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Governrnent of Kerala Reg. No. om1. mcnrd

c6rog m-ldoocd KLffV'N)it2t2\0e-2011

c.sog Om)od

orgu.llaco'laocoil LoJmtru)o*lsltotolcmd

Thiruvananthapuram, I 5th December 201I

Vol. [,Vl Thursday 201I milaruoen"rd 15 No. 'l

I 2363
oLcei5o 56 24th Agrahayana 1933 m<rud )
o{c90 1.933 oroCcnoocorcDo 24

cdr@g mldaocd
g*999t'_$r."t*9gggp (s) cuolg
sl. o. (.,r1) rrrmrrd nof zorlaacsloE. otlasornoe>oJ)@o, 20n aOlmsoaud B.

"61a$. oqd. a. mmttd zttfzotr.-1948-oet o'lcrilao corsmj <orgdgiloer (1948-oet

1l-co Gd:lo3 coDdp) 3-co cralni (r)-co pooa;d ("g1) euemlo cmroloc$ 5-co,Joi
(z)-co Q.'.toto,]nJocodl ol,l5iloiccoilgl"-r.ocoo. m-ldaocolo8 crjlos'l.,jnrroccor crocrjla,co6gBgtl
oLlcnlccoccrrlgJoassre;o io-rm5rtnl<D orgdgloofl 5-co oreJg (r)-co g"-ro:ar,;gj (dnil)
erlenic\.o airamsincmtloo;cm Lol6c(.0o 201r oncLeni;oto'l 2-co <ol"le)roflcoioer-240-co
cnmrtd c€'(og Grom)coc@em cnm6ilro8 zon mcn;orol 3t-oo o"laotoflcoloer urcolgrlzootl
"0)crn irlmloccor'l 1.lrru1a.u"lo,o1g lcr-tcloo'1a, oileerocrr:mornlccaet;gg
nI@Gor9JnJdBt3p]o orore'ii"-rcccu60BgJo, L",-rmito;or c.A€;B1of0 7-?o oJa,JHJtnJ6:c66o
o3"-t"l.oro1q olcrjloo coJrolcD po-Jcocoe,fi\)a'loilco;Sos potGocooJJo o-rro'lcncnjl4o'ilcngcro.,olo,
ce,og m:daoc<6, ffDooDoco)oolor qpcd c,'oc5o8 oorce'leLcgilosSdd cnoEcaereo)cao)
o$sclJo 6rJo6toxD a;ai1cn1oao3.o<6 pcocosco_to e"-rdoroiold6)lcm oloaD]on
Lol&coo ptoilmco8 crjluolmrlaojaco;Jo pnl o.ilceenrrco-Jfi)o utougloE iotmt'lel"laolaoScm
or"lcorrorl Lcilm)"olJtol mloao;aoil LaJcGile-r5on1o6 oio3.. o.l"lccDo.rlqocapl'l
cDlsoJaotdoJe,aoJo o.o-JgJcmJ.
l-1 4710,:clllDl'P.



I. goJ<ot1occru onslmrnccn GoJ(Do)o crildeggcoiao;cmanlcnggg @cDJg mioa,qotoA

oikec<not;o om5oila,a,g;o uomrg mioacojloE

(t .r (z) (s)

t. ojkeca)o- ofl

occcngtd trzooo-rso- 13350- r7o- 14200

z. oilec@o-6n-il

1. roroaelcerrdmi acccngd
z. o-r"l.r-d ooeoeenimi accrolmld
3. illori' ruroeereeneofl
4. "Od. esrqd. occmsd
s. rsoarialcrilcr'5cgsg1ol occmed
6. c.r:dcrueitroE orcccngd

.8. oc<daeigilor-i occmsd

9. orucoioEarS occmed
"-rdcgmS accmsd
11. gccrilori occcnsd ( rosoo- rss- r1175- 150- 11925
cilcrutAg o"oad
13. o,lg<d
"g'1dmna,53g1cfi "oocn5
14. .6;dmjla5;91cfi -:1".d
15. omle,golgl crg.'o"lml6
16. oma,yolgil occcned
17. oCrrtcsdd ogom.ilcnlod
18. ogeio.ilcnloxO
19. o"0. s1. acamsd
20. *'lSBo accmstd
21. mietlend accmstd
zZ. m4i"-reni
(, (z) (g)

