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Rogers, Arl;:nns~s
r~1yster ious Egg -SI1apou UFO
~· OCT l .G 1969

Nume.r ous ·r esidents of Northwest Arkansas light; and if we had any reports on what it might
and areas of 1\Iissouri, Oklahoma and Texas saw be,·· Foster said. INTI!RNAllON.&.L PRrss-Cu·•·n~o BuRE.~u
the light Wednesday night. ".Mrs. Joe Harmon of I3el~lonville said she J, Knight5bridgc Green, London, S.W.J.
But no one knows exactly what it was, where it observed the light through her binoculars and it
carne from or where it went. appeared to be egg-shaped; · the deputy
'l'he largest amount of sightings, according to reported .
. phone calls received ·by area police, were in FostC'r said when he first observed the light
Bentonville, Siloam Springs and Gravette. abtmt 7 p.m., it was approximately the sile of a
Police in Hogcrs, Springdale and Fayetteville coffeecup saucer and was moving slowly in a
J1ad no record of receiving any inquiried but southensterly direction.
Washington County sheriff's authorities received
a dispatch indicating the mysterious light was It was a brilliant white, turned to a tint of blue
.seen in scattered areas across the four-state and then a bright red as it seemed to be tra\'c1i1~g
area. away and climbing to a higher altitude, Fo~tcr
~i fA:1 f~ ~~ ~( ~~~ [~' nf
Benton County Deputy Marion Foster said he
received about a dozen caJ1s from area residents
"Finally it just looked like a small star and I
~\J fl~'ttJ uti ~ ; \!. ·ll
between 6:30and 7:30p.m., Bentonville reported
nine calls and Siloam Springs had approximately
stopped watching it." · ·
1 Foster speculated that the light was a weilthcr
; -, l
:" 1 ....

· c.~
{lul P.
I··f! u h
.... uU
'l P. u
rt 'J
baloon. "It was moving too slow to be anything
25 inquiries. u
" people just asl\ed if we had seen it <the else," he commented. ·
:LAN/\HKSlllH E .police . J...cpt ...~n
er balloon floating 0\·er· the · unusual lookout !.1st n•-ht .
-for an unidentified ehicct
cit and the rays were cansed
EXA~.~NER-ENTERPRISE b/ the sunlight hitting th.c reported fhinl.! over the count'·
·The mystNY liJ.!ht in the ~k ,. "'as
Btn~TJa~:SVILLE, OKLA. n1et~llic box of instruments 1t first ~ct'n over Camblhlan~ bv
I ')/ ·eire?) 13,500 carried. a police patrol c:~r. It seemed
. ~4 nr.~. ,~·~.·;
~ ~
.. _ lli...J.u-
,.. -,. J - Rid:ard ~lichaels of Hanch
·b' 1-e
to be mo,·in;! north·cast.
l.i J..
· ~}...
~·-:- .!.~ • Acr "" ~ hCJs a pl<'USI l C c:.:ct::> ·rhcn it wa-. !\CCII by a nmnb~'r CIC
r~ J' t=-" f'l'"'\ ~ r ·I
..L,,.·~;{:.. v LJ'
0 Jr-.f'('
,_,;'V v
~. . · '. ·'
for ~!llOthcr lliy:.tenous vuj~::l...~ motorists in the Co ;lluri.i .:.:c .t. '"·'·
who ~n rcportcJ to r,ulicc hc.aJ-
sighting. He said the mo~n quartcrs . .
There are two intcr11reta- I was showing as only a thm
tions · on the mysterious ob· sliver as it broke into re-fle~­ No {·race
ihc U.F.O. crealt'd such intnc~t
jcct sighted in the sky Thurs- tion from the sun . ~Ie ynd
daY. it was so thin that lt dis?.~­ that the R. :\.f. "ere cont:H:tcll.
The one we sa;v O\'er Bar- but they could find no trace of
pearcd when you to~'k. yO\.~r any objects. .
tlesville Thursday afternoon eyes off it for a mowcth . \ It ,\. <!S btcr thou~ht that the ln:ht
\Vas a,Pparently a U. S. weath- · ''"as the pl;111cc \'enus ~('('n ;,t
:tn 0\n~lc-\fhkh tn:ldc it appeal
to moYe.
------------- -
\ ..}
. ·~ I
~- I

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2- .. _ ·1

· ·--
.- - · -· .-
. . . .
Culbert ... To Unravel UFO Mystery

Be~"*lc ·
" ••• A stonny wjnd came out of the north, more serious n1atters in the world than UFOs) than to
. and a great cloud, with brightnrss · round about H, ·· go along with a readily visible muzzling operation .
and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst "UFOS: A New Look" studies Jllustrative
of the fire, as it were gleanting bronze. And from sightings particularly during late 1967 and 1S68 and
the ·n1idst of it came the likeness of four liYing also recounts the "best" worldwide UFO cases in
creatures • ~ • I saw a wheel UJJOU the earth bcs.ide which "occupants" are reported.
the living creatures, one for each of. the four of Equally as important, the new document contains
thetn ••• Their appearance was like the gleaming the staten1ents ·or respected scientists who participated
of a chrysolite; and the four had the same lil~eness, in the House Committee on Science and Astronautics in
their construction being as ·jt were a v.·heel " ·ithin a the sumtner of 1968, an important part in the securing
wheel ••• The four wheels had rims and they had of which was NICAP. And press coverage was not ex-
spokes, and their rhus were full of eyes round tcnsive.
Among tho;;e appearing was Dr. Jatnes A. Harder,
-EZEKIEL 1:4-13
professor of civil engineering, University of Califon1ia-
Berkeley, \vho, an1ong other statetnents, testified:
"Again I lifted 111y eyes and saw, and behold, a "Over the past 20 )'ears a yast amount ·of
flying scroll .' ~ : : ·Its length is hrenty cubits, and its evidence has been accumulat)ng that bears on the
breadth ten cubits. Then he said to 1ne, 'This is existence of UFOs. l\Iost of this is little known to
the curse· that goes out over the face of the whole the general Jmblic or to n10st scientists. But on the
land •• .' " basis of the data and ordinary rules of evidence, as
-ZECHARIAH 5: 1·3 woulcl be applied in· c.ivil or criminal courts, the
physical reality of UFOs has been proved beyond a
_ UNDETERRED BY the "official" University of reasonable doubt.
Colorado snow job on unidentified .flying objects ,the "With some effort, we can accept this on an intellectual le\·el,
unofficial National Investigations Con1mittee on Acria] but find a difficult.y in accepting it on an €motional Je\·el, in such
Pheno1nena · (NICAP) continues a broad base of ex- a way that the facts give a f~ e ling of reality. In tms respect, we
ploratory and research activities ev~r buttressing its might r€'call the attitude many of us haYe tO\vard our own
deaths: We acCE'pt the facts intellectually, but find it difficult to
central theses: accept them emotionally."
UFOs are real, they are probably intelligently con- Stated nuclear physicist Stanton 'f. Friedman, assigned to
trolled, they are probably extraterrestrial in origin. the NERVA nucl€ar rocket program at Westinghouse
In what a1nounts to a rebuttal of the University of Ast.ronuclear Laboratory, Pittsbm·gh:
:·Colorado report (issued last January), the \Vashin gton- "After considerable study, firs t-hand im·estigation, and
revie\V of a great ·variety of data, I have concluded that the
based · organization of scientists and r e t i r e d evid ence is overwhelming that the earth is being vi sited by
goven1ment and mi1Hc-.1y personnel has issued "CFOs: inteli ~ ~ cn t ly controlled vehicles whose origin is extra : ~rr€.::trial." .
A New Look," a followup to ~ts 200,000-\rord "The TJFO St.atccl Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, associate profc.:;sor of
:~vidence" (1964), which remains the 1nost single psychology, University of Wyoming:
. ies·ponsible, authoritati\·e case for the UFO. "I accept the- hypothesis that the earth is being snrvcyed
by spacecraft which are ccnh·ollc') by rcpresenl~tivc3 of an
In the new report, :r\IC:\P researchers e111d ~lirn civilizatlon or ci\'iliza ti r.ns."
scientists particularly dwell on the increase of St ated Dr. James E. l\fcDonald, atmo!:pheric phy·.3icist,
... . reports of UFO ''lan tlin.;s" and of apparently rFO· Unin::r.31ty of Ari1ona, a fo remost militant in th~ UF03-are-
produced electromagnetic effects on circuits, ~eri ou .s-busin c s.s camp:
-· motors, etc., and of apparently UFO-produc:ccl "The possibility that the Earth might be under sun·eillance
physiological effects on people ::.nd animals. by some high dvili :.ation in command of a technology far ~ eyon d
ours mu~t not be oHrlookcd in weighing the UFO p!·oblfm. I am
Although a paucity of nation\\·ide information on one of those \rho lean strongly towards the cx trr!-t r rrestri~ l
UFOs still persists, the b~akdo \'.' n of ca ses r~p o rt e d hypothesis ... "
'through NICAP, while reflecti ng less si gh tings than 0 bscncd Dr. Ga rry C. JJ rt~dcr~on, senior resce~rch scientist,
· during the n1ost recent series or "flaps" (1 9G5-la67 ), in· ~pac(! ...:.c icnc c~ . Fort \Yorlh, Tcx:
dicatcs a trend we have seen vrry tnuch in effect since ''Gr,rl h ~ l .r t !~ if Ol lt' mi li! ?ry nnrl c·nm mrrcbJ pilots ar:.d
r~Hl:lr faciliti es so commonly mist~l.;c trmpr.r;1lurc in-
the late 1950s: · vcr si o ~is , b;-tJ!" n:t s, atm os pheric cl h lt;rb anccs, the pbnel
UFO reports rrm ain relati\·cly con sistent in the Venu s, etc., f Di' l1:t ncu\·crin ;; vehicl e~ .''
local prElss , btlt. get littl e if any trc atn1c::·nt by th r n?.- 'f ncr) of cou;·::<' the re WetS chief lll'O clelJrJr.l;cr Di. D:>!lCll :!
ird pruft"' ; :· 0!' or c. 5 ~! ' Cli >Jmy :
ti onal wire scn·icc:; nnd othe r r omnm nic2tion .s tnsrlia. ~lt~ 1 •; · r!. H ;t:·-.·<
··1 tLin1 ; t :1::-· li T. ":' kts C\)m !:~ . for t h~ Air F or e ~ tn '.'.T <;p t:;)
. . . ..... - · - , , .... - f ~
"t ,.., - - -- .. . --;.. · - - t-l1c
· W\rrcl~:, :}'Y:. n ·n~:rt.h t.:Jw~nt k!:~h~~..·, .. Th~ -;;bjM~Ct•• ·~~~O;l~;cl :£n~ 11~_111 : ;~
cr.:f:rc ra-rrd!ly.
t1Ci.d a\'/.<ti~cnect
\·H llaml r>L:, Ore. y f£~.i. t h q1 H o vcr, pc.r.h '<. p-~ fi 0 (i;lom h:·hll~d a·nd ·o\·c:..r .-U1c ~Mlr. H!c-ev·c~ g:rc:tbbEd a ri-
(1;in~c!;) or 100 f(•:.t ·r. . v:::r your ~\c ..:v!. s~ .
k:\.... lie !tl;otr~·h t
C'c1·r ~t. 1ile, anct as he d!1d t-h~ hu.m
v~,h:Ic· in. ~hi:<! ~ ·osl~:·~tn, wot~ld take ·t-.hc~ itrccto.p s :t·nd increased and the lights grew
--· ____ .. :.. ·_· :-----:~:-:-:. .. •. - . -- ---Spdr.~~.:::- .;;~c::>d wrttchin,::{, thc·n w.:;.:; l9fl!H' • • • -fn rlc~s time- · 1n0re nu:n.c:rou.s. I it c r '3 11 y
·sunE. -l'VI:~ SEEN TI-lEr•~.· v..:v:.t i:d,·· :!ic- '!1:-r:. :~·.-:. c: !l~~ d t'h·~; -n •it w.::•i1ld lt~k{' to ten it. "craw·u;n:g UJ) the •wall," then
- H1(~ .h mit.; ~nd ~hey . ~ !1 ~~tood ' .H orc, i.n d:!rc.ot t·ontr<.:9t to w'i·!ih a hJ'gh'er -p:tc.hcd hu.m ,
(Ui-' S..Z\ Y.S -SILETZ I•ll~N t:.:~dc-i-:1·< -:1 ·:'L• o~.:~erv:·m·;;. i. •~c~~;~_ris. of otJ1er motoris!'i, the object su·;:tdL··nly took oH.
- );.~'" l1 :r S y 1\' i ~\ G r.t ~ 1c r ' " ·
1 <11 e!:q. :::o ifa r ~.s h c :<."•a n
__ .. _ ___ _ 'l"r,:= . s'1le:n-;:c. t::-;•e cr~n1, was .
/ ? .: ::. ~;,.... · 'I'hc ohj lc'l. he e:.~~Z:YJ· :rtr:--:1, rr~m·c,lnhc,r. dtd !not. falter, · tJ1e d<' :l . 11 !~C' rclid \V<!s
(.F~.Yh"~~- 9::l~~C.r'i? S'll rc l'v e v.b:3 I!~r ·hJ :P~ .. 7 J-.1 00 Ccct in,; :d :d nr:-.t ,mi-s~. 0\-0r\ ~
Sl'Cn ti~('tn." SlYS non Sprhtg· o•:..:und.c.r. n ·w~l3 -:;h .•• p e d 1~h:is, im:o:·den1t<-:·lty, \\-~<ls v~ry Sh~aken by the-;r exped-!
:cr o:f s :.h:tz. rot~g;hly, in the · sh:.!:!>C' Clf a nr·~;r ·'ti!-.1~ ~<:: Cl!·!-o n (::f h !:glv.v.a v Cfi(:C, the .f<t·:rl:j~y d~~cusscd it [
"I con.'t !lkl\ to t'~dk e>~out t'hitd'·s top, only m · s.:ru.c:~r . \Vh oro ~ -<.'a·r1o·~Hl -or yo\.mi~
t!.:ld d-ccid·cd to s2.y nothin.~.
- nt, be'c.:>u~::- p~:o-.~le tt ·h lnk ~ :h'<~,PCd CP• ·the tt~t.tom. It P~~c•plc~ v;~;:.s oh~1::c-d bv an · );t v:a~ OIVCr·, 1•he nejcct and
. )"Qu·rco t'l~~ ~u·::~ dnt;rk cc: cr'.:>1.Y, wc:;s ·d:(,Ci:ni-~clr :·n t -WI) p.~n-ts. UFO, .c,r W~lfc:h M'C \\:~iJl. wrHe ~.1chk: nt
could be ignc1·ccl •a nd
:;;.111d I do:-::t. C.rink." In our •.r.:·1e top ~·c,(tt;·o!1. ·".'-.4 4i ·; :'?!:·nr· la·t.or: po::-~!ibly
s<:unc d c:: .y forgolt en.
· ~ftcrnc:.:m )•rv1cw, ~·pring- cn.tJy .!·~·::!'t it:in1c.;ry. wh'ilc ~he (To tbc 'O~n;tinuc:d) Thei11 optim:sm, however,
'<.>r .s<-:;rj dr-fi.:~.ftc<\v he had ~l"r:·n 'l~~~r :to::n .w;;::; r-ot·at-:-ng. Ti1i·~ / wa·s un.f'oun:led. In ,weE:.'k.s to
15J\-4i..\ W!jt,}~~u.t dioubt~ nt~mcr- !\J(..'tt-om !:>C.:c't:i·on w::-~s -comp;~!~· ul come., H beca,me a com..n1•o.1
c·th o't1tcrs tl!!at coL,Jd be o! de-f.:1:1He .-v.:ind:M· sfc:!.ions
Cctob3r 23, 1~69 o~.cunrenc-e to he awa-kened
· q\:C!.l~:) i'r.c·m •W:h5dh t1:~ l:~g11: t cqmc. Hill~minn, Ore. out ctf a .s!e.ep for a rrepeti-
0\X>t' 't-he- p.:.t~t. fcur 'and · He si:i;:.v no iOv"denc~:~ o! a.ny (Tirnes) -tkn o.f tJ1e fi· n:~ht's en-
n--c--:1-X.f ye-<~r~. ~!t~hti'ng::o; ha\..C t •pott·li,:ht cr 1':\g:h:t o!.hE·l' th:tn co u.R t c-r.
b~l'll nu·rne·; ou~ in t•i: 1(~ Siletz· f ~hJt :c.o:n:.n.~ f.rc;n'l. the v;tin- If n.r'.' U1E·ng, m:l t ter:; be-
'SUHZ. I'VE SEEH 'l'flEl\1,' c:J:nc v: c;rs~.. wi'th the- 1ig.hts
P.!lcnt:eYr~- Mcantain--T,~·lcdo <lr- d•c.v/ se:o~ir"n3. ·r.hEJ·e. vt<:'\5 no
. f'a. Th'.:."l·.~ ~t:'-C!!n'SI no ddi:m-ite ·'odor·. 'IIhcr{.· W.(:..S L~· hj·gh- (UPOs) S.~ YS SIL}-~'f~! t:i!-1N fO brigCtt. ")"CU c-ould rc;<H:i a
pattC"rn to ·H1e ccm::ng-.s and pitched hu·n t sudh r .s mi·g11t n r, w:;~n per by H.." In d·cs-
g;}?n:r.s. T~·; ey h:,ve bt.~cn ·otP()t- be ht:~<:tr.d ·om .a 'bu~:h pow- \ by Sylvia Gchlci'" p::trc?J ion. they be-arded up
t'cd a;:];)' an...·i .n.Jg:it., f~llT Wfcl'~h· t:·J~Od .gcnC'":.'·afor. 'l~h~ d1)g \V<=lS
( Oon·Hn ued fro~n l·a5lt weE:k) the wincl'J\\'s ~-n ho])c; of pri·
t··r· 4md, sum:n~cr and ·not. 4l:fra.1d. Sprlr:~ger w3s \,acy from ·thc;:r uninvi•te;{
(Ed:1c,r'.s Not~: 'Ve a-re :re- i:1 tnd2:rs. Th:;~, too, proved
. wr.nt£·r. nc,~ afora~d'. 'He .nnrl one ~:.o·n. pE!?..t:ng part of h.:.St \veek's
.Jn {!1-~!:s- ~lw~a. s(1go:It'ng~hnvc · totAk ltur.n:; loc:.kiklg- al lhe ~~-b- · iir.·.:: :.:;.~ :rn~ .r.-t, bee a t:•5'e so:n1e of in \':·::n. The clough1tu!
h~tu\ f.O r.-c·!rr:m'o-r(t)hlce that : j-e:.~t thro'...l·$t"h G;.:!·s binocu.!.•;rs. Ut v/as d::ffi'c:\tlt to read in ~ ,;·1:-:p~:l li 'g.~;.t.s
S'lill pCI~C~T.:ltCcl
anyon-e )'ou. ta~-k to i'n Sild.z tSuddcn1y, as H t,~, £ny, ·~;he Ja...::.t \Vcck's pap(:r.) tend cr<-w]ed arc·und t h c
w'il~ b~~ -rrJ=,: k.r t:! fac·t c. bout · Si~:ow ,;s .n:ow over,'' the ob:-
it :wd ~:.;y. ").i1~6- rve ~~en j:ooL m!Clde a tthnt.~t up.wa.rd. Ar·r<vi!1g h'o;m:~ a1:nost hy$- :\fr~. Rt·cvc; tolcl C\f c.r.c
lJ1H1l,., or. :::ih'rug 1-hldr s·h\Httl- ' \'}ic.~n 1-..:ori•zonbUy scnt!h·....,·est ~. c.rica-1, th ~ gi :15 tried to tell r. 'ci~· t w i1 ;; e the Lf:: h t~ \vrre
d<!r~ m:·d rq;f!y, ''N'~. I h 1~l:\·co- and \v:t:; g-o·n e. K•::·thy's mother. Evelyn pL:y;·:1g \th.:~r ~yrnplwny of
r.,"t, •b'ut t!u·:.'t> arc .p~enty .W~1'() . rf,}1;itS' ,w:o.s hi·~ bl~S!t :.;:nd: clear- RE'~v'2::, t1::·c<-r s!ctry. ~I ·T· s . lc::Tc•r. ~! ::: ;:, lc.s·kcd fow :.t•r·d
~.:--.1 . ~ Jixing I'~) C!11 to see: n
J~iV~ ·•. . . or .say th:.:-.y h::l-vc.'' ; e~~t .a·cdount JC-.f sjghl!.i:n...:t~. RN-.v'e~ cpe~t.:on:d thc:m but
.; Sr:n'i::ng'::•r is a c.4>l-rn.. clc3r ~ Three ·ot~h'c-r s~~h:ti:nr;s oc- ~~hey m• :the s:tm~ tL1 ;1-:-~: ~ •rent c1Gud 1loC~ I in ;·; in
tl~ c ai.~, c.b :L·'- t t.c ·~··:ze of rt
:,;:.ghtcc~ •. qdc;t !.amHy m::i•n·. ' our.rcd on·· cr~~rk, rnoon lc:.:::s ~:.c-1w. Sh~e <!·l}d the otllcl·
\': :t t: :r:'t1 c-lcm. ] i t ~c· ·2-rn :-ct to
Fat-iter -cd !ive !.CUl.'Z.;ge c.r . n::!t~1t -s, bu{ at g-ren:t(·~r di~­ g;:·rl's n~c:l..!1:::r d:..:ct:'3 :-ed the
c.,~~o~ ~i1 ; ~{~;rcn. he h~:d \vrth . \.anccs. m;.tltt::.r r: nd dec(ded to k'.?E'P h ~Yc:r !hc·!'•C' j\:: r ~1 ;i nu;.:-: u-2-
: h 'tm · \\-.:;r~··n :ntC•l V.i·::•V!Ni, a· {).n. '()l!ll~
,o.f i~1f..:'f' occ~ ~·:·l)n s, qtt: ct abc~t;t. the on·ti:.!E:: m::!l- f Ol't' c:::···'~ ) :, :i: ' i; into n (:-t!~: :l·:~-

