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The Art of Meal Prep

Getting Started

featuring 30 exclusive meal prep ready recipes,

scannable nutrition barcodes for every recipe,
product recommendations and a meal prep guide

by Erin Palmer
the blogger behind Peanut Butter and Fitness
WHAT TO EXPECT Thanks for buying The Art of Meal Prep: Getting Started!
I’m happy to have you onboard to learn more about what
meal prep is, why you should do it, ways to do it and of
course, some kick-ass recipes. You can always visit my blog,
Peanut Butter and Fitness for more ideas, recipes and
product recommendations. Here are a few things you can
expect to see in this eBook:

Over 30 healthy, meal-prep ready recipes

20+ exclusive recipes you won’t find online
Product & ingredient recommendations
Sample meal plan
How long every recipe stays fresh for
Nutrition information for every recipe
Diet compatibility indicators


! ! !

Nutrition barcodes you can scan and log directly

into My Fitness Pal!

Here’s where it gets exciting...I’m going tech savvy with this

eBook (is that an oxymoron?) and making things easier than
ever for you. Macronutrients are listed for every recipe in
this eBook, but to get the full nutrition info (and log it!), all
you have to do is grab your smart phone, pull up the My
Fitness Pal app and scan the barcode from a recipe page.
Check it out on the next page. Even if you don’t count calo-
ries or macros, it’s still nice to have that info available to
you in case you want to check up on how much fiber or
sugar you’re eating!

Okay, so first thing’s first - download the My Fitness Pal app or open it up on your smart
phone. You’ll need to create an account (don’t worry, it’s free) and navigate to the food

Next, tap the “+” sign at the bottom of the page. Tap “Food” and select what meal (or
snack) you’d like to add. Then, in the top right hand corner of your screen you’ll see a little
barcode symbol. Tap that symbol and you should see something like the image on the left.
Just scan the barcode from the book (you might need to rotate your phone sideways or zoom
in to get it to scan) and then tap the check mark to add the food! You can also search for
foods from this book by typing “The Art of Meal Prep” followed by the recipe name in the
search bar.

Visit or the Apple iBook store to
THE FINE purchase additional copies of this eBook.
Although the author has made every effort to ensure that the information in
this book was correct at the time of publishing, the author does not assume
and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or dis-
ruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions re-
sult from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physi-
cians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to
his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may re-
quire diagnosis or medical attention.

Copyright © 2016 Erin Palmer

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distrib-

uted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior writ-
ten permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embod-
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All photography, recipes and other content by the author, unless otherwise

RECIPE INDEX PB&J Overnight Oats..............................................27
Banana Walnut Baked Oatmeal Muffin....................28
Blueberry Coconut Overnight Oats..........................29
Fall Harvest Frittata................................................30
Pumpkin Protein Flapjacks with Apple Cider Syrup...31
Healthier Eggs Benedict over Sweet Potato and
Zucchini Fritters..............................................32
Simple-ish Entrees
Rotisserie Chicken Kale Parmesan Salad with Roasted
Butternut Squash and Figs..............................34
Turkey Spinach Meatballs with Marinara over Whole
Wheat Pasta..................................................35
Pesto Salmon with Asparagus and Sweet Potato......36
Rosemary Lemon Chicken, Beet and Squash Bake....37
Grilled Chimichurri Flank Steak with Corn on the Cob
and Butternut Squash Mash............................38
Turkey Taco Salad.................................................39
Italian Chicken and Zucchini Bake..........................40
Fancy-ish Entrees
Teriyaki Glazed Cod with Braised Baby Bok Choy and
Sesame Sweet Potato Noodles.......................42
Mustard Glazed Pork Tenderloin with Sweet Potato
Salad and Roasted Brussels Sprouts................43
BBQ Turkey Burger with Sweet Potato Fries.............44
Hearty Beef Stew...................................................45
Chili Lime Salmon Salad.........................................46
Cheeseless Mac ‘n’Cheese Bake.............................47
Thai Green Curry Chicken......................................48
Shrimp Alfredo with Broccoli and Zucchini...............49
Chicken Pot Pie......................................................50
Tropical Trail Mix..................................................52
Homemade Beef Jerky...........................................53
Nutella Inspired Protein Energy Bites......................54
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Cups......................56
Dirty Chai Donut Bites............................................57
Cherry Cheesecake Protein Brownies......................58
Banana Cake Bars with Peanut Butter Frosting.........59
Pumpkin Pie “Nice” Cream....................................60

Photo: @shutterslamm_photography
Butternut Squash Zoodles with Spicy
Turkey Sausage


Find out why your social media feeds
are blowing up with perfect rows of
cooked meals, stacked up plastic
containers and mason jars of oats.
Then get the gear and know-how you
need to start meal prepping so that
you, too, can conquer your week.
Photo credit: @shutterslamm_photography
1. The practice of preparing a number of meals in advance.

2. A ninja strategy to save time and money.

3. The smart way to stick to your healthy eating goals.

If you’re here, you’ve probably seen or heard something

about the wonders of meal prepping. But what is it? Why
would someone make so much food at once? Reference
numbers 1 through 3 above and read on, my friend. I’ve
been meal prepping (and documenting it) since early 2013
when I was a shift worker in Miami. I found myself always
getting roped into the “What should we order for dinner to-
night?” conversation...followed by the inevitable late night
binge on pizza or whatever other unhealthy takeout we could
get our hands on. Not a good look in Bikini City, USA! Now,
I happen to have an undying love for pizza (specifically Ha-
waiian pizza) and don’t want to bad mouth it here BUT
there’s a time and place for pizza. And middle of the night,
middle of the week pizza eaten out of boredom or lack of

readily-available healthy food to eat was not not the time, nor the place for it.

Instead of basking in my greasy pizza glory, I started to make my food ahead of time so I
could take my own healthy food to work with me. Mind you, at the time this was a huge step
above my past ventures into the frozen TV dinner stock-up “meal prep” I enjoyed when I lived
in Key West! I started out small, making 2 days of meals at a time. And then I discovered that
if I actually put a little bit of effort into planning out my meals for the week, I would actually
avoid last minute grocery trips and I would spend less time in the kitchen cooking and clean-
ing. Alas, my meal prep adventures were born and I’ve been blogging about it ever since.

Chances are that you’ve been “meal prepping” to some degree for most of your adult life -
maybe you knew that the dinner you cooked last night would leave you with one or two extra
servings that you could take to work for lunch. Or maybe in college you lined up all your ra-
men noodle containers, ready to slurp down a rotating variety of beef, chicken or seafood fla-
vored broth with noodles in between classes. I’m not hating, I swear. I too, have had my ra-
men noodle days. I’m just pointing out that you have probably meal prepped before, you just
didn’t know it! Fast forward to wherever you are in life college for the first time, back in
college for yet another degree with spouse and kids at home, gym rat with an affinity for flexing
at any mirror you happen upon, shift worker, nine to fiver, professional parent, etc. Wherever
you are in life, you can benefit from meal prepping. I’ll show you how, so stick with me here.

Think about what your typical week looks like. I’m going to assume there is some varia-
tion of eating, sleeping, working and hopefully exercising involved. Don’t forget to throw in hav-
ing fun...we’ll put that in the category of shenanigans. So now we have: eat, sleep, work, exer-
cise, and shenanigans. Trust me, I know that’s not all you do. But hopefully we can agree that
90% of the population at least checks the box (or tries to) on each of those categories every

For arguments sake, let’s say you’re a busy nine to fiver with some family responsibilities
who still tries to fit in a nice balance of exercise and shenanigans on your schedule. What
does the eating part of your schedule look like? (Forgive me for only including a 5 day’ll get the idea.) Maybe you and/or your spouse cook dinner every night and it looks
something like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Ate 1/2 of kids Forgot to grab Coffee and a Quick stop for a’s
breakfast that protein bar bagel McMuffin Fri-yay
Work through
Whatever is in Leftovers from Lunch with a Leftovers from
Lunch lunch and try to
the break room dinner last night client dinner last night
leave early
Cook for 1 hour, Cook for 1 hour, Cook for 1 hour, Cook for 1 hour, Cook for 1 hour,
Dinner plus 20 min plus 20 min plus 20 min plus 20 min plus 20 min
clean-up clean-up clean-up clean-up clean-up

Does this resemble your daily grind at all? Some of you are probably nodding your head yes. Others
are saying, “Erin, this looks nothing like my schedule, you have no clue!” Okay, okay. Maybe some
parts look familiar? If so, you’re at least a little like this hypothetical person and you spend 6-7 hours
during the work-week alone on cooking and clean-up. That’s over 24 hours a month, and upwards of
300 hours a year...just to cover a typical 5 day work week! And how much energy do you think you
have eating like this and spending so much time cooking and cleaning each night? Don’t forget, you
still have responsibilities, exercise and shenanigans to handle.

So now you much time would meal prepping save me? I’ll give you the lawyer an-
swer: it depends. Let’s play this scenario out (since you asked). We’ll say you’re the same hypotheti-
cal nine to fiver, but now you meal prep with the family twice a week (and yes, you can get the kids
involved or at least strap them into chairs at the table until they contribute something):

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Breakfast Balanced Meal Balanced Meal Balanced Meal Balanced Meal Balanced Meal
Lunch with a
Lunch Balanced Meal Balanced Meal Balanced Meal Balanced Meal
Cook for 2 Cook for 2
Dinner hours, plus 30 Balanced Meal Balanced Meal hours, plus 30 Pizza night!
minute clean-up minute clean-up

In this scenario, we’re down to about 5 hours a week total dedicated to cooking healthy meals and
snacks, including clean-up for the entire calendar WEEK instead of just 5 days. What does that really
save you? Almost 7 hours a month, give or take. That turns into 80 hours a year. What would you do
with 80 hours?

Okay, one more scenario: you’re the gym rat who flexes in every mirror. Or you’re at least work-
ing toward whatever your dream body is. It’s just you at home, and maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend.
You only want to prep once a week, because you need to make room for lots of exercise and shenani-
gans, obvi. For the record, I tend to fall into some version of this category, combined with the nine to
fiver I described above (because I can only handle so many shenanigans), so I know pretty accu-
rately how much time it takes to meal prep for this lifestyle. That number is: [DRUMROLL] about 3-4
hours of cooking and clean-up on a Sunday. It might sound like a lot to some people...but think
about it this way: I invest an afternoon (or evening) of my time once a week and then I eat healthy all
week and don’t have to think about what I’m going to eat or cook for the entire week.