3. oilrecoo-cru'l
r. oomrlc;pcfl' occmmd
2. "ntl.dg occmsd
3. enLcd occcnsd .'
4. en:cer$ occmsd
s. .srdcrulgBofl" "nlai ctrgo$' orjlorcod
6. occ;1;cocfl" occcnsd
t. al4en8 cp;5;orcdar5 occcnsd
8. "-rl"d. cgi;Sgoctdo-r5 { szzo-rzo-9320-130-ee7o

e. <nc6$ cllco"sjoAcrr5 occmed

10. ceLcenil occcogd
11. m4O"Sl.'.d
12. mt. alt. "-il./c"srom'cfid
13. ocdaoglo<.6 "gdmnaggloi
14. eim-lco'loEmi "gdmjla,3;5"1o) accmed
4. oilracaro-n-r'l
r. roromilcp;cfl erucd occmsd
2. mrlcrjlod a.1c.'igcrO
3. "A4. orgd. m.rggrdoooLmlra
4. '-dcgcd m-13"t<doooLm.l6
b. eilmoS o3o cru]gdooormrd
6. or*^a5lcoiqil ru;gdooocrud
1. L"o6rd ac.o"lmi m-:ggdooorm.ld
s. tocg$ cilce-r"sodmi ru;gtdooorutd
e. a,l4erd cgg5lorc<0m1ori { zzoo-ros-77gs-r15-8360
10 enrce,r$ ruggdooorrurd
11. otsqolcril mrggtdooorml<0
12. cru;gdoooLcmlSmj
13. o"on-d c"sic.rod
14. oru1a,gcil/4.':dmremoE oru1a,5cil/
c":ScruemoE oomAcpc$'/
ca,cen0.'o'lculo0"sl5o8 *d.nn$' /
oog".roLfr omrta,Scfl
(r) (z)

15. O"OA.d orAomCCnlard

16. erulmilmqp orn-rafld

17. 6ronirjloci o3o cru;$tdoocucm-ldoi
18. oo,canlmi ",oc5g { zzoo- ros-7785- 11b-8360
1e. e1o go8crJtsaisr0
20. eco)cul otsdmd/eoEmits.dsd
?-1. ocoocqjlc;$

s. oitggg:_-q
1. ""Jfod?Orl)efra(
2. .OC,rSl5d

3. mrlcrilcord aro*J$Hn0
4. mtlcrjlqod gccdos5
s. erso",'ncorJ acotcogtd
6. cficntoj,*oflgn"\
7. m-r"lailqlrd 1a.offii oc.,n"lmi roramnqpe'
. B. crr.")crillord L"n5rd aconl<T-rj
cn-!'l *r,g cri
{ ooso-gs-6525-ro5-7oso
"6*r! 5"i

9. a,cug5rd oSdm"l"stSoi
10. m)"latg)'d oaaocrrfl.od
11. olcotrdmrlqoid
12. o.'nn:i occdcir-rtnd/crrcdnxc6
13. 5rm"ituri e*,3erd/r-r"1.'r5
14. o,p,cm'lmj orruaexrf,

6. orieccno -"9.'-r5
1.,B3crilco-rd rmoaercareclf,
2. orocrrllcfx-of,
e 6r,cl3ed
4. oosgilg$ { szeo-so-s710-roo-62i0

s. r*Scnliurrd g.'oend ac"n"lcrri reocrJggqx"

(z) (s)

7 ooaoccrilad
B petdls"l"srSaE
I ooerndoca8
mn. osdm"l"sl5od
12 ,'-rmi acgcogtd
13 acrniloAd
14 C"SiC.'nd
15 ccp;cd gcded
16 scefl 6c6od
17 cgpcd o1q-rdiooceercdnri algd { szoo-go-s7 10- 100-6210

18 cg1;5goLcdnrS 6ctdae5
le o"-tcojlofld
20 rucdmcrfl
21 oargor-rort0/cenlc$ ooLmolrd
22 lmrcei
)'.t qg5;crcdor5/eroLcJgtd
24 o;ao)
25 s'lo csra(ru'lslto$,
26 erug51"smE
27 o.oord eiocSpeng$
ol1re_cg1o-er'l ,

