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Alumnus Personality Due s Honor Roll Carnation Queen Alumni Newsnotes

Page 1 Paj!:e 4 Page 5 Pages 4 & 6

University of California Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon"

Volu"';e 6 2 Number 4
- Berkeley, Cal ifornia April, 1963

Alumnus Personality:



Harold W. Wright '24 is a man who has

shown great vision and foresight in helping
to build a better, greater and more beauti­
ful Los Angeles.
Upon being graduated from UC, he
joined a construction firm which was to
build the Chamber of Commerce building
at 12th and Broadway and the Los Angeles
City Hall.
In 1926, he became a member of the Harold W. Wright ·24...helping
staff of the Chamber of Commerce as an to build a greater Los Ange1es-
assistant in the Domestic Trade Depart­
ment. By 1928, he was named advertising
manager of Southern California Business,
which was, at that time, a monthly maga­
zine instead of a weekly_newspa-per as it is -
-- Between semesters, formal rush
" teday. In 1930, he had become Domestic
brought 12 new pledges into Nu. This
.., -T-rade Commissioner and manager of the
is one of the largest pledge classes on
Domestic Trade Department, and in 1944
campus for this time of year.
he was elevated to the post of secretary
The new pledges are:
to the Chamber. He has been in his pres­
Jerry Boddum 166, Seal Beach
ent position, that of general manager,since
Steve Bollinger 166, Chowchilla
Jim De Olden 167, Downey
During these years, Harold has been
Mike Duffy 167, Pacific Palisades­
very instrumental in the growth and plan­
Don Keldsen 167, Long Beach
ning of the Chamber, and also in the dev­
Jim Leney 167, Sacramento
elopment and construction of the new Cham­
Dave McCarthy 166, Pomona
ber of Commerce building.
Kent McBride 167, Sunnyvale
He was secretary of the Citizens Com­
Gary Martone 166, Modesto
mittee, which was responsible for bringing
Jack Reding 166, Santa Ana
the 1960 Democratic National Convention to
Mike Richter '64, Malibu
Los Angeles.
(continued on page 2.) Scott Rowland 166, Anaheim

Page 2 NU NEWS Aprif, 1963

HAROLD W. WRIGHT '24 . . . . •


(Gontinued from page I)

As .a result of his initiating a campaign Initiation ceremonies were held for

for International Airlines to Los Angeles and 12 of the 16 men who were pledg€d last

the start of s€rvice by Scandinavian Airlines fall to Nu chapter. They are:

System, he was knighted and presented the Russ Buss '67, Long Beach

Order of Vasa by the King of Swed€n. Ralph Morgan '66, Vandenberg AFB

Rotary Club and Jonathan Club have Randy Morgan '67, Sacramento

claimed his services also. Photography is Alan Shirek '67, San Francisco

his hobby, but his wife states he is so Mike Doyle '67, Santa Monica

bu sy he J1as very little Hme for it. Fred Conrad '66, San Diego

He has shown during his career that he Mike Pet€rson '66, Talmage.

is _devoted, not to himself or his own personal Bill Schmohl '67, San Francisco

reward, but to the overall development of John Gos-line '66, Oakl-and

the Los Angel€s metropolitan ar€a, its bus­ Jim Clardy '66, Whittier

iness, its industry, its government and its Marty Reutinger '66, San Diego

cultural well-being. Joff Pollon '66, No. Hollywood

His wife is the former Kathleen Ruttmann

and they have three sons, four grandsons and
one gl."andaughter. The family home is at 1778
�ose Ave, San Marino.

The following men were selected to

the �eadership positions for the coming
Jim Sherk '£:4, Prytanis, Danville
Ken Casady '64, Epiprytanis, Palo
Tim Clune '64, Gremmetens, San
The total number of registered students
Loren zQ
this spri'ng semester nas gone over the 1949
Bill Poulton '64, Historian, Piedmont
record when 22,407 students regist€red.
. Bill Rosentreten '64 Chrysophylos,
Registrants at Berkeley now stand at 22,730.
u������· st�L�€c ��Qll��25�J9
L �2�'-Aa�
n� ���_ �� ��� r����f � �������
65, Pyloftes, Ve�ur-a -

