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Favourite time Activities

Presented to: Teacher Bruna

favourite time
Everyone has activities they like to do during their free time. I’m no other when it comes
to that.
Hello, my name’s Endrin. I’m 15 years old and I live in Tirana, Albania. Most people
know me as the shy guy that doesn’t really participate in much stuff. However, I’m a
totally different person while doing the things I enjoy.
1. One of my favourite activities is well, playing video games. I’m a huge video
games fan. I play for around 2-3 hours every-day. My favourite device to play
games on is my gaming laptop, which I bought with my own money for
Christmas. Some of my favourite games are Roblox, CS: GO, Minecraft and as of
2022 I hold the rank 99 as one of the best CS: GO players. It’s a pretty big
achievement if you ask me, it might not be worth so much in the real world but
I’m definitely proud of it.

2. Another activity I really enjoy and do almost every day is basketball. I recently
joined a basketball team and I’ve been playing with them since August. I’m not
the best player in the team when it comes to attacking, but I’m pretty good at
defending due to my strength. I also was pretty chubby when I first started and I
couldn’t run for long or play a lot, during time though I got skinnier, which was
really healthy.
Second part
3.Now it’s time for my favourite one, I’m sure you can guess what it is if you know me
well enough. Yes, its coding and stuff related to technology. Why’s that so? Well because
even when I was a little kid I was mesmerized by thech. For my 3 rd birthday my dad
bought a laptop which was pretty high end at the time. I absolutely loved it and I would
spend hours trying to figure out stuff when I was just a kid. I also really liked Michael
Jackson at that time, so my dad bought a whole boom box so I could listen to my
favourite songs. Nowadays I still like him, but not as much as I used to.
I got ahead of myself, sorry where was I again? Ah yes.
Now that I’m a teenager my main focus is becoming a really successful coder. I’ve been
learning how to code throughout the 2020 quarantine, and now I hold level 3 for java. I
also know a lot about Lua and Python but Java is my favourite. Due to it being extremely
fast in handling massive structures. I’m also working on my own game as of now, its
themed around fighting and I’m planning to call it Right-To-Fight. Once the beta is out, I
might tell my school friends about it so they can try the game and give me feedback. But
I think that will lead to too much of my real self being exposed, so I don’t know!
Anyways, that was all for today. I hope you enjoyed this short writing about the
things I like to do in my free time. Catch you next time ;)!
(PS. Feel free to check out the photos related to the topics below!)

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