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Assalamualaikum. Dear judges and everyone in this room, it is a pleasure to be here.

my name's dimas
and i'm from eleven grade, mipa 7 class. and now today, I will tell a story called "three little pigs".


once upon a time, there was a mother pig living with her three little pigs.

"now all of you have grown up. you must seek your Fortune by yourself. I can no more sustain you" says
mother pig.

mother gave them some money to travel to a faraway town to build their own houses. So, the three
little pigs left the mother's house together. On their way, they rested under a big tree and started
discussing their plans.

"now we have got the chance to prove ourselves, why don't we take our separate routes and try our
luck?" says the youngest pig.

"Yes, we can survive on our strength," says the second brother. the third pig, which was wiser than the
other two, wasn't happy with the idea of separation. He knew that anyone can take advantage of his
naive brothers and they Will get into some trouble.

"brothers, I don't agree with you, our unity is our strength and we should not break our strength," says
the oldest pig

"you always try to preach, we know what to do and what not to do," says the youngest pig

"yes, now we are not mamma's boys to listen to your speech," says the second brother pig

"Okay, I agree. I have an idea, which will help us all." says the oldest pig

"Haah?" youngest pig

"We Will build our separate houses and live by ourselves, nobody will interfere in anyone's business,"
says the oldest pig

"That's like my brother, that's final," says the youngest pig

"Wait. Wait. I haven't finished yet. We will build our houses nearby so that in case of any trouble, we
can help each other"

Yes, he is right brother," says younger pig

"Okay..okay. I agree but I don't think that I will face any trouble," says the youngest pig

The next morning, they decided the places to build their houses and left to collect the material for
"Building the houses with straw will be economical and much easier to build, I can buy a cozy bed to
sleep, with the remaining money," says the second pig brother

So, he approached a farmer.

"Farmer...farmer... I want to buy these straws to build my new house"

"Yes please, you can buy it"

The farmer sold straw to the first pig. The first pig went happily to build his house.

The second pig saw a wood utter along the path.

"A house made of sticks will be cooler and economical to build, I can buy a soft mattress for sleep," says
the youngest pig

So, he bought sticks from the wood utter and went to build his dream house.

But the third one, wiser than the others, decided to build a strong house of bricks so that it lasts longer.

"I would rather sleep on a mat, but I will build a long-lasting house for a secure future"

So, he went to the shop and bought bricks and cement. By the of the day, they gathered at a
construction site and started to build their houses. The first pig built his house by morning.

"Such a smart architect I am!!! I built the house much faster than the other two, now I will take some
rest," he said

"How could he build the house so fast? By evening I will finish building my house too," says the second

So he worked harder and completed his stick house by evening. Although the two brothers took less
time to build their house, the third pig didn't bother about it. He was still constructing the base of the

In the morning, when the two brothers came out of the house they laughed at him.

"What happened brother is there any difficulty in building the house? You should have consulted me
before" says the second pig

"I'm building the strongest house of all, it will stay strong in all weathers, all disasters, and throughout
the years."

The third pig decided to ignore his brother's s comments and focused on his work. Brick by brick, within
a week he built the house.

A few days passed, they loved happily in their new homes...

But soon, a wolf saw the three pigs and decided to eat them. The wolf came to the first pig's door and

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in," says the wolf

"No, no, no, not even in your dream, you bad wolf," says the pig

"Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in," says the wolf

The wolf filled a mindful of air and blew air on the little pig's house. Everything just flew away. With the
blow, the pig also flew and rolled onto the second pig's house.

He hid under a table and shouted

"Close the door. Close the door. A ferocious wolf was about to eat me, he might come here to hunt us."
Says the first pig


The second pig was shocked and ran to the door to close it tightly. He locked the door with all the locks.
The wolf came to the door and started banging on the door.

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

"No, no, no, you will still be outside my strong house," says the second pig

"Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in."

"do whatever you want, because my house is the strongest of all, you nasty wolf"

The wolf filled a lungful of air and blew the air on the little pig's house.

"Haahooooooh" the wolf blew the house

Everything just flew away. The pigs realized there is no roof on the house, there are no walls on the side.
Both ran to save their lives and entered the third pig house

(The third pig opened the door and seeing his brothers ran to the house with feared face)

"What happened to you? Why are you so scared? Says the second pig

" the bad wolf has blown away our houses with air, he might come here and blow away your house too,"
says the youngest pig while shaking

"Let's run and go back to mother," says the second pig

"He cannot blow even a brick of my house, I will teach him a lesson. Let him come. My brothers, I
promise, I will protect you." Says the third pig
Soon the wolf came to the door and started banging and pushing the door.

"Run away you bad wolf, you can't break through my house, ever!" Says the oldest pig

"You don't know about my strength, I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in. I blew your
brother's houses, too." Says the wolf

"Then try your luck, you will lose your breath, but you will not succeed," says the oldest pig

(The wolf tried to blow the pig's house three times)

The wolf gave all his power of his breath, but he failed. The house stood still, even not a single brick was
moving. After some trials, he lost his breath and fell to the ground.

But, the nasty wolf stood up again and took a long run to break the door. the pigs saw the wolf took a
long run, and the pigs work together to block the door from the inside

(The wolf ran to the door, several times, but failed and pissed out)

The third pig slowly opened the door and saw nothing, then he locked the door again.

"The wolf has gone, he failed to blow my house down," says the oldest pig

"We would have been in the wolf's stomach if you didn't shelter us in your house," says the youngest pig

"Yes brother, you saved our lives," says the second pig

"But brothers, he would have eaten me up, if both of you weren't here. We together blocked the door,
our unity is the one that saved us" says the oldest pig

"Yes, brother. You proved me wrong, unity is our real strength. Now we all will live together and will
never be apart" says the youngest pig

All the three pig brothers lived together happily forever

Ending asli:

para babi akhirnya membakar hidup-hidup si serigala dengan senyum manis di wajah mereka.
menandakan kemenangan melawan serigala dan makan malam bersama memakan daging serigala yang
sudah mereka bunuh.

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