I hope that by this point some of this resonates with you - eating healthy, saving time, having
more energy, etc. If it does, read on! If it doesn’t, well then, at least you can flip to the end of the
book to find some delicious recipes. And don’t forget: meal prep can be as simple or complicated as
you make it, so you really control your experience here.

HOW DOES IT The prospect of going from having a counter full of freshly hauled
REALLY WORK? groceries to having rows and rows of meal prepped food in your
refrigerator can be overwhelming. Never to fear, help is here!
You can tell I’m a big fan of cliches, so bear with me while I lay
another one on you: Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

You’ve heard it before. You’ve probably seen it on your Insta-

gram feed as motivation...maybe you’ve even seen it as a “moti-
vational” poster adorning an office wall. Whatever the case, this
happens to be one of those cliches that holds true about 99% of
the time.

Preparing to conquer your week by cooking up your healthy,

ready to heat-and-eat food isn’t the only part of setting yourself
up for success. You also have to be ready to actually meal prep,
lest you end up in your kitchen for countless hours, running
around in circles because you didn’t have the right kitchen tools
you needed in the first place or you had no plan of attack.
There’s no better way to get discouraged about this thing we call
meal prep. Here’s my advice for how to go about prepping:

1. Make sure you have the right tools in your kitchen. I’ll make some recommendations for
useful “Tools of the Trade” in the next chapter. No matter if you’re a Crate and Barrel hoarder or
a college student with nothing but cheap plastic plates in your cupboards, there are a few select
items that will make your life infinitely easier when you meal prep for the first time. Or the thirtieth
time. Doesn’t matter - there are things I used the first time I meal prepped that I continue to use
now. But trust me when I say that it’s not fun to discover that you don’t have enough containers
the first time you try to make 21 meals in an afternoon.

2. Check your pantry and refrigerator to make sure that you have some staples on hand. Not
the kind of staples that hold paper together. Little things that you might forget to grab at the
grocery store, but can totally make or break a dish. I also have a list of about 5 or 6 things that
go on my grocery list every week without fail. Yours will probably be different, but I’ll still let you
know what to stock in order to easily make the recipes you’ll find in the second half of this book.

3. Make a plan! Please, please, please, please don’t go to the grocery store before you’ve made a
plan for the week. Well...go if you want to, I’ll probably never know. But don’t blame me when
you have to make a second or third trip to the store in a week. I warned you. I’ll show you an
example of what one of my meal plans for the week looks like when I put it into a spreadsheet,
but let’s be real here - I see enough spreadsheets at work, so generally I just chicken-scratch my
meal plan into my notepad so my eyes don’t explode. Use your phone to write it down if you
want, but for me, nothing beats putting pen to paper when it comes to meal planning.

4. Make a grocery list. If you haven’t realized it by now, I’m a fan of making lists. You might not
be, but then again, you might be crazy. So I’ll assume you like lists too, or at least you can appre-
ciate why they’re necessary :) This will help you get in, get what you need (and not what you
don’t) and get out of the grocery store. I live in a city where my weekly grocery shopping is akin
to a “battle of the carts” - I may or may not be a highly competitive person - so speed matters to
me. Moving on...

5. Devise a strategy for your attack. I’ll give you some tips on how to save time in the kitchen by
cooking in batches and multi-tasking.

6. Prep like a champ. You’ve got your tools, your spice cabinet is full and groceries in hand. All
that’s left to do is to just do it.

7. Conquer your week. Because when you don’t have to think about what to eat all week, you can
do so much more.


The right gadgets and pantry items will
get your meal prep started off on the right
foot and put you on the fast track to suc-
cess. Is that cookie dough scoop going to
save you 5 minutes during a meatball
marathon or just give you wrist cramps
and a sticky mess? Do you need those
expensive seasonings? Find out here.
CONTAINERS A quick search on Amazon will lead you to literally HUNDREDS
of different containers made just for meal prep. If you do that
same search on Google, you’ll find thousands. The days of mix-
and-matching whatever plastic containers you can find in your
cupboards are no more, especially when you can find the perfect
set of containers made for re-heating and dishwashing for just

The containers you decide on really depend on what your criteria

are for choosing, but here are some important factors to consider
(assuming you want plastic, not glass. There are plenty of glass
options out there too):

1. Are they microwave and dishwasher safe?

2. Are they BPA free?
3. Are they leak proof? There’s nothing worse than leaking
sauce all over your gym me. Leak resistant
may be good enough to get you to where you’re going with-
out spending a small fortune though.
4. Do you need multiple compartments? I recommend sticking
to 1 or 2 compartment containers, 3 is just a waste of space
unless you’re packing for a fun kid’s lunch.

5. How big are your meals? Most containers come in a range
between 16-32 oz. I prefer a 24 oz container for most of my
meals and a 28-30 oz two compartment container for others.
6. What shape are they? When you’re stacking these up in your
refrigerator, rounded sides take up valuable space.
Lucky for you, I’ve done plenty of experimenting with containers
and here are my recommendations:

Lightweight containers: These containers are all pretty similar,

so the one you pick should meet your personal preferences de-
scribed above. Just be warned that they will leak if you put some-
thing with a lot of liquid inside and then let it slosh around your
gym or lunch bag on the way to work.
• 1 compartment - DuraHome 24oz Meal Prep Containers
($11.89 / 10 pack) It can be surprisingly hard to come by
24oz one compartment containers and these are one of
the few on the market. If you eat bigger meals or want
the extra space flexibility and the least leakage, try the
28oz FitPacker containers ($14.99 / 10 pack).
• 2 compartment - Freshware 2 Compartment 25oz
Containers ($13.99 / 15 pack) These containers store eas-
ily thanks to squared off compartment shapes rather than
curves like most of their competitors.
Mid-weight containers: You’ll pay a bit more for these containers
but they’re actually leak proof and sturdier than any of the light-
weights. The price point can make it less appealing to build up a
collection of these, so I just keep a few around for those times
when I’m meal prepping something with a lot of liquid or sauce.
• 1 compartment - 6 Pack Fitness 24oz Containers ($19.99
/ 3 pack) Bonus - these containers fit perfectly into the 6
Pack Fitness meal bags (think next level lunch box!).
• 2 compartment - Get Fit Once 2 Compartment
Containers ($19.95 / 4 pack) A little on the small side
(they’re only 1.5” tall), but fine for a lot of meals.
“Grocery store” containers: A perfectly sufficient alternative to
special meal prep containers, these ones are still pretty economi-
cal and easy to find. I use the second one listed (Ziploc) for all
my overnight oats preps.
• Rubbermaid TakeAlongs ($6.53 / 4 pack)
• Ziploc Twist ‘n Loc ($6.72 / 3 pack)
Don’t forget that sometimes you’ll have sauce or dressing that
you need to contain! Little 2 oz containers are great for sauces,
just be sure to recycle. Reditainer 2 oz souffle cups, 100 pack -

GADGETS Having the right tools will make your meal prep 100% easier, but
you don’t want to cram your kitchen full of gadgets that you only
use a couple times a year. I’m going to assume that most of you
have at least the BASIC kitchen equipment - things like bowls,
pots/pans, baking sheets, measuring cups/spoons, spatulas,
utensils, etc. So, here are some of the non-basic (aside from the
knives) meal prep essentials that I recommend...stuff that I
consistently during most of my meal preps:

• Slow cooker - Why not get a kitchen appliance that will work for
you while you’re not even looking? The slow cooker is a great
tool to make really tender meat inside a sauce that will stay
juicy all week. Make just the meat or the entire meal at once.
Don’t forget the slow cooker liners to make cleanup a breeze.

• Countertop grill (if you don’t have an outdoor grill) - Obviously a

real grill gives you the best flavor, but if you don’t have access
to one, definitely get yourself a countertop grill. It’s a great way
to impart a bit of extra flavor and grilling helps meat stay moist
when you prep ahead of time.

• Tupperware FridgeSmart containers - Honestly, these things are
like miracle workers. They control the amount of moisture in-
side for the specific produce that you’re storing so your fruits
and veggies stay fresher, longer. These really help out if you
plan to do more than one prep per week - so you can stick to
only one grocery trip but won’t get stuck with gooey asparagus.

• Silicone baking mats - Line your baking sheets with these bad
boys and you can skip the non-stick cooking spray! They also
make clean-up a breeze (just be sure to get the dishwasher
safe kind). They also help cookies bake more evenly.

• Silicone baking cups - I’m such a huge fan of silicone baking

cups. They’re so versatile - you can use them to bake mini-
cheesecakes, freeze chocolate peanut butter protein cups
(think Reese’s!), bake muffins or just use them to hold some-
thing you want to easily remove from your meal prep container
(like cold potato salad)! I have two different sizes - regular
muffin/cupcake size and jumbo size for baked oatmeal muffins.

• Spiralizer - A total necessity for making zucchini noodles (“zoo-

dles”) or any other spiralized vegetable. You probably know
that spiralized vegetables are a fun, healthy way to have your
spaghetti and eat it too. I mean, sort of. You’re eating veggies
instead of pasta but it’s a perfectly delicious kitchen hack!

• Good quality cutting board with non-slip grip mat and bench
scraper - Trust me when I say that this combo, along with your
knife MATTERS. Especially when you’re prepping large
amounts of food. Start with a non-slip mat right on your counter-
top, stick your (at least) 1/2 inch thick cutting board on top and
have your bench scraper ready to scoop up all your goodies.
Not only is this setup going to keep you safe, but it’s going to
save you time too.

• Chef’s knife and paring knife - Just like your cutting board
setup, this MATTERS. Not so much the brand of your knives,
but more so how sharp it is and the way it fits in your hand.
And if you’re not confident in the way you cut, slice and dice,
find a knife skills class near you and spend an evening learning
how to improve your technique. You’ll get the chance to try out
some different knives (which you can also do at a kitchen store)
and you can learn your preferences before buying.

