to keep the navigation of the site running
smoothly and efficiently. My plan to do this is to thoroughly go through each button on the site and
make sure it works and directs me to a specific page and allows me to get back.

Functionality: Similar to navigation, functionality was one of my strengths in the initial reviews and I
plan to keep that going as I continue to add artifacts and images in the portfolio. I plan on going through
a thorough review of all the artifacts and making sure each of them load properly.

Relevance: Again, Relevance was one of my strong suits in the trial run of my portfolio, I believe that it
was good but I can make it great by making sure I take an in-depth look at each of the artifacts for each
task and sub-task to make sure they apply and fit each definition to the best I can. I feel like in doing this
and adding come more content I will be able to enhance my portfolio.

Content: This is where I would say the load of my work will be done in the revision stages as I am going
to add more artifacts to the sub-task’s so that I can show all the work I have done throughout the ITMA
Program and better showcase my skills I have learned. The plan here is to add one to three more
artifacts per page, I don’t want to clutter the portfolio but I want to strategically and aesthetically place
them within the portfolio.

Appearance: I believe I did a good job of adding images and designing the pages similar to each other so
it is aesthetically pleasing to the viewers. My plan going forward is to add an image to the header of
reflections so it is the same as other pages. I am also going to add spacers within each page to give the
work some white space in between.

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