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Nombre del estudiante:



Kirsten Luba Cruz Galvan

Daniela Guadalupe Marquez Reyes

Nombre del trabajo:


Fecha de entrega:




Nombre de la materia:


1.- Inspiring young people who dream of 1.- They show the excesses they have and
becoming an actor or musician children watch this

2.- Social programs that involve young people 2.- Influences the way people think, this can
helping the world be bad if the celebrity expresses his or her
ideas and the young person misinterprets this
3.- create goals to overcome and be able to information.
have a better life
3.- they think that by becoming an influencer
4.- they can give ideas to others or info of they will have the luxuries like people who
social movements, etc already come from famous families
Negative: the info could be wrong
4.- Most live in a reality that only exists in their
minds and most don't add really good things
to others.
They make life seem a little lighter and
sometimes fun

BLOG (8lines)

Young people should not believe everything they see on social networks, because "celebrities" can
show their best lifestyles, but they can also be fake. Teenagers should know that they have their
own ideas, personality and style, and that it is not wrong to be inspired by "celebs", but they don't
have to be a clone of them. Young people shouldn’t believe everything they see in social media,
because “celebrities” can show you their best lifestyles, but it also can be fake. Teenagers needs to
know that they have their own ideas, personality, style, and it is NOT wrong to have some
inspiration from the “celebs” but they don’t have to be a clon of them.

Young people have a great capacity to absorb a large amount of information, which makes it very
easy to influence their way of thinking. This is where it is up to each of them to make good or bad
decisions. Celebrities have a standard that society itself has set for them, celebrities must be
perfect. This ideology must change, every body personality is very different so it is okay to be
different from others because that is what makes you yourself as a person.
Some celebrities have been very important in the matter of mental health. This is very important,
especially when it comes to children and teenagers who are easily influenced, hence the
importance of good examples.
The presence of parents is extremely important in the education of children and adolescents

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