Ôn Tập Và Kiểm Tra Tiếng Anh Quyển 9 - Nguyễn Thị Chi

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; NGUYEN THI CHI (Chii bién) NGUYEN BANG BINH - TRINH MAI HOA - KIEU HONG VAN On tap vakiém tra iéng Anh me PHO THONG C THONG CO SO Quyén NHA XUAT BAN BAI HOC QUOC GIA H. NGUYEN THI CHI (Chi bién) NGUYEN DANG BINH - TRINH MAI HOA KIEU HONG VAN On tap va kiém tra TIENG ANH (Quyén 9) tIn lan thit hai) NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI - 2002 LOI NOI DAU Cac em hoc sinh va cdc bac phu huynh than mén! V6i muc dich giup cdc em Jam quen vdi céc bai Test cla chugng trinh "English 9" va dat két qua tét trong cdc bai kiém tra cing nhu cdc ky thi, ching tdi bién soan cuén sdch nay theo cuén "English 9" (hé 7 nam) cla Nha xu&t ban Gido duc. Sach ding cho hoc sinh lép 9 vdi moi trinh dé: trung binh, khé va gidi. Trong lan xudt ban nay chung téi da stt chifa, bé sung va chinh ly dé chat lugng cuén sdch duge t6t hon. Sach gdm co: + 8 bai kiém tra 45 phut cho trinh do dai tra dé cing c6 lai kién thie sau m6i hai don vi bai hoc trong sich giéo khoa. Mat 86 bai tap danh dau sao danh cho hoc sinh kha va gidi. +2 bai kiém tra gitta hoe ky I va gitta hoc ky II cho trinh d@ dai tra 60 phut va 2 bai kiém tra nang cao 90 phut. +3 bai kiém tra 60 phut va 3 bai kiém tra nang cao 90 phit hét hoc ky IL + Mét bai giéi thiéu Dé thi chon doi tuyén tiéng Anh khdéi 9. Truong Phé thong Ban cong Chuyén ngit nam hoc 1998-1999. Méi bai kiém tra déu co dap an va biéu diém dé cdc em ed thé ty danh gia trinh do cla minh, dong thdi cae bac phu huynh cling cd thé kiém tra con em minh. Chung t6i hy vong cu6n saéch nay sé rat b6 ich trong qua trinh hoe tap cla céc em, Cudn s&ch edn cd thé dung lam tai liéu tham khdo cho cdc ban ddng nghiép. CAC TAC GIA Ki HIEU DUNG TRONG SACH ) + Co thé ding hoac khong can thiét phai ding iE : - Cd thé ding mét trong hai hoac nhiéu thanh phan - tit hoac cim tit gai ¥ trong cdc bai tap dat cau. ¢ bé tring * bai tap kho n : noun (danh tir) vs: verb (dong tit) adv : adverb (trang tit) adj : adjective (tinh ti”) PHAN |: TESTS TEST 1 (48 phat) (Units 1+2) I. Danh dau trong am cac tt sau. (1d) 1. library 5. reference 2. collection 6. catalogue 3. to develop 7. magazine 4. to arrange 8. elephant IL. Dién gidi tt thich hop vao ché trong. (2d) lL. When I was small, | was very interested (1) books. 2. Picture books are very helpful (2) developing the small children’s love (3) __ books and their habits (4) reading 3. The children often enjoyed looking (5) colourful posters (6) the walls while their father got tickets (7) —— the ticket b +4, Wild animals are tamed before they are brought (8) the circus. ch néi bi dong. (1,5¢) 1. The librarian arranged various books into different sections Ill. Chuyén cfc cau sau sang c 2. The children admired the lion-tamers most of all. 3. They were painting the posters when we arrived. 4. The performing animals, especially monkeys and dogs, attract the small children very much. 5*. The clowns make the audience laugh a lot. 6*, They suggested opening the school library on Sundays IV. Hay viét lai cac cfu sau ding ménh dé quan hé. (1,5) 1. The house is used as a library now. It was built in 1960. 2. The children were talking about the lion-tamers. They admired the lion-tamers most of all. 3. The books are used for reference. Do you want to read them? 4. The dictionary is on the table You borrowed it from our school library this morning. 5. The woman is a librarian, You saw her yesterday on the way home. 6. The man is living next door to us. Do you want to meet him? V. Chon d4p 4n ding nhat cho nhiing cfu sau. (2d) l, the homework done yesterday? a. Did c. Were b, Was d. Does 2. The library cards are usually issued of the school year a. at first c. at the beginning b. at last d. in the beginning 3. My father used to us to the circus when we lived in the capital. a, take c. took b, taken d. taking 4. When I was small my mother always made me to bed early. a. to go ©. gone b. going d. go 5. Anew film ___ on TV last night. a.is shown ¢. was shown ». showing d. show 6. Mrs Green, . helps us to find books. a. isa librarian c. is the librarian b the librarian d. is librarian 7. He felt sleepy because of the performance a. bore c. boring b. bored d. interested 8. Once to the circus, we were very much fascinated by the lion-tamers. a. going b. gone c. went, d. go VI. Dich sang tiéng Anh (1d) 1*. Thu vién truéng ching toi mé cita hang ngay cho tat cd giao vién va hoc sinh, nhitng ai muén doc sach, mugn sach hoac nghién citu. 2. Téi bi cuédn hut bdi tam ap phich lén vé mét con su t¥ mau nau xam dang nhe rang bén canh m6t c6 gai xinh dep trong bé déng phuc mau den. VII. Cho dang thich hgp cia ti trong ngode. (1d) 1. The children told us about the (perform) they liked best. 2. He has a large (collect) of picture books. 3*. Book is said to (wide) our (know) TEST 2 (45 phat) (Units 344) I. Hay tim mot ti khaée véi céc tit cdn lai trong moi dong sau. (1d) 1. elephant, tiger, tamer, monkey. 2. recreation, relaxation, amusement, appointment. 3. hiking, swimming, cooking, running. 4. farmer, teacher, engineer, cooker. TI. Dién gidi ti thich hop vao ché trong. (1d) 1. To prepare (1) the coming May Day, many talks (2) history and development of that day have been given in our class. 2. (3) National Day, people usually walk (4) - large groups (5) regular and measured steps. 3. All the people are eager to participate (6) the march. 4. I’ve never gone (7) a donkey - ride (8) as the sand Il. Hay viét dang thich hgp cua tu trong ngodc. (1,5d) 1. T enjoy taking (leisure) bicycle trips to.the countryside when T have a day off. 2. Many foreigners love the peaceful (beautiful) of Vietnamese countryside. 3. The New Year (celebrate) has beer concidered a great holiday in our country. 4. May Day (symbol) the spirit of the working class all over the world 5*. The children laughed (heart) at the funny clowns in (bag) trousers IV. Cho dang ding ctta dong ti trong ngodc. (2d) 1, When I (see) you yesterday, you (sit) in a café, 2. We (yo) for a long summer holiday in a month We (have) a good time (swim) in the sea 3. If I won the first prize in a lottery, I (take) a long trip round the world 4°. A lot of people (kill) by AIDS recently. And I wish nobody (die) any more V. Hay viet lai cdc chu sau theo chi dan. (1,5d) 1. It’s a pity we don’t have today off, - L wish 2. I can’t join in your trip as I promised because I have to finish my report on books. © amors 3. They have held a big march to promote the spirit of the working class. - A big march......... 4. The first May Day meeting was held in America - America is the country........ 5*, You won’t find any accommodation if you don’t book it in advance. - Unless........ 6*. I don't think you should go to work today. - You'd better......... VI. Chon dap an thich hip cho cae cau sau. (1d) 1, May Day is a day for workers. a, working ¢, national b. special d. usual 2. The pupils kept____about the trip they had last week a. talk c. talking b. taked d. talks 3. That’s the place. the meeting was held. a, when cc. which b. where d. whose 4. To take place means a. to celebrate ¢. to happen b. to make d. to put sai yao cac cau cho dudi. (2d) In Canada and the United States, one of the most popular days in the year is Halloween. Halloween is on October 31st. It’s a day when some people dress up in strange or unusual costumes, For example, they may dress up to look like an animal, a person from a book or movie or a famous person from history. In some places, children go to school in their Halloween costumes. After dark, many young children put on their costumes and visit their neighbours. They knock on the door and shout "Trick or treat!" Then the neighbour gives them some candy, and the children go on to the next house. Adults also enjoy dressing up for Halloween There are usually Halloween patties in the evening and usually there is a prize for the best or most unusual costume. 1- T - F: Halloween is only celebrated in the United States VH. ‘ow doan vin sau va dinh dau dang @hoide 10 2. T- F: Only children dres: 3. T. F: At night people go “trick or treating” s up for Halloween. 4 T - F: When the children visit their neighbours, they are given something to eat TEST 3 (60 phat) (Bai kiém tra gida hoc ki I) I. Hay dién mot ti thich hgp vao méi ché tréng sau. (24) How do you find a book (1) a library? If you know the author's name, go to the author catalogue. Find(2) title of the book and check the shelf mark. Make a note of this before you look for the appropriate shelf, If you do not know the (3)___ name, however, go to the title catalogue. If there is no title catalogue in the library, (4) _. __ to the subject catalogue Check all the titles (5) are under the subject you want Then check the appropriate card, as with the author catalogue. Next, look for the book on the (6) Let the librarian stamp it before you take (7) ___— out of the library, If the book isn't on the shelf, ask the (8)___ to get it for you New words: — check (vy): kiém tra appropriate (adj): thich hgp stamp (v): dong dau Il. Chuyén nhiing céu sau day sang cau bi dng. (1d) 1, They issue library cards to readers once a year. 2. The performing animals fascinated our children most. 3, Have they organized many cultural activities recently? 4. They are going to hold next year’s meeting in New York. HI. Chia dong tu trong ngoac. (2d) dV Vv. 12 1. He wishes he (be) an acrobat. 