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Hello everybody, my name’s Trâm.

Today, I will give you some information of global warming which

becoming more serious.

Global warming has brought about reversible changes to the Earth's geological, biological and ecological

systems that have a dramatic impact on humans.

1. Lack of food.

Climate change will also affect the cost of food processing, storage and transportation, pushing up food

prices due to increased demand for water and energy. This has a significant impact on the economy as

well as consumers.

2. Energy Crisis

The increasing demand for energy creates a vicious cycle of climate change. Since 1970, global heating

demand has declined while cooling demand has skyrocketed.

The temperature will increase in the coming decades, the rapid increase of the global population will also

lead to an increasing demand for energy. This contributes to promoting development in the construction

of factories - the cause of climate change.

3. Decomposed infrastructure

The transportation infrastructure has been "aging" will not be able to withstand the good before the harsh

climate. Nature is becoming more and more ferocious and terrifying by the day with annual storms that

are recognized to be extremely powerful.

4. Drought

Earth's temperature increases with increasing drought everywhere. Water flow is only owner but demand

is still increasing rapidly, especially in some developing countries.

Drought rages in many places and gets worse day by day. Prolonged drought is very likely, which

endangers the development of agriculture as well as companies that depend on water

5. Air is increasingly being tested

Events up of the left land also lead to air pollution. Long-term smoke pollution also affects cloud

formation and precipitation, exacerbating preferred conditions.

The increase in the amount of ozone in the atmosphere leads to more lung diseases and it is calculated

that the number of asthma patients is expected to increase by up to 10% in large cities.

Scientists believe that the increasingly high carbon footprint will have a big impact on patient

applications. In addition, climate changes are estimated to cause more than 150,000 deaths annually.

The main impact of global warming on wildlife is habitat disruption, in which ecosystems - where

animals have spent millions of years adapt - rapidly change in response. with climate change, reducing

the ability of species to meet their needs. Habitat disruption is often caused by changes in temperature and

water availability, affecting native vegetation and the animals that feed on it. Many bird species have

altered the timing of long-standing migration and breeding habits to better adapt to a warming climate.

And some hibernating animals are ending their hibernation earlier each year, perhaps due to warmer

spring temperatures. According to Defenders of Wildlife, some of the wildlife species hardest hit by

global warming include reindeer, arctic fox, toad, polar bear, penguin, gray wolf, tree swallows, painted

turtles and trout. The group is concerned that unless we take decisive steps to reverse global warming,

more and more species will join the list of wildlife populations pushed to the brink of extinction

Let's all work together to reduce the amount of CO2 and emissions we push into the environment,

just by doing everyday things:

– We can choose to ride a bicycle or walk to nearby places. In more remote places, it is possible to go by

public transport such as buses, fixed-route passenger cars, airplanes, trains, ships, ferries...

– Find ways to limit the use of energy sources from firewood/coal or gas. Instead, we can learn the use of

solar energy. Buy energy-saving products. When it's time to buy a new car, choose one with good

savings. Replace traditional light bulbs with LED lights

– Actively plant trees (each of you can plant a small beautiful bonsai both for decoration and to help a

cleaner environment). During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off


The consequences of global warming may not be as obvious today. But 10 years, 100 years or even 1000

years from now, our children will be the ones to bear the heaviest consequences. Maybe the kids won't be

able to see wild animals, whether in the zoo or on the TV show. Many low-lying areas in the world may

be submerged due to rapid sea level rise, including Vietnam. Humans may not be able to eat fish grown in

the natural environment because they may be contaminated with radioactive substances, people no longer

dare to swim in rivers and streams like we used to.. and maybe, one day, mother nature will really get

angry, drown all humans in the sea of water and recreate a new world, where people respect nature. We

are part of the earth, so let's join hands to heal the common home, save the animals that are on the verge

of extinction.

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