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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

Normal Road, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City 7000
Tel. No. 991- 3840

Name: Yvette A. Maglambayan

Year & Section: BS BIO 1C

Worksheet 3 – US101 Psychosocial Development

1. During Infancy, how important it is for the caregiver to provide adequate care and
generativity towards a baby? What are the consequences of failing to do so?

- It is important as it provides as a basis for growth and development of the baby. If the caregiver
will fail to provide proper care and generativity towards the baby, the child will begin to believe
that he or she cannot trust or rely on the adults in their lives. This will be the consequences
because a child is only dependent on their caregivers in this stage of their lives, they develop and
build their trust in the child's caregivers based on their dependability and quality.

2. In the toddler period it is said that parents should be able to give a degree of choice
towards children, if unable what could be the impact towards the person as an adult?

- For the rest of their lives, children will need to make sensible judgments. Giving children
options makes them feel empowered and in control of their behavior. A child will not be able to
make decisions on their own if they are not taught to do so. Being self-disciplined entails
recognizing and accepting responsibility for life decisions. It is also difficult to teach children to
accept the consequences of their actions if they are not disturbed or aware that their activities
have a direct influence on the outcome, whether positive or negative. Raising children entails
preparing them for the world and life on their own by providing them with the skills needed to
succeed as well as cope with failure. If their bad decision-making persists, a problem may occur.
This commonly occurs when parents do not hold their children accountable for their terrible
conduct, instead bailing them out of the trouble they have caused. These kids learn that they are
not responsible for their actions and that they may do whatever they want without fear of
consequences. They'd be overwhelmed by the options and tortured by indecision, or they'd want
everything. You want children to understand if their decisions were good or terrible, and that
they are responsible for the consequences of their choices with each decision.

3. What would you do in a situation where a child cries because he fails in his exam? Cite
an example and explain your process.

- Example, my nephew who is a grade 2 student got a 14/30 score in his Math exam, he was
really disappointed at what score he got and cries over it. The thing that I will do is, I will
first comfort him and make him calm down. And next, I will tell him that it is okay to fail
in exams because we all go through failures, even in our lives, and that should be our
motivation to do better next time and study more so that we will not fail anymore. We
should be able to learn, to not fail next time or do better than before.

4. What if for example, your child wouldn’t start her homework if you won’t help her?
What would you do? Cite example and explain your process.

- I would encourage her to do it herself more while assuring her that I would be there for her
every step of the way. When a child is young and still learning, he or she will require
assistance from an adult. Sometimes, to reassure them that we are present even when we are
not, they require something to signify it, such as something motivating. A toddler, for
example, is more likely to do what you say if you give them something as a prize, such as a
chocolate cake. I'd use this technique to help her finish her homework by increasing her

5. At your age right now, between late adolescence and young adulthood, how important is
it for you to established your own identity? And what are the indications that a person has
already established his/ her sense of self?

- I think, it is very much important at my age to be able to establish my own identity. This is the
major stage of the development in what role or what our selves will be as we will become an
adult. Because, in my age right now, it is where a person starts to search for a sense of self and
personal identity, through an intense exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals, and
experiences changes in some ways that we will be adjusting to. With this, we re-examine our
identity and try to figure out who we really is. And as we go through this stage, we can already
say that this person has already established his/her sense of self if that person already adapt and
grow into the changes, or if she/he already has the virtue of fidelity. It means having the ability
to dedicate oneself to others on the basis of acceptance, even when ideological differences exist.

6. Base on multiple researches, it is said that teenagers are prone to external influences, such
as peer pressure. What do you think are the reasons behind this?

- People who lack confidence and prefer to follow rather than lead may be more prone to seek
praise from their peers by submitting to a dangerous challenge or idea. People who are unsure of
themselves, new to the group, or unfamiliar with peer pressure are more prone to submit. They
want approval from anybody. And sometimes being approved by others implies that they will be
doing something they are not used to and will be under pressure to do so. Peer influence occurs
when you choose to do something you would not normally do otherwise in order to feel liked
and appreciated by your buddy. Peer influence is a better term for how teens' behavior is
impacted by a desire to belong to a group of friends or peers. They are easily influenced because
this is who they spend the most of their time with. It is with whom they socialized. Even if they
are aware that those individuals have a negative effect on them, they will continue to socialize
with them since they are the only ones who accept them for who they are. And in exchange, they
will do things that will help them feel accepted. They want to be liked, to fit in, or they are afraid
that other kids will make fun of them if they do not conform to the group's expectations. Others
join up because they want to try something new.

7. During the Intimacy Vs. Isolation stage it is said that before a person could be able to
find intimacy, it is pertinent that one should have established identity? What could be the
reason behind this?

- In the Intimacy Vs. Isolation, we begin to share more private details about ourselves with
others at this stage. We look at relationships that lead to longer-term commitments with
people who aren't family members. And the reason behind that one should have established
identity could be, if we already establish our identity it would be easier for us to be able to
be successful in the Intimacy Vs. Isolation stage. Because, healthy identity development in
adolescence, according to Erikson, is a precursor of intimacy in love relationships in
emerging adulthood.

8. During Love or marriage, Ericson argued that there is a merge or union of two identities.
How does this happen? Is understanding this idea relevant in mending one’s broken

- It was common for spouses to have different identities prior to marriage. They do have
variances that are apparent from time to time. However, upon marriage, they commit to their
wives, and they have accepted their differences over this time. It can also help you and your
marriage cope with the changes if you and your spouse accept your differences. Acceptance
requires recognizing and respecting your partner's quirks. It is a matter of being adaptive,
learning to compromise, and realizing that people make mistakes. Accepting their deception
(falsehoods). When you learn to accept your flaws rather than pick at and exaggerate them, you
create a healthy environment for yourself, you begin nourishing yourself in all the right ways,
you get stronger, more resilient, and more confident, and you begin to understand yourself.

9. During Generativity vs. Stagnation, what are the goals or objective of a person at this

- The goals and objective of a person at this age are identifying their life's work and contributing
to the growth of others with activities like volunteering, mentoring, and parenthood. In this age
they are in, individuals begin to contribute to the next generation at this period, typically through
motherhood and caring for others. They also contribute to society by working in meaningful and
productive jobs. Genitivity is defined as "making your mark" on the world by producing or
nurturing something that will outlast you. Individuals in here have a strong desire to develop or
nurture things that will survive them, typically having mentees or making constructive changes
that will benefit others.
10. During Old Age, Ericson argued that old people look back and revaluate their life. In the
Filipino context how does despair, frustration and unsatisfaction occur? Do think that it is
coming from our culture? How so?

- Culture may play a role in the occurrence of certain events. However, this does not always
imply that it is wholly due to it. Because of the extra time they have, the elderly tend to review
their life. After they have spent their lives trying anything they can to have a better life, it will all
come to an end and all we can truly do is reflect on it all. And, upon reflection, we can see that
they will have regrets, which will lead to despair, frustration, and dissatisfaction. However, our
society may occasionally be a cause of these problems. Many people have had this experience,
and both situational and cultural settings have increased the chance of regretting in actions over
acts. People were more likely to recall inactivity regrets in self-situations than in interpersonal
contexts, and the likelihood of recalling inactivity regrets was greater in self-situations. It is
generally driven by a counterfactual comparison of a decision's outcome with the superior
outcome of previously rejected alternatives.

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