2. The show just (begin). You are a little late. 3. More tourists (come) to this country if it had a better climate. 4. Oh! That hat (make) him (look) very funny. 5. He kept (ring) up and (ask) for an explanation and she didn’t know what (do) about him . Chon dap an thich hup dé hoan thanh céc cau sau, (id) 1, The first May Day meeting was in Great Britain a. held b, taken place ¢. made 2.1 really wish you __to the circus with us, a. will go b. go ¢. could go 3. My mother used ——_research in this library a. todo b, to make c. to doing 4. Two of these nouns can be made into verbs by adding '-ize". Find the one which cannot. a. symbol b. critic c. beauty Két hop cac cu sau day, sii dung dai ti quan hé cho trong ngoac. (id) 1. She told me about the book. She read it in the library yesterday. (that) 2*, I saw several houses. Most of them were quite good. (which) 3. They are talking about the clowns. The clowns made them feel excited. (who) day. The working people show their friendship jarity on that day. Gwhen? VI. Chon mot trong hai ti trong ngode dé hoan thanh cau. (1d) 1. The tent shows at the circus last night were very Gnterested/interesting). 2. Mr and Mrs Smith have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary (ate/lately) 3. We often take a (eisure/leisurely) walk in the forest on Sundays. 4. The library is (open/opened) to those who have library cards. VIL. Hay hoan thanh cae cau sau. (Id) I wish... - soon If | were you,, we Vietnam is the country where we . We were attracted... VIEL Hay viét lai cic cau sau day sao cho nghia cia cau khong thay d6i, bat dau bang ti cho sin. (1d). 1*. [ haven't decided yet whether to move or not > Thaven’t made... 2*, Mandy is excited about going to Greece on holiday. > Mandy is looking. 3. Do you want me to invite Marie? > Shall L...... . 4. England has many old towns and villages. > There. 13 TEST 4 (60 phut) (Bai kiém tra gitia hoc ki 1) I. Hay chon dap an thich hop dé dién vao ché tréng trong doan van sau day. (2d) An increasing number of people are now going on (i to Egypt. Last year, for example, about one and a half million tourists (2)_ Egypt. The population of Egypt is about 50 million and the (3) is E} Qahira (Cairo), a busy city of just under 9 million people. Although the climate is hot and dry and (4)___ the country is desert, the average temperature (5) October to March is not too high. The most (6) sights are the pyramids at Giza. However, it’s also pleasant to visit Alexandria, Port Said and several (7) places and do as much sightseeing as possible. A (8) to Luxor is very interesting, and there are frequent flights there from Cairo. 1. a. holiday b. visit c. trip 2. a, reached at b. arrived in c. visited 3. a. capital b. city c. head 4. a almost b. most of c. most 5. ain b. of c. from 6. a. famous b. visited c. known 7. aof b. other c.all 8. a. chance b picnic c. trip New words: - inereasing =: tang lén - desert (n) =: sa mac - average (adj); trung binh - pyramid (n) : kim tu thap. II. Hay dién mot dai ti quan hé thich hyp vao m6i ché trong. (1d) 1, Was that the plane ___ you travelled on? 2. The city _ my parents live now is well-known for its beauty. 3. Do you remember the day __ we first met each other? 4. A librarian is a person takes care of books in a library. II. Viét lai cic cfu sau day theo chi din. (2d) 1. [can’t go climbing and hiking this weekend. (Bat dau cau bang "I wish") 2*, When I was a child, we lived in Bristol. (Bat dau cau bang "We used.........") 3. We felt bored because of his long speech (stk dung céu tric "make + noun/pronoun + bare infinitive") 4* I missed the train. [ usually catch this train. And I had to travel on the next one. It was a slow train. (Két hop thanh mét cau, ding dai tir quan hé) IV. Chon dap 4n thich hgp dé hoan thanh ec4c cau sau. (id) 1. If the weather were sunny, we. indoors. a. did not stay —_b. would not stay c. will not stay 2. May Day is a good for the working people to show their solidarity. a. occasion b. chance ¢, oppotunity 16 3. They kept, about the performing monkeys that they liked most of all a. to talk b, talking c. talk 4. A library __ recently. a. was open b. has heen open c. has been opened Vv. Tim dang dung cia ti trong ngodc. (1d) 1. When does your country (celebration) the National Day? 2*. People were fascinated by her (admire) (perform). 8. Unless you (apology), I won’t forgive you VI. Hay sép xép cac tii sau dfy theo hai chi dé "Thu vién" va "ngay nghi". (1d) reference, picnic, sightseeing. section, recreation, catalogue, stack, leisurely VII. Dich cac cféu sau day sang tiéng Anh. (2d) 1. Thu vién trudng t6i cd nhiéu sdach hay. Ching toi thudng dén thu vién doc sach 2, Use gi bay gid minh dang 6 trén bai bién, Minh sé boi va tam nang. TEST 5 (90 phit) Bai kiém tra gitia hoc ky | nang cao (Danh cho hoc sinh kha, gidi) I. Dién mét ti thich hgp vao mdi ché trong duge danh s6 trong doan van sau. (1,5d) 16 1-191 The British Museum library is (1) of the largest libraries in the world. It has a copy of every book (2) is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books (3) . They receive nearly two thousand books and papers every day The British Museum library has a very big (4) of printed books and manuscripts (5) they keep in glass cases. You can also find there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer (6) lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England. In the reading room of the British Museum library many (7 great men have read and studied. You know that VI, Lenin visited London several times (8) he lived in England. He spent a lot of time in the British Museunt library. (9) great man was Karl Marx who (10) works which have had the greatest influence (11) the politics of the modern world, Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the (12) of many interesting books spent a lot of time in the British Museum library. II. Cho dang dung cia dong tit trong ngodc 6 nhiing cau sau. (1d) 1. I can’t go out because I (not finish) my homework. 2. They will never let him (forget) his debt. 3. She shouldn’t behave as if she (be) my mother. 4. She (consider) (be) an expert on animal behaviour and often appears on television. 5. I work in a bakery, so I’m used to (get) up very early in the morning. 6. If we (stop) bothering and (do) away with Christmas, we would think even less of Ill. Két hop nhifng cap cau sau, si’ dung “where, which, that, when, who, whom". (1,5d) 1, Mrs Green thought Ann looked tired. She gave her the day off. 2. I was sitting on a chair. It suddenly collapsed. 3. Is that the restaurant? We had dinner in that restaurant last Saturday, 4, I will never forget the day. I entered this class on that day. 5. You must tell me that thing. You promised to tell it to me. 6. Jones is the man. We are going to recommend him for the job. IV. Sap xép nhiing ti dudi day theo c&éc chi diém cho s&n. (1d) acrobat, blackboard, clown, desks, film, operate on, patient, performing animals, playground, projector, screen, staffroom, surgeon, tamer, usherette, ward CINEMA CIRCUS HOSPITAL | SCHOOL V. Dang nhiing ti’ hodc cum ti ggi § viét thanh cau hoan chinh. (24) 1, journalist/write/article/friend/mine. 2, rubber/come/tree/use/tires/cars/trucks. 3. where/you/use/summer/vacation/be/pupil? 18 J/not mind/live/England/ifweather/better. o beautiful forests/destroy/unless/do/preserve. Adam/wish/take/leisurely bicycle trip/countryside/now. “The Old Man and the Sea"/write/Hemingway/1952. like/Autumn/leaves/red/fall? eae VI. Cho ti trai nghia véi tu in nghiéng 6 nhing cau sau. (id) 1, Those who are interested in novels, please put up your hands? nw . When do your parents finish work? . Do you really dove going to concerts so much? a © . She decided to shorten her skirt. Is the bread in the cupboard fresh ? . At what time will the sun rise tomorrow? They make me cry a lot SrA oe . She noted down the exact time of departure. VII. Viét Iai nhiing céu sau, dung cau diéu kién c6 that hodc khéng c6 that 6 hién tai va tudng lai. (1d) 1, He speaks very quickly so ] can’t understand him. 2. I don’t know his address, that’s why I can’t visit him. 3. Tell the police the truth. I’m sure they'll believe you 4 I don’t have time. I’m not going to the circus with you this weekend, 5. You can’t drive without a licence. 6. She won't tell you about it because she isn’t here. 7. Do your exercises or you'll be punished by the teacher. 