Blueberry Almond Protein Oatmeal Muffin

PANTRY (AND When you get to the Recipes section of this book, you’ll find that
FRIDGE) STAPLES there are hyperlinks in most recipes, and I’m sharing a lot of hy-
perlinks in this chapter as well. I do that so you can easily get
your hands on the ingredients that you need to make the recipes,
but also so you can see the specific brands that I use. Nutrition
facts can vary from brand to brand of what is a seemingly like
product, so I’ve included some of my recommendations below
and in each of the recipes. There are also some brands that are
just plain better, whether it’s because of the taste, the ingredients
used or the value. That being said, here’s what I like:

Pantry Staples:

• Flours/meals: coconut flour, almond flour (you want one that ad-
vertises a super fine grind), peanut butter flour (PB2), arrowroot
flour, whole wheat flour, tapioca flour

• Grains/Seeds: tri-color quinoa, brown rice, rolled oats, chia

seeds, ground flax seeds

• Spices: Flavor God seasonings, other staple spices

• Sweeteners: pure maple syrup, honey, Coconut sugar, Stevia,

Monkfruit Sweetener

• Misc. Baking Goods: unsweetened shredded coconut, good
quality cocoa powder, good quality vanilla extract (don’t buy imi-
tation vanilla)

• Protein powder - It’s tough to narrow this down to just one or

two because I use several, but check out my post on the blog
about what whey proteins I recommend and why...I break down
the ingredients list and compare taste, value and mixability of
10 popular whey protein powders.

- Whey for drinking: BPI Sports Best Protein

- Whey for baking: Cellucor Cor-Performance Whey (or Jay

Robb’s Whey Protein - no scary ingredients, but a higher
price point)

- Casein for baking: MusclePharm Combat 100% Casein

• Coconut milks (the canned kind!)

- Full fat: I’m breaking down the coconut milk because there
is a huge difference between brands. If I want the coconut
milk to separate and be able to use only the solids (like for
this recipe), I use Native Forest or Thai Kitchen brand be-
cause it has no emulsifiers added in. But if I want the coco-
nut milk to be smooth and velvety without putting it through
a blender (like for my Thai Green Curry Chicken), I use
Chaokoh. You can test this yourself in the store just by shak-
ing the can - if it easily sloshes around, it’s the smooth and
velvety variety. If not, the solids are already separated.

- Light: Since light coconut milk doesn’t have the coconut fat
solids that the full fat versions do, the brand matters less on
this one. I usually use Thai Kitchen, 365 Organic or Native
Forest though.

• Nut butters

- Skippy Natural Creamy Peanut Butter: Only 4 ingredients,

creamy, affordable and delicious. What more could you ask
for? Did I mention that it goes on sale frequently?

- Barney Smooth Almond Butter: The smoothest almond but-

ter I’ve ever tried! They also have “bare” almond butter with
no added salt or sugar. It’s not gritty at all which makes me
think I could *almost* give up peanut butter. Almost. But
wait..who am I kidding! Peanut butter is way better :)

• Oils/Vinegars: coconut oil (unrefined tastes like coconut, refined

doesn’t), olive oil, sesame oil, apple cider vinegar, red wine vine-
gar, white wine vinegar

• Sauces: Sriracha, low sodium soy sauce (or coconut aminos for
paleo), dijon mustard, spicy brown mustard, low sugar ketchup

Refrigerator Staples:

• Unsweetened vanilla almond milk: There are a ton of options

out there, but Silk is reliable and easy to find. I personally avoid
Blue Diamond because the flavor isn’t as good and they add
carageenan. Just be sure to check the ingredients list.

• Greek Yogurt:

- Flavored: Dannon Light & Fit Greek Vanilla - This is the best
tasting, lowest sugar Greek yogurt I’ve found on the market.

- Plain: Wallaby Organic or Fage 0%

• Butters: Pick one of the top 2 and get some ghee too.

- Earth Balance Buttery Spread with Olive Oil - a good dairy

free alternative with real butter flavor

- Regular old unsalted butter

- Ghee - usually sold as shelf stable and refrigerated after

opening, this is a clarified butter that has an extra nutty/
buttery taste and melts really easily. It’s delicious!

Skillet Honey Garlic Chicken with
Fingerling Potatoes and Green Beans

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
Failing to prepare is the equivalent of
preparing to fail. You control your destiny
when it comes to food and nutrition, so
now that you’ve got some basic supplies
and knowledge about meal prep, let’s put
pen to paper on your meal plan and
grocery list.
WRITING A Before you jump into writing your meal plan, think about what
MEAL PLAN your nutrition goals are. Do you want to lose weight? Pack on
muscle? Lose fat and keep muscle? (Lots of ladies refer to this
as “getting toned.”) All of those goals require a different
nutritional and fitness balance. I won’t pretend to be a nutritionist
because I’m not, but I’ll give you some background about how I

First, let’s start with a quick explanation of macronutrients

(macros for short). These are the 3 potential sources of calories
that you’ll find in any food and I know you’ve heard of them be-
fore: protein, fat and carbohydrates. Every gram of each macro
contains a set number of calories - 1 gram of protein contains 4
calories, 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories and 1 gram of carbs
contains 4 calories. Depending on many factors, including your
activity levels, body composition and fitness goals, your body re-
quires a certain amount of each macro to function.

Now that you know what a macro is, you’ll have a better under-
standing of what I mean when I say that I eat according to my
macros. Each day, I try to eat a certain balance of protein, fats

and carbs in order to reach my daily caloric needs. The overall number
of calories to me is less important than what makes up those calories. I
use the app My Fitness Pal to help me keep track. I highly recommend
it and you can easily log your nutrition in the app by scanning the bar-
codes on the upcoming recipe pages!

A quick note: I don’t log my nutrition everyday and I’m not saying that
you should either, but if you’ve never kept track of what you eat in a day
and want to jump on the macro train, I would encourage you to simply
track what you eat for a few days to get your baseline. Once you have
a baseline, you can start dialing in your macros to meet your goals.
And if you have no idea where to start, go chat with a nutritionist! I
went with the less advised route and consulted the all-knowing internet
when I first started...I’m still kicking but it took a while to figure it out :)

Once you’ve got an idea of your daily macros, it’s time to make a meal
Don’t feel like you need plan that fits! It may take some time for you to figure out what works for
to type a meal plan your body...just be sure to listen to it instead of ignoring it just because
into a computer...I something “doesn’t fit your macros.” My final non-doctor dietary ad-
prefer a pen and vice: don’t be afraid of calories (or fat). Trust me when I say that calo-
paper! ries are your just need to put them to work for you!

TIPS FOR SAVING 1. The Grocery List - Okay so one last step before you get to
TIME WHILE cooking: translating your meal plan into a grocery list. It’s as
COOKING easy as it sounds! But, as you probably already know, if you
leave a couple of ingredients off the list, you end up frustrated
and delayed because you have to make a whole new trip to
the store. I really like the Any List app for my phone because I
always have my list with me and I can share it with anyone so
we can conquer the store together! I almost always go
grocery shopping a day or two before the day I prep - it’s just
what works with my schedule and means the least amount of
driving around in horrendous San Francisco traffic!

2. Prepping Produce - Once you have your grocery haul home,

I recommend immediately washing the fresh fruits and vegeta-
bles and sticking them into Tupperware FridgeSmart
containers if they need to stay cold. I find that this saves me
time when I’m ready to actually cook - you can even cut them
up ahead of time if it makes sense! For example, if I bought a
whole butternut squash and I know I’ll be roasting it in a day or
two, I’ll just go ahead and cube it, then stuff it in a plastic bag
so it’s handy when I’m ready to cook. I also find that for things

like fresh berries and apples, I’m more likely to grab one as a
snack if they’re totally ready for me to eat. Call me lazy if you
must, but it works!

3. Get Your Containers Ready - First of all, make sure that

you’ve not only got plenty of containers to fit your meals into,
but make sure you’ve got the right ones for the meals you’re
making! There’s nothing worse than having your food cooked
and ready to load into containers just to find out it doesn’t fit.
Just do a quick rundown in your head of your planned meals
and lay all the containers out on a table or counter top, ready
for you as soon as you’re ready for them.

4. What to Cook First - Now that your containers and veggies

are ready, it’s time to cook! Of course if you’re making a one-
pan meal, there’s not much mystery to what you should cook
first. But if you’re making something like Thai Green Curry
Chicken, you’ll want to make sure your rice is cooked before
your curry. It’s just not as delicious or appealing to have your
rice dry out on top of the chicken instead of soaking up the
curry sauce on the bottom of the container. Every meal is dif-
ferent, but as a general rule of thumb you’ll want to cook your
starch/complex carbs first, followed by your veggies and fi-
nally the protein.

5. Batch Cooking - A huuuuuuuge time saver is cooking your

food at once if it’s practical. For example, if you need to bake
salmon, sweet potatoes and asparagus, throw them all on one
baking sheet! If you cut the sweet potatoes small enough, you
can make sure they’ll cook in the same amount of time as the
salmon and asparagus. Or use two baking sheets and keep
the sweet potatoes in the oven longer. It can be so easy if you
plan ahead and batch cook. Another way to use batch cook-
ing to save time (and conserve electric/gas) is to get all your
items ready that need to be cooked in the oven and cook them
all at once. Bonus: your kitchen doesn’t get hot and sweaty be-
cause you’ve minimized the amount of time that your oven is

Skillet Turkey Meatballs

It’s time for what we’ve all been waiting for...
RECIPES! A lot of people have the misconception
that if you meal prep, you must be eating chicken,
rice and broccoli for lunch everyday. Which is to-
tally fine if that’s what floats your boat, but I prom-
ise that your meal prep doesn’t have to be boring.
Breakfast can be sweet, savory, on-the-go, or
even gourmet. Whatever works for you - lunch
and dinner can be as simple or fun as you want.
Don’t forget the snacks and desserts!
Mango Coconut Paleo Mini-Pancakes

BREAKFAST You’ve heard it before, I know you have. I’ll repeat it because this
meal deserves your love: Breakfast is the most important meal of
the day! Not only does it kick start your metabolism for the day
(which is key if you want to keep fat at bay), but it also gives you
the energy you need to be productive. If you’re one of those peo-
ple who swear they can’t eat breakfast because they don’t have
time, I have solutions for that. If you’re one of those people who
swears they can’t eat breakfast because it upsets your stomach,
I would urge you to find something that you can eat in the morn-
ing, even if it’s not right as you roll out of bed. There are so many
options and ways to meal prep breakfast, you should have no ex-
cuses to miss out on my favorite meal of the day!

One of my go to meal prep breakfasts,
these PB&J overnight oats are too good
not to try! I’ve been eating these things
regularly for years now...the recipe
started out with a mixture of peanut
butter and PB2 for a really peanut
buttery taste. It’s evolved into this macro-
friendly and delicious recipe!


