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I am not a lab rat

I am not a guinea pig.

I am only a child! I want to live.
Please don’t use me for a dangerous science experiment!
So many doctors and nurses have died from the vaccinations…..and now the dead can’t talk.
The media is lying.
The same people who own the media own the pharma companies. Stop this travesty!
Demand justice for the millions who have died!


Stand up! Demand your rights!

No state government can legally mandate vaccinations in order to get food subsidies!
Indian law at the Centre says vaccines cannot be mandated!
Especially a so called experimental gene therapy.
Don’t be fooled by ignorant civil servants and a lying mass media!
Wake Up!!!!


The vaccinations have killed millions and harmed and maimed many more worldwide.
Please do your research.
For the necessary legal documents to file legal cases against ignorant local government
officials: look up
It is illegal to base your food subsidies on illegal vaccine mandates!!!


All vaccine mandates worldwide are against the Nuremburg Code and are a major
punishable offence by execution!!!! All ignorant local public officials must cease and desist
mandating these experimental vaccines that have now been proven to be lethal!
You must demand the same of any official who has demanded that you mandate them from
your own position of responsibility. Wake up!


These vaccines attack your body.

They have been proven to destroy your natural immunity!
Do you want to take them yourself?
Would you even consider them for your child?

These vaccines are unholy!
They contain human, cow and multiple species embryos.
If you take them you are as good as a cannibal!

These vaccines are unholy!

They contain human, cow and multiple species embryos.
They have luciferase named after the devil.
If you don’t die from the spike protiens, they have graphine oxide to take out your
memories, replace them and turn you into a transhuman.
Is this what you want to inject yourself with just so you can travel?


The vaccine technology used in all the Covid 19 vaccines KILLED ALL THE ANIMALS in twenty
years of experimental trials!
In every trial, 80% of the animals had immediate bad side effects.
In every trial, 1% of the animals died immediately.
After five to six months ALL THE ANIMALS DIED.
They were deemed UNFIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION and shelved permanently!

So why is humanity being coerced to take them now?

Just ask the Davos billionaire group who is behind this mania. Ask Bill Gates. Ask the Queen.
They are all genocidal maniacs. Very simply: They want you dead.


Why do some people not have any reactions to the vaccine?

And yet many are damaged for life or die very soon after getting jabbed?
Many are not given the real thing, because if they gave everyone the real thing immediately,
too many would die immediately and then rest would say no.
Beware of the boosters!
If you haven’t received the real thing yet, it will come to you soon!

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