8. My house is guarded by two Alsatian dogs. ‘That's the only reason it isn’t broken into every night. VIII. Chon d4p 4n ding nhat cho nhiing cau sau. (1d) 1. When the British people go abroad, it takes them several days to get used to......... on the right hand side of the road. A. drive B. driven C. driving D. drove 2. If he worked more slowly, he......... so many mistakes. A. would not make C. didn’t make B. will not make D. wasn’t making 3. The house... Shakespeare was born in, is open to the public, A. where B. which C. that b. whom. 4. If. John, tell him I'll phone him later. A. you see B. you saw C. you'd seen D. you'll see 5. ......... have lunch at 12 o'clock every day? A. Did she used to C. Is she used to B. Did she use to D. Would she use. 6. You ask anyone......... like; they'll all give you the same answer. A. whom you B. who you C. youD. which you 7. I wish you......... leave now. Can’t you stay a bit longer? A. don't have to C. wouldn’t have to B. didn’t have to D. don’t 8. If you need to find some information in a non-fiction book, look it up in the. A. atlas B. catalogue C. diary D. index 20 6 (90 phut) Ai kiém tra gita hoc ky I nang can (Danh cho hoe sinh kha gidi) I. Chon dap 4n dung nhat dé hoan thanh doan van sau. (id) The City is the oldest part of London, which was once enclosed (>a wall. The Romans knew it, and it is now the country’s economic, business and insurance centre, (2) bus will take you beneath the grey, grim walls of the Tower of London, (3) has become London's most popular visitor’s attraction. The Bank of England, Royal Exchange and Mansion House all lie close together, so you (4) keep a sharp lookout as the bus (5)__ _ the Bank intersection. There are still (6) churches in the City which were (7)_ by sir Christopher Wren - his masterpiece is St. Paul’s Cathedral, completed in 1710 and erected on the site of the old building(8) in the Great Fire of London, 1666 1, Aon B.in C. against D. by 2. A. The trip B. The tour C. The travel D. The voyage 3. A. where B. it C. which D. the Tower 4. A should B. will C, would D, could 5. A. comes B. arrives C, reaches D. goes 6. A: much B. many C. various OD. little 7. A. build B. building C. being built D. built 8. A-destroyed B. disappeared C. vanished _D. extincted 21 Dién dai tu quan hé thich hop vao mdi cau sau (thém dau phiy néu can thiét). (1d) 1. The groom ___ is Erica’s cousin is much older than the bride. 2. We went back to look at the house we used to live in 3, We'll have the party on the 23rd is the day he comes out of hospital. 4. Rangers’ second goal, was scored in the final minutes, won them the cup. 5. His boss, didn’t drink, saw what was the matter and sympathetic. 6. Last Sunday we went to the Blenkinsop’s party IT was introduced to Sheila I'd heard a lot of but had never met before. 11. Chuyén nhiing ciu sau sang dang bj dong. (1,54) 22 1, Some community health centres provide free medical care. <) He said that he would return the book to me next week. o John used to ask his father a lot of questions when he was a small boy > . They have been building that house for two months. a Who wrote this poem? 6. No one helped him do his homework IV. Nhiing tinh ti duéi day dung dé chi tinh cach va diéu kién thé chat cha mot ngudi. Hay két hyp nhiing tinh ti do vai dinh nghia dung. (1d) brave, caring, cheerful, enthusiastic, fair, hard-working, patient, well-educated A person who is Lo coscssetunsentseiene has had a good education. Be x a ... is calm and does not get annoyed or frustrated 3 cccsssusees is helpful and sympathetic to other people Ao cuisines is not afraid of frightening or dangerous situation: Bo iessrsaery treats everyone equally and is not influenced by personal feelings. DS cxcimmncnnonensnns soe. is interested in and excited about something. To cocetecesssssenerenees iS Not at all lazy. Bi sees: is always happy and optimistic. V. Hoan thanh nhiing cau sau. (1,54) . No matter how hard I try, I’ll never get used, . When we lived in the countryside, we didn’t use . It’s a difficult question. I wish....... . Try the blue one on if, ge wwe The man for whom............ 23 VI 6. If you thought he was unreliable, why..... . Dién "used to", "to be used to", "use" vao ché trong thich hgp. (1d) 1, People who have just retired not having much free time. 2. When my parents were young, they __—not. eat in restaurant. 3. I'm absolutely exhausted. I not just getting up so early 4. When you were a child, where you ____ spend your holiday? 5. Don’t put the dictionary away, I it. 6. School children have a holiday on Thursday. 7, Our new flat is on a very busy street. I expect we'll the noise, but at the moment it’s very disturbing. 8. I think you should sell your car. You not it very often, VIL. Chon mOt trong hai td trong ngodc dé hoan thanh 24 nhiing céu sau. (1d) 1. Ernest Hemingway is one of my (ideal/favourite) American writers. 2. George (is used to/used to) sleeping late on weekends. 3. Dr. James is the only doctor (who/whom) I have seen about this problem. 4. The long and boring play made him (feel/feeling) sleepy 5. Some members were disgusted (with/by) the results of the meeting. 6. If you try long enough, then you'll (eventually/possibly) succeed. 7. Was it James Watt who (invented/discovered) the steam engine? 8. You haven't dentborrowed) my rubber, have you, Paul? VIII. Viét lai nhdng cau sau bat dau bang ti gdi ¥ sao cho nghia cau khong thay di. (2d) 1, The architects have drawn plans for an extension to the house, Plangins. aaenonen sg ERIE RG ARs GARE 2. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry Unless 3. The book is quite worth reading. You lent me the book | week, The book which... ccc 4. He is overweight because he eats so much chocolate. 5. I'd like him to cut his hair but I don’t suppose he will 1 wish... 6. He doesn’t go out every night any more. He used... 7. When | was ten, I used to go to school with my best friend. At the age of ten, I always.. 8. I don’t normally eat at restaurants I'm not used... 25 L TEST 7 (45 phiit) (Units: 6 + 7) Hay sip xép cic ti sau theo 2 chi diém: Thé than - Gidi tri. (Id) athlete, recreation, picnic, swimming, javelin, fishing television, fenxing, goal, movie, fans, entertaiment, to relax, to compete, defender, reading. IL. Hoan thanh céu bing mot tis thich hop. (1d) 1, Each football team in the field is led by a. who wears an armband and is a player himself. 2. In a football match, the rules are observed by the ___ who is in black uniform and blows the whistle 3. Competitors who take part in the Olympic Games must be athletes, 4. Winners of each event are with gold, silver or bronze medals HII. Viét lai cic cau sau, ding dai ti hodc trang ti quan 26 hé. (1,54) 1, The small city is being widened now. I was born in that city 2. The cottage is theirs. Its roof has been damaged in the recent storm. 3. The book is about Africa. I like its pictures. 4. The Olympic Games are important international sport events, They take place every four years in different cities 5. May Day is a day. Marches and demonstrations are held on that day. G. The circus is a place. Most children are attracted there. IV. Cho dang dang cia dong ti trong ngoic. (2d) 1. The Soviet people (complete) their preparations before the Olympic Games took place 2. We (be) very tired last night because we (do) a lot of housework all yesterday afternoon 3*- You look exhausted. - Yes, 1 (play) tennis, and I (not play) for many years, so I’m not used to it. 4". Since his wife (die) he (take) to (smoke) a lot. V. Viét lai cac chu sau theo chi dan. (1,54) 1. Our team has scored more than ten goals in this season. ~ More than ten guals.... 2. My friend and I are the same height. sb BBisivsive 3. They are building a new stadium here. - A new stadium..... 4. 'm sorry I can't swim 0b WISH cccarsisengaciee 5. The Liverpool forward took a pass from one of his fellow players, then he shot over the Manchester goal keeper and scored the first goal for Liverpool. - After the Livespool forward... 6. Manchester players succeeded in their last attack towards the Liverpool goal. - Manchester players were... 27 VI, Sap xép cac cfu sau theo trinh tu hup (1d) 1. Then he turned and shot. 2. Sean Kearly passed the ball to Kevin Nash. 3. Kevin Nash kicked the ball over their head and dashed between them. 4. Kevin ran forward and kieked it down the left wing. a It was a goal and the score was 2-2. 6. Two players on the Norton team ran towards him. VII- Hay dec ky doan van sau. (2d) The Games of 1896 were held in Athens and they were the first international Olympic Games. Teams were sent by thirteen countries. Then the Olympic Games were held in Paris, in London and in Stockholm. From 1948, the Olympic Games are held again each four years. Each country sends teams for as many of the different events as possible The Soviet athletes first took part in the 15"" Olympic Games in Helsinki in 1952 and each time the Game are held, they are given the largest number of medals in most events. For the first time, the Vietnamese athletes took part in the 22"! Moscow Olympic Games in 1980. The Olympic Games are attended by thousands and thousands of people. - Dua vao doan van trén dat cau hoi sau va tré Loi. 1. Where/first/Olympic Games/hold? 2. In what/the Olympic Gamesjhold/then? 3. When/the 15'" Olympic Games/take place? 4. When/Vietnamese athletes/take/the Olympic Games/for/first time? 28 TEST 8 (48 phut) (Units: 8 + 9) I. Hay dién mao ti a, an, the vao ché trong néu can. (2d) 1. We have ()_____ very good service from here to @) city centre and most people go to (3) work by (4) train, You can go by (5) bus, too, of course, But you can't get (6)___ season ticket on (7)___ bus. You can also take (8)____ taxi, but it’s quite expensive. IL Dién gidi tu thich hup vao ché trong. (2d) 1. I have just written an essay (1) _ my hometown. 2. In big cities people have difficulty (2) parking their cars when they go shopping. 3. These pictures remind me (3) my hometown, where I was born and grew up. 4. The filling station will be built here (4)__ more than two months. 5. France is certainly not famous (5)______iits food. 6. This river is not good (6)_ swimming because the banks are covered (7) weeds, 7. Where are you going (8) ____ your holiday. Ill. Cho dang thich hup cia ti trong ngoadc. (24) 1. Alison’s (shy) made it hard for her to speak in public. 2. The school children have played on the school band with great. (pleasant). 