Bruce owger
all-time record for any semester. Spring
Jim Chamberlain '64, Hegemon, San
enrollrrrents are usually lower- because of
January graduation, drop outs and the small
Hank Brainerd '64, Hypophetes,
number of entering high school graduates.
Of this spring's students, 14,709 are
men and 8,021 are women. Undergraduates
num-ber 15,208 and the graduate students
Chancellor Edward Strong says- that the RUSH REC OMMENDA TIONS...If you know
University expects to reach the planned of anyone coming to Cal next fall whom you
maximum enrollment of 27,500 students think should be considered for membership
in the fall semester of 1964. . in Teke...please send his name tO lhe Rush
By 1975, college enrollments in Cali­ Chairman, Teke House, 2725 Channing Way,
fornia will exceed 660,000. Twenty-five Berkeley, so that we can contact him and,
years later in. the year 2000, rr:ore ;:han perhaps, have him as our guest before. the
one million students will b€ enrolled. end of this serrester . . • . .

_________________�__ ��______--------------�---J
Page 3 NU NEWS April, 1963

SAN FRANCISCO GRADUATE CHAPTER news from the editor's scratchpad • • • • • .


A USTIN WALTHER, 154, PRESIDENT This year we invited the Kappas to
join us in the Spring Sing. We carne through
During the April meeting of the San the eliminations with flying colors then were
Francisco Graduate Chapter, the following "outsung" by Bowles Hall and .t,lpha Phi.
officers were elected: Naturall y, we were disappointed, however,
President, Austin Walther '54 .
we had a wonderful joint TKE-Kappa post­
Vice -preside nt, Dan Costello '51 spring sing and a great time was had by all.
Secretary, Dave Francis '54 • . . although we are lacking a senior class,
Treasurer, Al Nelson '55 we have a good selection of leadership
After thanking outgoing president, material in the junior class. Judging from
Tom Morgan, and his ex-committees our excellent Spring pledge class of 12 men,
for a job well done, Austin appointed Don we expect a fairly even distribution of fresh·
Shawl '60 and Bull Rus '48 as chairmen ma �ough senior � �Y_ne'5} f
�:.:l� .:o' '��==",�
� •

of the content committee. Ci'eorge Dove '51 -

was selected to act as publicity chairman.

Word corne s that WILLIAM ELLS '52 is
The new president stated he would "proceed
the state representative of the local chap­
with vigor" in promoting a renewed alumni
ter of the California Society of Professional
program oriented toward the undergraduate
Engineers. Bill lives at 1342 Lark Ellen,
chapter at Berkeley.
La Puente.

Y OUR A T T E N T I O N is called to the editorial in the University of California 's

Alumni Association magazine. "California Monthly. " The very fi ne editorial clearly
states the administration's feelings about fraternal organizations. If you have mis­
placed your copy or overlooked the editorial, write to Tau Kappa Epsilon Alum ni
Records Office, 2490 Channing Way, Berkeley, for a reprint.

At the 1963 Founders' Day Banquet the chapter was

honored to have as its' guest, Grand Prytanis
Don Kaser. Frater Kaser is shown in the photo
on the left, addressing the members. The photo
directly above is of Tom Morgan, outgoing president
of the San Francisco Graduate Chapter.
-------. �--�--�--�� -------------�----------����---- --����

NU NEWS Page 4

MORE A L UM N I NE WSNOTES • • . · .J year old daughter. Their new address is

2008 Tampa Ave. , Oakland.

GEORGE R� MAGEE '19 lives at Zephyr Cove BILL DOZIER '59 writes that he is working
in Nevada. He writes that his son is running as an industrial analyst for Bethlehem
his office now and he devotes a major part of Steel's Fabricating works in Torrance.
hi.s time to skiing in the Sierras. Europe and His, wife, Linda, (SK-Cal) is teaching the
the southern hemisphere. Maggie has been an 4th and 5th grades in Palos Verdes. Bill
e>.phthalmalogist for many yei!\rs, and is the says they sure hated to leave the Bay Area,
author of Symptomatology & Clinical Signs of however, are enjoying the beach area and Fever, published by the American are forever cheering the 'Golden Bears'
Association of .Advanced Science. His office on to vietory over their southern opponents.
is located at 329 West 6th St. in Reno, Nevada. Home address for the Doziers is 740
His wHe, the former Mary Cox (U of Nevada­ Manhattan Beach .Blvd. , Manhatt;;tn Beach.
OPB) and he have four grown children. The
�-��",=, mai�
1 ing·ade:l�ess�
. at�ephl'Y CQve ·i s-'Bex 204. = - -Flying C-1l9 "Box Carswfor the USAF is
.ALAN C. NELSON '55 is an attorney with called up last Octe>ber and says he doesn't
the firm of Rogers, Clark & Je>rcia in San know how long he will be in. He gives
·Francisco. He and his wife have a one his present address as 6110 Golden Dawn
Way, Sacramento.