= .b:J.~n.l.tifl.!.l .tv/'0 vor,.r ol:t b<-~·bY hl; ~~orr br-Jught. out his bi- tEr. 'rhl' ·H~< v L ,.; .Lm~i!\· Ln:=:i1•:
: g~rl '\s.·!:11o IrJ.:.•k..t's theirs her ; no6u1::l.r~. \\~h: i,rh ·,•:c·rc m'o~·l" They d 'ld nc•t \\'CI!1~ u~e ('!l· c! · ;·::L· .. L :· : \\': ..3 t:::;'-· ·to \··~-r-~:~.­
· {o:.::l~c,r h'n·me:. · pc:wer·ftlil ;tJwn t1v.~ f:rth(;'r's, tite f.dmiliEs C:!X'.n to ridicule t i:,<:· cx pu·~.:·:H.:e \': =,: ;1 c-lllt:-r
..1\11 · of tb:~rs .sig!tt:ng;. h~ve ; tind. they took .t·u~·n3 ·foHow- c:·:: hc:d trcn :o T1lflny o .~her \'. ·:~ r. .:::~c~ . T :~!~c: i:J~! ~· !1 r1
)~ ... ~-- ·:~:,-.~: lJ~ i.~ :_ i ;} f.• JtJ~.. :i! ...-r:.:·u;.>
be{";_ r; wf!~m::.:"!S.:d l.,vy h~'s wi-fe i·n.:; i!.s diJ)~ and ri~i.n.g ..;. U£0 c-':) ~,.., :T.:E .
) .. •)1 \·::-.? :-:.-.'. !' · . >. ::~ . -
;t_nd c'h!:1r:·rcn. He. L~ !rank,l'y : SrJdn·g'Ur' ~ .i !;u.r.c he h 'M) - ~{:E:.:.n 1! :~~ -~ a :i ~ - ~ ·.u:·•c c1!d not cur-
a ~ky wa·t~·il1er. ·A:5 he ex· tt:c.'n 1.ravc !a·~ 1i.h'c .~pee-d of tail i\:tu rc (~ :: : · ~t:rb?.:'!c·c.s. 0:--1e l ·f t : ·; c:, :.~ \',<. ~ .:-: :-::..::~: s~\·; : ::.
~:G•z.:Ji,, .w;h~.n he worked Ti13.t n: ~,;-:.~ . 4!·1~:)Ut mitl- Ddl.>::.rl :\I:p ..:· ~. who to:d i:i -
nigi1t.s on t1le 11o::d, he had . - -- n:,~ h~. :\f r,:; . Ht-C'vc·:: w :.·.:; r.w':: k· \·{·..;ti~:-i~(} ! 1,:; l~o;\· he };- ~cl [C~ tl
a pt:-r.irwnc-n·~ •·cr::.c,k" itn his. :. "',~ t •l
'·t'1 ] -,- · •~. 1. 1,'·•,..";.-.c
" (1· •. ·, , · • f
~ t. (·c ~~~"n. l-_r cncd b~· a:e rco:n b..:·ing \·::-:~~ri r-.,.:· . ~~ Gn d · c. bj cc ~ : L::
neck .r:ront w&l:cJ1ing ~ oh c : i'ngs ;rnc-nti-o-ncd· C.itX~v·:· , \\"!1~doi · !; !l~e~l \'.'· ~ ;.: 1 a ~! . r3!;.gc- 1l!gl1- i·ng in r-:1·r:· ~: ~C'l :c· r L:< <· :·.'ks., t!mi· n·~ t;t~·c·i:r prog- · f.·U.L a~ Ch~:.c od lh'0 (; ihc~· ( I lit;', p:.: c<·: ~- cl h u 111. { L·.::.t :.~ i1 := :: :11t: tr .::.c~ :.:1 1. :1._.
:-~-,:'~ a-:r.c~ss -t'bc hnw·tm:~. : were c,~.::!::e .en.ou~h .t h';1~- ·L:1c:y G£·Hir.g lll) to in\· L'·:::i,;~!~P, Beeves.' <•P : :,~c- or~Char.d. Iio:
1. . L·1·!3 .~- ~ l't~· ;i; !c~i t11·!!.la.n<l'.:;::::.;_~:·c -r:\? .; ·rl.; . .,-
. t ··t· ~1 1~ :£,lw. tlt:·ot :~·. :-, n o::~·~ in d ~e.3:.;r,ibcd t li•:' p lH' nomt:na ~'-'
.L'~r:;~. t~neoun ~r Wt· n an ·
· UFO '(unidc:n.•.:;c.~'!:-'d ! ob~· ' ~ o the p·oi!~~t. tlH~ lc:!vc::.- d
th E' ct:.r:<:::n. a
p.ld::.Hi:) g .::.;h:. qo.n .s i.sii'l' g cf ~' :1~ ·::11 ro un :i
jr··C'L) ·v,"l~• ·s no~ic:c.d .by hl.s dt,;;g. ·
HH..:. ·tree~':' wert:! v:;._:;::bk ::~nJ ./\·-: ~::1. 0 ctrr·\\" ~~ :-. •c:· Ctl!· t c~~ r.:l ci-: i.::2 -:':~3 p 2·:l c..!Jjc:c~:s ~ . L \ ·; ; ;g 0ii
a. bri;·'!ll 1! ~ht tern vel'-:1~
'Jii·w <!og \V~!'l l}:!rking ~.o b~~d- ; ~;;~~-~\::·~,~::~ ~~~;:~I~: ~~~>:;~~X_;.:~·ilctl " L

\\· : ~ ;-, ~l ll ~;r~·il t:~r.·.,-. c· m~;1 !:~ ·.- hi ;:· : ~ .5"lY.' cc:~. H12 :-~l:o ::· .J; .-
: ly he went ro · set~ H dt-eT
He tl:' l-!..s c.[ c.:t~o : h-1.:'1' .n:g-l it.
. 'A~.:-re <U'')lmd the- 'h:l)tl:.~.
,,.,.~:1 en. a •kit-tle p <;Et rn·i \i; n-:·~~l1't ~~}1 c ~{:;;;!;~':':l:~y : ,~~· (: ;~:,/ ;.~ ~:\~~;: C<l tci ·th<: l they c-n; :.t tc.J ;1
hi;..(-:! p i·\ l'l :',:cl •hut:n tl-1 <:t. \'::~ .::
'J~heiir ·horne b c{O'ou:t 1 ~i·
m ·lJcs f;.ro,m ~- ii.:itz. rn th~ il;;}];s. tihc- rn't:;re ;r.aznily .·.Vt•s or~ lli.~ ~ -· ~ : , :~;._. ly. ;: ·.- .: :·y r v: :,; ·.·: ·::: ~ .lrns-~l
. .("r4.)!:r:g o·ut to jnvc~!·!g'~-tc
'I'o1L·tro-'S:Jct;~ :hig:w:-~~Y. en . .r·.~l ·-tl \\<··. :1 ! /~ ..:· j-:·~ _· \·-..· . •\ ~ : :1c) A'lothor ol:.sN·v'cr was·:\Iax
~.. rre:::· .\\t:~.-:-' i•!o:;J1C. f.rr1.nt v.i·si·t· ~-~· . ; 1 : · _. t; :r,_·: . t ; 1~ r:)o :n ~~ e;·:::-. : ·. : \Y. Taylor, c-hc>mi:st em;)loycd
: ·~he d):~turb~.I!1CC... he. fol!'~\VC(l
ilng i!n-J':-:tws. Sr;rl-ngor ~:.tys, i i }~;:. . .-1 \\ ·i~~ l rl r:·. l' ....,·; , ~":~·:.. '~':.: :· :<"': by the Georgia-.Pa6 ~1i.c 1('0:'
· h:.::J l''..: :::::cm;l·:-.y l'1.: Hc·l'n oi
locl-.:o:• ! ; ~ at !t:'i1'e ~ky. It w ':1s ·~1~i~;,s .ti.!1"k.~ I w~<1~m·'.t., · po;at:'on.
· :':1 -<!: :-J:, CV(• f(":t.:.t n:·g-h't_ w: t!) bl~~ 1I .v.~a~ s(' -sta•r.tled I n~arly Tayler and a grou9 of
no rnr,0t'!. S.:.-'lne·t·h ing mur ~ wr('.~kc(} t·bc c-.:-1.r ." 11t \•/~t·:: a no\~h'to, rs CC::rnpcd C:U t 011 the
··:~r,~t: · rt:.~t !n.j~ lh~:~n lhc m~).:m br:: .f,:!'X. .st ·~ r-·s.tuJ!.ded n ig'!1.t. p:~op C> :::ty t'o \\"<itch ·the phC'-
'~\·~:i ~ 1~~-.~,rt:· . A hrig:rt'i l~ ~;!llt, 'li!·:·l! t~·m:pc.ra-turc .w as b;:-lc:-,w homona. Tln'.y '{J,nl.y had nbout
~.(,d ' ~c.h •~ .t f;:•r.:: ·~ he ~o.c·k f<:r 4l frc.f.zi·n·~!- · tl h'al.f honn to wJi't when
.r,:~.:ht. lnmlt'r c-t~~ !:po't}l'rg·~: -~­ the lig'h!-s appcar(',d .
, .w~. C'J ·:.>-~H.': •:c·d ni..i<lr It he hill- T.a)'llor. put i.n n. call to tl:.t!
--~-' ..
-Continued /rom front P:l~C
L:.~ai pvEcc.