29 3*. The child’s (iil) is not so (hope) as you thought. He will get well soon. 4%. You should have this dictionary as it is very (use) Everybody is sure of its (use). . 5. The crowd shouted (excite) when Stanly shot over the Manchester goalkeeper and scored the first goal for Liverpool. 6. Everything had been ready before the (participate) arrived. IV. Chon d4p 4n dung dé thay thé cho phan gach chan. (id) 1. The underground can be used by most commuters. a. train . tram b, subway d. highway 2. As I live far from my family, I often feel homesick. a. Because of ¢. Since b. Like d. By 3. Many countries took part in the Olympic Games a. joined ¢. put b. enjoyed d. partiapate 4, It was late but he kept on working. a, stopped. cc. began b. finished d. continued V. Viét lai cic cau sau theo chi dain. (14) 1. I spend half an hour travelling to work by motorbike every day. - It. 30 2. I missed the bus this morning so I was late for class. 3. Can they control the city traffic? - Can the city traffic......... 4*. We couldn't drive fast because the traffic was heavy. - Since... VI. Cho dang dung cia ding tu trong ngodc. (1d) 1. They soon knew that they (take) the wrong way. 2. 1 (wait) for him for an hour when you saw me. 3. I wish I (take) the trip to Ha Long Bay last summer. 4. Every day I see a crowd of people (wait) at the bus stop. VH. Doc doan van sau va khoanh tron ding T va sai F. (1 4) More and more people these days travel by air. Air travel is very convenient, but there are certain things you should remember. First when you buy your tickets, ask the travel agent about visas for the countries you are visiting. Most people who plan to visit the United States will need a passport and a visa, however, Canadians, Britons, Japanese and some others do not need a visa. And these days, many people do not travel with cash. They use traveler's checks or credit cards. Also, check the weather in the places you are going to visit and take the right kinds of clothes. You should take only the things you need for the trip. You shouldn’t take too much luggage. You can only take two suitcases and a small carry-on bag on most flight. Before you leave for the airport, you should call the airline and check if the flight is leaving on time. Sometimes, flights are late or canceled 1, T-F: Travel agents have information about visas. 31 2. T- 3. T-F: Most travelers do not use credit cards. 4. T- : All visitors to the U.S. need a visa. : You can take as much luggage as you want on most flights. TEST 9 (60 phat) Bai kiém tra hoc ky I I. Hay chon d4p 4n thich hgp @€ dién vao ché trong trong doan van sau day. (2d) The coastal village of Breedon today welcomed home Frank Davies at the end of his two-year voyage (1) the world. Mr. Davies, who is 75, was born ina village and was a(2)_____at school for 50 years. When he retired he sold his house to buy a boat and see the world. Now he has returned to the village (3) he has so many friends. When asked what he was going to do (4) , Frank replied that he wanted to write a book about his travels. He had kept a diary during the voyage and (5) over 600 photographs of the (6) places he had visited. Frank (7). the book will encourage people of all ages to take up the sport of (8) 1. a. around b. through ein d. over 2. a. student b. professor _c. officer d. teacher 38. a. which b, where c. that d. what 4.a, then b. next, c. recently d. last 5.a. made b. shown, c. taken d. seen 6. a. exciting b. usual c. interested d. excited 7. a. wishes b. wants c. likes d. hopes 8. a. sailing b. travelling —c. writing d. touring 32 New words: - voyage (n) : cudc du lich xa bang dutng bién -reply (vy): tra Lai, dap lai - diary (n) : quyén nhat ky = encourage (v): khuyén khich, dong vien Il. Hay chon tu trong ngoic dé hoan thanh cae cu sau. (id) 1. The beautiful scenery in the countryside (remembered/reminded) him of his childhood. 2. When the forward scored a goal, the (spectators/audience) cheered and applauded loudly 3. The athlete has (set/put) a new record for the high jump. 4, Ail of us were attracted by the (showing/performing) animals. III. Chia dong ti trong ngode cho hop thoi. (2d) 1. Before we (take) Tim to the theatre last Sunday, he (never see) a stage play before. 2*. At last you’re here! I (wait) here for more than half an hour. I might (know) you (be) late. 3. When the Smiths arrived, the stadium (fill). 4. They would have played better if they (have) more training. 5. My grandfather used (travel) a lot when he was young. IV. Hay tim danh tu cia nhing tit sau. (1d) 1. fierce 2. participate 3. successful 4. apologize 5. perform 6. develop 7. excited 8. ready 3-191 33 Y. Két hup cdc céu sau day, sii dung dai tu quan hé cho trong ngoac. (1d) 1. They are the children. Their team won the match. (whose) 2. The valley of Olympia was the place. The first Olympic Games were held there. (where) 3. Roger Banister was the first runner. He ran a mile in under 4 minutes. (who) 4, The book is very interesting. 1 borrowed this book from the library two days ago. (which) VI. Chuyén cic cau sau day sang cau bj ddng. (1d) 1. Jack has written the essay with great pleasure 2. They are awarding the winning team the silver cup. 3. You may keep books for three weeks 4, We use these rooms only on special occasions VII. Hay tim mot ti thich hup dé hoan thanh cfc cau 34 sau. (1d) 1. People who live in the suburbs but work in the city are Called ssstssssavieatinns 2. Olga Ivanov, the Soviet gymnast, won the gold ......0..0.000in the 1976 Olympic Games. 3. If a reader wants to borrow books, he must have a library........... 4, John is a good football player. I wish he could take. in the coming match. VILL. Hay viet lai cic cau sau day bit dau bing tit (cum tis) cho sin. (1d) 1. I'm really sorry I didn't invite her to the party. > I really wish... 2. The town was nearer than we thought. > The town wasn’t 88.0.0... secs 3". ‘They won't be able to come on Sunday. > It will be....... ee = 4*, We spent five hours getting to London. > It scecoeeneictt RAIS RE TEST 10 (60 phat) Bai kiém tra hoc ky I I. Hay doc doan van duéi day va chon cau tra Idi thich hup cho mdi cau hoi. (2d) In 776 B.C. the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greek emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, competitions in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in each city, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honoured by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally there were held as games of friendship, and any wars were stopped to allow the games to take place. 1, Which of the following sentences is not true? a. Winners were placed olive wreaths on their head. b. The games were held in Greece every four years. c. The first Olympic Games took place in each city 2. Why were the Olympic Games held? a, to stop wars b. to honour Zeus c. to sing songs about athletes 3. Which of the following competitions was not mentioned? a, discus throwing b. boxing c. skating 4*. What can we say about the ancient Greek? a. They liked to fight. b, They were very athletic, c. They liked a lot of ceremonies. New words: - discus throwing (n) : némdia - chariot racing (n) : dua xe ngua - olive wreath (n) : vong nguyét qué - deed (n) : chién cong - originally (adv) : Van dau tién. Il. Hay chon mot tu c6 cach phat am khac véi cdc tit kia 6 phan in nghiéng. (14) 1. a. treffic b. distant c. channel 4. national 2. a, event b. even ¢. present (v) d. splendid 3. a. correspondent b. certain ¢. centre d. ceremony 4. a. sunbathe b. athlete c. throughout d. thing 36 Ill. Hay chon 1 dang thie thich hep cia dong ti cho trong ngodc dé hoan thanh cau. (2d) 1. The best athletes (are sent/have sent) to the Olympic Games. 2. 1 wish I (knew/had known) that you were ill. Nobody (told/was told) me. 3. When we (arrive/arrived) at the stadium, the football match (has already begun/had already begun). We were five minutes late. 4, The Thames (flow/flows) through London 5. They (play/are playing) chess now. They (play/have been playing) since 6 p.m. IV. Tim dang thich hop cia tu cho trong ngoac. (1d) 1*. He (lock) the door and came into the room. 2. My sister has a fine stamp (collect). 3. Is May Day celebrated (regular)? 4. The Rangers players are (successful) this season. They have lost almost every match. ¥. Hoan thanh caéc cau sau. (2d) 1. Before I came here.......... 2. The weather is getting. “ gear ue 3. BE coee you would have had a lot of fun. 4, The girl who... VI. Sta Idi trong cfc ciu sau. (1d) 1, The eastern Sahara is the place when there is the most sunshine. 2. Tourists usually have a bus to the countryside. 