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Georgia Merk

● Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments

For my second TQS reflection, I focused on number #4, Establishing Inclusive
Learning Environments. The way I have been aiming to achieve this TQS goal is by taking
note of details of students in the classroom. I have taken note of who may show problems in
behavior, students who may be left without a partner in PE, or students who are more pulled
back and quiet. I have been trying different strategies such as positive comments on achievement
to the quieter students, trying to be an active listener for students who want to share their stories
with me, and even being a partner to the students in PE who were left without a partner to ensure
they feel seen and included. I hosted a basketball tournament to end my PE unit and gave out
“MVP” awards. I chose students who I noticed were working hard and that I haven’t gotten the
chance to interact with as much as I know how special it feels when you receive recognition.
While this TQS goal is a career-long initiative, I felt happy that I was able to try and
target being aware of emotional and mental health needs and using effective classroom
management strategies to promote a positive learning environment.

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