I've Never A §~en

Dc~'u:t.y Shc·riff Thos. W. the-n w!•!h Li·ncorn Co.'s
~C.'<:r·i'a··s c;.Uik'C;, ~·r•rLvc<l abou~
1 :30 a~m. As he was d:i,:)-

FliyiurRg Sal\Jl·fert B1mtoo

cm·ou:-k·;ng from his. squad 1
cz.r he ' g!.a.n'L 1\;•p .w•a·rd· a.nd
saw a bst mo\~:nz objcC't ily· 9
io."'l.ti !rem m:,r.~:,.c·~·st to ~ou'th · Some people are believers or radiators, or gasoline to op-
c<!,<;:. 1~ w:1s ~:c~omp<t;lic~· by and some are scep1ics. Harold crate?" he asked.
a h:g.h p~ tDh c:l ·whi•r.·c. Bickmore js a belie\·er. l\lr. Mr. Bickmore said the spa-
Vl.r~tJz;g i·:1 t:hc poli~ leg. Bickmore, who re-sides at the ceman have come to earth to
F·r~·ce. s~ ~j i"O:c:.t !lh-t' UFO it· Golden Plough Lodge, '\Viii· pre,·ent nuclear war but they
E;e:lf was ·o:-J·ng-c co!.or and Jam Street, belicve:s in flying will not reveal thcmseh·es a·nct
a·o.ocr.&n:d to be on
saucers. He wears a button their secrets until man stops
£.~(1. Ar:J i.t h c·~d c,d in ~
~out·'crly d!Lre:cUon, .the that says 'flying saucers are fighting each other. "They
c.,bj~c: !' cam·e .t:o a real' and has spent over $700 have many powerful weapons
c o:;nY.)lC'tc s top ar.<l then mlde on books about flying saucers such as rays that can paralyze
::, ~\~"C!t.p::-: .~ rr~oti:on ttJ\V.ard or UFO's and tapes. suppos- and 'green fireballs' that can
1·h:> ~outh ··.•:csl and c!i~3p·
pc·Jrcd oVC':r· U1c horlzon.
cdly of spaceman talking. He
has since sold most of them
nt auction.
Ineutralize the .atm?,sphere to
prevent exploswns. .
'M r. Bickmore said he has
~~r· i'C'e ~lt•aite·d 'that- Mr. Bickmore has been in- . never actually sc~n a flying
b:-allorc thi;s "1 htad neve-r be~ tcrested in flying saucers sin- 1saucer or a spaceman l)l~t he
i•!c.v'e d in UFO's - bu.t I can ce 1950 .when .a newspaper-~ knows people who ha\"c.
on.l•y reJJOtrt W!ha't I m :ysc-if man, Frank Sculley, publish- 'There \•:as one cas~ in­
·¥ a. w~tne.::-s to. 1t actt.:·a1ly
ed a book called "Behind Fly- 1 wa, a sixteen year-old boy v:ho
m iad e th:e hia fu-, 01n H1'e b"- c k .1.r:icks ·On kS-1C:tj)Lng dti.zens?
G&f ;;Ti:y nc:ek s-t!<:jnd on e.nd."
1ng Saucers." 1\lr. Bickmore 1 saw them, but they \vouldn"t'·s ~ J.a .~zi· na·!in:g :puzzle o! is also a member of ''The Am· : release his name.''
O'thc.r in:Cid·ents oc-curred
d1 ur~tn.g \vi11i)oh seve-na·l "ap-
ri!he u.nknv\','•n. T;1e J:ast s:~n-t·
~·ngs ·we :ha,ve ()~en a'ble ·~o nlgamated Flying
Cl u b s o_f A menca:
· 11 A 4 s
I'Fl .·
ymg sauce
rs arc real'
paren!tly so.t!c1 p e-r5~ons" ac- •tra:.:; 1wcr·c ~·n ·l'.r01y. If -.ny . me
mbersh1p fee entitles a mem· s a es
t tI th button ?llr. Bick·
e .
c.'Ordl'ng to pol!loe:, r•c.p.c.r~tcd ·r&:•:, t::!i.v c h·ad iany sigl'lt·
havi:ng ~cc-n strang~ "stun-.:p- in,g.3 we ;w;ould z.;;.prc cL:i te L"l· b er t o ord er b oo k·s an d t apes. I more t
\':cars, which costs 50
d hn belie\·cs it
1i'ke" .ore.a h.1 r cs .mo vi.n.g ac:r.c.s.s 1\o·r·ms. ~~~·on. In .the mcan::.:we, Some tapes featured tours of cen s, an ""
the R'> ;p·a slt.u,r c. i'NC are g·a.tihc.r·: ng aa in.:"0r- the galaxy and tales of distant -----
·Dr,vJid Wh;l:.l-ow, a 17 J-er,·:- m\:llt;ion :ru1d iW lll keep yoa plants narrated by spacemen,
P~ld hig.h S~~:ho,o·l se'nio.r, wu.:: po.:sted. said i~Ir. Erickmore. t1he Toled:n·Sile'tz .high·
11.vay one cve-n Lng ,.,.,;,th a ca: Among some of the str-
oJ :fot~r :ci! 1 1H.'r~. 1~he you.-..;; . . ~nge and wonderful things C-c to be r 6 , 1 9 59
IPCC.:Plle ,....,.·c·rc ~··o 1!,erdficd by
;t.hci.r cxpericu~e .wl1c:1 Cd I6 - t ~ (; C[ which :\Ir. Bickmore's tapes
and books claim arc that
Rosebur3, Crc3on
t.'hey :t•o 'Cam::> 12 .they C ·• e".vs-::tcv i C.\·i)
OKLAH01'r1A PRESS there is no such thing . as ' J
p'ulled lin, ·~·W<t·kenecl rc5!dcnL; death: it is merely an energy ~ l
· ltJ1:arc ·~·nd :!1hcy ·::11 watc:1c ll CLIPPING BUREAU \;~ transfer to a diff('rent frequ- ~ ~ f=\n~ nn.·q ~o~ ,
; lthc'e,c.t. '.P:1;:is 'Objc·c~· f.1act Oklahoma City, Oklnhoma ''-J 1
ency like changing channels . ; L, t.;.. .s..:.. v \.,.r ... .t. IJ-vcTI
' ·~ouzz<:d" lt.hc ·cali ri'm.,.·n .t he
I ti~l·,5·hW~'. swooping {rown oa o~ Ty, th~t ~ man jn Cali~or- i!
ma IS blllldmg a. machtne, i n, "':7e·I~ B
H and cri~:cro~.sin~· the hi·rh. HOOI\ER.' ADVANCE ':f2 using n formula obtained ; I V" J:.. ~ v .... t. · u
~ .wE\y, Jt lrc·n:i~dn~d v i:s;;ble
; :fu-r 'l1·C~rly 1 <:~n ll~our.
. HOOKER~ OKLA. ~ from spacemen. to make ' 1
.Jin ·M:~.v, Ed: 'Kccnon a 1o rr. :c1r·•~ o ~r.
35o ' P~"'ple; and that anot-1 i An un idc:n~ificd \\ hite ohjc:c:t
her sun will appear in our ! : ~e·-·n o\·t:r Hi:seburg at high

ger.• .C·<Hncol •upon n- !.!;;;·rg-c·' c'ht:n!.:
:::~st~.J . ~~ 1 015-6 9 1 ;,Jt i~udl· t!-:is !l1 ~! rni ~; .G m;1 y br:: c-;
C!~ makt·l Gn P.~011C:C'~' .){It. U~· lr : ,·-1 f/,..~ galaxy and push the planets 1, rl'sc· ;1 rch b:':!lrJv:1 or r.·1ay
dcr an:~ly~ :~" . i;it ·o u~ OATF. ~ "' '"'- ·~ out of their orbits. so th~t the
r• ':':>ilJl.,· be just a -.•: t:a :h~ r
J 1t c. ·be 'f.JUl'l? ~oc 1 .i um. T;1:s we1s
T • ... . )
IT'S A P.IRD, IT'S !\ PLf.. f l~ earth wi1l orbit bctwcen :\rars ; • L:t!!oori. A sp-Jk(· c.t tl:C' r.s.
I :found ·a~ •hC' .\•,; rdl·:c-<1 ·.:~·ong .1 ~nd Jupiter, before the end .\\'('ather ilur<:;~u office at
.p':.t;h '\•.:h:C'j:l ;)::.;:.~· :.~ ·b:; :-, g.-::1 1 !
r1 crc\.' k b -2<.1 v·n .i h2 out<~ir:s
IT'!: P.
.Ho~k~r r.t>sidents
Elt.LOO:OJ f
wert> b?.ffiC'd , of the century.
,, • .
~lc·diord said tili s morning that
; · n ur ~ <.· uf the btir(:au's WC:<tthl'r
· last Wednesday m or!~in6 a lc.rge :
c~ Kornvi1lc:. No c~:o!'/:· :m.:1·tir.:-1 ob.iect flcntin:; en·;· the city.
The U. S. Air Force and :. t.\lllrJons are missing from that
· ~ l :ls b'cc:n ·foun.d 1:o -d':.:l'c .1 \) ;· Go\'ernment know all a bout · an·J
To tht> strcoJns of "Up. Up and
;.~s .r;.rc:··r nee·. the flying s:luccr=-," said :'\fr. · All arc 4!ccou!1te:d for, the
Away'' Rnv Robcr:s ar.d Jack
A b;:>rno ci' i~p~sz'.il ·t r~rn ire:·~·.. FlYn.t tc~k ·off in a ~:nail p1m:c \o Bickmore, "But the.'· won't rc- sjY1kcsman ~aid, but ttw object
get a closer look. m;,y tx.: som(.' e:!l:l r agc!1cy's
- They rf'port<'t~ r .::~ chi n6 o.n nHi- . Yea 1 What 1hey b10w becau se r. .:l!rJ0!1
. r;r a re s~Jrcl: qx·r a~:cm
tud" o! 1G.1 (}I) feet ~nd the objc<.:t
. lookC'd far ab::J\"e them.
I it would ruin 1he rcotwmY. lxtllr;1• n. The unidt·n tificd ubjec:t
Can you imagine what \\·ouid was the cnusc c,f rnuch
· FiC'ld glasses . blnocu~ars. tc>lc· happen 1o· the :ltltomofi'.·c in- <:onjetture on the p~nt of
sccpes and bifocals f~jl-:-d to· yield ! dustry if th ey rc l c~s._,ct infor- Hosc:burg <:itizcns . At prtss
a clue to the "flyin~ saucer." l m:ttioa on how to build a v<>-, the oujet:t could still ~·
1\Iost thmight the white object hiclc that didn't neect wlwC'l.->, Sl'<~n. 'in the vicinitv cf 1-:PJC
. to be a weather balloon. · tel<·\·tsion on Husc :.1uuntclll .
; ·Jet p1nncs wcr~ tr='.ching the ob-
t ..:,.._ ..
. ' ,


::::::::; ____ _k....... -- = x = --~-=~.z::::. c::::=:::t:_ . -::1

'Vhere do "flying- satH:ers" come from'! I was looking- o\·er the news- ·
stand in the corne1· drug-store the other day while I w:1itecl for a prP-
Commentator scription to be filled, and I discovered the an:-;\vcr. A sleuth from I t~dy
Toronto, Ontario has traeke<l them down. They do not eomc from outer ~p:~ce. They co :_11c
from Canada.
September 1969
,. ..,. ........ ..""'- . . The story (as revealed to ArrJOS!f magazine) goes that at the c'nd
:·~7:~~···· of the Second \Vor1d \Va1· the British captured re:-;earch done by German
. . ,· .·· :\t. scientists into flying :.;ancers, and they can·ied it on in partnership w:th
....~,:·: ...;.-. .,;..-· ,.. , ·;.', :;
·; ·
Canada as a top-:..;cci·et ope-ration. The experimental lJFOs are lod.;cd
away in underground ( hambers deep in the i1~ountains of nritish ColumLi:L
:, ~'":j;.:.~..' .::~:;:, .>. r., where the Anglo-Canadian team worlu; away.
(~..) ,,; And what's the proof'! Well, for one thing, a British new:..;papcr no1cd
"\ : r · · · ~ ~. # Ji ,._ -...::-.;.::...:;~~ that since the end of the war, the Royal Air Forte had been ailocatcd
-. ·,.:·: ~~~~.::v.~~~
I;~~ ~-: :. ;;;,_:;,,.
-ItENTUCI{Y an enormous sum of money, and had nothing to show fo1· it. :l1'f/USJ/ = ~ P- ·
. .
> \.\.·· ·
- ~· ·.•·.'·., '·. . ,. /\.,
... /. ·'·\.. .
·,·. l'.,; ' " .

'1 ,..
'':~>"~:~ ~ :~-.....
:. r·:" ,<;.~ - ~~ \r
pears to regard this a:-; an abnormal state of affairs. which 1 sus1wrt
'. ., \ .• ,. / · ' :;-, (t;}'J. ·'(,t'" ~-:~ ::.: ..:' 1 INCOiti'O/IATCO • would surprise even the RAF. The reason for it, says /l7'f/O-"J/, i~ that the
. ~ ~ "' ~'}I · · ~...-!

~ · ' ·' .l
· · ;, ·f ,./,.· ·.: / :I': ,} -i -''\.·..i•.S\
·. ·i / ·-"' ~ • ~--'· 311 E'vc-rgrt't'n
. . Road money went into flying· saucers .
.: /,) { ~ MI~>DLETOWN, KY~ 402-!3
It's an intrig-uing- thoug-ht. Is this what has been happening to our
., .( f _..:
! :- i' _\
.j \
(Ky. Clippint; Service) taxation revenues? I..~ct · us hope that as Trudeau sets about cutting- gov-
'./ ' ::/. 'i Demoernt
· or
ernment expenses, he will axe his flying- saucers a~ \veil.

- ~• •~ .. : ~ ' 1 • •• . ,, .... •• : .. ... ~ .. .. .. . . . ... .. 1 ,:,.., ~\·~


.v v.rcd;s ago iH: r.:~ in
u i
~~ "~ e.
· 1· t'lOn '1..:_-:,v\llJ
cJ - . ..;-.Jow)'
CoH-~tY---W~: _ )_1:1 d. :-t
.. . \_. ,,;
~~-:;}.~_;;;,:~-!-}~~~- > !' i1( ;_~~,~~.~.:-: , ·

c. ~{J6~ r:~
i'ii11 .
pe-; .~ ·
r,J ~ Q

~ t:.(.~ ~r.r: J~(')w:,, ~~JJY ~:;,~ ~e'::'Il ~Y'-7 ~-.;~:.r,<~;~

·;..•~\;~'..- ~~ {I ~-p
.. •1"''1';"'
i.,J·--- 1 " -in
u. .. \.. ·v "<)

A\;. ·~
~ v \..._ · ·:· .....
l: 'l I• . ,;,. ~~,.

