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March 22, 2022

To Whom it May Concern,

I am honored to offer my recommendation for Dr. Michelle Livek Garner. I have known Livek for
the past five years and in that time she has served me in the role of teacher, colleague, and

Throughout my four years at Winthrop Livek taught me in and outside of the classroom. Our Art
Education courses were not structured to teach us to become a specific type of art teacher.
Rather, Livek structured our weekly classes so we could find our own identity as Artist Teachers
rooted in the various theories behind Art Education. From my cohort alone, there are Artist
Teachers that have a focus in: Teaching for Artistic Behavior, Studio Habits of Mind, Research
Based Art, Inquiry Based Making, Visual Literacy, and Art History Integration. In each of her
courses, Livek found ways to push us beyond the surface whether it was through researching to
add to the larger conversation of Art Education or creating our own assessments to serve us as
students in the moment and as future educators. Livek has a way of working with her students
that accounts for the Master Artist, the Open Student, and the Promising Teacher. Each of these
identities are carefully thought of in every lesson, project, and lecture.

Towards the end of my Senior Year, Livek hired me as a colleague in the role of Art Education
Research Assistant. In this position I was able to see a different side of my professor. Livek
thinks so deeply and broadly about her past students' work, her current students’ ideas, and her
future students’ success. Taking from her years of experience, Livek has collected data and
gone through various research studies to bring her voice into the advancement of Art Education.
Her research is directed to the Artist Teacher looking for simultaneous immediate and long term
change within the classroom. With her vast knowledge of visual thinking, fine art, and pedagogy
she is able to articulate her theories in a way that brings big thoughts into an understandable
and applicable language.

Now, as a High School Artist Teacher, I find myself still learning from Livek whether it is from
notes from class two years ago, an article I have saved from my introductory class, or a phone
call after school. Livek continues to push my classroom ideas and my future goals by finding
ways to keep doors and communication open.

Livek is a teacher that continues to teach after the class is over. She has been an influential
mentor to me and has always made herself available for collaboration and guidance. I highly
recommend her without any reservation.

Mimi Tierney

Mimi Tierney
Artist Teacher, West Ashley High School

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