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N° 81608 “San José”

La Esperanza

Alumna: Julia Luisa Sagástegui Guarniz 5ºA

Week 24 Let’s stop violence against women and girls
Let’s practise:
Exercise 1: Elabora un vocabulario en tu cuaderno con las palabras nuevas de la sesión y
que tú no entiendas su significado.

-Against: En contra de

-Anymore: Nunca más

-Recognise: Reconocer

Exercise 2: Read again the story and match the missing pictures “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”
with the following pictures writing down the correct text of the story. (Lee nuevamente la
historia y relaciona las imágenes “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” y “E” que faltan en la historia con las
siguientes imágenes, escribiendo el texto que corresponde a cada imagen)


Eventually, Sandra and Mario became

You talk with each other in order to find
boyfriend and girlfriend.
a solution to disagreements or
Sandra felt they were soul mates. problems.
I.E. N° 81608 “San José”
La Esperanza

At first, Mario did not like what If he or she is jealous, controlling,

Sandra did or said. Sandra liked to offends you, humiliates you in front
hang out with friends, but Mario of others, or makes you feel bad
didn't like that. about the decisions you make, this
is psychological violence.

Exercise 3: Read the story again and answer these questions. (Lee nuevamente la
historia y responde las siguientes preguntas)

1. Who are the characters of the story?

Mario and Sandra.

2. What is the message of the story?

a. Violence happens at schools. c. True love respects you.

b. True love has no eyes. d. End violence against girls and women.

3. What’s your opinion about the story?

it was interesting.
I liked the story because ______________________________________________

I didn’t like the story because __________________________________________

4. What are the types of violence in boyfriend-girlfriend relationships?

Sexual violence.
a. ____________________________ Physical violence.
c. _____________________________

Psychological violence.
b. ____________________________

5. What are the myths about love?

He or she is my other half.

a. _________________________________________________
I.E. N° 81608 “San José”
La Esperanza

Love means total devotion to that person.

b. _________________________________________________

He or she is going to change because he or she loves me.

c. _________________________________________________

If he or she is jealous, it's because he or she loves me.

d. _________________________________________________

6. How can you recognise a healthy relationship?

a. ____________________________________________________________
You have time to spend with your friends and family.

He or she respects your decisions.

b. ____________________________________________________________
You do activities together and help each other.
c. ____________________________________________________________

You talk with each other in order to find a solution to disagreements or problems.
d. ____________________________________________________________

Let’s reflect!
Después de haber realizado todas las actividades de la sesión, marca con una “X” una de las 4
opciones sobre lo que has aprendido en esta semana.

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