"61d oqd. rongcrflrE
2. a,14en0 cp;gcrLcdnrjlor,i c;gc"-d
3. .'oOmiaca0/cl,;o ceruCd/
o3o ruomicIgof,
;1. om-i,sgo1gl ioctdnd
5. oacm"lmi ccoxdo-rj
6, oeruod ceruccojcnj {azgo-es-s2os-9s-s680
7. ac,oo1m5 cenlcdmi
B. cnctdo.6md
9. <oocn-)lsltfi0
10 nki{i ocgcogd
1t cc;1;cd ctlogoed
12 oLcoe{/orceil$
(r) (z)

6. qleqq. eCIg :

t. "lgerd
2. o"ooEgd
3. .mia,coLoold
4. 61cn<6
5. ad"d otc"scd
{ agao-go-4740-90-5190
6. orc"scdacoA
7. i".rqgocoE
8. ocggclcnd
e. osdetd
10. ooer"-dcncda,ri
a,Sol,gi:-cao8 ojlrec<noro'iloSom5toila,cojloEoo$coroorco;oenepjl<o8
"-l5ila,colo8 ".roeoroillgg
Grdoroodoct0eei o-rg'le,o;1o8 a,caml4iSlgg m)ocff)oJBcrrlo;leLlgg
omioflo qo;os (ocrugmioa coiloE <aro mgorol ceoenem cani.

I[. aslcoerucolcr
(r) <orosllmmcm c,ocnLgoroild o4oeo occoc s"lrumeoctocnJo G6og m;daoc.lon$
ogdoc6yDcold;crJ crgofl, SBcSSBliar) oa,gg <urocooi *1H, Gr9cunccnoro'i'lm;coLerrel
aoc(oc occruoJJo 1.umr1raD1e,o1aer;rm goJcGco(o5 oflercruS.o-ilacorSos (ruroslmmcmo
tssg:99=t00) rao c.'rcttn0ffi olag|lo8 oLdanlaei]cm eiccoc c.'.rccoi1of,3o L.'.roiloccruo za
oJoJ 90 oortrcru crjloas)lo8 a,9jco6iloro moEca,enerocerfr.

(z) ps;oo1, olcocncd elgeuEeei Lolc<orJo, eorcecd(D5 crr'letmt;o-l1a,

plc dlge,giloS corrocleoo CIJcrDcd, cogcs'l coLcneansddd
cojene'l 1"-rmflra.r-l"la,o1ao;cm goJccc6o'15 or1erru;o.L'laco.r;os tgns'lmincmroro'r1o8
€agicocilcoro moScaeneocerfr .

III. rea,semo
ojlec<no g"lormaocdeo;o cooEgoeoro cocrugoto 6{rrcoc, oto)coJo eJsco<il)
L.,ro.r5oroflcnlaco<urd cDnrsmJearu6rDorJo mo8a,'lqolo'lceereneoc6Tti.

ru ouo(oar9lclDo
g1ormeoc<daei ao(rugolol1m3o o,sjco6rucorooiaer;o oJJocD mletol1o8
eLe'l4;oacene1oleer;cm crgcDJe,JegcoBpJo ctrdccol criloceile-r;o crilen:mocnco.fle-L3o
o'r3st6cm;o moEcaerrgrocerri.

V.' ons'kruocm corrocncrildepgorclol'l

cnlaloflet;gg e"lo.rcnaerco;os oroslcnrnccn uocrugcrfldepcoroorld o(orcaleljso/
ffl)Ocolo)o o)cog ojoao]oD o{orrune,Ua .tjceilceeieneoc6n;, ccrorDCetcfi,-
(r) corilg mioa,coieLloer olcnloonloS o)coe occrucncrugo olcecnloo;cmo.rded,
uocrug mSoacor'lejlocfl o:1crflooro.tlro8 crilvorcolq ocm)@ffugo oloEca,erre@c6rd;

(z) uocrug mjoa,<ror'le.l1oel pscoioE orolcrDololos oooDUofiugo mlerofloS

orceanloaocenelolao;cm rrnos1mrnr,i-, corn go mioa,cor'leilos oo; cc;gd orgoemaoloE,
c-gpmler;o, cyaRcololaJ&$1o, rorosJroro.r g$$e'le-L;o mlooLcoiai CIcffDcroc[upo

