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Georgia Merk

● Engaging in Career Long Learning:

For this TQS reflection I am focusing on competency number 2, Engaging in Career Long
Learning. I chose this standard at this point in my practicum because I am beginning to realize
the depth of learning a teacher must engage in over the course of their career. While I always
knew that this career was a lifetime of learning, I can see and feel in my own planning and
teaching that there are always more ways to approach material, more relevant material to teach,
different activities to try etc, and that there is no true “right” way of teaching. It can feel
overwhelming at times but the gift of freedom and creativity with the option to change and move
around approaches and ideas to better suit myself and my students depending on how they learn
and who they are is truly wonderful.
A few other ways I feel that I have approached this standard was by attending the
SWATCA convention last week where I learnt new PE games, ways to maximize learning just
by moving classroom furniture and work spaces, assessment tools and inclusivity of gender and
sexuality in schools. I love the element of collaboration and effort on each teacher's part to share
their best ideas and try new things. I felt that I gained some valuable knowledge.
Within this standard, I have also checked the boxes for being observed and receiving
feedback on my teaching, collaborated myself with the other intern teacher Hannah, and taught
students new programs on technology to improve learning and work such as Grammarly and
Canva. All of these occurrences have taught me new ways to learn by myself and given me time
to reflect on what I am doing and how I can keep improving.

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