.::s- ,! ;:-...1 tf• '1\?\f~"' JJn,. r:n:: /f:J..i;~,-. ~~

·-r-· ... \~\_ . ·~
'"- r
•·s ~ . t. • ~ .. - '\?
f .. ~~ ~
~~.., )~,; .\ {{~~~·;II;·
rX A;': . j·.:l iff•:..;~:;~; ... f .,
, f:.J l;j.... -·~ .,. :/". £.-'f · f!Jf~f ""'\\., ..-·· :.··f • ~\~:Jj) ~~.;.t~t:i ~·": ·' '\;\~ ~ J ~ . ~· ,,, ~ .. \~ ~~
''1 4J;i ' // tal . • "-~p
· •'l
"),,J \\.,_
J..: "(;~ \ L~'' '-"'
..,. ·.' .. . at

least a in th~- directrays making it it was just a cloud but finally I correct time and find out in st:~tion WCYN, 1400 on your
taidn_g_r)ac:!. 1 hod
dox\!.n peoplccJlli.I-:!; me asking visible until it was slightly noticed it was moving since it what direction the object is dial.
rnc \Vhat it was, ~o this week dark. This is also the. reason was, at one time, above some · going.
.:_I_'u giv\:' you the offic:i:ll that it slowly faded out. The telephone · \'.'ires, now .it was (2) Mark the place where
~xplJnation. b:llloon was made of a plastic amongst them. It Si:'.cmc.d to be you were standing. (3) Try to
, !t W\lS a large weothc.r so tllJt when the sun hit it, it around 7-10 mile-s away and rcmcmb~r if it flew ovc.r' trcc.~s, Fonner GcnerJl Air Defence
b:JEoon tr;\Vc.!lling at around was mirror bright. So don't moving slowly. if anybody houses, etc. (4) Get the color Coordinator, Allie.d Air Forces,
.~0~000 ft. !t '"'OS s~en from wolT)' folks, we hJvr.n't ~)ecn knows what this thing w:~s or and shape of the object. (5)" Centml Europe (NATO ),
Lexintt,1!~ to p:.~rts of {ndi~na. invaded by the Ma;·ti;1ns y~t. saw it~ please let me know. Write all the information Geni;•.ral L. M. Chassin said it:
~ It v.·as tht: ty;·h'· of b:1 Uoon th2t When the hi~~h !}c.hool band Now since a lot of people down, in ink, as soon as "For if we p~rsi~t in rcfusinr,
~.;.:p;1ndc. d as it went up and ~-o to. L<tfayctte, to the. footbaU thouL~ht :J balloon was a flying possible. The rc:1son for to rccongnize the existence of
w!1t.:n it rc~;..:!~cd 80,000 fi. it g:wte, one of my comp;:mions ~:aucer, I'm going to list a writing in ink is so you will th\.·.sc unidcntifi'cd objects, we
was L:irly l::1rge in site. It w~s told rnc to look to my ri!~h t. -I m:mbcr of thine.c:; that you have a first-h~nd report th<1t will end up, one fine day. by
at:;o ~t cr.~~ t11.:i;_;hts that, to us, did so and :?~.!W a largl.!, whH~. should do when you s;~e a you won't be able to change:. mistaking them for the gt1idcd
ihe !wn ,(,t:(· ;1:l·d t<> h~ down, oblon3 thing that wa~ j~lst !1yinz saucer, w we C<tn tell A 1 so r c m c m b c r my mis...::lcs of an enemy, and the
bu:. to tl1c l1:J!i>('i'i, it \V:l~ still ~itting th~. rc. At first 1 thought wll;tt it is faster. (l) Get the bi-wcrkly show on radio worst will be upon us."
::.~:..'... :.. ~· . :.·.-· "'· ·, · .. : : ,· ~:-·: ;, ...... :·.·:x\;~~·.. ;,;.4j;.'J,':.J',\~~~·~ ..~"""·"""''•"""\.W'Wr.-.""~""'"'""'"-'"'""'"'"''"'" ..,,,·:.v.,·~ ."\\'4..1"".,~\U''""• ,..n..-........,"'*""'-.......,..... .-9 ... _ . , ...... ,,.""~' ""''"'""''".aiMI\o\f,' \\"• ''•'"\'J. 1\ '' ·'\\\.t":."~\~\~'.1\',\','~'.:;, .,;,;·~~·~ 'J.\·"~\"•"..'\',•:: \\\t.. ;"'" .-_.\'·:: :t:.r:;;r,•~·::.~\~.'~~::;.':l-'. .:~ :~ ~;x:,··.L~~·::;.~.·._'l~·;;;.t::;,·.~-~~c,·:.::.,\'..ClU'::.=..~ta
-·· .... _, __ _
Iota Register
Oclober 9, 7969 Odobcr 8_. 1~69
'/- -- · ~ ._ocr._- g 19 69
IIm:r~1rr~ii r;.{)_<C0uusa€JMo .. ,r Eastl<l'ld
s;d:l t.!ic·n•
Hb"o!it \vhe:n the nomi-
w~s n()
I MotmHe Lus~s
!f uo~5
(A.) , ,~ •fl.. q
R~t~3CJmJ~DlfilQ€~ -;F-;11•:t~ :!~V~\~~ · 1 ;His Uof.O.
ir J 1\\l ~'"'~!)!?~ ~: .
~ v 0ll.1.!a.~
0 I1 MJr;;,\ Ji~~toba ---An RCMP-

. b' VCLj \V.Iu~v~U

I ~;OlJ ~
... ,.
constable en high\ray p:1trol rc-
JC..t ~~
Dr1 c:?t t.~·~l ~ , ported cighting an unidentified fly-
' . cP ing cbject nt about 2.~5 a.m • .Mon-
: Further Infcrn1ation is bcin.g
! ~~;•rht l>v th~ Melita detn_ch·

I; 11 ; 11 ·tof ihc flC1\1P c~ncc:!l~n~

over Iola~
. .
- ~
day. ci..'C milc:J north of Melita.
•· --. ·· -- -- ___.c... . .: ... ·-- -- . - .
to be a clearance light in tht:: north
si!~hting 0 ! an Un~tenLl.(ll'!!l
A mysteriolls "bright fklsl~fik cast but it grew t:tcadlly larger
1 Fh ~ 11 ~ {)rucct at 2:45 a.m., cxptcsi~n of"'"-s~. .~~~";~·cn· light" · as it moved West. It incrc1~cd
i ~1c~i1 (t:~ October G_. . startled s.:m·: Iolcm!' alcng ..,;ith 1n size to about n-ricc a::J large
\Vhile on routine patrol.. s.x l.hou~r.nds of pc·rscn.s !rem . as a full moon and wa::J rcdlsh-
Imilt'S north of Melita on . htgh-
w~Y 83. Const. G. . R. Grattan
!'pottt>d nw object in th~ n?rth·
Gra.nd Isbnd, .:\ebraska. to ·
Fort Wor_t.h,, e<sr1y · this
ntfifHing. . .. _. . .
yellow in color.
The constable said he lost sight
I r:~~l slighfiy nor~h of Napm~ta.
Jt first ai>pcared as a redd!sh
The pbcn!.•rticn'::!, dismi~sed ~1- :
most immedi<ltely by som~ oi- :
of it after it stopped and moved
eastward behind cloud.
rolorell tower light, but then
rnl:lrgcd in size as it m)ved
fici<ll sources as
a. meteor burn· :
ing its~lf out · in .earth's ~tmos-!
Melita is about sixty miles south o f Brandon.
dost>r to his . positbn on th~ ·pherc. ~ppcarcd ·oYt:!r lola about!
hirrhwny t1ncl hendcd. west. The · 2:20 this m~nling. · I
\Jl·:O then Etopp:d, headed east ·It wa~ reported by at least 1
~nd faded into the overcast. one rcsH.!cnt and \\'.15 s<:>en bv ·
1 • 'fhe rrcr.1P here es.timate tha_t ,
poHce en patr_ ol duty. · • 1i
Drandon Sun, Manitoba
, the object w~s movmg at altt- , '!h~ flash reportedly lighted I
tude of approximately 1,000 ·the sky momc-ntarilv such as a! Circ. 13,486
feet since the cloud c0ver was ht;ae ext)losion would. I
'fhe !\Jissouri Hi~h·.·_-av I-'~ttml!
Odober 11, 1969
:-tt about 1,500 feet at the time
~aid C<J Hs had b~cn tCC(.'ived :
of the sighting. trom D\!S ~Toin~s. Iow4{, into ; 1
Const. Gr~ttnn said the . ob· ·
Ark~~:: ::s. •
''Peopii;> rr·norted · a trcm~n- i I[ . I . ~J 0
· 1 I City
teacher, v1ife see. UFO
jcct took on the .glowing color dons flRsh and :. loiid cxp k·sio:o." ] i ""A~ nbM~ ·,·{·equest ror infor-
. of a red hot cast iron ball as Warkentin, the clouds s t i 1 •
a l\Hs5ouri rj(jlice di:;:patcher to1dr: 1 mation abuut l ;Fo sightings didn't coYer it entirely. 1t stir

it become larger in siz-J. At tJw Associ;t~d Pr~:;s _ ' 'Ant.l" ·~t
the nC'arC'st point t 0 him. he . was answered Tinn:sday w h e n lit up the sky around the
. all the peints. n he! added. "e~rh I Jack Warkentin a teacher at
described the ·size as about clouds. It was visible for abou '
: said th£> flash was dire<:tl,v ovc·.:· ·. Green Acres School, reported to
twice that of a full moon. their he<lds." 2 1 2 minutes before it dis-
The object rofJcctcd light ME'fPors, small. piece~ of std- the police that he and his wife appeared. l\1r. Warkentin defi:1·
from the bottom half and was I lar d<!hris ranging in si.:c from . had seen a UFO Sunday, Oct. itely ruled ·out the possibility o:
yc·llo\·;i-:-h in·· co1or r:round the mic-roscopic to se\"l?r~l miJc.s in ; 5 between 1 and 1: 3Q a.m. a p!E~ne. "It '.·;~s!l·t aP. at::-
rdr.c and a glowing reel t0\ tard 1
diameter, c:0Uide with t h (.\ : I The RCi\IP interest resulted plane. I'll stake my life o;
the crntre. He estimated the c~rth's atnH.\spherc· r·ontinual!y. ; i \': hen a constable of the ~Ielita that. 11y wife isn't frightenen :::
t>lap~ed froln when it ·\vas ! detachment sighted a UFO Oct. by airplanes." l\lrs. Wnrl~cntir
I time
first sighted to when it disap l
Tl1e larger Clf!C5 ~r~ ~'~en as :
••falling star.s'' while the sm~·ll : I' G while on patrol. had gone into the house soesr:
pC':-tred 2s about four minutes. {I ones are never sct:.71 \\'Hh the ~ The Warkemins were in the after first sighting the object
Anyone who' may have sight- .onaidccl eve. 'l'1'c gigon!ic· me-: lancway between l\Iadison Cres- because it had upset her to
ed the UFO 2s · \':ell is asked to tcr:rs whiri1 c:vl(1orn c·~~cr ·t'•o · cent and the Green Acres school watch it.
ront:tct the !\!e1ita .RCl\lP. as j e:trt.~t.'s atlr;es~;l~~;c·. ot:·~·;sir'n;·l· : ·-.yard, walking north of Queen's Mr. Warkentin explained thf: t
this illfOI'ffiC'ltion iS relayed to I Jy imp.1ct en b!ld ll1\E!'CS, 1c::v- : i .•,enuc. To the east they ~~w there had been absolutelv r.c
'I Ottawa for itn-estigation.
in~ c-raters. . a \"'ry bright white light, oval- sound and h~d concluded wa~ it
Hrf'N£'v~r . \'irh.:;ll iv l11! rr;<>tf'Ors shapt·. v;hich seemed to be at a high altitucl2. Th2 ligb t~
oi~intt'~ri\tC' in th; otmo :mhcr ~ !
r station a.: It began to m o v e were Yery bri~ht and large ar.d
~~ fricU.:-:n bw·us then! tv ?. steadily O'.rl quick!y we:-:t, tra\·clled a great distancE
crEp. flashing rapidly and lighting a across the sky in a shoit time.
large portion of i..: sky. As soon as the object disap-
Melbourne "Newsday" While it was tran:','.~g, H peared, Mr. Warkentin loo~e d
Australia Oct. 11, 1969 pas~cd dir~l~' O\·erhea~ - .nd to the east again and sa•s
~:::;:~.!..!.l:t."...:;.R .~ ~;:rM 1 behmd a clo,;,9. But , satd 1\t. another light, n st~tionary fl uo-
v rescent glo\7 in the slty. He
r.· watched it for about 11.2 min·
r'l utes and then went into· th'2
~ Q
. house. H~~wever , .he sa~·s. 'Tm


v ~,...
l not sure what I saw there.''
Mr. \Varl>c.ntin explained i1e
lhad not rcportc.J the sightir:g

H .,0 l immediately b::!cause he lw<
: not supposed <myon(! would r. 2 -
licvc him and felt that it wc:.s
pointless to c:crcatc a fuss. "
• •• - - • -- - - - ... _ · .._ _ _ _ ... _!_ ......ttl I.n.~
\\'hen he rr?.d the rcpQrt e ~
"'"';1 ., ..
;, . J,~;, ..• t .., .1".: .~ , 1
. .,
~ . -'.

iln~.,. in .-\.J!ruerica · ,.. d. t nal·d J Washmgton, D.C., or New York alway's 'thought it was muc!

~ 61\ 1r11 frO e. T/J ~


1 •

. N /; o11nson
City would be my idea were I to
come from Mars for a cursory
more salutary for the health c
the lunatics and the nation th'

.J~&.:..~ . Ji. ~ Beat NIX0 fi

: . • - I

as eWS •

exploration. But then we oean't

judge other worlds by ours.