(s) (l'rds'lcru-ocm uomlgollo aojoodil(olo.)aDlo 1.,-tcrorSaoceoi coidoflo"leococo

ffDo6,gdlojoloccot'l u0{TUpo orcdsB}crD g1ormeocoJos aco5rool1o8, orooor'lo
o.l'leenncolmo l"lcenLer5<ooflo8 oJffD <o"lcoro'.ilco.flo8 rgnd"oorof,g evcosruoto.) (o)J6
(1"-rmiro;ror acertoroi eieJoceo) goicr3cdo.lAcrlleJ m.i;o-fla,co.r;os <oros'lcrunccnooloE
aemeocoolao)d) oacrorD cotrorcnoro'lo8 cn'lrri o,JooiJ ooloioi enLceo'l ol;a
croslmmcm corormaccoi aemaocao'], o3e,g1o8.(r), (z) pmorofloS ocemlg
o[oJ(runoJuE6"-t.ocoo roros'lmrnccn rooxpo criloorLcon4 CIccTDsocn.tgo cnoEcaoe<ocen5;

VI. nlcirm;cruolmo

oileeroc"-Lmroojlo8 ocm) col(omo crjlcolcor'ldlagp ojlec<n6sBop auoeruaurl{
rarootrdod r:lolmtcotolm
o'roslcmcccnoro'ilo8 Gorcorcllo cno8ca,errgl ol@lffDoloruo Groold
acffucolo)cD criloaejlepcoloScm;ooroloS errelaer;occoflo;cm oros'lmrnccn oocugoroJ)onfl.lo
rororo)roi a,cetolor" <arodcro<ooq-1g 6,gicoGru(orDaoJosaotlo GrOoa (oJ6aolos
6toJ cc{Do (0)}6 edTDeocaol cnoEcaenEoceni.

VIl. o.'rcollorJorcmoa,ua

("Al) p,.:D cooletcot'lo8 .,g1oon1er;o or'lrgccno o<ocs'lercgle,oEaei' p.t9

ofleeroco.lm<oroiloE acemlg'cn'loaolccneercsa a3s;<ooE GeJo)cno cn'leroL'loE
elrelaer]crn]oenee*,?o8, GroLcljacoo;gg pcodcm colcoff)o rorgsdcm;o mo8caene<ocen5.

(erul) p.c caorancoloE mloo:o1g o6lgoi;o a,Jo6loto e,;etlmlooei

1.lcolet5<oro'iloE oro;cm o;oco)ad, m.l6aocd zoos e;obel 24-co ro"lcolroiloflofl 1352-co
mcrud csroffDctr'lcoGlD <nmr91o8 orod. o. cncrud o+s f zoos torgaol
lotm.flGuogs;oro'ilcor<or3o .2009 sJooel 23-co o"lcorroi'lcojloer gl. o (.,Oo mm:6
lzoos laorcploS cncnLocao.fl
"j;oogs;oildo.)]oce) oileeoccJmoro'floa coLromcriload
gp cd s
c .'oc goE coo.l etcot'lo g1 otcnoocdesi enLccuao gcroc coftorol"lo;cm rorcerrS.

<nottdepo]os gcorooojlcr0l.':accoo,

rn oL ard o a np" omt p' g c>7.
,'t"l S

o,t'l so B1 a o em ao; cr1 g]

(prd ojleooccrlocoroilocrfl reccnocalcrDo.lg. .,6;cmco8 oncrilocrf, o.'lc61J
o oreil o g s1 roogcm <oilcd g cg oo1 g;oacdreJe ts ttllca.; cm; )

' ca'j(og fiDoffDocff)om cp;cd c.'oc5o8 oo'rcele.rcg|la,uled mosca,enEocaor

arJo6lolo6leil criluuaol€oJcm<or1cd 1948-oeJ olcriloo corsmS <orqdsloeL 5-co oL6,lg]
(r)-co p"-roalg] (enn) euenSoloroiloS o{oroun odgJcmLdorcoo 2011 g?cnJcrol gr-co
olqooilaoloel tasoo/gtlzootlaolcp'lo8 mm:d g.,-rcLoo1e, oileoroco.tmooflccao6
ftrQ GorgJo-156l3$J o crfl d c g <oesB g3o u o1 cnerrfl gJ o a, c6rel o 6, o'l crfl o o c oJ cD 611 g or cB g6
rua"loilcorJos poJcouoo o-tolcnerrilgccrooeio{o (oJcnSoJror coeuercojlos
eJo6o]o.) a,Sailcriloao]e,ua criluucoflao;orccrE mtdeocd
"61$o1o o.r"lo;occri1 g3.

c o o6 g o eroro er aruJ o cnl o *. g J cm <o'l cri p c q cro'1 4 J o 6 c 6r'EJ gg ro c em- p nc



Labour and Rehabilitation (B) Department


G' O'(P)No. 180/201 I/LBR. Dated, Thinpananthapurarn,I 3th December 20ll .

