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Moqadus Sehar

M.Phil Business Administration

Section: B

Movie Review: The King’s Speech

The King’s Speech is a movie released in 2010. It is based on a true story of Royal family. King
George V had three sons. Elder son “ Edward, Prince of Wales” and younger son “Prince Albert,
Duke of York”. The third son died early due to epilepsy. King (V) was not willing to make his
elder son as his successor due to his personal leaning towards “Chancellor Hitler” and “Premier
Stalin”. King was of view that Edward will not only ruin himself but also family and country by
allowing them to sort out matters in Europe. Due to severe stammering problem King was
reluctant to pass his crown to his older son as king has to be eloquent in speech. Speech therapist
were consulted for that matter. Fate brought thrown to David and he became King Edward VIII
after the death of his father. But very soon King Edward VIII abdicated to marry a divorced
women with whom he could not marry while being at the status of King. In this way Prince
Albert became King George VI. Afterwards he reigned and broadcasted many war time speeches
and messages fluently.

Speech Therapy

The Speech therapist Mr. Lionel logue though was not a professional or qualified one. He had
earlier experience of counseling war struck people and helping them recover the traumas. He had
the idea of usual problems with stuttering and stammering. He applied his skills at Prince Albert
and he started improving. Initially he knew that the cure of this problem is a two way process.
Medically this is caused either due to brain stem anoxia or childhood fears. He did not forced
prince to get treated from him. Rather he bet that he (Prince) can read Shakespeare fluently
which he denied at the spot. He made Prince wear headphones and told him to read loud. After
this initial technique Prince left Logue considering him not a right person for the cure of his
problem. Afterwards when Prince listened to his own record he was amazed and joined Logue
for his treatment.
Here comes the part where Logue tried to intrigued about his personal life but Prince strictly
refused to answer any such question. Instead he emphasized to work upon mechanical aspects of
his problem.

Mechanical Aspect of Problem: Logue made him exercise himself so that his jaw, tongue
and diaphragm would be strengthened. Breathing exercises were performed. It led to fluency in
his speech. Prince Albert came to know when he confronted his brother on the matter of throne
he still stammered. This installed disappointment. There Logue tried to capture the emotional or
psychological aspect of the problem. He developed a relationship of trust and friendship which
allowed prince to share his early days of life.

Psychological Aspect of the Problem: There were three problems discussed. Naturally
he was left-handed but he was made to write and work with right hand. He was punished for
knock-knees which had a negative impact on him. His brother with whom he loved died early
due to epileptic disorder. After this discussion they became more close to each other. This
relationship of trust and closeness led to friendship. Logue’s phrases “Bertie you can do it; Bertie
the bravest man” boosted his confidence. This self confidence led to the applauded broadcast of
King’s motivational war time speech in 1939 ( at the inception of war between Britain and

Critical Analysis: Speeches have always had a great importance in casting spell over masses.
It is the power of words, their communication which unites nation or disintegrate them. In
history we have demagogues like Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill and in our own country
Pakistan former prime minister Zulifqar Ali Bhutto. Their speeches are worth listening even
now. Here in this movie the subject is King’s Speech. King was suppose to be eloquent as in
Britain monarchy stands for unity and people regard and listen to them.

Stammering is a very common problem which struck Royal family too. The way speech therapist
cured the problem is worth praising. The message that is been given through the movie is there
are two aspects of a problem one is hidden and the other is apparent. One is psychological and
other is technical. Initially when mechanical side was captured the Prince’s problem was not
fully removed. When his emotional side was also catered, Prince showed tremendous
improvement. Prince needed a person who can understand him and Logue did it well. As in the
ending dialogues of movie Logue said “ Forget everything, and say it to me, to your friend”. The
role of his wife cannot be ignored. She always supported her and stood there for him in every
minute of his struggle with his stammering problem. This also lead to a conclusion that through
“will power” impossible tasks become I’m possible.

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