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Evidencia #10 22/05/2021 Gramática Escucha Lectura

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Reporte de actividad
Recurso / Referencia
Emily in Paris
Series Review

This time I wanted to change my activity, and decided to make it from the last series I saw on Netflix.
If I saw it in English and with subtitles because sometimes I didn't understand them very well :/
Emily Cooper is a young American who is in the process of professional growth. In fact, her life changes
when she receives the surprising job opportunity in Paris, France that leads her to move there, ending
up with her boyfriend. In your new home, you will be responsible for communicating the American point
of view to a well-known French marketing company.
The manager of the place does not receive her in a very good way and cultural clashes begin, she
begins to use social networks and grow in them, so much so that it ends up affecting her work and they
force her to leave them, her work becomes a challenge. She meets her neighbor and starts to like her,
meets a French woman who becomes her friend, then Emily kisses her neighbor who is surprisingly
her French friend's boyfriend.
Adapting to that country is complex because in your work you make friends but your opinions are often
not well received due to cultural differences. They end up firing her, she does not give up and looks for
a way not to leave and succeeds in succeeding in a campaign. Then he meets his neighbor who bought
a restaurant because he is a chef and they celebrate it. I'm waiting for a second part, I'm intrigued by
what happens to her at the end.

Profesor UAAL

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