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© There is oneerror in each line of the following paragraph, Write the incorrect Word and the correct word in the space given. Incorrect Correct Peer pressure are one of the biggest problems faced by young adults in school. Whether it are about what to wear, whom to being friends with, what activities to engage in; our peers ends up influencing a lot of our decisions. As young adults looking to fit in, all of us has had to make hard choices. Each one of us have been faced with a difficult decision at some point in time; it would be deciding not to make fun of a new students in class when everybody else are; or it could be deciding not to engage in harmful activities just because most of our friends is doing so. In my own small ways, we can stand up for the right thing. eae Do you know whom Dashrath Manjhi is? He was a Villager which is also known as the Mountain Man. His is a story ofan ordinary man where responded extraondinarily to adverse situations, Manjhi were a small-time labourer in Gehlaur, that is a small village in Bihar. One day, her wife was crossing the Gehlaur hills to bringing him hunch, when she slipped and fell. who eventually led to her death, Heartbroken, Dashrath set out to carve a road through the hills because his village could get easier access for hospitals. 22 years later, he had built a 360-foot long road whose reduced a distance of 55 km toa mere 15 km.

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