Yield: 1 serving
304 calories - 22 g protein - 8 g fat -
39 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 5-7 days

• 1/3 cup rolled oats 1. Whisk powdered peanut butter into almond milk until smooth,
• 3 tbsp PB2 powdered peanut butter then mix in rolled oats. Pour oat mixture into re-sealable
• 1/2 tbsp chia seeds container.
• 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond 2. Heat chopped strawberries in microwave for 30 seconds or
milk until strawberries are soft enough to roughly mash. Mix in
chia seeds and pour on top of oat mixture.
• 1/2 cup strawberries, chopped
3. Mix Greek yogurt and protein powder until smooth. Set
• 2 tbsp vanilla Greek yogurt
aside until ready to serve.
• 1 tbsp vanilla whey protein
4. Refrigerate oats at least overnight, then warm in microwave
for 30 seconds and top with yogurt mixture.
Baked oatmeal muffins are one of my
favorite breakfasts to meal prep (aside
from overnight oats, I suppose). They
feel so indulgent, but they’re really not.
Not to mention that they’re beyond easy
to make and really tasty too!


Yield: 7 servings
225 calories - 12 g protein - 5 g fat -
33 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 5-7 days

• 2 cups rolled oats 1. Pre-heat oven to 350°.
• 2 scoops Jay Robb’s Vanilla Whey 2. Mix all dry ingredients except walnuts, then add wet
Protein ingredients and mix until combined.
• 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 3. Arrange 7 jumbo silicone baking cups on a baking sheet and
• 1 cup diced banana divide batter evenly into baking cups.
• 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond 4. Bake for 10 minutes, then add chopped walnuts on top of
milk muffins and continue to bake for 10-15 more minutes or until
• 1/4 cup pure maple syrup a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out
• 2 egg whites clean.
• 1 1/2 tbsp Barney Smooth Almond
Butter, melted
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 1/2 tsp baking powder
• 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
• 3 tbsp chopped walnuts
Frozen wild blueberries from Trader Joe’s
makes these overnight oats an easy
breakfast all year round! If you want
them look as blue as possible, throw the
blueberries in a food processor after
thawing before mixing them in. Heat
them up for 30-45 seconds before
serving to take off the chill!


Yield: 1 servings
317 calories - 14 g protein - 11 g fat -
39 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 5-7 days

• 1/3 cup rolled oats 1. Mix Greek yogurt and whey protein until smooth. Set aside.
• 1 tbsp unsweetened shredded 2. Whisk together almond milk, coconut milk, maple syrup and
coconut coconut extract. Mix in rolled oats, shredded coconut and
• 1 tsp chia seeds chia seeds. Set aside.
• 1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries 3. Microwave blueberries for 1-2 minutes or until berries are soft
• 1/3 unsweetened vanilla almond enough to be mashed. Stir into oat mixture and place in
milk airtight container. Refrigerate overnight.
• 1/4 cup light coconut milk 4. Top with Greek yogurt mixture before serving.
• 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup
• 1/2 tsp coconut (or vanilla) extract
• 2 tbsp Dannon Light and Fit Toasted
Vanilla Coconut Greek yogurt
• 1 tbsp vanilla whey protein
It doesn’t get much easier than prepping
a big frittata for the week! Just throw it
all into one pan, bake it, slice it up and
you’re all set. Serve a slice with an
oatmeal muffin or sliced fruit to make it a
complete b-fast. To make this even more
fall-focused, swap the onions and spinach
with sliced leeks! Use the white part like
onions and the green part like spinach.


Yield: 6 servings
116 calories - 14 g protein - 4 g fat -
6 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days

• 1 1/2 cups egg whites 1. Pre-heat oven to 400°.
• 10 Jennie-O Breakfast Turkey 2. In a 10-12” oven safe skillet, caramelize onions over medium-
Sausage links, casings removed (sub high heat, then set onions aside.
with Aidell’s Chicken & Apple 3. Add olive oil to hot, empty skillet, then add butternut squash
Sausage for Whole 30 compliant) and sauté for 5 minutes over medium-high heat until it begins
• 1 cup butternut squash, cut into 1/2” to soften.
cubes 4. Crumble sausage into skillet and continue to break apart
• 1/2 cup onions, sliced using a wooden spoon. Add mushrooms and spinach,
• 2 cups baby spinach stirring until spinach is slightly wilted and soft, but not mushy.
• 1/2 cup cremini mushrooms, 5. Lower heat to medium-low and ensure sausage and squash
chopped mixture is evenly spread on the bottom of the skillet. Add
• 2 tbsp fresh sage, sliced eggs, gently stir and cook for 6-8 minutes. Eggs should be
• 1 tsp olive oil runny on top and mostly opaque near the sides of the skillet.
• Salt and pepper to taste (omit salt for 6. Place entire skillet into oven and bake for 8-10 minutes or
Whole 30 compliant) until the eggs are completely set.
7. Slice into 5 servings. Allow to cool before storing in the
refrigerator in an airtight container.
When I say flapjack, I don’t mean the
British version...I consider flapjacks to be
a flatter, less dough-ey version of a
pancake. These are not the big fluffy
pillows that you can dive into like a pile
of fallen leaves. These are fun little
flapjacks, folks. Pumpkin ones at that!


Yield: 2 servings
397 calories - 20 g protein - 12 g fat -
54 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 3-5 days

• 1 scoop Jay Robb’s Vanilla Whey 1. In a small pan, bring apple cider to a boil over medium-high
Protein heat and continue to boil over medium heat for 30-45
• 1/4 cup almond flour minutes or until liquid is reduced to 1/4 cup. Remove from
• 3 tbsp tapioca flour heat and very gradually whisk in arrowroot flour until
• 1/4 tsp baking soda dissolved.
• 1/4 tsp baking powder 2. Add cinnamon and maple syrup to reduced apple cider and
• 1/4 tsp cinnamon bring mixture to a boil again for 1-2 minutes. Remove from
• 1/2 cup pumpkin puree heat and allow to cool before serving.
• 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond 3. Mix dry pancake ingredients. Add wet ingredients and let
milk (or apple cider for more flavor) the batter rest for 3-5 minutes to allow the tapioca flour to
• 2 egg whites, room temperature bring together the batter.
• 1 tbsp maple syrup 4. Heat non-stick skillet or griddle over medium-high heat and
• 1 tbsp Earth Balance Buttery Spread spray with coconut oil. Pour batter onto griddle to form
with Olive Oil pancakes about 2-3 inches in diameter. The pancakes should
Apple Cider Syrup: be on the small side. Once batter begins to bubble on top,
• 1 cup apple cider (no sugar added) flip pancakes and flatten, leaving pancake to rest until
• 2 tbsp maple syrup cooked through (it will take slightly longer than a regular
• 1 tsp arrowroot flour pancake).
• 1/2 tsp cinnamon 5. Top pancakes with apple cider syrup to serve.
A healthier take on my favorite breakfast
dish: eggs Benedict! I show poached
eggs in the picture here, but I recommend
using fried egg whites for two reasons.
One, poached eggs are very tender, so
not ideal for meal prep; and two, there is
already plenty of cholesterol in the dish
without an extra 2 egg yolks per serving.
If you’d like the nutrition for more egg
yolks, it’s an easy add in My Fitness Pal.
Yield: 2 servings
288 calories - 30 g protein - 7 g fat -
25 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 3-5 days

Fritters: 1. Place grated zucchini and sweet potato in a strainer and
• 1 cup grated zucchini compress with a paper towel to squeeze out any excess
• 1/2 cup grated, peeled sweet potato liquid.  Remove from strainer and wrap in double layer of
• 1/4 cup finely chopped onion paper towels.  Set aside to continue drawing out liquid.
• 2 cloves garlic, minced 2. Toss together chopped onion, minced garlic, bread crumbs,
• 2 egg whites (reserve yolks) black pepper and chili powder in a medium bowl.Set aside.
• 1/4 cup whole wheat Italian bread 3. Fill a small saucepan with about 1" of water and heat until just
crumbs simmering, when small bubbles begin to form around the pan.
• 1/2 tsp Flavor God Garlic Lover's  Lower heat to continue simmering.
• 1/4 tsp black pepper 4. In a heat-safe bowl that fits over the small saucepan without
• 1/4 tsp chili powder touching the water, whisk together Greek yogurt, 2 egg yolks
• 2 tbsp olive oil and vinegar.  Place bowl over simmering water and
Hollandaise Sauce (adapted from continuously whisk for 12-15 minutes, or until hollandaise
Neil’s Healthy Meals): begins to thicken (be patient, it will thicken).
• 1/2 cup fat free plain Greek yogurt 5. Remove bowl from heat, whisk in Dijon mustard and set aside.
• 1/2 tbsp white wine vinegar 6. Mix grated zucchini and sweet potato into bread crumb
• 2 egg yolks mixture, then mix in egg whites until well combined.
• 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard 7. Heat large shallow pan over medium high heat.  Add olive oil
and continue to heat until oil is hot.  Form 4 patties out of
Other Ingredients:
zucchini mixture, then add to pan and flatten with a spatula.
• 4 fried egg whites Cook for 2-3 minutes per side until browned.  Plate 2 fritters
• 4 slices Jones All Natural Uncured per plate, then top with heated
Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon, poached egg and
• Optional: chopped chives for garnish hollandaise.
SIMPLE-ISH Simple dishes reign king in my kitchen, even if I like to fancy
ENTREES things up once in a while. That’s because I watch a lot of Food
Network and those Chopped judges expect your food to be com-
plex! But when it comes to meal prep, simple means saving time.
You have to do what works for you! I’ve found that what works for
me is making one or two “fancy” dishes per week to keep my
creative, foodie juices flowing and then the rest of meal meal
prep consists of some of these so-called simple entrees. It saves
me time and helps me eat clean while still loving my food! Sure,
you could eat plain chicken breast, broccoli and rice for every
meal, but there are so many other easy and clean options that
you simply don’t have to. See what I did there?

Fall salad for the win! Butternut squash &
hearty kale join forces to make it a filling
meal. Plus, rotisserie chicken is a time
saver & stays juicy all week! Don’t fear
the dressing when it comes to
stays fresh!