S' R' O. No. 7g3l20ll.-In Exercise of the powers conferred

by clause (a)
of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Minimum wages Act, l94g (Central Act li
of 1948) read with sub-section (2) of section 5 thereof, the Government.1-Kerala
after cotrsidering the objections and suggestions receivecl on the drali proposal
previously published under Notification No. 1436018112007ILItR
3lst January, 20ll in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 240 clated
2nd February,20ll as required under clause (b) of sub-section (l)
of section 5
of the said Act and in consultation with the Minimum Wages Advisory Board
constituted under section 7 of the said Act, hereby flx the minimurn
rates of
wages payable td the employees employed in the Star Hotels
in the State of-
Kerala as specified in the schedule annexed hereto and fix the
date of
publication of this notification in the Gazette as the clate on
which the rates shall
come into force.

I. Pay Scale fbr calculating Monthly Basic Wages

.5'/. Scale ,rf Pay
(li - -- (3)
l. Cotegor.y-A
Manager ( I 2m0- I 50-r 33$-170-14200

2. Cutegory-B
l. Accounts Managcr
2. Chief Accounts Officer
3. Clhief Accountant
4. [t. R. Manager
5. Administrative Manager
6. Personnel Managcr
7. Front Olfice Manager
8. Marketing Manager
g. Sales Manager
10. Purchase l\4anager
I l. Planning Manager ( 1050G1 35-r I 175-1sGl 1925
12. Research Manager
13. Executive House Keeper
14. Executive Chief
15. Security Officer
16. Security Manager
17. Project Engineer
18. Engineer
19. L T. lr4anager
20. System Manager
21. Saloon l\4anager
22. Superintendent


(l) (2) (3)

3. Ctttegory-C
l. Assistant Manager
2. Shilt Nlanager
'- 3. Bar Manager
4. Bancluet Manager
5. Assistant Food and
Beverage Manager
6. Restaurant Manager
7. Kitchen Steward Manager < 87 20 - t20 -9320- t30 -997 0
8. Chief Steward
9. Guest Relations Manager
10. I-obby Manager
I l. Souse-Chef
12. .C. D. P./Chef-De-Ceuvre
13. Marketing Executive
14. Sales Executive Manager

4. Categor.y-D

Assistant Bar Manager

Senior Captain .

H. R. Supervisor
Floor Supervisor
Linen Room Supervisor'
Security Supervisor
Front Office Supervisor < 7260-105-778s-l I 5-8360
Guest Relations Supervisor
Kitchen Stewarding
Banquet Supervisor
Trainee Supervisor
(l) (2) (3)

13. Head Chauffeur

14, Secretary/Pcrsonal Secretary/

Personal Assistant/Con fi dential
Assistant/Private Secretary
15. Head Mechanic
I (r. Business Centre Executive
< 7260-105-7785-t I 5-8360
17. Dining Room Supervisor
r8. Comrrris First

19. Gynr Instructor

20. Yoga Trainer/instructor
21. 1-herapist

). Cutagrtry-E
l. Accountant
2. Cashier
3. Senior Assistant
4. Senior Clerk
-5. C)pcrator
6. Iteccptionist
7. Senior Front Oflice Assistant
8. Senior Front Otllce Executive < 6050-95-6525- I 05-70.1;, j
9. Computer Technician
10. Senior Mechanic
I l. Overseer
12. Head Gardener/Garden
13. Head Cook/Chief Cook

14. Conrmis Second

(l) Q) (3)

6. Category-F
l. Junior Accountant
2. Assistant
3. Clert
4. Typist
' 5. Junior Front Office Assistant
6. Junior Front Office
7. Mechanic
8. Electrician
9. Lineman
10. .A. C. Technician
I l. Plumber
12. Pump Operator
13. Carpenter
14. Chauffeur
' t 5260-90-57 I 0- I 00 -6210

