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Georgia Merk

● Fostering Effective Relationships.

Within my first two weeks at St. Patrick’s Fine Arts elementary school, the TQS I have
been aiming to meet is number one, Fostering Effective Relationships. I have 3 different
classes of students and have already gotten the chances to get to know individual students and
different staff members in the school community. I have done well with most names, try to go
out of my way to greet students and staff in the halls and make an effort to get to know students
when I am teaching, on supervision and in between classes. I played name games to learn all
student names and had my two different grade 6 groups wear name tags in order to fully lock in
the names for myself this week. I also brought in a plant as a “class pet”, to help foster a
initiative and fun element of my grade 5 class
I feel confident that I am fostering effective relationships two weeks in as I can see the
students interested in my teaching and who I am as an individual. I am proud that I am feeling
confident in this area as in previous practicums I struggled to build consistent relationships with
students due to a more erratic schedule.

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