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Classification System of the Hotels

The Costa Rican Tourism Board ICT classifies accommodations according to a 5 point system („stars“), which was developed in 1998 in
collaboration with the “Menlo Consulting Group” from the USA. The classification system is based on a detailed catalog of evaluation
criteria. The lowest score is 1 star, the highest 5 stars. Important to know: While hotels can receive a maximum score of 5 stars, rural
Lodges can receive a maximum of 3 stars.


The concept of sustainability: Definition of Sustainable Tourism, CST, 1997

The development of sustainable tourism must be seen as the balanced interaction between the use of our natural and cultural resources,
the improvement of the quality of life among the local communities, and the economic success of the industry, which also contributes to
national development. Sustainable tourism is not only a response to demand, but also an imperative condition to successfully compete
now and in the future. (Definition of Sustainable Tourism, CST, 1997)

The CST – Certificate for Sustainable Tourism (Certificado para la Sostenibilidad Turística) is a certification program
which certifies tourism businesses, evaluating the degree to which there operations are sustainable. The criteria and
indicators used to evaluate the degree of sustainability, are distributed among 4 fundamental areas:

1) Physical and Biological Environment

The CST evaluates how the business interacts with the surrounding natural environment. Does the company implement sustainable
policies and programs, does it contribute to the protection of the environment, does it seek to reduce it’s negative impact etc.?

2) Internal Processes and Practices, Facilities, Infrastructure

Among others, in this area the CST evaluates the waste management of the business and the technologies used (e.g. energy & water
saving appliances?) Another criteria involves the characteristics of the cleaning supply (biodegradable?) and other materials, foods
which are regularly bought (ecological?) and whether the personnel is being informed and involved in all related sustainability efforts of
the business.

3) The Client
The CST evaluates the efforts that the business takes to encourage the client to participate in the implementation of the business's
sustainability policies.

4) Socio-Economic Environment
This area includes an evaluation of the interaction of the business with the local community. Does the company contribute to the growth
and development of the region, e.g. by generating employment, giving environmental education to local schools, donations or other
benefits; does it buy locally and support local, small businesses?

For the classification of the business a scale from 1 to 5 levels („green leaves“) is used. The lowest score is represented by 1 leave
(level), the highest possible score is level 5.
Classification Scale Percentage Achieved
0 < 20%

1 20 – 39%

2 40 – 59%

3 60 – 79%

4 80 – 94%

5 > 95%

Important to know: For each of the above 4 fundamental areas, the percentage of criteria achieved, will be calculated. The final score
(= number of levels), will correspond to the classification of the area with the lowest percentage. E.g., if a business achieves more than
95% in the first three areas, but only 35% in the forth area (Socio-economic environment), the final score and CST Certificate will be
just 1 level.

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