15. Store Clerk

16. Tally Clerk
17. Store KeeperrRecord Keeper
18. Stervard Clerk
19. Painter
20. Sergeant
21" Driver/Boat Driver
n. Smnk
23. Steward/Waiter
24 Cook
25. Gym Assistant
26. Btrautician
n. Hair Stylist
(t) (2) (3)

7. Cutegory-G
l. H. R, Attender
2. Kitcl,en Stewarding Staff
3. Housemar/Room Boy/ Room
4. Security Guard
5. Cornmis Third
6. Bell Boy < 4780-8s-s205-9s-5680
7. Ollice Boy
8. Gardener
9. Pool Assistant
r0. Lift Operator
ll. Store Attender
12. Valet
8. Curegory-H
l. Peon
2. Helper
3. Scavenger
4. Cleaner
5. Dish Washer t 4340-80-4740-%-5190
6. Washer man
'7. Pressman
8. Staincr
9. 'lailor

10. Life Guard

Note:- If any category/post is not included in the Schcdule above, the workers
are eligible fbr the pay scale fixed tbr equivalent category/post.
It. Dearness Allowance
( l) In addition to the basic rate of waqes. the employees
shall be
elisible'fbr of Rs. 24.90 (Rupeed Twentv four and
Dearness Allowance at the rate
Ni-netv oaise) for everv increase of one point above 130 points (N-ew Series
1998-99:100i of the Consumer Price Index'Numbers publishett by thti Department
of Economics and Statistics for District Headquarter's cortcerneii.
(2) In Idukki and Wayanad Districts, Dearness Allowance shall be paid
on tlte basis of the Consumer Price Index Numbers published fbr Mu'nar and
Meppadi centres respectively.
III. Food
The workers shall,be given food free of cost, while they are on duty, irr
addition to Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance.
l\'. Protection
in receipt of any benefit other than the basic
The workers who are
wages and Dearness Allowance shall continue to get such benefits irr the same
rates and conditions.
V Method for fixation of the basic lvages
The fbllowing method shall be fbll*ved by the employer/incrustry i.r
fixing basic wages of the existing employees.
Wherever the employee is in i'eceipt of basic wages at a rate lower than
that prescribed as per this notification, the minirnum of the scale o1' pay
shall be allowed.
(ii) In the case of employees drawing wages above minimum of the scale
prescribed' their pay shall be fixed as fbllows. If it is a stage fixed as per this
notification, their pay shall be fixed in that stage, otherwise it will bc fixed at
the next stage of the scale of pay.
In case of employees who are in receipt of consolidated pay instead
of Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance, their Dearness Allowance rnay be
calculated (based on the Comsumer Price Index for the time being) and this
amount may be deducted from the consolidated pay and the amount so arrivecl
shall be treated as basic pay. Then their pay shall be calculated as stated at
Para (i) and (ii) above.
VI. Daily wages
The daily rate in respect of the category of employees fbr whom mgnt6ly .

rate is fixed as per this notification shall be calculated by dividing the rnonJhly
rate including the Dearness Allowance eligibre fbr them by 26.
ut. General Conditions
The workers who are in receipt of wages higher than the minimurn
wages fixed as per this notiflcation shall continue to get the benetjt
of such
higher wages.
(b) Whenever the minimum rates fixed as per this notification come into
fbrce, the minirnum rates of wages fixed ur p.. notification issued under
G' O. (Ms') No. I 0012009/LBR dated 23rcl July, 2009 and publishecl as S. R: O.
No. 64312009 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 1352 dated 24th July, 2009
shall cease to be applicable to the employees in the Star Hotel Sector for which
rninimum rates are frxed.
By order of the Governor,

ANrr-, X.,
Secretctrli to Covernnten t.

Explanatory Note
(This does not fbrm part of the notification, but is intended to indicate
gcnei'al pLllport.)
After considering the objections and suggestions received on the
prelinrirrary notification issued as per No. I436011l/2007/LBR clated 3lst
20 I I as provided uncler clause (b) of sub-section ( I of section
) 5 of the
Minirnunl Wages r\ct, i948 and in consultation with the Minirnurn Wages
Atlvisory lloard, Government liave decicled to fix the minimum rates of wages
payablc to the ornplovees who are employed in Star Hotels Sector i1
tl-re State of
This notillcation is intended to achieve the above object.


Al ^NI)(iovLRNMtrNl
'l t{E
ciiNl'ttAt. pREss. r'HiltuvANAN'r'ilApuRAM. 2()i r.

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