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Name : Lora Izzatul Laila

NIM : 2520190031
1. User : what’s third? (question)

Robot : I ranked the oxygen first (statement)

User : Okay. Which one is third? (question)

Robot : I ranked the stellar map third. (answer)

User : Why? (Question)

Robot : I ranked the stellar map third because we will need it for navigation when we walk.
(statement, information)

User : Okay. What’s next? (question)

Robot : .... (robot didn’t give any responses)

User : which one do you want to do next? (question) (

Robot : I ranked the food concentrate fourth (statement)

User : Okay. Why fourth? (question)

Robot : I’m Sorry, I didn’t hear you. (statement, contradiction)

2. The mood system is defined as “choices between different roles which a speaker can
select for himself and for his hearer” (Berry, 1975, p. 166). This establishes that the
speaker who starts a conversation can think in advance what role he/she will take among the
communication process.
3. The dialogue above is the content of the conversation between the robot and its owner or
user, the MOOD of the dialogue above is a question and answer, as well as a statement and
contradiction, where the user asks about the robot's rating system, at the end of the
conversation the robot states that he apologizes for not being able to respond to the user. for
not hearing it.
Second Dialog

1. Eliza : What’s on your mind today? Please let me know your opinion (question about
information, and command)

You : About family. (answer)

Eliza : I see. (statement)

You : I think Sazae’s family is good. (statement)

Eliza : what caused you to feel that way? (question)

You : Because the family members believe in themselves. (answer)

Eliza : What other reasons might there be? (question about information)

You : Well, I don’t know. (disclaimer)

Eliza : I’d like to know more about your opinion. (offer)

You : I don’t like my family so much. (statement)

Eliza : That is quite interesting. (statement)

You : Yeah.

Eliza : I ‘d like to know more about your opinion (offer)

You : My family members aren’t friendly, so I can’t talk with them. (statement)

Eliza : I see. (statement)

You : Do you have family? (question)

Eliza : Why do you think that? (question)

You : I don’t know who you are. (statement)

Eliza : Why do you ask? (question for information)

You : I’m sorry. (statement)

Eliza : That’s okay. Please continue (statement, command)

2. Mood system is the system of grammar that related to the interpersonal metafunction of
language. The interpersonal metafunction is about the social world, especially the
relationship between speaker and hearer, and is concerned with clauses as exchanges.
According to Halliday, there are two fundamental types of speech roles. Firstly, it is Giving
(inviting to receive), for example Would you like to have a cup of coffee? and secondly, it is
Demanding (inviting to give), for instance Can I have a cup of tea, please (Emilia, 20014, p.
107). Furthermore, there are two kind of commodities that can be exchanged, they are
Information and Goods & Services. In making a dialogue, there are four basic moves are
needed, they are statement, question, offer, and command. They are, then, called as speech
3. The dialogue above is the conversation between Eliza and "You", the MOOD of the dialogue
above is the question and answer, statement, offer, and disclaimer. It begins with Eliza's
asking about what is on "You"'s mind and Eliza's curiosity about "You"'s thoughts about her
family. In my opinion, the dialogue above looks like between a psychiatrist and his patient.

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