37 3. I prefer go by train. It is much more comfortable 4. If I was her, I would go to the circus with them VII. Viét lai cée cfu sau theo chi dan trong ngoac. (1d) 1. My brother can’t run as fast as he used to. (Bat dau cau bang "My brother used........." 2. I don’t come by car because I can’t park near my office. (Bat dau cau bang "If.........") 3*. Jane can’t cook very well. (Sut dung tit *good”) 4. I met the fruit-pickers. Several of them were university students. (Két hop cau, st dung dai tit quan he) TEST 11 (60 phat) Bai kiém tra hoc ky I J. Hay chon dap 4n thich hop dé dién yao chi tring trong doan van sau day. (2d) LONDON TRANSPORT Public transport (1) London is expensive. The fare depends on the length of the (2) ; you can not buy books of tickets in advance. Children under sixteen pay half, (3) children under five travel free. But (4) some buses you pay the driver. Most London (5) are double-deckers. On the underground railway (or tube) you (6) _ your ticket from a . machine or at the (7)___ of the journey. Not all trains from 38 one platform go to the same place, so watch the signs. ‘The (8)_ train leaves at about 00.15. Laat b. in 2. a journey b. visit 3. aso b. or 4. aon b. at 5. a. buses b. trains 6. a have b. see 7. a last b. end 8*. a. newest b. latest New words. - transport in) van tai + fare (nd gia vé - in advance (n) : dat truéc, mua truéc - platform (n) —: sain ga e e ° . from picnic and . for trams . buy finish last Il. Hay viét cac cau sau 6 dang cau bj dong, si dung nhing tu cho san va thoi cia dong tw cho trong ngodc dun. (1d) 1. new library/build/the end/year. (thai tuong lai don gidn) 2. record/100 metres race/break. (thdi hién tai hoan thanh) 3. books/keep/shelf. (thai hién tai dun gian) 4. stadium/crowd into/football fans.(théi qua khit tiép dién) IIE. tring. (1d) 1. The acrobat Tim mot dai ti quan hé thich hgp dién yao ché performance we liked best has been working at that circus for 5 years: 39 2. Do you know the name of the person............ has won the bronze medal? 3. Great Britain is the country. was celebrated. 4, The team..... the next one. the first May Day loses this match can not take part in IV. Viét lai cac cau sau theo chi dan trong ngojc. (24) 1. The opposite of "popular" i hgp vao ché tréng). . (Dién mot tir thich 2. The air isn’t pure. (Viét lai cfu, bat dau bang "I wish") 3. A torch was carried. burn there. the high tower and would the Games. (Dién gidi ti: thich hop) 4, | prefer travelling by air. It is much more convenient. (Ket hop cau, ding "because") 5*. [remember them taking me to the zoo. (Viét lai ctu, chuyén sang cau bi dong) 6. That is the girl. We saw her on the stage last night. (Két hop cau, ding dai tit quan hé). 7. If you had told me you needed that book, I (lend) it to you. (Chia dong tit trong ngodc cho hgp thdi) 8. The stream gets bigger and. . (Dién mét ti thich hop vao ché tréng) Y. Chon dap an thich hyp dé hoan thanh cac cau sau. (1d) 1*. Iam taking my driving test today... a, Best wishes! b. Good chance! c. Good luck! 2.- What are you doing? -........ a. None. b. No. c. Nothing. 40 8) Acree is a person who always has a funny painted face at a circus a, comedian b. clown c. magician 4*. Don’t all talk at once !..0....... please ! a. One at a time b. One for one c, Bach at one time VI. Hay tim danh ti cia nhing tu sau. (1d) 1. prepare 2, fall 3, beautiful 4, proud VII. Hay s4p xép cac céu sau thanh mot doan hdi thoai. (id) 1. That’s very good, Do you know, I have never seen your team play yet! 2. What? Did you beat Selinka yesterday? 3. That's a good idea. I'd like to go 4. No, but at. least we drew two all. 5, Why don’t you go with me next Saturday? They are playing against Centralion Junior School. 6. Our school football team has just won the Gold Cup. VIII. Dich sang tiéng Anh. (1d) 6 London nhidu ngudi thich di xe dién ngam hon 6 td vi di xe dién ng&am khong nhing nhanh hon ma con ré hon. 41 42 TEST 12 (90 PHUT) Bai kiém tra cudi hoc ky I nang cao (Danh cho hoc sinh kha, gidi) Dién mot cum tu thich hyp vao mdi chi trong duge danh sé dé hoan thanh bai hoi thoai sau. (2d) Henry: (1)______ that T.V. program last night about the sky diver whose parachutes didn’t open after (2) ? Helen: No, I didn't. (3) 2 Henry: No. It’s really unbelievable how he could have survived such a free fall, much less live to tell about it on television! Helen: (4) Henry: (5) opened as he plummeted to the ground (6) , they thought he was dead, Doctors said he'd never walk again, but he proved them wrong. Helen: (7) recuperating? Henry: He spent eighteen months in the hospital while his bones were’ mending, (8) __—_. He was no sooner discharged than he went back and jumped out of a plane again Helen: Gee, some people sure do crazy things! Cho dang dung cia dong ti trong ngoic. (1d) 1. George (work) at the university for forty-five years before he retired. 2. Don’t worry. Some day you will get used to (speak) English. 3. Had we known your address, we (write) you a letter. 88 the river. Workers (start) last year and the bridge (expect) to open next year. 4. A new bridge (build) acr 5. I don’t mind qwalk) but I'd rather (get) a taxi IIL. Méi cau sau co mot | hay tim va sta lai. (1,5d) I’m used to believe that shopping was fun, but now I don’t believe that any longer 2. More women are involved by politics in Britain than in other countries. 3. You needn't to worry about meeting me at the station, I'll get a taxi. 4. After the floor will have been cleaned, I'll polish the furniture. 5, If I would have known, I could have helped you 6. They never visited London before their first visit in 1987. IV. Dién who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that, why yao ché tring thich hdp (thém dau phay néu can thiét). (1d) 1, We were unable to get tickets for Madonna’s Wembley concert was a sell - out. 2. He introduced me to his students most of. were from abroad. 3. I don't know of any restaurants _____ you can get a decent meal for under £10 4, Can you think of any reason he inight have done it? 5. Shakespeare name is universally known but most. of, life is lost in obscurity was born in 1564 and died 43 in April 1616 Cervantes, Spain’s greatest literary figure also died a coincidence has often been remarked on. V. Chon tii c6 cach phat 4m 6 phan in nghiéng khac so véi nhiing tu con lai 6 méi dong sau. (0,54) 1. goes chose lose = shows _toes 2. there care hair here wear 3. weight great height late straight 4. knees niece _— peas please trees VI. Ghép cau 6 phan A véi cau 6 phan B dé tao thanh nhiing cudc déi thoai hdp li. (Id) A I'm not certain what time the train leaves. This play is really boring. I wish he wouldn’t play his record-player so loudly. What should I give my son for his birthday? All the restaurants will be crowded. I want a holiday away from all the crowds. I’m not sure if this jacket is the right size. Sao mR ew I have difficulty waking up early in the morning. B . All right. Let's rent a cottage in the country. a b. If 1 were you, I'd go to bed earlier. c. You'd better ring the station then. d. How about a bicycle? e. We can take a picnic if you like. f. Why don’t you ask him to turn it down? g. Let’s leave during the interval. 44 h, Why not try it on? VIE. Chon ti dong nghia véi ti in nghiéng 6 méi cau sau. (1d) 1. Schools must protect children from the dangers of asbestos material. A. threaten C. guard B. promote D. mask 2. The Chinese people worship their ancestors. A. fossils C. heirs B. elders D, forefathers 3. The number of unemployed people in our country is increasing rapidly A. licensed C. business B. working D. jobless 4. There was a struggle between the two children over the football. A. fight C. plan B. value D. conversation VIII. Viét lai nhiing cau sau bat dau bang ti cho truéc sao cho nghia cfu khéng thay ddi. (2d) 1. If you want to keep fit, you must play sports. Unless... 2. My family own a holiday flat and that’s why we always go to the same place. Tf. 45 3. I don’t answer the phone because I didn’t know it was you. T would......... .... 4. Jenny was always on time until she started going out with Adrian. Jenny never used ececes 5. The dentist will have to take out the infected tooth The infected tooth... 6. Chocolate causes some people to come out in spots Chocolate makes. 7. It's a shame you didn’t tell me earlier. I wish... 8. They’ve been living here for six years now. They moved...... TEST 13 (90 phat) Bai kiém tra cudi hoc ky I nang cao (Danh cho hoe sinh kha, gidi) I. Chon d4p 4n ding nhat cho méi ché tréng duge danh s6 dé hoan thanh doan vin sau. (2d) When you are driving abroad you should make sure that you have all your documents with you. These (1)___ your passport, your driving licence and insurance papers. It (2) _—sibe:- very inconvenient if you lose any of these or if you cannot find (3) quickly. You must also make sure that your car has a nationality plate which shows the country where the car is registered; for (4) , GB for Great Britain, F for France, N for Norway and so on, In some countries you have to pay if you don’t (5) motoring laws and this can sometimes cost you a lot of money. 46 For ins ance, you may have to pay immediately if you are stopped by a police officer for taking no notice of traffic lights, speed (6)_ or if you allow children (7)___—__stthe age of twelve to (8)_ in front seat of a vehicle 1, Acinclude —B, make C. mean D, contain 2. A should B, can Cis D, has 3. A. that B, those ©, their D. them 4. A. once B.example C. general ~—_—D. fact 5. Ado B. allow C obey D. continue 6. A. marks B, spots C limits D. numbers 7. A. under B. lower C. over D. behind 8. A. follow B, pass C. travel D. wait Il. Chuyén nhiing cau sau sang dang bi dong. (1,54) 1. We should put everything in our room in good order. 2. People said that the thiefhad stolen a lot of things 3. 1 hear them singing a nice English song. 4. They are repairing my piano at the moment. 