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I hope you find this PDF summary guide helpful.

If you’d like to watch the video tutorial of the stretches below, please click here. (I
highly recommend that!)

Seated Piriformis Leg Cradle Stretch

1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight

2. Keep your back straight. Bring your knee towards your chest. Grab your calf
with one hand and your foot with your other hand.
3. Hug your knee bringing it closer to your chest to deepen the stretch
4. Switch sides.
Lying Piriformis Figure 4 Stretch

1. Lie on the floor and stretch out your body

2. Bend the left leg, open the leg out as you rest the left leg on the right leg right
above the right knee.
3. Make sure to keep your hips on the floor and avoid rotations.
4. Bend your right leg up into a figure 4 position.
5. Grab your right thigh and bring it closer to you
6. To deepen the stretch, use your left arm to push against the knee.
Internal Hip Rotations Stretch

1. Lie on your back.

2. Slightly bend your knees and open up your legs more than shoulder-width
3. Slowly rotate one hip inward without forcing your knee to touch the floor
4. Return to starting position and slowly bring the other hip inward.
Side Lying TFL Stretch

1. Lie on your right side. Keep your legs together and stretch out your legs.
2. Support your body with your arm.
3. Make sure to align your joints (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, and neck should
all create a straight line)
4. Bend your left leg and bring it to the front of the right thigh. And make sure
your knee is straight.
5. Now press up with your hands until your arms are straight.
6. You should feel a nice stretch from the side of your back all the way to your
7. Make sure to keep extending your leg to increase the intensity of the TFL
Side Lying Knee Bend

● Lie on your side with your legs straight.

● Rest your hand on your arm
● Bend your knee slowly.
● Grab your foot with your hand
● Make sure not to round your back or lean backward.

Recommended program: Piriformis Control

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