Yield: 7 servings
312 calories - 27 g protein - 13 g fat -
29 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-5 days


•18 oz pulled rotisserie chicken, 1. Pre-heat oven to 400°. Line a baking sheet with foil. Set
skin removed (about 1 whole aside.
chicken) 2. Toss butternut squash in 1/2 tbsp olive oil and sprinkle
•1 lb kale (about 9 cups), stemmed with Flavor God seasoning. Spread evenly on lined
and sliced baking sheet and roast for 15 minutes or until fork tender.
•1 1/2 lbs butternut squash, cubed 3. Divide kale among 2 large bowls and pour 1/2 tbsp olive
•1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated oil on each bowl of kale. Massage oil into kale leaves
•1/4 cup parmesan cheese, gently until leaves are a nice, deep green and leaves are
shredded coated.
•7 California black mission figs, 4. Whisk remaining olive oil, dijon mustard, vinegar, honey,
sliced thinly salt and pepper and toss with massaged kale leaves.
•3 tbsp olive oil, divided Add parmesan cheese and toss again.
•3 tbsp dijon mustard 5. Add kale to serving dish, then top with roasted butternut
•2 tbsp apple cider vinegar squash, chicken and figs.
•1 tbsp honey
•1 tsp Flavor God Everything
•1/4 tsp salt
•1/8 tsp black pepper
Swap out the whole wheat pasta with
spiralized zucchini or spaghetti squash if
you want to cut out some calories and
complex carbs, but if you’re going for the
pasta, I like to look for brands that only
have one ingredient - some version of
wheat flour. Usually the organic brands
keep it simple like that and I’ve found
that they hold up well for meal prep as
long as you cook them al dente.

Yield: 5 servings
402 calories - 39 g protein - 6 g fat -
51 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days


• 20 oz extra lean ground turkey 1. In a large bowl, combine egg, spices, onion, breadcrumbs,
• 9 oz frozen chopped spinach, garlic and Parmesan cheese.
thawed and drained 2. Add ground turkey and drained spinach, breaking apart
• 1/2 cup finely chopped onion spinach as it is added. Mix well.
• 1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs 3. Preheat oven to 400°.
• 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 4. Spray a large baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray, or
• 1 egg use a baking mat to cover the baking sheet.
• 4 garlic cloves, minced 5. Roll the mixture into balls, about 1 - 1.5 inches in diameter,
• 2 tsp oregano and place onto baking sheet.
• 1 tsp garlic powder 6. Lightly spray some olive oil or coconut oil on top of the
• 1 tsp onion powder meatballs. Bake for about 20 minutes or until cooked through.
• 8 oz whole wheat pasta (~2.5 cups) 7. In a small pot, heat olive oil over medium high heat. Add
Marinara Sauce: garlic and sauté until fragrant, then add remaining marinara
• 28 oz can crushed tomatoes ingredients except basil.
• 2 tbsp chopped basil 8. Simmer marinara for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
• 1/2 tbsp olive oil Remove from heat and add chopped basil.
• 2 garlic cloves, minced 9. Cook pasta al dente according to package directions, then
• 1 tsp Flavor God Garlic Lover’s drain and rinse with cold water to stop cooking. Plate with
• 1 tsp oregano meatballs and marinara sauce, then serve.
This is one of my go-to simple dishes to
meal prep - you can even bake it all on
one baking sheet if you want! If you want
to save time and buy the pesto instead of
making it, I recommend Buitoni Reduced
Fat Pesto with Basil. The flavor is top


Yield: 6 servings
344 calories - 29 g protein - 17 g fat -
18 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-5 days

• 1 1/2 lbs wild Alaskan coho or 1. Add all pesto ingredients to a food processor and blend until
sockeye salmon filet, weighed with pesto reaches desired consistency. Set aside.
skin on and cut into 6 even portions 2. Pre-heat oven to 400° and line 3 half size baking sheets with
• 1 bunch of asparagus (approx. 24 foil. Set aside.
spears), stems trimmed 3. Rub sweet potato halves with olive oil until evenly coated.
• 3 medium sweet potatoes, halved Place cut side up on one of the baking sheets and season with
lengthwise Flavor God Everything seasoning. Bake for 30-40 minutes or
• 1 tsp olive oil until potatoes are fork tender.
• 1/2 tsp Flavor God Lemon & Garlic 4. On another baking sheet, add asparagus in a single layer
Seasoning and season with Flavor God Lemon & Garlic seasoning.
• 1/2 tsp Flavor God Everything Bake for 12-14 minutes or until asparagus is bright green and
Seasoning tender crisp.
Pesto: 5. On the final baking sheet, add salmon portions. Season with
• 2 cups basil salt and pepper if desired. Bake for 10-12 minutes
• 3 tbsp pine nuts (depending on thickness) or until the salmon flakes easily with
• 3 tbsp olive oil a fork.
• 3 tbsp parmesan cheese 6. Serve salmon, sweet potato and asparagus with pesto.
• 2 tbsp dry white wine
• Splash of lemon juice
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1/4 tsp salt
If you want to talk about simple, easy
meal prep dishes that still packs a ton of
flavor, this one needs to be on your
menu. It’s even a one dish meal to boot!
If you’re the kind of person that needs a
little kick of spice, add a touch of spicy
brown mustard.



Yield: 5 servings
231 calories - 28 g protein - 5 g fat -
18 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days


• 1 1/4 lb chicken tenderloins 1. Pre-heat oven to 400°.

• 5 medium beets, peeled and cubed 2. In a large bowl, toss all ingredients except sliced lemon.
• 1 small/medium butternut squash, 3. Once all components are evenly coated with olive oil and
peeled and cubed spices, arrange vegetables in a single layer on a baking
• 1 lemon, zested and juiced sheet. Arrange chicken tenders and lemon slices on top of
• 1 lemon, sliced veggies.
• 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil 4. Bake for 25-28 minutes or until beets are fork tender and
• 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped chicken is cooked through.
• 1/2 tbsp Flavor God Lemon and
Garlic Seasoning
• 1/4 tsp black pepper
Bring back the memories of summer with
this spicy and fresh meal. Easily make it
paleo by subbing out the corn on the cob
with another veggie like green beans or


Yield: 8 servings
323 calories - 27 g protein - 15 g fat -
22 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 3-5 days


• 2 lbs flank steak, excess fat trimmed 1. Place all chimichurri ingredients in a food processor and
• 8 small ears of corn blend until it reaches desired consistency. Set aside in
• 2 small to medium butter nut squash refrigerator.
(yields about 6 cups cubed squash) 2. Season flank steak with Montreal seasoning and grill for 5-7
• 1 tsp Montreal steak seasoning minutes per side or until cooked to desired temperature.
• 1 tsp Flavor God Garlic Lovers 3. While steak is grilling, spray ears of corn with olive oil or
seasoning coconut oil and season with Flavor God seasoning. Grill until
Chimichurri: corn is tender and beginning to char, rotating every 2 minutes
• 1/2 cup packed curly parsley for about 8-10 minutes.
• 1/2 cup packed cilantro 4. While steak is resting to allow juices to distribute evenly, bring
• 3 tbsp olive oil a pot of water to a boil, then add butternut squash and
• 2 tbsp red wine vinegar continue to boil for 10-12 minutes or until fork tender. Place
• 3 cloves garlic in food processor and blend until squash reaches desired
• 1 tsp red pepper flakes consistency or mash by hand. Add some coconut milk or
• 1/2 tsp salt butter if desired for a creamier consistency.
• 1/2 tsp black pepper 5. Slice flank steak against the grain and plate with corn and
• 1/2 tsp oregano mashed butternut squash. Top steak with 1-2 tbsp of
chimichurri before serving.
This salad is such an easy meal to prep
and it still packs a ton of flavor! Add a
piece of paper towel under the lettuce to
keep it fresh. I linked the recipe to my
Avocado Tomatillo Salsa in the
ingredients list below, but if you’re in
California, you can probably find the
product that inspired it in the first place:
Casa Sanchez’ Avocado Salsa, made in
San Francisco.


Yield: 4 servings
322 calories - 34 g protein - 5 g fat -
34 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days


• 1 lb extra lean 99% ground turkey 1. Roughly chop hearts of romaine lettuce and layer into serving
• 2-3 hearts of romaine lettuce dish. Top with cherry tomatoes, black beans, corn and red
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved onion.
• 1 cup low sodium black beans, 2. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add ground
rinsed and drained turkey, season with Flavor God seasoning and break up into
• 1 cup corn kernels chunks using wooden spatula.
• 1/2 cup Frontera New Mexico Taco 3. Once turkey is about 2/3 of the way cooked through, pour
Skillet Sauce skillet sauce into skillet and mix well with turkey.
• 1/2 cup avocado tomatillo salsa 4. Continue cooking turkey until it is cooked through.
• 1/2 cup red onion, diced 5. If not eating immediately, store ground turkey separately from
• 1/4 cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt salad and keep Greek yogurt, tortilla strips and avocado
• 1/2 cup corn tortilla strips tomatillo salsa on the side until ready to serve.
• 1/2 tsp Flavor God Everything Spicy
One pan dishes are my absolute favorite
when it comes to meal prep. Although
you still need a baking sheet plus a
baking dish, you really only have to
wash one if you line the baking sheet
with aluminum foil to bake your spaghetti
squash. I’m a big spaghetti squash fan -
it’s so versatile and I don’t miss the pasta
(or extra carbs) when I use it. Plus it’s an
easy bonus serving of veggies!

Yield: 5 servings
276 calories - 33 g protein - 6 g fat -
20 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days

• 1 1/4 lbs chicken breast 1. Pre-heat oven to 375°.
• 1 medium spaghetti squash, halved 2. In a large bowl, toss zucchini, cherry tomatoes, garlic, 1 tsp
lengthwise oregano, 1 tsp basil, 1/2 tsp Flavor God seasoning, 1/2 tbsp
• 4 small zucchini, chopped olive oil, thyme, salt and pepper.  Set aside.
• 10 oz cherry tomatoes, halved 3. Spray a baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.  Pour
• 8 oz can tomato sauce (no salt tomato sauce into bottom of baking dish and top with 1/2 tsp
added) oregano, 1/2 tsp basil and 1/2 tsp Flavor God seasoning.
• 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 4. Arrange chicken breasts in a single layer on top of sauce,
• 1/3 cup Ian's Whole Wheat Panko then top with zucchini mix. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese
Style Bread Crumbs and panko bread crumbs.
• 6 cloves garlic, minced 5. Place spaghetti squash halves on a 9”x13” baking sheet, cut
• 1 tbsp olive oil, divided side up. Drizzle flesh of the squash with remaining olive oil
• 1 1/2 tsp dried oregano and massage into nooks and crannies of squash.
• 1 1/2 tsp dried basil 6. Bake at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes (best if spaghetti
• 1 tsp Flavor God Garlic Lovers squash is on top rack of oven due to steam) or until chicken is
Seasoning cooked through, zucchini is tender and spaghetti squash
• Dash of thyme easily pulls apart with a fork.
• Salt and pepper to taste 7. Scrape spaghetti squash from the rinds and line serving dish
with spaghetti squash strands. Top with chicken and zucchini
bake before serving.
Panko Parmesan Crusted Cod with
Broccolini and Bruschetta

FANCY-ISH Remember when I said that simple dishes reign king in my

ENTREES kitchen? Well if that’s the case, then fancy-ish dishes reign
queen. I love these recipes because they pack a flavor punch
but none of them are too complex. Some are barely even fancy,
but they look pretty so I put them here anyways. I usually pick
one or two of these guys to add to my meal prep for the week to
keep me excited about my food and since most of these dishes
come with a sauce built in, they also keep meats moist for
longer! And that’s a beautiful thing when it comes to meal prep.