In addition to the list of dues payers published in the fall issue of NU NEWS,
tne following have sent in their dues and are hereby acknowledged. If your name has not

appeared on the Honor Roll (either the fall issue or this issue) it means that yOIl still have
time to send in your dues. Send your check to Tau Kappa Epsilon Alumni Records Office,
24'90 Channing Way, Berkeley 4.

Thanks to:

John C. Arvesen '60 William Hexner Go.rdon Parhard, Alpha Eta '27
Gerald D. Blalock '60 H. He>over John J. Quigley '61
Arthur Ci. Barton' 29 Harry Heyn '21 William p. Rus '51
Edward H. Boize Jr. '21 Walter K. Janssen '50 Frank Rivera 'SS
- - .=<::::= - -�� ��� � ---� - ��'- �- ' � "E'1!t:t: � �-"'. ""�
John D. Ricllardson '55 �

Paul D. Burrill '24 Frank B. Klink

Nathan Brown '20 Glenn G. Kluss '20 Harry D. Rasmussen '22.
Bruce M. Cowan '53 Spencer E. Lowden '26 ponald Shawl '61 -
Homer D. Crotty '22 George A. Lamb 1),9 W. R. Spackman '34
Frank Clough '51 Fred E. Lusk Jr. '56 Walter Senior '55
Frarlk p. Conklin '27 Jack Ledberg '56 Louis E. Simoncic '53
D. Costello'51 A. J. McCollum Richard H. Schimmel '59 -
Henry E. Covell Jr. '57 John D. McCubbin '62 - John Tilbury'28
Bill Dozier'59 Griffith O� Marshall ' 51 Bert S. Thomas '16
Joseph F. De Martini'19 George R. Magee' 19 Mark I. Temme '54
William Ells'52 George G. Martin'54 John D. Thurman '59
Ingul W. Egge Edwin S. Moore Charles H. Turnbull '48
Vireent J. Freiermuth '26 Jacob L. Mathis Jr. '58 Roger E. Venturi '57
Reuel S. Griffin '61 Wayne McCombs '60 Lloyd E. Wilson '27
Bill Graham '51 Alan C. Nelson'55 Austin Walther '54
Clifford Henderson '21 Harry E. Peters '33 Robert Weis '58
C. F. Zellman'



Soph Goth '18 recently made a trip to

_ points east and came back with the follow­
.ing items of news concerning some of the
fraters. Ue -visited with Hervey Shel don
in P�\leblo, Colorado. Hervey has sold his
.laundry and is now in business with his
br�ther� _Dan.
-In Denver, Soph had dinner with Irving
Krick '28, world famed meteQrolagist,and
learned something the effect of the atomic
IDiCJsts on-tne weather. He heard from IIIrvll
r ",f l1' at Paul Ruch was recently married and is
/ . . .
restau.rant business.
Eurther points east t9 -Chicago, he saw
- -
Ge-orge ?ehubacker and Clayton Ward '34.
GeQrge [s eastern manager of the H� S.
_Crocker Co. �
Clayton is easte n traffic
rpanager of the Southern Pacific Co. Also
in Chicago he talke·d to Dick Schimmel.
Linda Johnson, Kappa Kappa Gamma
Dick was transfer�ed last January and was
-trying to become acclimate? to Chicago's
zero weather. He is wo!king f<;lr the Crown -
' Zellerbach- Corp. learn�d at Christmas time that
Nu's biggest event of the year was - =
BOD Collins '54 hCis moved to Fircrest,
dimaxed on February 23, 1963 when Lind�
Washington, a suburb of Tacoma. Bob is
Lee Johnson, Kappa Kappa Gamma� was
Milling superintendent for the General
selected the Red Carnation Queen to reign
Mills G�(!). ,.,
for the corning year; the St. 'Francis Yacht;
Carl Anderson, after being graduated
Club was the seene of the festivities.
tram Boalt Hall, received a scholars-hip to
Our Red Carnation Queen contest has
, study in Soest, Germany. He is working
r e
-with (m -of the court j\idges there.
be�o�e a .tr
- e�endo u�S' success a
enhanced �u'-s popularity on cam,p�s.
- Thanks-for all the news, Soph!
is proceeded by extensive publicity work
I!I before the event by Barry Evans Photography,
i RECENT WEDDINGS- Rick 's Florist, the Berkeley Ga zette and.

