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The course introduces students to the composition, structure and functions of biomolecules. It
also deals with the cellular basis of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The course further provides a
foundation in molecular biology and genetics with respect to DNA replication, transcription and
translation and how gene expression is controlled. The course also discusses the principles of
genetic variation and its inheritance among organisms. The principles and concepts covered in
the course provide a foundation for students to understand the knowledge contained in higher
level courses in the biological sciences and other related fields.


In order for students to understand the functioning of living organisms, they need to have
knowledge of the structure and physico-chemical properties of atoms and molecules which build
various components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Students also need to understand that
the long-term survival of organisms depends on the continuous division of their genetic material
and cells and that variation among related individuals is important for their environmental
adaptation and evolution. This course forms a foundation for many other higher-level courses in
genetics, molecular biology and related fields.


At the end of the course a student should be able to;

1. describe the atomic structure of elements of biological significance.
2. explain bond types involved in holding biomolecules together.
3. describe the structure and functions of important biological molecules.
4. identify structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells using the light microscope.
5. compare and contrast the structure and functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
6. interpret electron micrographs of cellular structures from electron micrographs.
7. explain the basic principles of molecular biology and genetics.
8. describe the role of gene regulation in cellular function.
9. explain the chromosomal theory of inheritance.
10. discuss classical Mendelian and post-Mendelian genetics.


ATOMIC STRUCTURE: Atomic structure and distribution of electrons in orbitals of selected

elements of biological significance (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium
and chlorine); Covalent bonds (in water and carbon dioxide); non-covalent bonds (ionic,
hydrogen, hydrophobic, hydrophilic and van der Waals). Water: Dipolar nature; Formation of
hydrogen bonds; Importance as a solvent; Roles related to its high latent heat of vaporization,
specific heat capacity, density and surface tension.

BIOMOLECULES: Carbohydrates: Structure and functions of monosaccharides,
disaccharides and polysaccharides in metabolism; synthesis and hydrolysis of disaccharides
(sucrose, maltose and lactose); synthesis and hydrolysis of polysaccharides (amylose,
amylopectin, cellulose and glycogen). Lipids: Structure of fatty acids (saturated and
unsaturated); synthesis of triglycerides (formation of ester bonds); roles of lipids (energy storage,
body protection, water proofing, insulation and buoyancy); synthesis of phospholipids; structure
and roles in the formation of cell membranes; structure and functions of waxes in plants and
animals (using any one example). Proteins: Structure and functions of amino acids;
classification of amino acids; synthesis and hydrolysis of polypeptides (peptide bonds and their
formation), Functions of proteins (transport, communication, structural, defence and catalysis);
different levels of protein structure (primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary); roles of ionic,
hydrogen, disulphide and Van der Waals interactions in protein structure. Enzymes: Concept of
induced-fit site and enzyme specificity, mechanisms of enzyme action (Key and Lock and
Induced-Fit hypotheses); enzymes as biological catalysts; Effects of pH, temperature, substrate
and enzyme concentration on enzyme catalysis. Role of cofactors and coenzymes on enzyme
activity. Effects of enzyme inhibitors (reversible and irreversible). Nucleic acids: Structure of
ribose, deoxyribose, phosphoric acid and nitrogenous bases (uracil, thymine, adenine, cytosine
and guanine), synthesis if nucleosides and nucleosides; synthesis polynucleotides (DNA and
RNA), structures and functions of DNA and RNA (mRNA, tRNA and rRNA).

CELLS: Prokaryotic cells: Typical structure of a bacterial cell (Escherichia coli); structure and
functions of bacterial cell wall, cell membrane (including phospholipids, proteins and
oligosaccharides); chromosomal and plasmid DNA. Eukaryotic cells: Structure of a typical
plant (palisade) cell and a typical animal (liver) cell; functions of the cell wall, cell membrane
and organelles (nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria, Golgi body, lysosome, vacuole).

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: DNA replication in prokaryotes: Semi-conservative replication,

Experiments of Stahl and Meselson; Leading strand and lagging strand DNA synthesis.
Transcription: mRNA, tRNA and rRNA transcription in prokaryotes (Initiation, elongation and
termination). Post transcriptional modifications of eukaryotic RNA primary transcripts.
Translation: Protein synthesis; properties of the genetic code; Amino acid activation, initiation,
elongation and termination. Regulation of gene expression: Significance; the Lac operon
system; End product inhibition. Types of gene mutation: Deletions, insertions, substitutions;
sickle cell anaemia as an example of a point mutation. Mutagens: Mutagenic effects; Chemical
e.g. deamination and depurination; Physical e.g. dimerization: Biological e.g. mutation due to
viral infection.

GENETICS: Chromosomal theory of inheritance: Discovery of chromosomes, chromosomal

structure (DNA, histones, nucleosomes), genes and alleles. Cell division: cell cycle, mitosis and
meiosis. Chiasma formation and chromosomal recombination. Genetics Introduction to
genetics: Definition and significance of genetics; key concepts in genetics: (e.g. phenotype,
genotype, homozygote, heterozygote, dominance, incomplete dominance, codominance,
recessive gene; P, F and F generations; test cross and back cross, etc.) Mendelian Genetics:
1 2

Mendel’s First and Second Laws; monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, Test cross and back cross.
Use of the Punnet square; the Chi-squared test. Post-Mendelian Genetics: Multiple alleles,
lethal genes, polygenic inheritance (continuous and discontinuous variation), gene linkage. Gene
interactions: Epistasis and modifications of Mendelian phenotypic ratios.

Sex determination and sex-linkage: Inheritance of sex and sex-linked traits; colour blindness
and haemophilia as examples of X-linked diseases in humans; hormonal effects on sex

84 Lectures


1. Introduction to light microscopy.

2. Properties of water.
3. Qualitative and quantitative biochemical tests of biomolecules.
4. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of amino acids.
5. Effect of pH, temperature and enzyme and substrate concentration on enzyme activity.
6. Microscopic study of representative bacterial, plant and animal cells.
7. Identification of cellular structures from electron micrographs.
8. Video show illustrating the structure of the DNA molecule.
9. Microscopic examination of stained blood films for cell-type identification.
10. Characterization of cellular components.
11. DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction.
12. DNA extraction.
13. Mitosis in plant cells.
14. The behaviour of chromosomes during cell division and fertilization using simulations.
15. Study of characters showing genetic variation in Drosophila.
16. Monohybrid crosses in Drosophila, maize and peas.
17. Chi-squared test.
18. Solving genetic problems I – Monohybrid crosses.
19. Solving genetic problems II – Dihybrid crosses.
20. Solving pedigree problems post-Mendelian genetics.



Lectures 3
Tutorials 1
Laboratory 3
Total 7


Continuous Assessment 50%

Final Examination 50%
Task description Weighting
Quiz 10%
Theory test 20%
Practical test 10%
Practical reports 10%
One theory exam paper 50%

1. Solomon, E. P., Berg, L. R., and Martin, D. W. 2011. Biology, 9th ed. Brooks/Cole.
Belmont, CA. ISBN 9780538741255

1. Taylor, D.J., G.W. Stout, N.P.O., Green and Soper, R. 2008. Biological science, 3rd ed.
Cambridge University Press. London. ISBN 052168417X
2. Kent, M. 2013. Advanced biology. London: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-

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