Make this dish paleo by swapping out the
soy sauce with coconut aminos. If you’re
eating the dish right away, you might like
to dredge the fish in some rice flour
before baking for some extra texture.


Yield: 6 servings
377 calories - 30 g protein - 8 g fat -
47 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 3-4 days

• 1 1/2 lbs cod, cut into 6 oz portions 1. Pre-heat oven to 400°. Marinate fish in teriyaki 4-6 hours
• 2/3 cup Bone Suckin’ Teriyaki Sauce and reserve sauce. Line baking sheet with silicone baking
• 1 1/2 lbs baby bok choy, halved mat and set aside.
• 3 1/2 tbsp toasted sesame oil, 2. Heat 1/2 tbsp sesame oil over medium-high heat. Add filets
divided and cook until slightly browned on each side, about 2
• 2 garlic cloves, minced minutes. Transfer filets to a baking sheet and brush with
• 1 shallot, diced reserved teriyaki sauce.
• 1 tbsp low sodium soy sauce 3. Bake fish for 5 minutes, then brush with teriyaki sauce
• 2 tbsp water again. Continue to bake another 5 minutes or until fish is
• 8 oz (~225 g) sweet potato cooked through and flaky.
vermicelli noodles 4. While fish bakes, heat 1 tbsp sesame oil over medium-high
• 1/3 cup chopped green onions heat. Add garlic and shallots and sauté until fragrant. Add
• 1 tbsp toasted black sesame seeds bok choy, soy sauce, 2 tbsp water and cover immediately.
Cook 1 minute. Uncover and toss bok choy, then cover
again and cook until bok choy is tender crisp, about 3
5. Bring salted water to a boil in a small pot, then add sweet
potato vermicelli and cook until tender and translucent,
about 5 minutes. Drain noodles and immediately toss with
2 tbsp sesame oil.
The deep, rich flavors of the mustard
glazed pork pair really well with the
bright freshness of the dill from the sweet
potato salad. Add some roasted brussels
sprouts and it’s time for a picnic!


Yield: 8 servings
306 calories - 27 g protein - 13 g fat -
21 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days


• 2 lbs pork tenderloin 1. Brine pork in kosher salt and 4 cups of water for 3-4 hours.
• 6 tbsp kosher salt Rinse brine from pork after removing.
• 2 tbsp olive oil, divided 2. Pre-heat oven to 325°.
• 1 tsp ground mustard 3. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat, add
• 1 tsp Flavor God Garlic Lover’s pork loin & brown on all sides, about 5-6 minutes. Set aside.
• 1 medium yellow onion, sliced 4. Add sliced onions to sauté pan and lightly caramelize. Add
• 1/2 cup dry white wine onions to bottom of a baking dish and top with pork loin.
• 4 cups (~2 lbs) brussels sprouts Whisk glaze ingredients and brush onto pork loin. Pour white
Glaze: wine over onions (being careful not to wash glaze off pork).
• 1/4 cup Dijon mustard 5. Roast about 30 minutes covered with foil, then remove cover
• 2 tbsp honey and finish roasting about 30 more mins or until internal temp
• 1/2 tsp garlic powder reaches 145°. Allow pork to rest at least 3-5 minutes before
• 1/2 tsp salt slicing. Increase oven temperature to 400°.
• 1/4 tsp pepper 6. Bring sweet potatoes to a boil in salted water, then turn heat
• 1/4 tsp dried thyme down to simmer for 8-10 minutes or until potatoes are just fork
Sweet Potato Salad: tender. Rinse with cold water and drain, then set aside in
• 3 medium sweet potatoes, cubed refrigerator.
• 2 eggs, hard boiled 7. Once potatoes have cooled, mix in remaining ingredients.
• 1/4 cup Primal Kitchen mayo 8. Toss halved brussels sprouts in 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp ground
• 1 tbsp Dijon mustard mustard and Flavor God Garlic Lover’s Seasoning. Roast for
• 1/4 cup red onion, chopped 15 minutes or until edges are golden and brussels are fork
• 2 tbsp flat leaf parsley, chopped tender.
• 1/2 tbsp dill, roughly chopped 9. Serve sliced pork topped with onions and
• 2 garlic cloves, minced pan juices.
Add a fried egg on top of your turkey
burger to go gourmet - the yolk even
stays runny if you prep ahead - just
reheat in the oven for less than a
minute! Make this recipe paleo by
swapping the breadcrumbs with a
mixture of almond flour and Italian
herbs and the Greek yogurt with full
fat coconut milk or mayo.

Yield: 4 servings
357 calories - 32 g protein - 9 g fat -
38 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days


• 1 lb 99% extra lean ground turkey 1. Pre-heat oven to 400°. Toss sliced sweet potatoes in 1 tbsp
breast olive oil, then toss with arrowroot flour, chili powder, salt and
• 1 egg pepper. Arrange on parchment lined baking sheet in single
• 1/4 cup chopped onion layer and bake for 15 minutes, then flip and bake 10-15
• 1/4 cup Italian breadcrumbs minutes more. Serve with BBQ sauce and Greek yogurt mix.
• 4 tbsp Bone Suckin’ BBQ sauce, 2. Mix ground turkey, chopped onions, breadcrumbs, 2 tbsp
divided BBQ, dijon mustard, chili powder, garlic powder and salt.
• 2 tsp dijon mustard Form 4 patties and grill 5-7 minutes per side or until burgers
• 3/4 tsp chili powder reach 165° internal temp.
• 1/2 tsp garlic powder 3. Caramelize onions over medium high heat with 1/2 tbsp olive
• 1/4 tsp real salt oil.
• 1 cup sliced onions 4. Serve burgers on top of butter lettuce leaves, topped with
• 1/2 tbsp olive oil caramelized onions and 1/2 tbsp BBQ each.
• 8 butter lettuce leaves
• 2 medium sweet potatoes, sliced into
1/4” wide sticks
• 2 tbsp arrowroot flour
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 1 tsp chili powder
• 1/2 tsp real salt
• 1/4 tsp pepper
• 4 tbsp Bone Suckin’ BBQ sauce
• 4 tbsp plain nonfat Greek yogurt
I debated whether this recipe deserved to
be in the simple dishes section or if it had
to go in the fancy dishes section...well, it
looked so pretty I decided to put it here!
Plus there’s a bit of chopping and dicing
to do to make it happen. Either way, this
is a great stew to warm you up or feed a
crowd. Or you can throw some in the
freezer to heat up on a chilly day!


Yield: 10 servings
317 calories - 27 g protein - 9 g fat -
31 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 5-7 days

• 2 1/2 lbs chuck beef, cubed 1. Melt ghee in heavy casserole pot over medium-high heat.
• 3 medium white sweet potatoes Add onion, garlic and black pepper and sauté until onion is
(about 2 lbs), cubed translucent.
• 6 large carrots, chopped 2. Add beef to sauteed onions and sear lightly for about 5
• 1 yellow onion, diced minutes. Add wine, beef stock, tomato paste, thyme and bay
• 4 celery stocks, diced leaves. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer, cover
• 1 cup white mushrooms, sliced with lid and simmer for 1 1/2 hours.
• 3 cloves garlic, minced 3. Add sweet potato, celery, mushrooms, and carrots then cook
• 4 cups low sodium beef stock for an additional 15 minutes covered.
• 1/2 cup dry red wine, like pinot noir 4. Remove about 1/2 cup of liquid from the pot and slowly
• 1/4 cup tomato paste (no salt whisk in arrowroot flour. Return liquid to the pot and stir,
added) then bring liquid back to a boil over medium heat and cook
• 1 tbsp ghee uncovered for about 15 more minutes until liquid has
• 2 tbsp arrowroot flour thickened and carrots are fork tender.
• 3-4 sprigs fresh thyme 5. Skim any excess fat from the top of the stew before serving.
• 3 bay leaves
• 1/2 tsp black pepper
• Salt to taste
Does this recipe really belong in the
“Fancy-ish Entrees” section? Probably
not, because it’s so simple to make. But
it’s really pretty so here it is. You can
easily make this recipe paleo by subbing
out the black beans with roasted squash
or sweet potato.


Yield: 4 servings
273 calories - 27 g protein - 10 g fat -
18 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 3-4 days

• 16 oz salmon 1. Pre-heat oven to 400°.  Cut salmon into four 4 oz servings
• 6 cups baby spinach and pat with chili powder and Flavor God Seasoning.  Bake
• 1 cup mango, chopped for 12-14 minutes or until salmon flakes easily.
• 1/2 cup tomatoes, diced 2. Whisk together dressing ingredients and set aside.
• 1/2 cup canned low sodium black 3. Toss salad ingredients with dressing, then top with salmon and
beans, drained and rinsed chopped cilantro.
• 2 tbsp cilantro, chopped
• 1 tsp chili powder
• 1 tsp Flavor God Everything
Lime Dressing:
• 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
• Juice of 3 limes
• 1/2 tbsp honey
• 1/2 tsp Flavor God Spicy Everything
• 1/4 tsp chili powder
Mac ‘n cheese is one of my favorite
childhood foods, but let’s be real - it’s
terrible for you! Not the case with this
recipe. All the flavors here combine to
actually taste like cheese (seriously!). If
you’re meal prepping with this recipe, be
sure to leave the broccoli on the side so it
doesn’t funk up the cheesy flavor.


