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What is the Evolution of food security?

 Food security is an evolving concept, getting refined after new developments

and greater awareness about its necessity.
 During 1970’s, food crisis created awareness for food security and led to
formal institutional response globally. However, food availability through
buffer stocks was considered enough for ensuring food security.
 During the 1980’s, concern with increased poverty added access to food as
essential as food availability for food security.
 During the 1990’s, interest in human development led to absorption of food as
an essential component of food security.
 During the 2000’s, recurring food crisis necessitated to include stability as one
of the main components of food security.
 During the 2010’s, evidence of increasing malnutrition among the children/
females led to inclusion of nutrition as an essential element of food security.
 Now, food security invariably means that:
 Food is available in a certain country
 It is accessible to people, financially and physically
 People are healthy to absorb it
 Food supplies or prices are stable over period
 It is nutritious enough to sustain human body.

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