What happened? I'll tell you
they spent their !ime commun
eating with flying saucers tha
induloing in politics.
ny HARRY GOLDEN but because they made good ed to folks .without handy cam- I did speak in a seance in 1923. I ~hat h(\ppened, the moon land- And as 1 mentioned ~ar!ieJ
· th e f1 ymg
m1ss · ·
saucers. I copy. R'1c har d N'txon
• 's .onwar d eras..The Sat.Icers
· were as ·mte r-· was · a1ways susplClO\!S•. of tl1e mg happened.
t f tTook all the rom-
. an editor · makes much mor
·· · · .. ·. ance ou o ou er space.
·r saw a suoJcct go away so and upward climb to greatness, estmg as sptntua11sm. dead because none of them ever We have spent literally bil- sense discussing the existenc
from the front pages ·as fame and efficiency isn't inter- Fifty years ago I walked spoke Yiddish. lions of dollars and not one as- or non-existence of flying sat
did. Even the hula hoop esting reading seven days a away· from .the mediums be- This inhibition didn't exist tronaut has sighted ari unidenti- cers than he does discussing t.i
a more dignified demise. week. It's . a slow progress any- cause' I thought the dead were with the saucers. They a.dmitted ficd flying object. This leads us existence or non-existence of U:
years ago it seemed people way. playing games with us. If I was no ethnic differentiations. They to one of two conclusions: Ei- Nixon cabinet.
~ spotting the saucers here, But the saucers were absolute going to talk to someone dead I spun over the peaceful towns of thcr the astronauts sleep in or- By the way, what happened f
~ and everywhere, but to- democracy. Cops in Des Moines would rather talk to Georges Bethel, and Pineville, N.C. 1 bit or there are no UFOs. · Richard Nixon's cabinet? Wer
not a one to be seen. saw them as ~·;ell as Philadel- C 1em en c e au, the Tiger of never myself understood why Without UFOs what are col- they whisked off by disc-lili
m!ss the saucers not be- phia lawyers. They picked up France, than to an Indian maid- the saucer men \vould choose umnists to do? What will be- space ships? Haven't had
;e I thought they were there random motorists and manifest- en who died in 1743, with whom
·- - - ._ . . .. _.___ .... - -· -- ------·-.
- ~-· . :· . . . .. ·-- · ~
such out-of-the-way p 1aces. _ come of the ·lunatic !ringer? I
---- ·' . ---· _. .... . _._
peep out
- of them lately.
C> ,.......... · --o
~.) . ~
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.' ' I . . ,· ·~...~ -·- st a l0~ (' (1fl ~ ·-· u ~ ~· Fr . !-:- r ~ 1 ,• • _,~· ·. . u.•. ) i:l
. : ·.· \ i :r.:.
1 .. 1 t!~C' ~ J.~· :u.~.l jJ r c· L~, b:) .t I; ' :; t cui·." l: ·J ·:, l· .,. ; r,
bn~; .. t
fr • PTI
•\r. ol>j::ct so unt· o:> .n. rv- I :-;;m it l --.- h r <.· it st;: l't (·.:i blaz-
•·. . .S,' I:,,a ••a'l nlrn•.J.o:;t hilrt. '-'Ol!.r .•\\·i at inn r\f: ency (ll~'j 1- ~~~-. o:·... I II ... '" C he s:lit.! 11 :: k~ ..l SN'll . r:tl lil\.: r ,.~u ~.;
~ i n~~ ,·cry
- - ~"
- ,.,.., 5 1•·c 1r>o 1·tc': seen mJ til~
... fo:-cc· m~· nt offict'rs, ns •·.c.'I <: ~. m t.C tl, tw ar·s rc-.:1 "l_h.. ...· mdl! 'ir;:; f;dl ~:1 :1 wJ·, :.:. t 1. ~ !-i ~: r,·
~ ...
shv early today over
an <trC<1 rC>!'ii J cnb.
:\nJ 1 cni.dd ~'-· '-' re c1 .I rt· conl!. :...,
out from b:..>th 5iC .:~s <!nd :ls it L;O~
: hi -; ll iO J'I! l: ~· ·. • '\\.'1 5 a t l_q~! :;;-. } ,r.!
extendinG from Grand Isl~!::d, Cu s hinJ; Police Capt. Jim i~irl~ cl oser to t!iC' e:1rth it ch<trlgc_d ~~ times bi ~~-:er th;m <tnyLIH r: 1 -, ·~
s:-tid h':' and an auxi!i ~. ry p•)!!co:-- a )cilu\\ glo>·., then a real bn~':l
had seen.'' . ..
Ncb. to Fort Worth, Tex. Tli0 C:u s ili ::,_; p 0 lic~ off1<:er .S<tta
Pcrs~ns in 'Several Ol~la~~oma m.1n saw the object, whic}l ~~~ gn.: cn. It I it th(' up u,,ttl
communities · s aid they .saw.the dcs cl'iL~d as "kind of ~cary." it \',:.t S brif!ht as daylight out."
he first sig l; t<:d tile obj:)Ct :-:~
2:17 a.!n, and tl:e Jigi1l l:>. s tcd
obj~ ct. Th0y inclt1dcd C~slung, , 'It was so brig ht il almos t
Seminole, Seiling and Stroud. hurt your eyes," Kirk said. "\\'c for 30-~0 se~onds.
He ports of sightings in other =-. Kirk said the object ''was The Oldah;)ma City \\' ~ath~r
2117 . --· - - -----~--- Bureau said it had rec e ived nc
~~,· ~ ·· reports uf the lieht in t!:~ sl(.)'.
~:J. "'];j? :_·~ The t-.Iis~ouri Jligh\\~Y Patrol
SHEl'J.ANDOAH t 1969 ' ;;_\~.? f~ :i 1 j- C1 t iz eL said calls had ~en re•:civ~d
:· ·sh l()g, Okl_ a ho:na rrom oes I\ioines, Iowa, to Ar ..
Rera 10 (e) 7,092 " Cire · 4 ' 8 37 kansas. "Pc:,ple report"". d a tro-

·ncr 9 · 10h9 disp~t~hcr

mendous flush and aloudexpl.u-

1··.4-1969 ~---~ ·- - .. .. \) - ..., v 1 0-S-6 9
sion," the
''And at all the pomts, ,, he ;;dd-


STRANGE MATTER FRO~·I SK'r'"~Dnrk-h!ue, kc--ii!-\e mat· of the Frani< Kuzma hou.set 430 West Centre street, nnon at
ter which feB fttJm rh~ heavens _ i5 . e:r.arrun~~d- · sy-· cretcr~,._)·~terd~y and bounced onto the· street where . it shatter~
·ri~ f:i ) .Jo D!:mmi, ··'Jarii1~ Blascnilt:··a:n;J
Jolm · Prybol sky or 20. picct::s.
Sh£!!i~ndoah. The gass,j;·sme!ling m<tss fell coto the roof ·
. ![~ ,., . ·? .,


~ lee 1r r~o1JrJfJ1
It fcH ()~t of tho1 sky with a ·· Jolm Pr'/bof:;kv, \Vho ~t\·N ti\e
~2()lindin ~~ ·:hu:f, b~t t \•,·hr.n.ce it 1! th·-:!:1 r:p;Jc~ned .to meH Cti dis·
ohj~ct f:t!l_ as h;. \v:~s :'itting in int~g : ,~t~, No one fn the nci~hhorhc::d
a rn~ IH:.brx!y in Shen<tl~(!o ;:th cot:1d recall h:n:rn~ h·~<i rd · ;:nv
front of St. !/iich;.tei's Hnll. s:d d Or!rn ~ ni
~- urnis~d that the
tht! chunk bounct-.d off the ro;of aircraft C;vcrheJd prior ro the
''lt.'' l!p~:::-tri'd t~') h~ t1 large chunk mi;Lt hwc o.:~n a form
onto the stri~C't- ice f;tl1t nithnt;gh j<:t pbncs frl! ·
~i i.!iik c.i dJrk-b!ue ic~ emitting C·f fu~l ::.:Jrr' ~= j~t. ~o ~ircr ~{lt que:~t:y fiy :tt ait i tud ·~ ~ \Vhich
Mr~. Ku7.m."l said 'the ht-.:~vy v/~s n p:-~~sinG the
g ?.:<'Ot•..r. c ~:rlr, similar to thJt Sf( O\'C: r
t.1~;e them oi1t of S0t!nd rnn~t·.
thud pr0n1ptr:d he·r to third~ lh ~t
. fc;-n: ulJ:!:yd~. The object c•thc end Of the \'-.'Odd h:::!d A fE'W of the more im r; [:! l ~a~iv~
~ l !r'.~\1 :-~~ ;; d 110:-n the hutvcr.s ot
Some ()r the fr;;_gmrn~s wcr~ ~P<'·~ui:dois sugge~tcd t l: ~~ ri 1·:·
~ on ~.~or.i!:-! y ~nd C'!"?. sht'd · tak'=il to!k's Dis t:-ibu- · (lbjc-ct WJs drop;x:d from .. r:h ~
!1: w-~ ~ of t!H~ Fran~; Kl:7.m~ ; rc-
The obirct shattnrl'd ir:to :?f) tor:-; P.nd to ti1~ home oi t\!ht'rra
or m0rc ·Pi'='ce.'). when it hit. rhc Russi.;,n . space flights _-\Vhich
{i ;,~;-; c c, <:?-~ V/c·.n C!.'ntrc strL-rt-. Lewczy~;. ..,,.h~re U1(•y were rc· hav~: seven cosmor.aut;; ·11 <'.arth
street according to C<'. l De~ m i. fri ~cr;:!ccl, orbit. _,. ·
..,.;a-. ,.;.·• ..;; - · .... - - ,., k . .. .. ,:...

_ 1n01pac~ §1(}~~ AUST:V~ILL\.
:: pin11La~in11ieill ·I Sept lls-, 1969

~ (CP)
- A meteorite recov- !
Syd~ey, Austrailia
~ erv team from the Dcmin- '
••~ .E ioi1 Observatory, Ottawa, rc- : ~' -.
C ~· Donn lcl Johnsol'.
·. f
b p0rts that it has pinpoint- ; l
•J cd to within three {Jf four : ~.
if miles the spot where a me- : ·
I ! ~ teorite fell Aug. 20 near this ·
Cl> citv. I
~ ;,:)
~ · Alan B1ad:weH and Ian ',j
-~ Hallidr1y 11ave heen inter- l,
viewing residents
. of the !I
greater P rmce George area ·i

for about a week. They be- ~

lieve the meteorite weighed ·'
between t\vo and 20 tons. I
':'\Ve _ are down to three or ·.,
fotir miles now~" said !1ir. ~~I
Blackwell, 'Vednesday. i
· He said -people inter· :
-:- \\
viewed to dale report seeing :tl
( ~:J;
the meteorite fall to the .i
east. '"\Ve are hoping to find :j
someone east of impact !
point - someone who saw ! .
· it fall to the west to help us ~~~
pinpoint H,'' lw said. .
1\Ir. Blackv;el! said the fi- !
nal stage of the se,.rc-h v.·m j1
be conducted from the air u
·. by ;helicopter. ~
c:- -.·.;::
r_::_=:_ j Press · Clipping Division
J{ansas Press Ser,ice
Attili~te of Kansas Prt·ss Ass'n.
701 .Jackson, Topeka, Ks. ..

(: : ::.::.:-.:~

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. i . . ·_·-.· _ .,,: .~ __: -~ ..:..:~:[_:·: _. :- ~--. <=--north-to-south cou rs~.

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,._,' ..:.;',~ .: ' :-,_ :~.~-; .. . .·-"<, ·.
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consisk'd of a loose V-

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•· [
~-----~-~ ,: • ·.=.· .. . \- . L·- · · t-~ -_ . : ~ >-.,. day b~ Randal_l J .• oc!us,l., of

·:'_~~!_~r:!~-_.:r;_:~,-.~_ -.:-·~_=.·_~,=~-:_.~-:~_,~.':-~:L·.!--:~-~_:-·-~_;.·-~~.
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\ \ . ,1 . .11 :) i,t1~:!<:£~~1~!~ ·?F~t~~~~-~ :
f{~JJ ,_,·2£:) J} ~:.'.~1 ~.;;.r~· }.~~~.~tr~et ~~~~c· ~~:I
. ROCKY .'.v:> :t·n A~ !'-i ~~c:: ·::5 PHOTO a-r M EL scHiELTZ At that time the format: on 1
-' traversed an east-to-west ccu:-se 1
l!3n.la11 J. Pocfu~, li'!t, :uHl S!e_p hen l'ield thn tbe y h :1.Ye ob~!'ned p:!s')lng owr the for approximately 10 sec o :~ds !
- - ~esc:rih ,, ~~e ~h:1p~ of th;: unidcntili?.d _Iorlil:l· _. DenYe !:;."'! f:a f0r th !" p :-,;.;t thre!' r.i_::lHs. before turning sharply to t he !
north. It traveled in that d!rcc- 1
' A plaus!ble expbn:-•ion of th~' ~ tion a few secur.ds,· then d i 53~- '
phenof!lcna was. offc_•~d by _an i peared. j
author1ty on untdcnt1f:ed !l~· m~ i
obj~cts who said the furmatio:l's !
' After giving their statem~:-. : s i
shape, and bebo.\·ior was similar ! to .the Littleton Police Depart- ;
to what h01s h_~~or:1~ k.r:•)\':r!. as ment, the youngsters, ar~e j 1 I
Brandon Sun, Manitoba the Lubho ·~l: Li _::_;!l ts 0\ t: FO n r.:; t j Y.ith binoculars an::l a car.'. cn.:
Circ. 13,486 sighted in Lub b:)ck, Texa s ., on returned Wednesday night to t!::: i
Aug. 25, 1931, and obs:- r n~d scene of the first sigh ting ,.,.i-:2:-c j
October 9, 1969 they again spotted th~ formation
many timl?s s!nc~.
'at 8:10p.m.
Poclu3 and Field l'roubht
the film to tl!e :-tews for proc· ·j
-~~~[0~~ ~@[j1)f)~@~~Q
_ essing :3-ntl fo~:1J much t 'J
their chagrin th :\t nothin~ \Ya;;
.. recorded.
I.~ llj r\0 Hoping that better camera
An tmidcn~hed flying object diameter of the full moon. lt to what it might ha,·e been. :equipment mi~ht do the tric~. l
was sighted l\fond ay just b!.!- \'las sharply outlined and 'as They did say that the misty, the I\ews team acco~manied the I
fore three in the morning by clear as crYstal.· It con tinued raim· wea ther could not h:1vc _youths Thursday to Ea s t El~- 1
RCl\lP Coilstable G. R. Gratton to mO\"C west and th~n stoppca. caused such an illusion . . The mentary School, S. Barm-Jc:-- :
jStreet and \\' . Sh~p pc rd .-\ \··~ n ·J e
of the Melita detachment He stopped his car, turned it p ossibi!it ~ - th at it was a wcat h-
while on patrol north of ~. r~iita. oH and got out, trying to cete(' t cr ba lloon was ruled out. Such :to await the arri\·at of t he ob- I
Constable Gratton told The some sound but could hear ·balloons do not glow nor are ject, which made its first p:tss ;
; at 8 p.m. and the second at :15 l
Sun Wednesday that he spotted nothing. The light began to the\· like!\' to be at such a low p.m. On the last pass, the for· i
what ]o o!~ed like a house or move again. this time re\·ers- · altitu de. ·:\ncl shifting w i n d s mation was fol!owed at a d is- !
clearance light just as he p~!ll­
ed out or town. As he dro,·c
ing direction and travelli ng "hich mi ght cxp:ain the rcn:rs~
ca st, b;Jck to where he fir~t in g di i·ccti on do not occul' that
tance by what appco.recl to b~
two jet aircraft. · ·
north on Ilighwny t3 the lieht saw it. The vel !uw i ~ h red b ;1 1l ]O\': . · A check with officials at Stl-
moved steadily west but stayed glowed, partfc:ulnrly nlong the The nC~lP have pa~ s ed the pleton International Airport d is- j
to his northeast. . bottom hnlf but dicln't emit nm· n·p ;-~ rt on to the nC,\F in '\'in- closed no unusual acti\·ity re-
When he rcali7ccl it wns not li ght of it :; own. It finally dis- n ip eg and. the m ~ tcurological ported in the areo. of the s!a~1t~ I
a com·cntion.; l ligh t and that it appc ar~d into the cloud co\·cr. CC' ntr" in Olt ::tw<l. ing at ·the times stat0el. ""
was gett ing larger h~ noted the H C ~iP haYe sent out a rcquc ~ t - ~:::-:....:.:=-~..:...::::.:=::::.--. Again, du~ to the sp~t.-d a nd
time ns 2:45 a.m. Until it '<lis- that anyone else who 5-CIW tl ~ e 1 low intt'nsity of the object's
C1ppcarcd into the co!ud co\·cr light rcpart it hut ha\·c fO f~n· 1 lights, the ca:H£>ta \n:> ur. : liJ!~ to ·
four mi nut~ .> lat<:'r, thi s is v.·h:tt had no an swers. 1 r~cord the e,· ~nt. I
he saw. Acrad io ;o.!ctcon o! <';::i c;d ~ t [l­
Accordi ng to Con.;:t~blc Gr:lt- ti ,-ll1 in Dr2nd •J!l, a l: er hc ~ r i!1 g !
ton, tl:c l ii~ht !'cemrd to e::-:pcl!l d a cc:;cr iptirm of n : ~· ~! r;h l i J ;: :. ;
1::1t'; l !~ ri. :-:ch·::d a ~ i;:e twice t il ~ C0 \1Jd P ~0.t:e PO ~~· :' ! " ' ' i'1 -- r; ~ ::
111r: Uf\L'-'"".'__
' -' _·--·- --·-_;.=.= = ;. .:__::. __________________________
-- ----·- - -