5. When did he give you the book? 6. You can’t wash this dress; you must dry-clean it HL. Tim ti dang dé noi vé tat ca cae tt thuge méi nhém 6 nhiing dong dudi day. (14) Example: rabbit, lion, mouse animalsimammals . rugby, football, badminton . bookease, wardrobe, sofa bus, tube, coach book, newspaper, brochure . photography, stamp-collecting, reading enkrene . suit, socks, sweater 47 7. house, flat, hotel 8. copper, steel, iron IV. Chon ti dong nghia vii nhing ti in nghiéng 6 nhdng 48 cfu sau (thay déi dang cia ti néu can thiét). (1d) accomplish detest enter moan put off purchase recollect vanish 1. Being a gentleman, 1 allowed the women to go in first. 2. They were all watching the U.F.O when it suddenly disappeared. 3. This is something I bought from an antique dealer in Chelsea. 1 love watching football, but my brother Joathes it. . You won't achieve anything if you don’t work harder 4 6 6. I couldn’t remember where | had first met her. 7. The match has been postponed until next week. 8, . I don’t like the new secretary very much - She’s always complaining about something or other. . Sip xép nhiing ti cho trudc thanh cdu hop li. (1,5d) 1. to/washed/study/John/his/he/clothes/had/after/began. 2. whose/best/is/woman/the/team/football player/is/in/our/ that/son/school/ the? e now/studies/he/to/every night/used/he/dance/but. > road/built/new/around/the/is/a/ring/being/city. more/more/difficult/job/is/to/a/ecoming/it/and/find on 6. do/doingjust/nothing/something/you/I/instead of/wish/and/ would/sitting. VI. Cho dang diing cia ti trong ngodc dé hodn thanh nhiing cau sau. (Id) 1. The main w..c.cccc. of the bock was the predictable ending. (WEAK) 2. We had a marvellous holiday and our trip to the mountains was (FORGET) 3. She got very angry but later she apologized for her (PATIENT) 4. It was extremely ou... of you to leave your library books on the bus. (CARE) 5. To win the gold medal you have to beat all the other ».. (COMPETE) 6. Some parents worry about their children’s .. pin eerie eae computer games. (ADDICT) 7. Thad my trousers.................. because they were too short. (LONG) 8. UFO means vcceuees Flying Object. (DENTIFY) VIL. Chon mot trong hai ti trong ngodc dé hoan thanh nhiing cau sau. (Id) 1, The (audience/spectators) cheered when he scored the goal 2. Do you wish you (had studied/would study) science instead of languages? 3. L haven’t seen her (for/during) 8 years. 4. There’s such beautiful (scene/scenery) around here. 5. Did you know that (various/several) of the players were injured 4-191 49 6. could have changed my flight if (I'd have known/I’d known) you were too busy to meet me at the airport. 7. The young surfer was inspired (by/with) past champions. 8. I hear that Manchester United beat Liverpool three - (nil/mought) in the last night’s Cup match VIL. Viét lai nhiing cau sau sao cho nghia cau khong thay ddi (ding tu gui ¥ trang ngodc). (Id) 1. That cake looks lovely. Unfortunately, I'm on a diet. (Wish) 2. The heroine escaped from the villain, Then she rescued the hero. (after) 3. Harold is at the police station. His car was stolen last night (whose) 4. It was raining. That’s why the only reason I didn’t take the children to the beach. (if) TEST 14 (90 phat) Bai kiém tra cudi hoc kp I nang cao (Danh cho hoc sinh kha, gidi) I. Chon dong ti thich hop dién vao méi ché trong duge danh s6 trong doan vin sau, cha ¥ chia dung thii cha dong tu. (1,54) abolish be become begin continue go grow include participate stage take The original Olympic Games (1) around 800 B.C. in Ancient Greece, and (2) until they (3) by the 50 Roman Emperor Theodosius in A.D. 393. The first modern Olympics (4) place in Athens in 1896 and since then, more than a dozen different countries have staged the Summer Olympics. The cities of Athens, Paris, London, Berlin and Los Angeles (5)__ the Olympics twice. In 1956, Australia (6)__the first country outside Europe and America (7) the Olympics, while Mexico (8)_ the first Latin American country to stage the Olympics, in 1968. From the first modern Olympics in Athens, when only fourteen countries (9) , the Olympics (10) (1). over 140 countries. Gold, silver and bronze medals (12) to over 8,000 men and women. Il. Ghép nhting cau sau, ding dai ti quan hé va ménh dé tinh ngw. (2d) 1, A car was stolen, It was found at the aiport. 2. George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright. A photo of him smiles impishly at me from the wall of my study. 3. Tell me the reason! The reason that you didn’t come to my birthday party last. night. 4. Mark found a dog. The dog’s leg was broken. 5. Her shop often opens after six. At that time other shops close. 6. I met Mary. She asked me to give you something. 7. In India [ shall be spending most of my time in New Delhi. The shade temprature there can reach 45°C in June 8. A simplified edition is easier to read than the original. It’s shorter. BL Ill, Dien mét gidi td vao méi ché tréng néu cAn thiét. (Id) 1. I’ve heard such a lot ................ him that I’m looking forward ........ .» seeing him very much. 2. Abdu had been living in New York ........0. ten years a . he moved. 3. I saw her ................ walk in the park with her dog. 4. My sister’s having a long conversation .........0.... the phone. 5, They have lived .........0..00, 102 Cornwall Gardens sorenacee LOBD. IV. Dong ti goi y viet thanh cau hoan chinh. (1,5) 52 . Vphonefif/know/you/be back/holiday. . She/play/tennis/be/ten. . He/wish/watch/football match/last night. . not realize/our conversation/being recorded. . Not/difficult/learn/English/very. After/Sam/dinner/write/letters/bed. Pak aone Sap xép nhiing cdu dudi day thanh mét doan van hyp li. (1d) . Lee found no answer to the skill of Dell, . the Dell striker, shot from 50 yards to score a fine goal. . and in so taught Lee a lesson in the art of football. Penye . Smith went on to score two more goals, and was chosen as a man of the match. a Dell United won their match against Lee Rovers 3-0 last night, 6 who thrust forward from the moment the whistle blew. 7. Lee held on till half time, but in the 47" minute Smith, VI. Hoan thanh nhiing tu 6 cac cau sau. (cho trude ché cai dau). (14) Example: In a shop you can use a credit card or charge card, or you can pay in C.. Answer: Cash 1. I’ve got so much work to do that I don’t have much time for r. 2. Since 1993, there weren’t ferries across the English Channel but also a t... 3. In Britain, drivers usually stop if you're waiting to cross at ap seanraesee Borsvenesnirar 4, If you don’t know the language, you may have to use Soccrcsvesseen language. 5, You cannot compete in the Olympic if you are a pov... You must be an 6. equipment. Computers, radios, and T.V. are all e VII. Chon dap an dung nhat cho nhdng cau sau. (1d) 1. I'll give you a lift to the station if................. in a hurry. A. you're C. you'll be B. you were D. you'd be 2. Exams are never enjoyable, A. are there C. aren't there B. are they D. aren’t they 53 3, Her father tried to stop her .. $0 many chocolates, A. eating C. eats B. eaten D. ate 4, I wish I. .. more attention in my history lessons at school. A. had paid C. paid B. have been paying D. was paying 5. When ...... -.» your meal, you must chcose at least one main dish. A. having ordered C. ordering B. being ordered D. ordered 6. If you are not sure what the date is today, look at YOUR evesssecsavics A. almapac C. dairy B. calendar D. day - book. 7. We agreed to .....0e00. in the main square at 7.30. A. meet C, meet together B. meeting D. meet us, 8. It was very kind of you ta do the washing - up, but you it. A. didn’t have to do C. mightn’t have done B. hadn't to do D. mustn’t have done VIII. Dich sang tiéng Anh. (14) Méi quéc gia va méi dan tOc déu cd nhitng phong tue va truyén théng riéng cua minh. O Anh truyén théng gid mét vai tra quan trong hon trong déi séng cua dan téc so véi nhitng quéc gia khic. Neuai Anh thysng tu hao vé nhitng truyén théng cla minh va cén than gin git’ nhiing truyén théng dé, Da 300 nam nay luat quy dinh tat cd cdc nha hat déu dong cla vao nhiing ngay Chi 54 nhat. Thu tit cling khong duge chuyén va chi cd mét vai t# bao Chu nhat duge phat hanh TEST 15 (45 phat) (Units: 11412) I, Hay gach chan cac chu cai khéng duge phat 4m trong cdc tu sau, (Id) 1. hour 3. calm 5. plough 7. borough 2. bright 4. knock 6. assign 8 half IL. Dién gidi ti thich hop vao ché trong. (1d) 1, The drivers in London kept their cars (1) the left, 2. As soon as I arrived (2) London, I called (3) my friend to ask him to give me a sightseeing ride (4) the city 3. Her small garden looks very beautiful (5) spring because all the flowers are (6) full bloom. 4*. Remember not to cross the streets (7) the red lights. 5* I saw him when he was queueing (8) for the ticket. IL. Chon tit ding dé hodn thanh cau. (1d) . The actress sang that song (beautiful/beautifully). . The water of this river flows (swift/swiftly). My friend speaks (fluent/fMuently) French 1 2. 3 4. He has been learning (hard/hardly) for a year. 5. Those apples smell (good/well) 6. . Phil is the (happier/happiest) person I’ve known. 55 7*. My cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two. 8*. A mint coat costs (twice more than/twice as much as) a sable coat. IV. Cho dang dung cia d6ng tu trong ngoac. (1d) 1. There (be) no rain here for six months. 2. Before he let us (go), he made us (promise) (not tell) anyone what we (see). 3. We watched the children (jump) from a window and (fall) into a blanket (hold) by the people below V. Hoan thanh caéc cau sau. (1d) 1. The sight in the country is beautiful, moreover, 2. The underground is cheap, besides,....... 