Yield: 7 servings
338 calories - 30 g protein - 14 g fat -
23 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 4-6 days

• 1 3/4 lb boneless, skinless chicken 1. Pre-heat oven to 375°.
breast, grilled 2. Cut spaghetti squash in half length-wise, then rub flesh with
• 1 medium to large spaghetti squash olive oil. Place halves on a foil lined baking sheet, cut side
(about 3-4 lbs) up, and bake for 30-40 minutes or until squash flakes easily
• 2 1/2 cups butternut squash, cubed with a fork.
• 3 cups broccoli florets 3. Melt ghee in a pot over medium-high heat. Add squash,
• 1 cup sweet onion, diced onion, carrot, salt, ground mustard, and garlic powder.
• 1 large carrot, diced Sauté until onions are translucent, about 5 minutes.
• (1) 13.5 oz can light, unsweetened 4. Add arrowroot flour to vegetables and mix until vegetables
coconut milk are evenly coated, then add coconut and bring to a boil.
• (1/2) 13.5 oz can full fat, 5. Reduce heat to a simmer and continue cooking for about 10
unsweetened coconut milk minutes or until the squash is very tender (almost falling
• 1 1/2 tbsp ghee apart) and the coconut milk is reduced and thickened.
• 1 1/2 tbsp arrowroot flour 6. Puree squash mixture in a blender with nutritional yeast until
• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast smooth.
• 1/2 tbsp olive oil 7. Once spaghetti squash is cooked and cooled slightly, remove
• 1 1/2 tsp real salt flesh with a fork and place into a large bowl. Add squash
• 1 tsp ground mustard mixture, broccoli and grilled chicken breast. Mix until evenly
• 1 tsp garlic powder coated.
• Optional: breadcrumbs or paleo 8. Divide mixture evenly into 7 greased individual ramekins or 1
breadcrumbs large baking dish. Top with breadcrumbs if desired, then bake
at 375° for 15-20 minutes.
Last year I was lucky enough to spend
time in Thailand and it was beautiful
there. The people were amazing, the
beaches perfect and the food delicious.
Green curry is a safe bet to try at home,
especially if you can get Thai ingredients
from an Asian market! Try out some Thai
eggplant if you can find them (little round
green ones in the picture).


Yield: 8 servings
358 calories - 31 g protein - 11 g fat -
30 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 5-7 days

• 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken 1. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a medium depth pot. Add
breast, sliced curry paste and sauté until aromatic, then add chicken and
• 2 small zucchini, roughly julienned stir to coat chicken with curry.
• 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced 2. Add coconut milk and chicken broth and bring to a quick
• 1 cup bamboo shoots, rinsed & boil. Add bamboo shoots and lime leaves.
drained 3. Lower heat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, then add
• 1/4 cup Mae Ploy green curry paste zucchini and bell pepper. Cover again and simmer for
(or Thai and True for lower sodium) another 5 minutes or until curry slightly thickens and chicken
• 15 oz can coconut milk is cooked through.
• 1/2 cup sodium free chicken broth 4. Add fish sauce, coconut sugar and basil leaves, stir and serve
• 1 tbsp fish sauce over rice.
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 1 tbsp coconut sugar
• 6 kaffir lime leaves, whole & lightly
• 1/2 cup Thai basil leaves, chopped
• 4 cups cooked brown rice
This dish is packed with vegetables at
every turn but tastes like it could be a
guilty pleasure! You can use full fat
coconut milk for an even creamier
alfredo sauce and swap the broccoli out
for any veggie of your choice.



Yield: 4 servings
191 calories - 26 g protein - 6 g fat -
11 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 3-4 days

• 1 1/4 lb jumbo shrimp (weighed with 1. Rinse and dry shrimp. Set aside in refrigerator on a paper
shell on), peeled/deveined, tails on towel lined plate.
• 4 small zucchini, spiralized 2. Place cauliflower florets into microwavable bowl. Add 2 tbsp
• 2 cups broccoli florets water or chicken stock, then cover bowl with damp paper
• 1/2 tbsp Earth Balance Buttery towel and microwave for 3-4 minutes or until tender.
Spread with Olive Oil 3. While cauliflower is steaming, caramelize onion slices.
• 1 tsp Flavor God Garlic Lovers 4. Add steamed cauliflower, caramelized onions, coconut milk,
Seasoning chicken stock, nutritional yeast and real salt to a blender.
• Salt and pepper to taste Blend on high until smooth. Set aside.
• Parsley for garnish 5. Heat 1 tbsp Earth Balance Buttery Spread in a large sauté
Alfredo Sauce: pan over medium-high heat. Once melted, add garlic and
• 1/2 large head of cauliflower, cut broccoli and sauté until tender, adding a lid to steam broccoli
into florets to desired tenderness. Add alfredo sauce, mixing to coat
• 1/2 cup light coconut milk broccoli evenly. Remove from heat.
• 1/2 yellow onion, sliced 6. Heat another pan over high/medium-high heat. Add
• 1/2 cup low sodium chicken stock remaining Earth Balance and melt. Add shrimp in a single
• 3 garlic cloves, minced layer, being careful not to crowd pan (this will help give them
• 1 tbsp Earth Balance Buttery Spread a nice sear and browning). Cook about 3 minutes per side
with Olive Oil until shrimp is pink and opaque.
• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast 7. Add zucchini noodles to microwavable bowl with Flavor God
• 1/2 tsp real salt seasoning and cover with damp paper towel. Microwave for
2 minutes. Divide among 4 dishes, then
top with broccoli/alfredo mix.
8. Top with cooked shrimp and parsley.
This pot pie is the ultimate in comfort
food - so much flavor packed into one
dish! Peas are not paleo, so swap them
out with sweet potato or squash to keep
it paleo. Pro Tip: Use a rotisserie chicken
from the grocery store rather than
cooking your own to save time.


Yield: 6 servings
395 calories - 30 g protein - 22 g fat -
21 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 5-7 days

• 2 lbs bone in, skin on chicken breast 1. Pre-heat oven to 425°. Season skin-side of chicken with 1/2
• 1 cup coconut milk tsp salt and bake 20-25 mins or until cooked through. Cool
• 1 cup low sodium chicken broth and remove skin and bones, then chop into 1 inch cubes.
• 1 1/2 cups carrots, diced
2. In a large sauté pan, melt ghee over medium-high heat. Add
• 1 1/2 cups frozen peas (sub with diced
sweet potato for Paleo) onion, garlic, celery, carrot, salt, pepper, thyme and sage.
• 1 cup celery, diced Sauté 5-10 minutes or until carrots begin to become tender.
• 1/2 medium yellow onion, diced 3. Add arrowroot flour & mix until veggies are coated, then add
• 3 cloves garlic, minced broth and coconut milk. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a
• 1 tbsp ghee (or butter)
simmer for 5-10 minutes or until thickened.
• 1 tbsp arrowroot flour
• 1 tsp salt, divided
4. Remove from heat, add chicken & peas, then pour into
• 1 tsp fresh thyme greased 9x13 baking dish. Set aside.
• 1/2 tsp dried sage 5. Combine dry biscuit ingredients in a bowl. Add cold butter
• 1/2 tsp black pepper using fingers and mix until large chunks form.
Lemon Thyme Biscuits:
6. Whisk coconut milk and vinegar and allow to rest for several
• 1/2 cup almond flour
minutes, then whisk in egg and lemon zest. Pour over other
• 1/3 cup tapioca flour
• 1/4 cup coconut flour biscuit ingredients and mix until just combined.
• 1/4 cup coconut milk 7. Form 6 balls with dough and flatten slightly with your hand.
• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast Add on top of pot pie mixture, then loosely tent foil over dish.
• 1 tsp fresh thyme 8. Bake at 350° for 15 minutes, remove foil, brush biscuits with
• 1 tsp baking powder
additional butter if desired and continue baking for 10-15
• 1/2 tsp baking soda
• 1 egg
more minutes or until biscuits are golden brown.
• 3 tbsp ghee or butter
• 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
• 1/2 tsp lemon zest
Turkey Bacon and Egg White Muffins

SNACKS Don’t forget to include snacks in your weekly meal plans!

They’re essential to keeping your metabolism revved up and will
help you power through the day. Aside from the recipes you’ll
see in this section, I’m a big fan of hard boiled egg whites, fruit
with Greek yogurt dip, vegetables with hummus, and fat free
cottage cheese topped with strawberry jam. I also include a pre-
workout snack like whole wheat toast and peanut butter plus a
post workout protein shake in my daily plans. My workouts
always suffer when I skip out on the snacks! Quest protein bars
are a good bet when you’re on the run and didn’t get a chance to
make your own snacks.

This may seem like a recipe that’s too
simple to belong in a book, but I’m such
a fan of this trail mix that I had to include
it. The best part? I don’t feel like I’m
getting ripped off with no chocolate in
there! The raisins and dried pineapple
keep things plenty sweet. If you’re
avoiding soy, try macadamia nuts and
coconut chips in place of the soy nuts.


Yield: 14 servings
137 calories - 4 g protein - 5 g fat -
16 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 6+ months


• 1 cup unsalted, roasted soy nuts 1. Mix all ingredients and serve.
• 1 cup unsweetened dried banana 2. Store in an airtight container.
• 1/2 cup unsweetened raisins
• 1/2 cup unsalted peanuts
• 1/2 cup dried pineapple
Beef jerky is an awesome macro-friendly
snack that can really help you up your
daily protein intake. Look for a cut of
beef that is very lean like top round or
flank - the more fat and marbling there is,
the faster your jerky will go bad. This
recipe can easily be made paleo with a
few minor substitutions!


Yield: 12-13 oz / Serving Size: 1 oz

105 calories - 18 g protein - 3 g fat -
1 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 7-10 days


• 2 lbs top round beef, fat trimmed 1. Wrap trimmed top round in plastic wrap and freeze for 1 to 2
• 1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce hours. Once the meat is stiff to the touch, unwrap from plastic
• 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce and slice into 1/8”-1/4” thick slices using a sharp knife.
• 1 tbsp sesame oil Place meat slices in a resealable plastic bag.
• 1 tbsp light brown sugar 2. Whisk together all other ingredients. Pour mixture over sliced
• 1 1/2 tsp black pepper meat and refrigerate for 8-12 hours.
• 1 tsp onion powder 3. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper, then top
• 1 tsp garlic powder parchment paper with oven safe wire cooling rack.
• 1/2 tsp smoked paprika 4. Place marinated beef slices on wire racks in a single layer.
• 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes 5. Bake at 200° for 2-4 hours with the oven door propped open
by a wooden spoon. (The jerky is done when almost all
moisture and fat has been baked out of the meat, but still
gives slightly when pressed. You can also make it crunchy by
baking longer if desired. The thinner the meat is sliced, the
faster it will bake.)
6. Store cooled jerky in an airtight bag in a cool, dry place.
Of course I had to throw in a Nutella
inspired recipe here! These energy bites
are such an easy dessert or pre-workout
snack to take on the go. If you want to
add a little flair, roll them in shredded
coconut right after making the balls.