A vbit in~'. sc!cnre Jicti~n Mr. Anderson s~id a pl~nct there's plenty of that," he ulation pressures here on
wrikr ~;t\'S It 15 a stntt~­ doesn't ha\'C to be ex:1ctly said. earth.
tit-:tl rcrt2i n!y" tlwt there IS like earth to support life as While space exploration in "Bnt in the ~ho!·lcr vie\7,
Jifc out: ib cur :;oJnr sy5tcm. \':e Jmow it, :md he su g~~stcd th~ \'Cry long ran!je miuht space exploration is goon t- ~­
the possibility of different pro\·ide man with another cau::;c we need the concept c ~
Pi"'ul Amlcr..:;on, who gave forms of life could not be place to Jive, he didn't think a new frontier to l:cc:p t1s
3 publ ic lecture at the ~al­ ruled out. immigration to oU1cr planets from stagnnting," he said· · .
garv cc utcnnial Planctnrm~ would relieve any of the pop·
nt •8 :30 p.m. ThwozdJ~ sa_1d
nt a p rc-~s conference It \7111 * * *
"It's really not at all fan-
Pte!~ Cllp~I;:s DIY"Ielon
be qmtc a whilo .bdore mnn 1\rh~ J?rc::J g~rvlcc
tastic to think ~bout life on
is ~b! c to probe these oUlCr AUI!bte of Rr.n~a rrt::s Au'n .
so!:tr ~ys tems.
Jupiter. It's true there is no 101 ":::::~:::1, Yc;:::t:l, r~o.
oxygen there, but it's chem-
''En•n if we could build KANSAS
somcth i n~ c:~pnble of _travel· ically quite feasible to have I Snlimb JoutJ~f\1....
linf! ;~t the ~peed of ~1ght - some . t)-pe of animal that
b r e a t h e s hydrogen, and
\.,' :-,- ~ -~~ ~ - l~b 9
:md this v;ould reqmre the '> o"'·r-T···~:: g 1~ r. o
m e or atomic energy in some "' • .., .) ,J •
f:t~hio:t - it ,,·ould take four

. &~~~cfr'njng_ f/~ei·e~r · Atoff:J&)rGnn}!:\

or fi,·c years to get to the
ne:tr(st st:1r.
'·Und ~ r present propu!sion
~,·~terns, it would take about

~Soforno n for FirGVv6:i~hs'

s:or'l') years,, l\Jr. Anderson
~Jid . .
· ~lr. Anderson, who gradu-
ated with a bachelor of
11- \ "-tt .") . .; .
~dcnrc degree· in phys!cs
Dicl a !lnmin~ m ~tcor
which ncur · Concordia r.nd ~lcPhcrson . • •. J~•·....,4\..J ., · ·~·'~"'
. "., ....... "!ow :, · .., .... ·ny , ,.,_,,ls.
~~ ~ : • \ : t..l l
r"'""·~· ··
from the University of Min-
r.esota h~s been writing · Ut t:;> tl:':) ~~:i.:s in s~vcral .mid· abo smv · it. ·cci.wd l'f t::.;'r:f:,!J, the <.:: s p:~tch·'
ficirnce fiction for a living for we.:;t d:::t c-:; cxp! cdc ju~t\·c Th(\ Missouri Highway Putrol cr s:tkl,_ w~~ o~~ · ll'om · n loc.:.,l
ap~roximntcly 20 years. Sok n~oil, Kos ., \','cdr.:-::;(by ni ght. said t nlls hnd bee n rccci\'·~ d rc.:;i:J ~l i t · ,·;!w · reported -it r.v·- ·
"I st~u· tcd writing as a Y~:J , E:!YS Dwigl:t Evans, n from Des ?11oir.cs, Iowa. to Ar- p~ :lr(: d scn·.~L ~ J · \•: as Dr:sii i n~ a
hobby wh i!c I was in coJiege,
and sold ~ few of my pieces. 1\R:::::.J CHy, 1\rs., tn:c!< driver l:ar.:: cs . . ••pc~pb rep:;rtcd a trc- li;;ht in I1.:r b : ~lr oo·r~l window.
r;hJ S3\'l C!!! ~ --cc· : ~ c:J1 <!r ball oi n1C'i:0Jl'_J .n~sh . and il loud .<'XplO- i\t c:.lflr.~!:: tt:-:~1; Rnn., Dr. :fohn
I gr=:~dually discovered that I
was cut out more to be a r .I
1 "" ~~:.3 1. ·: .,..~,-
( l i ' C; ';-J~ t. ~cr: .• ·• tl1e
· · J •y· nt crs t at c sio"'.• ...;,atcl1·~..,r s"·ld.
d1."'t' ...
c.' Ev~.ns, <.:irc~tor·t~ tl:3 o!:;scr·.
writer than a scientist," he iO. · · '-'==--.u~· .·, "And at nil the .points," he ~dd- v at cry nt K~ r:.~:;1s S tr.~ e .Uni\'cr-
said. . ·r.eporls ct 'nr~ bi·i(:t light wrre ed,, "each said the~ n~sh \',·as sit.:l, i(.:~ nf :nd ll:t!. <.::,_! ·~ ·~t t!s a
* *
Despite his belief in life on
t(!C ~l \ 'C J in nn nrc:l ·extend in g
dJ're.~tl.\· o\'et· tl1eu·· h!>"ds.''
' -"
. br;~ rr.~·~ ·:· :- ~·. : r c[-: :T:'Ll ( ·l ~· i:S n .
other sokn· sy~tcms, :Mr· An- frcm Crc:r.d l ;,l:i!:d. 1\(;-:-,., 10 T'1c poliCe disp atch~r t:t l':c- • · n~·cb :> E~'. . "·:: ·. J it'· ·intr:-~·5 ·.the
derson doesn't think uniden- vad::~ , ?lio., l:.e"hr the 1'\nr..c: <: s b·':'r· -..::-.::. ~ th's rJr:~: .:- : ::: !·C:. · · ,.
Fort \\'ortb, Tex .. t r.~ F c:lcrai I1a - · s rl~:1 ti·:. t t1 ! r.r:::;~, so·
tified flying obj~cts arc cvi- at! r :-~ ~gc: ncy s:>:d . but Ev<Hl s · · azr. said she h'-: cl rccch·cd tclc-
d~ncc or th!s life. m~: y l: a·;e h:!d t; 1e mo~ t awt'- pho ne cdls from v;cstcrn I-.1is- c:=-L:cf t1 :c: ~ i : : _; 'J ~~rs ore Jr~
"I sec no renson to think sorr.c vi ::w. socri, ir.c:lud i z~ g_ s~Ycral frc:n <; ti~:·, !i:: s: : .:~~ -~~~. firtJol(s ~rc
that UFOs 2re ex tra-t~rrcs­ He tc1d U:c Ili :;hw~y P:1!rd at , \Villo\v Sprini"s','' 41out 150 mil:-s ~ i ~; : .: ~ ~i C·ill:l r. :: c ~ tr twjc(' . a
triaC"Ailre!JOl'ts of tl1eir be-
Salin:1: .• sc·uilJC';;;t .' noJr the Arlnn ::"·' yc: i l' v; o r: , ; . r: ~ · ~. !!~.' ~~ Ll fire>·
havior indicate they can't be
spaceships. I v.-ould suspect
they might be some bnd of ''T !1 ~ \ ; i ! Dll' t~:y r.~~=w·d to
. borcler. r~ bny of th~ c~!lc-rs ~nld 1::!1!3 r:-. 1' ~:.;· tL~ ; ·; 1 hro· to 10 fc ~ t
~ - bri;;i1t bed~· b i·o~:c 1.111 in tli~ in ui~ m c· lCl' \' hi ]!:' tl t !;c-otiH1
atmospheric phenomenon " 1!:;-::t c:,. · Ti~ Cl'? , ·:::':; n l:t: ::;c ·- SKY and fell e~rthw a rd, th~ . dis- St3r iJ t.L..:::~ C~ c size Cf §t l: <! S~·
he said. ' .Pa(rhcr said. · · b~ll. ; ··
b-:11 r:[ Clrt-, It 1: 2d l.:: :le, rcti
- ~nd c;~ n ::e c c l~ ;· J n~ d t:: :: ;· ~
. .
'rr. :~ :1 Jcf of t;!> ~~ !> s.
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1969
''\',·h~n · -itl!vt ncar H:c cn rth it
f.c e: :~; cd to be ::bct;t the si::.e of
n cc.:1:; .:. c~ c~r.
I /""'~ ,..-, r. .. ;-•
'''i~~n 1: c·::;1:: 2 ~ :1. I , .ir.~1 l·i / ..?.::; ~ ~~ ;..: ;.,~:
~:y. !t ,-,-;,:; c::!; 73 t~ (J frr ! .
~ "! r .- ~.; - .. r .V

·: ·' ~ :; .... : .~ : ---

E\· .:-.1..3' ln:c~\ ,·:::; r:~.:lf th:- rr ~ t
§ .. ~ ~~ .. .""' l--u~
!>l : p j~1.-; t \':\s t of ~ ~ ~ r :~ 1o n w!~~ n
tl:c c:-: 11 e;[ (ire r: ;:~ c:1r d .
l b ~:lid c !l: ~r tru ':' :~ A ri H rS
~ .I j?t=:ss
:: ~ : ~'-~ G 8 LJ F! E I\ U I

·, · -·~" \: :; , lov.·a _ t{. . '

----·- -- oc I I(; )

~- ~~: ~<t:Jr ~~
f'" ~
kad1:r, Iowa ~ of.: • !··

~{~\''i" barn and one of our daughters was ·:.q~Wil

·~ I (
· . Determining the size of a Uf'O seems to the trc~e house. . ,,
IDCT l.GJ969 \ •. , j be one of the problems. Most persons are ·Sept. 28, 1969 - Our soo. was bi th# }~:
-;·- ... ·":'· .: >.' ·:-~~ _.,.....
not equipped to measure the size, speed, barn looking throu.g.h binoculars an·d ·, ~uQ<
...·...:"' ·.•.·::;::::-·:·::\::;:::::~ ·: .;~:::;:?;~~~~:~;~~~~~~=~~;:;:::;:;.,·:· .;:. . :•.·:..·.·.··..·........ . distance or length of time it was observed . ly spotted tlw UFO moving toward t.Q'(.? · ~
- --· ·~· --- - .. "'--'--.. i.'\i ...... Hot.vever, there arc some \\'ays of koc;>ing cr po1e about 10:30.· He snnppe.t.l n ~i1i· c·l

. .'\'.\ ·;-..
. ~1\" i {::f·' i t"·'~ . 0
1~. ~
. some or these things straight. .arrd while rol!!!~1L~1c fih? 1t ~{~P~d': 'A~
.\~' v \•) ~· ~ ·~···y ~ ·· ,.I~~j ~{' ~ }~, ·•·~':l Eov·•
li_.,.vp~Ji a~
,., & il~\ 't•·X··.'~~\ ·; ':1
,~-1'~ ..) ,.:'.,''.' ·"·.,,• 1,") ff'~;:, t:/1~~r11-l,\•';•B'\·~·.·• ''lf.j ":"'i~ -;~"' ,,tl1'ii~t. ~~~'1'\
. · 1-'t . . F.i
First of all, when yon see an unldenti·
1 ·i-~ ~:t ~.~ l~
~· · '·'·· ..·,.
'" p,···' • · ~ .·.; ..;.·.
f . \ ...
ll \ ·, ~ u
t) ,: ~ '~ . '·
:.;i f.·
\V \l.Y ll~
t1) ·:,/·'
'·'" .
lt. ~ lW ~ · ficd flying object, mark the spot v:cU where
it hovered and then rose qmck:l:y ' ~nd
appc~rcd as before. It did not land. ·
:.i \l•,~:l, !;\ 1.:. · 1
\'i,.~ 1.~0 A \!..l\ !U1 \1a
t you Wt:rc standing when you first saw it.
'f.~ . _.{, l ..~ r;/>-\ t.~ .~ Oric:nt the flight p:1th with any landmarks Sept. 27, 1~6~ - Our sons \\'ere in the
1S:) o '. fl ~r.~ · such ~s trees, bulldi~gs, poles, signs, or any- or
!::')\ ;.:\ ~)~~ ~- ~d~11 1~ 1;1';~ O~A (!~ 't~1\ ~~:.:)
~ (\\~ ~·:~\~ ~~
)~'·'!- ·~\~
i~ . ;~ ~1"'). ~,;tn :1'~ • : .. <1'"\\\ 1\P •'\ .. i J ' II). barn about 3:15. One them saw the ob
;.! r:('I ~~ ::·i ):i ~r· h 1• ,~ J.~~ ~~u~ ~~ ~\ ·r\ r"F~~ n ~ "~ ~~~ ~~ .:~ ~ ~~' \! tl l~ tr~ t~ (,\ · ~,~~ thing you can u·sc to relate: the exact path it beginning to take off. 1t rP.~e into:~~the:
.~.:. :.:,, \i.J' ~~ J.'!, ~§ '1:.\>d
-~~~ .~
\i· J f,;
,. ,,
i~ \~ ~9 't..\•.1tl (UI t\. ~ .\\\
u1 t.·:

~11.1!\.1~ \1 \,1,1 (VJ~U~~~ traveled.
and moved out from the side fvom. ur
In judging the size of the ohjcct one can the tdephone wire~s and then up aud ~·
gd a good ide:-t by holdiug a co!n or some cli~~appc:tring into the air as before.
1minr; tl:e p~tst few \VN:b; members of Since early thi~ summer several mcmh~~·!"J other small object at arm~ lenr,t.h and com· s~;:y \V~s perfectly cle<\r and sunny. 'Ti
• Clayhm Connty H.ct!i::itcr st\lfi have of. this respected nnd intdHgr.nt Allatrti~~{'w pare th~ size wilh' that of the UFC' Get an was no chance for the object ~o <.liSRPI
n inv~~~ti~JtiliL! unidentified flyint! object County !~mily have bcc·n witnessing some ~lccuratc cotmt of the time it too!, to move into the clouds. Our one St;:·. reached
:1tinr:~ in this ~~· ~~a :md reporting the rc- very um:~ual things on their farm. Unident· !rom one }<·,:1dmnrk to anolht.'r in relation the caxnera (:\bont 10 fret away) bu·t by
: ~ to Dr. J . A1!c·n lJ.Til.~k. direc~:j-~_}Je­ ificd fl>·ing objects seem to prefer it as a to where you were standing. While it is st.ill time he gCIL to the doClr it h:\d ~lrcady p:•
~l '!':t_•J:t of ,\strono;-ny, Northweskrn Uni·
l;mding strip. fresh in yo~1r mind dr:no.· a map tiH~ best you Ther~ havC! been at least two othct · si
Although the first observance of an object can of cvi.!rything you c~n rcnH~mbcr. Get iJtgs since the nbove rntries were madt
·1 i>r=intinf! th~ c:t!ies that havt:! been au-
was· seen in the spring, the family did not witnesses· whencvc1· possible. llcport your tll!! diary. The object h~s been s~cn on
riiccl for pHblication The n~gistcr has stort keeping an accol)nt of the objects until sighting at once to an :ntthorizc:d locril re- ground from · a distnncc of .'\bout 75 f~d
illtC'ntion of :d:J.rming the citizens of this this fall when it really became an "active" porter such ~s members' o.f Dr. Hynek's it t~{ke$ off and disnppc~:\rs wh<?n ~om<
:: but rather to inform the public of the area. 'fhc following information was taken team. approach.:~ s.
ISU:il inr.idr.nts.
in part from tlti! :family log of sightings as
kept by the mother: · Many report$. in rccont Wt'{:k~ Edifc•r's n~tc: 'Members of The· Rct~i
.t uo tirllc wot:ld \·V\:~ care to imply that
cct:; sueh :Js h~ve been reporte:d in rc· Sept. 7, lSGG, 2 p.m. · One of the children, During the past \vceks the local reporting ~t~!ff visitNl the. p:1sturc ar<!i\ :md vi~
t Wt~ <:b Rrc Jn::nnc~d by creature:s fmm a hoy, Ji<IW Hn nbject take off' in· tbf~ast~rr~ team has rcceiv,~d r~ports from several the landine marks on tvm occasions . .
l'l' ·. f;p;icc:. ::\1~ny of tl:c r\~ports :1rc sirn- ~~1th of the bar~\. A. very cle<Jr landing areas. Th~rc h~\'C oeen :IS many as cit~ht rn~:rks ar\' very clc~r. :lhout. six fi~\.·t act
light~; in tile ~1•y ~H~d rnu ~ t lH! X'i!portcd
mark. .a bout 12 f(.•d fron1 the nigohne pole si::htings in one eve:1iH!~- M~11y, hO\\'evcr, The ''leg'' mark!' or the object arc vh
such. The closer ob~.crvaUons, ho'vvevcr, \\~£i£.TOt:]~I ncHr ~ t0_rmer r~nJmg Site. 'l"ne WC'rc reported ~is lights in the s~..;y .t:n\l it was ;md nre positioned in a trlangulnr ma•
c r<.' Si:·~u·cb t~arns such ns th:il oi Dr. boy took pictures of the marks. not possible to g~in enou r~h inform:-ttion !or v.·ithin the nrca {1f thr lR!'!ding mark, :lPr
1ck's, in!orm~ii t> !1 th;1t mizht be va!twhlc Sept. s, JDC.!.l, 1 to 6 p.m. · Members of the a rcp.ort. i:11;1tciy 60 inches :.q>~d.
d<:tcnnining th•.' ir ~ource. family f~u::_cJ_ ~1.!12.!~.c!:. }~D~.!g.z... ~l]_r!~k_!ivc f~~l All thi' informath1H on H:e :1bovc sigh·
from -ihe bst onr. All arc Ideulicc.1. 1'hcy An intcrc~tin~ ca~o
'i re:c0nt years the Unitrd Sta tes Air ha~ bce:n rd:~ycd tCI Dr. Hynek :mel his •
:1ppcar to lJc the same size and h~ve the· Jt!st b5l wc~Y. the loc:<l tcarn ''-'~S called
·cc has cont.inm'u :~n invcsti~~~t.ion. of rn!tt\•e for c•\'nht::. tiot•. A const:~nt watc
twicl' to u f~rm h1 · $(1t:il; u :1 .A1h m~.kec
O's but the re~ults of n1ost ~i .~): tin~~~' in same le~ pattern. b:::ing b "Pt on tl'.C: p~s!ure by rncrn~>e r
Sept. 10, 1~1S9, 5:3!) p.m. • Two more land· Co~mty v:l:ich :~~ con ~: ici \.·:~: d by Dr. Hyr;ek
cnt. months h:t ve bc:cn kept con! the: fa mily tn ~athi" r mor\~ iuform4!ti tJD.
~;:u s c of. this m~ny author!tic~ on rh e sub-
in:~ m:nks lH.i\'c bN:~ n found rn-u.~f.tmu~­ to br.: :~ ycry "~lcti\'(' " ~!;· ,~;\. The n::me;; of Tr.c r:,r;dly io.vo1V('il in thi s report .
l believe thi~n; cou1d be somc:thin~ to the
tui·e ich.·lific::!livti!e.sui11-; as the-oU16rs. We t:;(• nie:wl: u :.; of th(· f:imily ~. n J trh·· !o~~:t:o~l
;·{·po rt (·~.l no !nridi:· Dt~ of hosti t ity frorn
~, th:~t tlic:sl'~ o'bjo:•ets arc coming from
found several more previous limdii]-gs. The ef t!10 ~ :·. : · : :: 1\.'VL' l:r~ :·e r. .,,.; thh ·: H fr·v n t~·~
o t'.~t· e~ s. ·
~ll.itt>r;t b<:i1~~s fro:·:"1 another pl::mct. Oth-
object has landed Sunday, Monday and :~ t.·! ~ ~ ~.' ,·.1 t t1 ;.l ~ r · re'f' '"-st.
say t.h(·~· ~~ r(~ the p:;· c. d~:r.:L of some secret \Vcdnf!Sday. Landings ou Mond~1Y and Vled-
j~ct til~\t oar cJ '.'.'n comnfy is wc11·idnt: ,.~ ••.
nc sdny \Vcr.:~ :it~"J)-:lil.
Inc ci th~~ pr~...~tkms facin£~ investigating -s;::pt-:-T1-;-·T£iG:r-:-'T\.\:o or the children sn\v
:ns i~ the ~ ~:;se; ;cc~ of witnl.!oses and ac- the UFO hover above the power pole about
atc i:·:form~·ttion conc.:~ rnin;~ closc ·UP .si r!,ht- 7:15 and it ion owed th~ wires over to tho
s. Wbil~ pr;-tcUc.aJ1y nU of thQ sir:ht- pole to the cast of the garden, r~:rnain
~; nrc lll[,dc by rdi:1bk• nnd rcsptctcd
motionless for alJout a minute: aud then dis·
plc, the i:1f(JrJ11Hti()n is not comJ~letc
appeared . It w<Js shiny silver but changed
tt~;:h to get ::m idea just wil3t the o!:>jc:l'ts
to a dull r~7~(l in colol·. I( 1\HHJc no Jwise.
Our yoUil!!Cl' son \V:ts ;:.L ·the Iront of the
20~***The VAi"COUVER SU~: Tue~ .• Srpf. JG. 10Gq

HM®fr~co)[j ~epon·~ P~·o~e«:r

· Sun Starr flcportcr I
earth while they were dri ;: iag ·
M< D<'moc:rat-Ncws PRINCE GEORG F. _ Ottawa about six miles north of here.
.Abrsh:.JI, Missouri
Circulation 4,993
scientists arc' checking reports
Bo\\,. dcn said. today_ he and his
son saw flammg objects break-
that a SIZa~le meteor flamed to ing a,\·ay from \rhat appeared to
. . ·nate .....OGI.. .l . 8 1969 earth. near nerc on Aug . 20. j b~ t!1c m~in n~:! s s of t.h':' ,,,t:- trt:'-

. jA s~Er.~~-·;;~;~~S-: A young l\;arshail gent
told me an intcre.sting story the other day, which
. Behef that a meteor did crash ntt..
has . been strengthened by the Eo\\:den s~id it would be ?.I ·
fact that seismographs at Pen- ~ m~st Impossible_ to tr~· and pin-
tieton, Mica Creek. Fort · St. pomt the lanclm~ sttc of th~
··he said js true, and he swears by th~ book th~t . John and Yellowknife, N.\V.T. meteor. ·
._\he wasn't sippin' the juice \vhcn th:;_ incid~.nt oc- recorded imp<:~ct shocks about 11 "There's _a!i • <l\\'ful lot of tim-
. . ~~
-, \
He and his wife \verc cnroute back to }..-I arsh-
l .;.·. -
t(~ . •
p.m. on that night.
The scientists checking the
her in that area,'' he saicl.
Black\\·cll said the ~eisn:o-

··all from. Colrunhia one recent nizht and. as they I

report arc Alan mac·kwcll and graph reaclin6s ind~cn tc t h:; t
Jan _H~!Iiday, members of the whatc\'cr ca used the im p3 <: t.
Dommwn Ohserrc.tory's mcteo- shock was between two and 20
·motore-d along 1-70, they suddenly saw a tub.:! rite obsctTation ancl recovery . tons in ,~· eight
. shaped flying object hoveri.l1£ in tte sk y travcEng team. ------- ---------
at a slow rate of speed and flyin g V\.:;y low. At least two persons , Lloyd 1 October 2, !969
}{e said he became so startled upon seeing Bowden, 51, and his son, Frank. ' \~.:!.u!~on, Io:-.-.J.
32, said . they saw a "bri6ht blue 1
the object he pulled off the highway. According · (Det!'lOCX'C:. l:)
to him the nose. of the vebidc was bright red tmd
.. it was po\ve.rcd by some sort of engine that pro-
flaming object" streak towards
a\! a
··duced a fiery strea!n from tbe e.xhausts.
· The young fellow said a 1-Iigh;;vay Patro1man
· was in th\! area, too, and should have seen th~ Has AlL1D~:1ke0 Cvli:1 t j ' L: c
·"' object. · : any intcn:s:i nG VFG' s l:.~ c·i y':
· No one else but o~tr inforn1ant to have ·If so, tl1ey have gor:>:: t.;nre:-
. sighted the object. One of onr stt1ff reporters markecl a!ld unr (:)ort.:d •
cl1~cke,d with the. district office of the Jljghway
Not so arour.d E~:~~d e tl
wh_ere there h<.., ve be·:::; so;; -. ~·-!£ }
l'atrol and the officers said they bad no reports . rel)Qr~s of UFO' s (i.; ni J .:: : Iti :· i ...:. ~
of a flying ohject in ihe- area-. · :flying objects) li; J. t ~ s;112ci3J
Our f..cu5trated informa nt con tends, however, tc<un c ~< mc ou t recu~ ~: :,· tc
'i:wcstic~t te re;)cris.
l1e suvi the obj~.ct and is c~rtain son1::.onc e lse
· Visiting El~ader, li:> : ~ n:n;
must have see-n .it, too. · to all reports of unide;·. r:fi 2c
A1any Unidentified Fi"ying Ob jects h.ai1e been "things" flyi t~~; <Ho;.. i;d in ~.E
seen by Americans in all parts of the country over s:'Y were Dr ..T. A1~c" E y;i e :-~,
the past few years bur every thne tl:ey arc re- dlrt~CW!' . of th.: ciC.i)2.r tmc ::t o!
ported to ofjicials there is nothing officially astroJC•il<l a t ~;ort: t w.::s~ea
unh'crsi ty, Evai: 5 ~0:t, Ll.;
for I•Jzcotn:,z() , .,; .,. t If"
... , 1':' ·ft·.rn·•'
1.. ., offi,.!,.J,l( ......
• .. \.6/~ "" L " •JJ•I" •
F'I~cd .. l.i. . Bec l:r.J ~•n~ c:.i (;~
Just to n1 ~ke my fnJ~~ rated frk.n.d f::cl be tr.:.r, sc1e:1hst, .-\r; onne C:J:1ce: ~~c: ­
thous<:~nJs of i-nc:0p1c
\.1. lo • . .I
b-~Ji t1l·v"'T'C
. . . , -!-"' .. a",r. <p'•r-,... ._~\ : ,..,~
'v ...., .;. " """ - -:a., i ..t~ sca:·cl< lws)i~<J, u l:i \' 2 :-.s~ t',· oJ
from other pk.nets visiti.11g e£irth evt.ry once i ;~ a Ctticago; and Tc:J P:;;l:lDs
~:is•;!"I• Ti- S ..!r........ ~e l,: , ., C: ....,'~n'
·" o,.t' •,,,"..-J
while. I fu..'11 o~l ~ \vho finJly bc.Eeve~ t1is ~~1~:::1 , '-iU "' .J -
missioner f r o711 Scd:1!i2., ~.: o.,
regardless of wbst g v"lermnent nnd mili r;;:-y wllos2 i i~ter cst i:l :l~ c .s·.;!:. -
•·experts'' say to the. c on trary, I ~..rn conv:;;:c-c(i ject is pc r ~: on~ i, uvt o::ici2.l.
we are being obs;!rvcd hy spy ships ffc m c~:~:. :­
l~ ~r :~c j ::-,! 1 ::,·· i ii~ e ~· L\.; tii~;
t :, t:. r;
\Ve have bnd~d m en on the ~J.i(1G;:·;, i nst ':\ i1v
l p·c. ~;~) '"~·~s si ~;;tit.:; vf ~t I T O
at t!: ~ :\ri ll) ~--~d n c• .::l ',\'i::-:e
. in tJm l r"'ck c:1n't S OJ'1\eo;v~ c.lsr~ f1-·on1 c::t y-~ .:; ;1 .:··~ farr11, t".,'/ 0 l!1 i!c .. , r.\:~t c.{ E!-
land s:)mO::oi~e here. • • • 0 ;'1 :: of tL::~· d·:',Y'· : l'; (~ : kad l' r :!1c (: \·\;; ·,;11 '. ~·i· :\i : . ~ . . Ci.
J!O comment oi'fici 2Js v;ill c xcit~·.di y ~\::.:(lti;lt.. -:;. v.:-.; 1·:11 (!i :;,_ ,;, :til'; 1'.,,: , L ;·; t; ;liL
of J-:ll;:u:.·r :,:,·: •· : ..... :: ;,_,:,:· .: .1: •
. ')Jav;:; hecn havbg visitors fr~xn (i:\U~ r ~-l'-; 2:·. r~· : Jr ~· ;:,·: d : tt i·, c~; t •l' i l• l ~ L :'.·· ·:; ti -
\\'i1erJ n. fe~ 1 c r sees sv:·,~c ~fJi~~~: l12 ~~ ·.:· ::~. : ~ . · r.-di llt'. k :: r;:, :l::d v:ill ~ v \·r : :·
• So l ~ t's ~ Clt r c~(,!l .. f>iJl'i!~ :~~1~: "t)li '. ,. \\." ~~ ~) f.::;:·..)~·~ .s : ::~ \ ~, ·! ~: ~l l r.f i l OI' til t ~:l::(i' l'!J lc.r;,·.l. 'fi
~ecn n ~1 U niciL'iHi ficd F ly1 n:.; O >j ·~·ct~ ~:c.;·,~~\.Ly ~: l·-' :: is to :->~: y t:, ;_•y wili r~..~ ·\' i·; .:.

will b ~ o ffic ~ a 11 y ) d-!. P ti ~·;.._~d . c;t!l s l't 'ilv i·; :11 : ~ u::i · :..'loti!:~_..;
~. ... fl yi1<: ol>j .:.- ~1 :; it l t wrt:tc· .t ~ . : e:·;t
lo',1,·.t, wil! C. ! r ry o·i t p.·\.-
limi:l:l.rr· ii:\·.:.·;;t ir,.tti vi :.:i, ~~ ; ·.r
fon :.:i··l n·:;: : ! ~ :.i t(r . i :: ~..· ... -
,. ~:-: : ~, ~ Jt il l.-: t (:~~l !·i , .
Clipping Burcou
P. 0. Box 160
Royc•l Oolc, Mid1. 4.g o18

( :·::-r ? - .·<:~) ~!
. Birmingham, Mkh.
•· Jly ROBEHT SEL W A I ideHtifie:d n~ a· kite . . They ll:idding around here nhout
~ · If an(1ther fo;-m of, life. d~-1 ~laimcd thnt there wRs unoth- this," she adde:d.
sC'c-nds em pla!H·t f'artn, w;Jl 1t 1 lnf:' 11 to the Sb~ond report R!- She turnrd the phone over to
Date .. . Cr:!T.. 2 fQ69 . pkk \V c:·st B_Joom~~ld Town.:-hip thou~h tr~cy had no explanation , a mnn who ide!1t1ficd him!!~lf
for the lnr.din;! s1tc? for 1t. only as ''Sgt. G. Hooper., Hf'
The qucgtivn w~1s rnisecl in 1 It · . t d .. · . ht . 1·said thnt the light thnt the p~-
th c- -w· o k c o f t v..v spoL•t'• a 11g
1.1gs \\l·'th - th k\\ns erm(' . d bm j trolman $aw wa:; stat10nnry
1 • •
, d . •t m
.jn the past three wce:ks of un- e s Y .nn '" n~ " 1 nc:->s; Y the sk
'd t'fi d ~o·1 .· · • · \to 1a t.ownshtp pntro1man whtle on , y. . •
·l en 1. e 1 ~ mg o1J).ec •.s m 'est • . h~t· d t . th .,,. ldl b 1 1 • All he snw was a h"ht ' the
, r. ld
B ,oom.le .
llf. o
f h
t e spot-
1 n!g ~ nne u v m
· ·J' • t
e .nH c·
·h t . f
e t . ,~ n '
. mlln clam1<.>d. ''1 hEre'3 nothinsc
tings W3s bv n towr.~hip pol:cc j' area.' accorl mg . o ,., a m or- It 0 1't" } . ·~t ·d .
: · mat10n the pc•!1ce would ~lvc I , H' msl::. e: ·
.9ffcc('r. . .
~· The town~lup p(•hce, howe\·er, i tl1 .
r cut They refu·ed to divu]a:.
f s ' 1 n
Both he and Mrs. P~rker rle-
..,c dined to reYN.l exactlv when
rPU11ecl H cl~nk oi darkness over' c name 0
•.-:! pa . . ro men. and where the two UFOs werr
. ~he reports o! strange lights I "The officer saw a light up spotted. Both said that the\'
Jin the sky. in the sky," noted ~Irs. C. Par- were "too busy" to tnkc th~
• "' ~ ker, the chief polire dispatcher polire reports on the spottin~s
. -·· ··· . · · · · •· b POI.lCE ~POKES)~E~ said in \Ves:. Dloomficld. . I out. of the file. Tht:-y ~aid it
NC\i • )_ -, ~- CJ' t ·... :!_~at the fi~~t UFO W?.s later I "He took R!'l aw!•.1l 12t o~ 1would be "hnrd to find" the re-
llartford, Conn. ----- ------. -, po~f-ti~I.E"''. • • •
:i THE HARJ'FORD COURANT: Sunday, November 2, 1969 -1 SAJD Po!ice Chid
Melwin '\\'i!l v:as "out of his
office·" and un av~i1able.
1969 N<•r was any liRht thro-.vr. on
the flying saucer question by
~·Jill~mina, Ore.
I a 'Vest Bloomfield ho•.lsr-v;ife
(Tim~s) who was ask~d rlbout pos.:;ible

-~-- -
·;. ·r ...<?\
( J! "

{,., ,..,..,.., "" • •.