1 ' the Oakland Tribune.

I After some pre-judging, the- final
Miss Margaret Madene Peck to Carl
McKowa-n selecti.on is always made by: the men of the

Miss Roberta Lee Culpepper to William TKE hou-se.

Linda 's attendant-s were: Jennifer ,Peak"

E. Donovan '61
Alpha Delta Pi; Diane Grear, Tri-Delt;

Miss. Gal) Bryan to Daniel B. Costello,
'51 Barbara- Ewing, Alpha Xi Delta; and Marjorie

�iss Miriam Eileen Wilson to WiIliam Ashe-of Cunningham
_ Hall� The queen- rec-
eived a cultured pearl ring, while her att­
1 - W. MeCombs '60

Cynthia Dawn Ros.ell to Fa rl W. BoyntOn endants were presenteCi pendants 01 culture'd
'56. pearls.
I '"

Page 6 NU NEWS April, 1963


HENR Y E. C OVELL, JR. '57 is an att­ Attorney -at-law with the firm of Young
orney for the California State Automobile and Young is LA WRENCE W. YOUNG '24.
Association located at 399 Grand Ave. , " Brigll is located at 509 Helm Bldg., Fresno,
Oakland. Hank graduated from Cal and Cali£. After being graduated from Cal,
then went on to Hastings School of Law h e went on to Hastings where he received
where he was a member of the class of his LLB. He has been president of Fresno's
'61. Doreen Swager (Cal-ZTA) became Executives Club. His wife, Ruth, (Cal-Phi
his wife in December 1958. The couple Mu) and he have one grown son. Their home
have a one year old son. Hank is a mem­ address is 1740 Thorne, Fresno.
ber of Toastmasters International. Home
address for the Covells is 5030 Barrett

ARNOLD J. KLA US '25 is an economist for
Ave., Richmond. the San Diego Chambe:r of Commerce. . Known
as the "Commodore" among the fraters, he
Serving in the U. S. Air Force is JOHN went on into the navy , serving in the Pacific
D. MC CUBBIN '62. He can be reached area during the war and received several
at a home address in Fresno, 617 Cam­ personal service presidential decorations.
bridge Ave. Real estate is another business interest for
him and he enjoys tuna fishing as a hobby.
FRED A. BECK '19 is now retired from His wife was the former Dorothy Akerly of
teaching. He belongs to the Masonic California. They have two children, a boy
Chapter 349 in Oakland. He and his wife and a girl. The family residence is 1160
have two grown children, Barb�ra and Fred Hunter St., San Diego.
Jr. The family home is 5790 Buena Vista
Ave., Oakland.
SETH T. BURDETT '50 is an economic
analyst with Standard Oil Co. of California
Architect with Kaiser Engineers is HAROLD
located at 225 Bush St., San Francisco.
W. HAWES '34. His business address is
,"{is wife is the former Evelyn Bean (Cal­
Kaiser Center, Oakland. The family address
Stern Hall). They have one son, Stephen,
is 27 La Campana in Orinda.
who is 9. The family livesat 225 Olema
Drive in Fairfax.
GRANVILLE S. pELAMERE �17 is a phy­
sician and surgeon at the Marysville Clinic
in Marysville. Del attended Mayo Clinic Also in the field of medicine is HARR Y E.
and the University of Minnesota to further PETERS '33. He is a graduate of U.C.'s
his study in medicine. He belongs to the Ex­ school of medicine. Harry is a member of
change Club in Marysville and is the owner various surgical societies, the American
of a farm. He and his wife h2ve a son and a College of Surgeons and is on the American
daughter. Residence address for the family Board of Surgery. He and his wife, Jane,
is Rt. 3� Box 9'70 in Marysville. (Stanford -Chi-O) have four children. Home
address for the Peters is 649 Blair Ave.,
A new address for WILLIAM MC COMBS '60 Piedmont.
. . . . . 401 Fairmount Ave., Oakland.

NU NEWS is published by the Tau Kappa Epsilon Alum ni Association and Nu Chapter
of Tau Kappa Epsilon for alumni and friends. News, photos of interest, and changes
of address should be sent to Tau Kappa Epsilon Alumni Records Office, 2490 Channing
Way, Berkeley 4. Alumni Relations Officer: Bill Poulton '65.

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