3. We drove the car carefully, nevertheless,......., 4. They spent a weekend in the countryside, however, VI. Chifa Idi trong cac cau sau. (1,5) 1. I enjoy watching the sun to rise slowly in the morning. nn Have you heard someone knocked at the door? s My father told me not swim in that river as its water was very polluted. » . Waking up in the morning, from the window, the sun could be seen 5. My father has his car service every three months. a . She needs half an hour to go to work by bike. VII. Viét lai céc cau sau theo chi din. (1,5 diém) 1, "You shouldn® spend your weekend in the city" - She advised me . 56 2 "Can you give me a ride to school?” - He asked his friend 3. Do you have a postman deliver the newspaper every day? - Do you have the newspaper . 4. I felt tired after a long trip, so 1 went to bed early + Peeling tred..j.ccccsccssnnenc 5*. You are hungry now because you didn’t have breakfast - If. G*. They made him sign a paper admitting his guilt VII. Dién mot tit thich hgp vao ché trong. (2 diém) My brother, (1) ___ is seven years older (2) Tam, once decided to take me with him on a trip up the river. We went to a collective farm far from the place (3) we lived. My brother wanted to stay there fora (4)____ days. We were tired when we got to the farm. The weather was warm and I told my brother that. I'd like to go (5)__ a swim in the river. He said that (6) it seemed hot, the water in the river was still cold. "I’m afraid’, he said" that you'll fall il". But the idea of cold water didn’t (7)_____s me. “That’s nonsense". [ thought and took off my clothes and jumped into the water. But the water was so cold that I couldn’t even move. So I got out of the water as fast as (8) . My brother was right I caught a cold and lay in bed the whole week 57 I, Il. 58 TEST 16 (45 phat) (Units: 13 + 14) Dién gidi tw thich hyp vao ché trong. (2d) 1 Summer holiday is coming. We are all excited (1) going (2) a jong trip (3) the South, 2. There are many places (4) interest in the south of Vietnam such as Da Lat, Vung Tau. 3. Last week we had a class discussion (5)> learning English. 4. We rode our bicycles (6) the countryside (7) pleasure at weekend 5, The children were amazed (8) the lion shows at the circus. Viét lai cic cfu sau, sit dung dang so s4nh thich hop. (24) 1. They use a lot of wood pulp. Many trees are cut down. - The more ..... gerenraenseatacinnenten 2. Spring draws nearer. People feel happy. - The nearer SH ing enc ere eer 3. You watch T.V. a lot. You know much about the world - The more ...... 4. He works hard. He earns a lot of money. - The harder eRe S 5. She and her mother are both beautiful G*. I'm sixteen years old and my brother is eighteen - My brother is... sseanpeceEEe 7. He and his friends are both good at English, - He learns English 8*. I've never met a more intelligent man than him. - He is . Uf. Chon dap 4n dang cho phan in nghiéng. (2d) 1. He doesn’t watch T.V. as often as his brother a.so c. more b. like d. much 2. Ali said he was from Palestine, but he was actually from Quata a. maybe c. really b. possibly d. preferably 3. There’s a crowd of people here. What’s going on? a, coming c. taking b. happening d. doing 4. He fell asleep as he was watching T.V a. like c. when b since d. because 5. Most people find the T.V. programme fascinating, a. boring c. unpleasant b. interesting d. frightening 6. My brother has studied Japanese for three months so far. He plans to study for a year more, a, away from home c. oversea b. altogether d. until now 59 7. It’s quite a hard problem. It can’t be solved a. difficult c. interesting b. different d. exciting 8, My father doesn’t enjoy watching T.V. He watches it now and then. a. at time c. at times b, sometime d. at all times IV. Viét lai cac cu sau theo chi dan. (1,5d) 1. The T.V. programme is interesting. Nobody wants to miss it, + terse BO vecarnens that 2. The lesson was difficult. [ couldn't understand it. fees 100 vee tO Vee 3. The water in the river is warm. The children can swim in it. - enough for... to + Vi 4, Are you very tall? Can you reach that switch? ve OMOUBH. we tot Vion Her bicycle is old. She can’t ride it to work. sens SUCH oc that. a 6. The news was bad. She burst into tears. - such......... that. V. Doc va khoanh tron ding(T) ; sai ® + (Id) Nowadays, more and more people are changing the way they use their televisions. When television is new, we used to turn on and watch whatever there was. The fact that it was on T.V. was enough for us to think it must be enjoyable. But now we choose the programmes we watch much more carefully because we have 60 many other interesting things to do. One result of this change is that we are also becoming more careful about the actual television set itself. As we watch fewer programmes, we want to be sure that we will have a really good picture, with bright colour and clear sound, Because it will be switched off most of the time, we also want television to look good when we are not watching it. So when we buy or rent we look at the outside to make sure it is attractive and will look right with other furniture. Of course, we have to pay more for high quality. However, it seems that the number of people who are content to do so is increasing, and this should have a good result, because in the end all televisions will be better quality. 1. T-F: When television is new, people used to watch everything shown on TV. 2. T-F: Now people don’t care about quality and the outside of their television sets. VI. Cho dang dung cia ti trong ngodc. (1,5d) 1, He has great (1)______sin maths. He is also (2) in learning foreign languages especially English. He says English is (3)_ but difficult. He sometimes (4) his friends by reading English poems. (interest) 2*. Mai got a bad mark at English as she (5) the question and gave (6) answers (understand, correct) TEST 17 (60 phat) Bai kiém tra gita hoc ki H I. Hay doc doan van sau, ding ti (nhom ti) gui y dé dat cau hoi va tré 16 cic cau hbi theo ndi dung bai doc. (2d) «. The general opinion abroad is that London has fog or rain 61 or both, every day of the year. However, on the day that I arrived it was fine and warm. There was a bright sun and a cloudless sky. The next day it was just as beautiful; there was a slight wind that. gently moved the leaves on the trees, and you could smell the spring in the air. “Life is great!". I thought as I walked in Kensington Gardens. It was a straight road and I found the way easily. When I got my first sight of the gardens, the beauty of it nearly took my breath away. The trees were fresh, green and lovely. There were beds of spring flowers, red and yellow and blue, in full bloom in the beautiful, smooth grass under the trees...... 1. What/weather/like/London/according/general opinion! 2. What/like/day/writer/arrived/London? 3, What season/it/when/visit/London? 4. What/see/Kensington Gardens? New words: - gently (adv): diu dang, nhe nhang - take someone's breath away: khién ai nin thé - smooth (adj): mugt ma Il. Hay viét lai cae cau sau sao cho nghia cua cau khong thay ddi, bit dau bing ti (cum ti) cho trude. (2 4) 1. Toshiko had her car repaired by a mechanic. ~ The more staves osanvavaencennacen 3. It is so cold that we can't bathe. > It is too OUEST EeeatseeATN 4*. When’ you arrive at the airport please go straight to the check-in desk. >On. Il. Dién mot gidi th hoac trang ti thich hyp vao mdi ché trong. (1d) 1, We had to check __ at 3 a.m, but the plane didn’t take _ till 7 2. My windows look over the garden : changing channels we can tune our favourite programme 4. You'd better call her and tell her this, TV. Hay chon mét trong hai tii trong ngode dé hoan thanh cfu. (1d) 1, The plane will arrive (soon/soonly). 2. The music sounded too (noisy/noisily). 3. They could see smoke (risen/rising) up from cottages 4, Jane got her friend (drive/to drive} her to the airport. V. Chon dap an thich hyp dé hoan thanh cau. (1d) 1. P've got.................. holiday three week’s b. three weeks’ c. three week a 2. The trip was short; .,..........., we enjoyed it very much. a a. although b, besides c. however 3. Paper mills recycle seventy. .. of the waste paper. a. per cent b. percentage c. per cents 4. We should use paper as o.....00. a8 We can. a. economic b, economical ¢, economically VI. Hay hodn thanh cae cau sau. (2d) 1. My brother advised me not . 63 2. The more we learn ...... 3. We watched them oo... seierseseeseeeneeee ore 4. The film was so . VII. Sip xép nhing cfu sau thanh bai hoi thoai hyp ly. (id) 1. Yes. Who’s that? . I'm at Victoria Station. Hello! Is that Mike? It’s John RON . John! Where are you? Where? Victoria Station? nog . Yes, that’s right. I'm in London now. TEST 18 (60 phat) Bai kiém tra gitia hoc ki II I. Hay chon dap 4n thich hop dé hoan thanh doan van sau day. (2 d) Television is an important invention of the 20" century. It has been (1) popular that now we can’t imagine what life would be like if (2)___ were no television. Television is a major means of communication. It (3) pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of home. Through television, (4) can see and learn about people, places and things in faraway lands, Television widens our knowledge by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. 64 In addition (5) variety of programmes that can satisfy (6) the news, television provides us with a _ taste. Most. people now seem to like spending their evenings (7) television. It is more convenient for them to sit at (8) watching television than to go out for amusements elsewhere. 