Yield: 7 servings
157 calories - 4 g protein - 8 g fat -
20 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 7-10 days


• 2/3 cup unsweetened shredded 1. Add dates, hazelnuts and cashews to a food processor. Pulse
coconut until chunks are slightly smaller than 1/4 inch. Mixture
• 1/2 cup dried pitted dates should easily stick together when pinched between your
• 1/4 cup hazelnuts fingers.
• 1/4 cup unsalted cashews 2. Dump hazelnut mixture into a bowl and add remaining
• 1/4 cup mini dark chocolate chips ingredients. Mix using a fork until all ingredients are well
• 1/4 cup chocolate whey protein combined.
powder 3. Using your hands, form 1 inch balls from the mixture.
• 1 tbsp chia seeds 4. Refrigerate overnight in an airtight container before serving.
• 1/2 tbsp Dutched cocoa powder
• 2 tbsp smooth almond butter, melted
• 2 tbsp unsweetened vanilla almond
No-Bake Peanut Butter Protein Tart

DESSERTS Yes, you can eat desserts even when you are trying to eat clean
or healthy or you’re on a diet! In my opinion you should always
have dessert in your life...because going cold turkey and never
eating anything sweet is like depriving yourself. And for me, that
means feeling hangry and craving what I’m missing out on even
more. Do yourself a favor and find something that fits into your
health and fitness goals and ENJOY it. I do my best to
incorporate protein into my desserts since I prefer to eat macro-
friendly foods and usually adding protein helps to balance out
the fat and carbs in dessert. There are a ton of creative ways to
have your cake and eat it too - see for yourself!

I’m really enjoying this eBook because I
get to share so many recipes that you
can’t find on my blog, but I had to
include this one. My most popular post
of all time and my most favorite flavor
combo of all time: chocolate + peanut
butter. Plus they’ve got half the sugar
and twice the protein of a Reese’s cup!


Yield: 8 servings
118 calories - 6.4 g protein - 8 g fat -
8.5 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 2-3 months

• 3/4 cup Ghiradelli 60% cacao 1. In a small bowl, combine vanilla protein and PB2.  Add
bittersweet chocolate chips unsweetened vanilla almond milk and mix until smooth.  Then
• 2 tbsp vanilla whey protein add peanut butter and mix until smooth.
• 3 tbsp Skippy Natural peanut butter 2. In a small pan, melt chocolate chips over low heat.
• 1/4 cup PB2 powdered peanut 3. Add a small layer of melted chocolate to each of 8 silicone
butter baking cups.  Place on a tray and into the freezer until
• 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond hardened, about 15 minutes.
milk 4. To each baking cup, add a spoonful of peanut butter mixture
and press lightly into the cup, leaving some space on the
sides for the chocolate to fill in.
5. Top the peanut butter mixture with melted chocolate.
6. Return cups to the freezer until hardened, about 30 minutes.
Remove from silicone cup and wrap in foil.  Store in the
freezer until serving.
You know what’s awesome about these
donut bites? Aside from being delicious,
you can eat 4 of them and not feel bad
about it. They’re so easy to
can use a mini-muffin pan or snag a
donut hole pan for extra cute donut bites!
Roll them around in spices and the sugar
of your choice for that real donut feel.


Yield: 12 servings
68 calories - 3 g protein - 3 g fat -
6 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 2-3 days

• 1 scoop chocolate whey protein 1. In a small pan, heat almond milk, coconut milk and coffee
• 1/4 cup coconut flour until almost boiling. Add chai tea bags and steep for 5
• 3 tbsp almond flour minutes.
• 3 tbsp coconut sugar, divided 2. Drain tea bags and bring liquid to a boil for 5-10 minutes or
(Monkfruit sweetener for non-paleo) until reduced by half. Set pan aside and allow liquid to cool.
• 1/2 tsp baking powder 3. Pre-heat oven to 350° and spray a mini-muffin pan with
• 1/4 tsp baking soda coconut oil. Set aside.
• 1 3/4 tsp cinnamon, divided 4. Mix whey protein, coconut flour, almond flour, 1 1/2 tbsp
• 1/8 tsp each of: ground ginger, all coconut sugar, baking powder, baking soda, 1/4 tsp
spice, cardamom, ground cloves cinnamon and remaining spices. Add reduced coffee
• 2 chai tea bags mixture, applesauce, egg and coffee extract. Stir until just
• 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce combined and divide evenly into 12 mini-muffin molds.
• 1/4 cup coffee 5. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the
• 1/4 cup almond milk middle of a donut comes out clean. Remove donut bites and
• 1/4 cup coconut milk allow to cool.
• 1 egg 6. Combine remaining coconut sugar with remaining cinnamon
• 1 1/2 tbsp butter, melted in a small bowl and set aside.
• 1/2 tsp coffee extract 7. Brush donut bites with butter and roll in cinnamon sugar
8. Donut bites are best served immediately, but can be stored in
a non-airtight container in a cool, dry place for several days.
Each slice of this decadent combo-style
dessert is only 61 calories! Thanks to my
signature cheesecake recipe, you can
have your (cheese)cake and eat it too.
You can also sub the cherries with any
fresh or dried berry or even go for
frozen fruit if there’s nothing in season!


Yield: 20 servings
61 calories - 5 g protein - 1 g fat -
9 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 5-7 days

Brownie: 1. Preheat oven to 325° and line a 9” x 13” baking sheet with
• 1/2 cup rolled oats parchment paper.
• 2 tbsp Dutched cocoa powder 2. In a food processor or NutriBullet, mill the rolled oats with
• 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder cocoa powder and coconut sugar for smoothest results. Mix
• 1 scoop (30g) chocolate whey brownie ingredients until well combined. Pour into prepared
protein baking sheet.
• 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 3. Process cottage cheese, egg white and Stevia until cottage
• 1/3 cup coconut sugar cheese is smooth. Add Greek yogurt and whey protein and
• 1 tsp baking powder process until well combined. Tap against counter to release
• Pinch salt air bubbles. Fold in chopped cherries, then pour over
• 3/4 cup non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt brownie batter and smooth over using a spatula.
• 1/4 cup coconut milk 4. Bake at 325° for 25-27 minutes or until edges just begin to
• 1/3 cup applesauce lightly brown. The cheesecake should still look slightly
• 1 egg undercooked and will set up in the refrigerator.
• 1 tsp vanilla extract 5. Allow to set up in refrigerator overnight before cutting into 20
Cheesecake: slices and serving.
• 1/2 cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt
• 1/2 cup non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt
• 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
• 1 scoop (30g) vanilla whey protein
• 2 egg whites
• 45mg pure Stevia
• 3/4 cup cherries, pitted and
These cake bars are so versatile, you can
add just about any extras you want! Try
a handful of chocolate chips or walnuts in
the batter for an extra kick. Add a pinch
of salt to the frosting if you’re using a low
sodium peanut butter to make sure it
melts in your mouth!


Yield: 20 servings
111 calories - 8 g protein - 3 g fat -
14 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 3-5 days

• 1 1/2 cups rolled oats, milled into 1. Pre-heat oven to 350° and grease a 9” x 13” baking sheet
fine oat flour with coconut oil. Set aside.
• 2 scoops vanilla whey protein 2. Mix all dry ingredients, then add wet ingredients and mix
• 1/3 cup light brown sugar until just combined. Pour mixture into prepared baking sheet
• 2 tsp cinnamon and spread evenly.
• 1 tsp baking powder 3. Bake for 15-18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the
• 1 tsp baking soda center of the cake comes out clean. Set aside to cool.
• 1/8 tsp nutmeg 4. Mix Greek yogurt and casein protein powder until smooth.
• 1 1/2 cups mashed overripe Add melted peanut butter and mix until well combined. Add
bananas (about 3 med bananas) some unsweetened vanilla almond milk if the frosting is too
• 1 egg plus 2 egg whites thick.
• 1 tbsp Skippy Natural Peanut Butter, 5. Once cake has cooled, frost and cut into 20 squares before
melted serving.
• 2 tsp vanilla extract 6. Cover cake bars with plastic wrap and store on countertop or
Frosting: transfer to air tight container and store in the refrigerator for
• 1 cup Dannon Light and Fit Vanilla several days.
Greek Yogurt
• 1 scoop vanilla casein protein
• 1/4 cup Skippy Natural Peanut
Butter, melted
If you’ve never heard of or tried “nice”
cream before, now is the time! The
concept is that instead of churning high-
fat cream into ice cream, you let frozen
bananas do the work for you. Use really,
really ripe bananas for this so that they
are extra sweet and won’t take over your
pumpkin nice cream with banana flavor.


Yield: 4 servings
109 calories - 10 g protein - 2 g fat -
13 g carbs per serving
Stays fresh for: 1-2 weeks

• 1 cup pumpkin puree 1. Slice banana and arrange in single layer on wax paper lined
• 1 small, over-ripe banana baking sheet. Freeze for 2-3 hours.
• 5.3 oz container Dannon Light and 2. Once bananas are frozen, combine bananas and all other
Fit Pumpkin Pie Greek Yogurt (or ingredients in a food processor. Process until smooth.
pumpkin flavored yogurt of your 3. Transfer “nice” cream to a loaf pan or similar shaped plastic
choice) container and spread evenly. Freeze for 30 minutes or until
• 1 scoop vanilla casein protein “nice” cream is soft frozen.
• 3 tbsp coconut milk 4. Scoop into dishes for serving and serve immediately.
• 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
• Optional: cinnamon and pecans for

Erin Palmer is the voice behind Peanut Butter

and Fitness - the healthy food blog that high-
lights simple yet satisfying meal prep ideas
and shows readers that eating clean really
can be delicious. After discovering the
power of nutrition in accomplishing her own
health and fitness goals, Erin was inspired to
share her protein-packed recipes with the
world. She also shares her tips, tricks and
product recommendations to help readers
succeed in their own journey to wellness.
She lives in San Francisco, California where
she serves in the U.S. Coast Guard. When
she isn’t brainstorming recipes or lifting
heavy things at the gym, Erin enjoys being
outside, hiking and having fun in or near the

Erin has been featured on,

The Huffington Post, Greatist, BuzzFeed,
Fitness Magazine, and many other websites.

Photo: Tim Sullivan Photography lxi

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