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♦M 31, 2022

Montgomery Baptists will prioritize the gospel above all by doing the following:
Meet human need while planting gospel seed;
Evangelize the River Region while planting and replanting churches;
Discover, develop, and deploy disciples of Christ to be missionaries across the street and around the world

Jesus is Waiting for You

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to
God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
If you have been a Christian for any length of time,
you have many heroes in the faith. Some may already
Neal Hughes be in heaven; some are in your church; some you may
Director of Missions not know personally, but you regularly follow via
media outlets. Bottom line: you see something in them
that you aspire to have in your Christian walk. They are human, but they have
been godly examples of the living Christ and His word. Being that you want to
be more like Jesus, you see Jesus in them and aspire to follow their example.
One such hero I have lives right here in the River Region: Scott Overby.
Scott has served in the Montgomery area for a long time. A born lay leader, I
first met this brother during the “Promise Keeper” days of the 1990s. He had
worked with Montgomery Baptists and other men of our community to get
hundreds of Montgomery men to join thousands of other kindred brothers at
Promise Keeper rallies around the country. Whether it was Atlanta,
Birmingham, or Washington, this discipler of men inspired the brotherhood to
walk with Jesus. And He still does.
Before Covid, Scott retired as a senior diver with the Alabama Department of
Transportation. He took a new job with McInnis Construction and has been
blessed by his supervisors to share Jesus everywhere he goes as a safety
instructor on behalf of the company.
Scott is in his “sweet spot” as he travels around the United States leading
conferences (and discipling men).
Scott is always transparent. He tells the truth and readily admits his failures.
Recently, my brother confessed to a few of us that he had hit a wall in his
travels. You may have been there. Nothing worked, nothing was on time,
missed meetings, delayed promises… all in 24 hours.
Scott had that kind of day, and it climaxed with him being stuck in San
Antonio with American Airlines canceling his flight to Montgomery (sound
familiar). Perhaps Scott was feeling like cartoon legend Foghorn Leghorn
when he said, “Boy, I say, Boy... You are about to exceed the limitations of
my medication.”
Tired and frustrated, with cancellations of flights, and no rooms at the inn Great Commission University
(St. Patrick’s Day), Scott finally found a hotel in the early morning hours and
prepared to get a couple of hours of sleep before returning to the airport for a
rescheduled flight. However, before he went to bed, our brother arranged for an
Meet and Feast
uber driver to meet him at his location. Later that morning, a Hispanic driver
wrote Scott the following text: April 7
11:00 - 1:00 p.m. or
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
20 Interstate Park Dr.
Meet Bob Burton as he takes an
in-depth look at the book of Acts
Scott said his day improved instantly with the early morning “Holy Spirit” to discover how God worked in
reminder. Perhaps you need this reminder today. Rest in the Lord. Jesus has and through His people in the first
already arrived at the center of your need and waits for you there. And by the century and how He still works
way, our Jesus has Five Stars!!! through His people in the 21st
Mary and I love you and count it a joy to live our lives on mission with each of
you in the River Region.
RSVP by March 31 at
Together WE Can! Participants will or
Neal receive a free book. 334.271.6227

Montgomery Baptist Association • PO Box 3319 • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 •
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.

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