1 7 8. aan a. New . very b. too . there b. it brings b. gets audience b. spectators of b. to each b. every looking b, seeing home b. house words: - invention (n): phat minh - imagine (v): tudng tugng - communication (n); théng tin - knowledge (n): su hiéu biét, kién thitc - faraway (adj): xa x0i ¢. & ° el c. ¢ so they . gives viewers for all watching . building II. Hay két hep cac cau sau, sé dung ti cho trong ngoac. (1d) 1 (go... that) Our luggage was quite heavy. We couldn't carry it ourselves. There is muct noise in the city. The air is polluted. (moreover) 3. The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it. (enough) 4. I was very tired. I couldn’t run any further. (too) 5-191 65 Il. Hay sita 16i trong cac cau sau. (id) 1. They heard her to sing beautifully. 2. An international football match will broadcast tomorrow night. 3. Mr Smith has his eyes test twice a year. 4. Most of us were amazed for the T.V. programme last night IV. Hay dién m6t td thich hop vao mdi ché trong trong nhiing cau sau. (1d) 1. Waste paper can be used again after being ws... 2. Foods made from milk are called milk « 3. Lenin Park, Sword Lake, and West Lake are places of i . in Hanoi 4, Before getting on a plane, passengers have to ...., a iin: their luggage. V. Hay dat nhiing trang ngd trong ngodc vao dung ché trong cau. (1d). 1*. You will find him at work. (often, at night, late) 2. I have seen snow. (before, never) 3. He drives. (carelessly, always) 4, You tried to win the race. (enough, hard) VI. Chon d6ng tif thich hgp trong ngoac dé hoan thanh cac ciu sau. (2d) ° 1. After (spent/spending) a week in the cottage, he decided that he didn’t really enjoy (to live/living) in the country and began (to think/think) of selling the cottage and (returned/returning) to London. 66 2. Your hair needs (cutting/to cut). You'd better (have/to have) it (does/done) tomorrow. 3. If I had more time, ] (would/had) read more VIL. Viét lai cac cau sau day, bat dau bang ti (cum tH) cho san. (Id). 1, There’s usually plenty of sunshine in southern countries. -> It’s usually 2*, That can cost a lot of money. + That can be 0 3. She doesn't usually stay up so late > She’s not used 4*. We really ought to go home now. > It’s VIIL Tim dang ding cua tit trong ngoac. (1d) 1, Do you have a (nation) costume in your country? 2. Television is one of the (cheap) forms of (entertain). 3*, The train service was (continue) because it wasn’t used by many people. TEST 19 (90 phut) Bai kiém tra gida hoc ky II nang cao (Danh cho hoc sinh kha, gidi) I. Dién mot ti thich hop vao méi ché tréng duge danh sé trong doan vin sau. (2d) As the bus crosses Lambeth Bridge you (1) have a 67 clear view of the Houses of Parliament buildings from (2) best aspect - the riverside. You will cross Waterloo Bridge also; once again (3) a point of seeing the riverside building as (4) as the moored ships. You will see the river again at London Bridge, newest of the Thames (5) . Old London Bridge was dismantled and re-erected in the USA. The earliest London Bridge was, for centuries the only bridge (6) the lower Thames. The oldest bridge used by the tour bus is Tower Bridge - a (7)____ London landmark, It is only rarely now (8) _ the bascules are lifted to permit the passage of large ships. The warship on the river is "HMS Belfast". Il. Cho dang ding cua d6ng tu trong ngodc 6 nhing cau sau. (Id) 1. She advised me (not go) there alone. 2, When I (look) through your books | (notice) that you have a copy of “Oliver Twist". . The president (try) to contact his advisors now. . I (have) recently (steal) my car when I parked it in the street. . I don’t want to catch him (climb) over my fence again. re a) . Do you feel like (go) to a film or would you rather (stay) at home? TIL. Chon 2 tu 6 ct bén phai cé nghia gin nhat voi ti in hoa ding dau mi dong sau. (0,5d) Example; BABY Suitcase, cot, dummy, cottage, wood Answer: cot, dummy 1, TRAIN lucky, compartment, spare, luggage-rack, trap 2. SEASIDE bath, channel, beach, cough, deckchair 3. RIVER fly, bank, mining, mouth, chimney 68 4 NEWSPAPER circulation, backside, broadcast, editor, reduction IV. Cho tu trai nghia vai cac dong tu sau. (Chon cac tu trai nghia d6 trong khung. (1d) L to remember tovecusecnne | purchase/buy 2. to hurry CGinsinarceneaquen defend 3. to sell PO encoorssrmnsnesnene deteriorate/get worse 4. to attack CBbiccmmnmaondt take one’s time 5. to encourage to. discourage 6. to expand Cihiscisnnmnennes oppose 7. to improve tO. sesseeeescreseieeeeeee forget 8. to support Ulicinensscncem | SeOBERaCE V. Chon ti ding trong ngode dé hoan thanh doan vin sau. (1,5d) 1 (1, wander/wonder) if you've ever stopped (2. considering/to consider) the amount of time you spend (3. looking at/watching) television each day, or what people did before "the boy" was (4. discovered/invented). (5. Weather/Whether) watching T.V. is time well spent is open to question. The quality of the programmes (6. leaves/lets) a lot to be desired, One of the (7. criticisms/objections) often levelled (8, at/to) television is that it’s killing the art of conversation. As far as P'm concerned, I’d much rather spend an evening socialising with friends than sit glued to the box. However, I seem to be in the minority (9, that/which) I think is a shame. What really (10. gets/lets) me down is the commercial (11. brakes/breaks), In spite of the fact that I’m not a'T.V. fan, I do enjoy going to the cinema. (12 However/Moreover), with the arrival of video recorders, a lot of cinemas have now been closed down or converted into bingo halls. 69 VI. Ghép phan dau cau 6 cot A voi phan cudi tung ing 6 cot B dé tao thanh cau hop li. (1d) A. B. 1, I'm terrified a. on passing my exams. 2, 'm worried b. against going to law. 3, I'm sorry .... c. of being in the house on my own, 4. My parents congratulated d. on knowing what MCveerccseene happened 5, She is very interested ........._ ¢. about leaving such a young girl to look after 6. I'm bored.............0. the children. 7. Vadvice you ccc f. for not writing back sooner. 8. Linsist occu g. with being at home on Sundays. h. in listening to Chinese songs. VII. Cho dang dung cia tu trong ngodic dé hoan thanh nhing cau sau. (1d) 1. Pm full’of wc for the improvements he’s made. (ADMIRE) 2. It’s becoming ............. difficult to find a job nowadays. (INCREASE) 3. Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is ............0.. (HARM) 4. Here’s a special offer to all .. of foreign coins. (COLLECT) 70 5. In the past few years this area has become heavily « (INDUSTRY) 6. He is so ..... ! No wonder he has no friends!(AGREE) 7. 1 wish you a very happy ecco (RETIRE) 8. My brother and I were sent to ..... vs. School when we were seven. (BOARD) VIIL. Viét lai nhiing cau sau, bat dau bing tif ggi ¥ sao cho nghia ciu khong thay adi. (24) 1. The town was nearer than we thought it would be. The town wasn’t ....... 2. I can’t cook very well I’m not 3. We can't sit on the grass because it is too wet. The grass isn’t . 4. The builder’s going to mend my roof tomorow. Ty 5. We can’t have breakfast in the garden because it is very cold. Tea vcnepeweawevcmnn, ata 8 6. If you work hard, you will find it easy to get good marks. The harder 7. You'd better not get up late", my mother said. My mother advised .........cccccscscsneee 8. No explanation is necessary. Tt is cee 7 TEST 20 (90 phat) Bai kiém tra gitla hoc ky I] nang cao (Danh cho hoc sinh kha, gidi) I. Doc doan van sau roi tra Idi cau héi bang cach chon dap an dung A, B, C, D. (Id) In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs, and politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one-tenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Horn, More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. The French initiated the project but sold their rights to the United States. The latter will control it until the end of the twentieth century when Panama takes over its duties. 1. Who currently controls the Panama Canal? A. France C. Panama B. United States D. Canal Zone In approximately what year will a different government take control of the Panama Canal? A. 2000 C. 3001 B. 2100 D. 2999 3. On the average, how much would it cost a ship to travel around cape Horn? A. $4,500 C. $ 150,000 B. $ 15,000 D. $ 1,500,000 s 72 4. What can be inferred from this reading? A. This is a costly project which should be re-evaluated. B. Despite all the problems involved, the project is beneficial C. Many captains prefer to sail around Cape Horn because it is less expensive. D. Due to all the problems, three governments have had to control the canal over the year. Il. Dién m6t gidi ti thich hop vao méi ché trong 6 nhiing cau sau. (1d) 1. He’s very brave. He’s not afraid anything. 2. I’m surprised __ the amount of traffic today. I didn’t think it would be so busy. 8. If you're worried the problem, you should do something __ it. 4. You remind me. somebody I knew a long time ago. You look just like her. 5. Why were you so unfriendly Tessa? Have you had an argument. her? 6. I’ve been trying to learn English but I’m not very satisfied my progress Il. SAp xép nhiing td duéi day theo 4 nh6m cho san. (1d) barn, buffalo, dig, elephant, field, flowers, giraffe, go swimming, helge, low tide, monkey, plant, plough, sandcastle, sunbathe, tractor 13

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