,..,., ... . .. ,
! 2 .~:~~
·.c :, ·.- r·;;
I l-:.~::1!-:.
An o'Jj ..:.::1 c:.n ~ ) ·:c.r r::~ the
,..,< ~-='''1
:_ .'. ~J~ · \._._1!1 ~\l.A ! ~
c.~~r.'t n'

"-·~~ - ... ~~
r--1· r•· 1< J/'
~ ~-:.: · !J , ~ ...
lI !'pottings.
"I haven't C\'en seC'n ;~.ny· iden-
tified .flyir:r. objcds within th·~
past month, excc:·pt b!rrls," rr-
, 1ated Mrs. ~!icha<>lyr. Si1vern~nn. ·
ct 2.:.c-r-::)tic:n d th~ Reeves 1i C. tOo Pinccr()ft Driv~.
fs.rili'I/ s UFO ·h<l.5 ;bef:,r: •rc~
r : : ~ ~ cd ~ .:: e: 11 in 01!:.:; a r e a c n
I She sn!d that l'l•')ne or
· , neighbors in the M:1ple-Orc~1ard
Oct. l 7. 'I Lnke Road area had reported
A~ccrc'!:· ng to a t~:lE:phone set>ing anythir~ g unusunl in the
tall .rc-ct:-i:, ·.d, four teem:.gers
c~.ri v!ng l.~ .. .w,:1. a lof .~ing lr'OC.d
;: ~r1 n~ Ind :<.: n Cr. ~:ek ab~ut
. sky eithu.
. "One(: ili n whHe WE' ht:nr ar>.
; airp1anc g-o:ing by," ~he ndd€'ri. ·
mi .:~:-::r-:·~1~ .w-.:re ·.frfrrht€ned by i ''ht~t. thnl's n11."
a i.r::-n~21'! ~0i.!:O n?·:lt :?. f-.·_!)22: ~:~ -~-.J. I In ncighhorinr,: Bloomfu~1d
Is''··a ·Flying Saucer? f~':Jm ·a g uHy 0.U the road.
'Ii1e 1 =·r;~1: \'·:·s~ so · ~rtt~·nse n.:;
; Township, Cpl. Hobert Clcln~ll
; said that the po1ice thr:rc :
An Air Force cre.w ·that said it saw a true UFO above
Gander, Newfoundland, in 1956 had an· artist draw up this ·
:o r}~~~::·t~;;~~. c~~~~~;~~~~\~~~tc·.~·- 't haven't. hnd nny r.;>ports of un-
: identified flying objects. ""\'l~
con.ccption or what they saw. The Planetarium at the Chil- <'rl·\ .p :: :~snc> c1 ::d :t-! :e t<:·,ys to have a lot of wierd thing::; b'.~t th..;.in l;c.rtl ~ :1r:d th~n no gr<'en people,,. he dec!ar('d.
dren's Museum is now putting on a show all about UFO's The \",'est Bloomti~ld po1ke
and life beyond our Earth. ' . cc.::v :•:: c E~l t:1r: ·"coy.s it n:!~r':1t
be tc.o !L7:-.; c:cu::. to go b<::2~;: ~aid that otheJ' th:::.n the VFO :
report.; there was nothing ur.-
Pla. rtetai~illlll Sl1o,,1 l-Ielps ust;r.l hnr·f'C!dng in th!' tow~-
3hi~ . . . r,l) strnr:r- ~' <.'r<':ttures
wl\nderinC" ~b0ut. n.; wi.·;d new .

You I{ttO'lv If It's a UFO dwcilin :_ ~•.a: its:_____ /1

t:~·~:~c: :-~ :-:~·\ ~~.:--;g:·.~ s~E~·j : to r :1~
An "out-of-this-world" show is cr planet, one of the 600 million
::1 ·c; ~·~ -::~. it . L;; qtlit(: rr;.'J-
on in the Planetarium of the planets in the r-.Iilky Way. r, b 1e t :1 c :· . _. ·;.,-; 1 1 b e r: i :~ :. .:~ .i.n
Children's 1\luscum of Hartford. 1~he ~rogram at the museum, :_h: : :· c-:'.
, . whtch IS located at 930 Trout ) ~ :. ,. -. , ! : ::.. :.: : : ~ , !·;: :: .~ ..: e
1h_e thcr!1e ~r the prog~·am IS Brook Dr., West Hartford, goes, .j :' ,

an mvest1g<1tlon of UF Os-or on Fridays at 8:30 p.m., Satur- . e ~ ~ : '\ ~-: -~ n :l ~ ~ ~ ··: ! ~ : ; ·. g : s rr. :}:! r..-- ,
.... ~ :~ ; ·~ - --: \· ~ .: .:-:.~ 1.~ ·. ::: t:')
Unidentified Flying Objects. Its days at 1:30 and 2:-15 p.m. and .
· title is "Is Anyone Out There?" on Sundays ·at 1:30, 2:45 and 4 ··. . , ' )'. ·. - . c • : \ ," !'.._,..· <
and it takes the viewer on a trip p.m.
beyond the re::tchrs of the solar The show was produced in co-
system in a hu:1t for life -be)ond opcrat:on with the National lu-
, earth. . rcstigations Commiltc>e on Acri-
Film strips and n1ovics arc al Pbcnomcn:t (NICAP).
used to depict what thc~c It b!cnds facts, sprcul:1lion
strange objrct.3 might look likr <tnd frmc y ;.b0ut the po~ ~ibilit ies
flying thro u~h the stars. View- :of cxt r<l ·trrrr ~( ri~l in~rlli;: (· ncc !
0 t::'.,...,. ~, ~e~.~ "1 .f1 (
'"'"'=''• -, ,_,
7l ~~· .tn-:}:tit ;f?> 1· r/H !"/J.i 4'~ trr -;1~, I.., F."'!!o. c:... (1 ~J

~"··~ J1!!.r- rJ'·' fr.fJ'.


~~ N r-t ; ·"' ·~·1 l:
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h!J 1-i/;
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l ~ ~YjJt ~ ·~Hi.9 ~ ~r .f"D ~.O'-'r}
,/ f/ r~ ~·!
,.~ ~ \ J<I
~-dl \i~·~
';! f.
1, • r; I •' I
fl;r t" \:_9· \~~ f.J t1t o·
1.? ;) IV '
l:- :~ r01 Q~
t\~;.b H~ it (!., & ,.,. ~~~.l.i)¢.1
c· "'t,1 !_; (\.J tl f~ .
'.t-:..~ b ~ IJ c)
Btlr~'~au: <;,L.\ L, ~·
Hv C t\HY st::-.t:-.:en Wcath(·r thing was "Nllitc us tho nwon ends and a blark spot 1~car
Th(• ·. bri! ·~' c:jjt'd--·p;:;.-~:; iblv "I got more cails th~\11 l've Js v.:hi.t~, without gEtter. It the bottom. 'Flying ·saucer'
:1 kd!oon-~~~N~n in the sldc's hm.! in dght yenrs on U1is seemed to han~ there, lonC'ly kept crossing our minds but .
,.lf Upp[•; South Co.rv:·ina l:t5t jnb/' sJi(J -Mrs. Gladys and rcmcte, miles abo\'C the We didn't W.!\nt to say it.. W~
r:ig~:t l::\d n_i;~ b~-:a. :.tilthNitzl- Freeman, .switchboard two or three phm~s circling aU c:une to the · c(mclusion
ll'/el)' ld·!.l;tH!~d to<:!Jj'. operator at the •~ews-Picd- in the 3iC4L. that it must be a balloc.n.''

['c·'-· cr :r. i 1 ol'~
• • • .. ;;'> •S'!''<'(·~tc··T
',._ · j "• \,-.:;;• eo . L • · mont Co. '"fi1ty were cor.::;tant
· \.•
Curtis Smith of Pinnac1e . As twiHgbt cecpc;ncd into
!t t.V:J~ rt t• :Jt1 JfJ:J . .I:tt~t o!l!t;lal from G:3:J milii almost 8 Drive watched it \ hls
1 darkness 1he l)bject turnrd
~;i,3cp!s to ilh:r1ti!y it as such p.m." . fmnny in :2 su~\?rm:tr~~ct park, fiery red.
f,;w::. b;x'n fragmci:i~ry ~nct Tht? c-bjc:et app~r-~ntly was ing lot. . · .
(·.,:-.::adk:o:.-y. vi~~iblc in th~ Gre:;nvil!c area ''It' lo6kcd ltkc a piece of At 7:30 p.m .. 1'ay!ors Ji'irst
·~ · OJ;~ report. . SZ!id . •t h:e as early as 5:30 .· p.m. and glass v;ith the sun shining BJptlst Church Jet ;:Jtlt. :\len,
> ··~:::l·:K:n'' ong,nate<! ~~ disapp,;arcd to the east ab:?i.:t tht·ou~!i1 it.,' 1 he srtid. . women and children stopped
:.' ..H~:i:·ns, Ga .. .'Hl\:;th"~r s::11d 1t 7:~). . . In Clinton, Btmdy Cardpbell as Uwy came out ::md g;,ped
:' c~!'i.C I rom Alamagordo,! A nw.v:~man . it .!ts Qf ~~21 N. Bro~d SL l:1y on at tho thing in the sky. A
~; :\ _;,r. he ·was E-tcppin_g ·rr(!:n ht3 car his hRck nnd v;{ltcl:cd tho ob~ Jitn~~ boy s::dd ":-.-Iamma, it's
· Wl1af.~ver the object: \·~~~. at R rrst:-jilr<Wl ern By-Pa::;s j(•ct th:·,)ugh l.'iu~cu1:Jrs with a nying snuc0r!" ..
~~ f·:~c !tcd lhe irn;:;inf\tion or ··l!ighwav :~9l. : · · nei~ilhors. As for idcr1tiftc?.tion, a
::·:-:ur.)IHl~ in the Up-~; late. . ''It Wi.IS ~ ~ort or blnish sDok·:~man io1· t:1c Ft~deral
:t(;,)(\t;?t! S\',· itr~·lr,uard·:; ;.\t It ·,>:;:ts fitbcr round or oval crystal/' !w told 'HH~ Pied- A•.-iati'Jn Ag~ncy h~re said last
· ,- ·, ;tp~~rs .• r:-~fiio ;-,r,..J TV st::1 nnd <Jbout. tJ1o apparent size ·moat. •·w lo~,~~d. like t11cre
night: ---·-··-·- -
.,·1.'>:-•·· ~..:: .,,.,, t'·,.·1J"S
.:-· ' .l. "'' ~ · ~ (\ .~ ~:... •••
of a very large ~tar. But the were LrQ bright spcls on the
.\ ., (Co~ed~. l'a~~! ~~ :~01',0
I .~ .

rB~gh·~· Qbiecf Jjgh~·s

UD)' - . . ·-·--4••- - -- --··
I .. . -.. .. . . . -- --~~:- ~ · -:-~ ·.- -.~ - -,.. , ___ -:- .. ; -: --- - ·· ·- - - . -
~- ~~
"'A(90Z9 .
!l u•
. ... ·...
:' 1IV:V
~- \\. ~,....
..r.fI ' • ~~~-
j ·

n.e Al, '1\)


n t!!.t 11t~~~It
h~~ no·,:J1r~.... ?
J!.,.l7 ~.... II!,...,........

'd--. \-k:r .::;

I "-

A .
• en J.)I((;Q~TINUEl~ FRO~J PAG.f.:; l) I wc:\lhcr bureau . bcr~,

~.4; f''~ VJII'"~ ~fr . ~ tr\1 ~

~~t~ ! with At~:c~.ns.
I .

1- (/) ·0 l.O
~ ~I;. _
.. 1l,8
dcl\! ...c.. ~r !mma;) 'l'hev
··· li • , , . , "We
n CC
. Z 3 don't know · :mytrung
UV ~ UvJ VV 'V .,.., DI [L,~ · VJ ~ r~rec1 ·o .; ~ · 1 WC(lth(r balloon movmt~ east · .. bot•t
!, ~ .J
~ -.J (\j
• I ; at 50 000 feet. We think it " ·
C'- l h ' b;, 11 oon. h
•t t •r:s~.I 1s

,.....-.... . 0 -
~ C'·:t I wa s I r e ! e ~ s e d f. r o m I 0V ~. n g1ant

Evans said he contacted the Kansas · W ~ 1 t- r:...Li Alam ;1~o:~~~ N.M_., t::i> days I wh::tt 1_t was., ~lOV~~. :n.·.ay_ ~o
An object described by one ob5crvcr as
Highway Patrol on reaching Salina and the . 0:.: w 0 0 ' h~ · agQ, It's 2.h feet m chometer. I 1h_c ~~st~ Jts my~t . :l y
uso brighl il almost hurt your eyes" lighted
patrol later said it notified aviatiun I w Q ~ A pllot. mudt! a vh•ual iden- I WJth 1t. · . /,
up the sl\ics over the midwC'st about 2 a.m.
authorities who assured the patrol no plane \ ~ r ti.ficntion and said it had a
today, and reports flooded in from atr area w large rent in the side.''
was down in the area. ~ 1
extending from Grand Islalid, Nebr., to Fort At Cushing, Olda., Police Capt. Jim
But ttJc FAA both here and
Worth, Tex. o in Atlanta could not SDY wi1o
Kirk said "We were looking up in the sky --:-:-----:-::---,.,. .. ~-·-1 released the balloon i n
Coffeyville police said the flash was so and I saw it before it started blazing very
bright it illuminated the northern portioti of . Alamagordo, who U1e iden-
much . It was real large and I could sec red tifying pilot was, how close
the city, and gave the appearance of being fire coming out from both sides. As it (~ol -- - - 1 \ ·t'" ·
he could get to an object I•
almost like day. closer to Earth, it changed to a yellow ~~ :. nine mil<'s high, or how a
A truck dri\'cr travclin:! Interstate 70 glow," he continued, "and then to a rt'al (')
... ::; ~~
~ · balloon could stay aloft with
reported what he called a meteor and s..1id it Sit
... ..
s rip in the fabric.
• ,o
bright green." 0

exploded about 75 feet above ground ncar At Manhattan, · Kan., Dr. John C. <:::> c. 0
('-") ()
Solomon, Kan., according to the Associated Evans, director of the obscn•atory at Kansas ~ g M ~~ .; (To }11e hH>t qucttlon, Lyle
Dwight Evans, 41, the driver from
Stale University, identified the object as a I <i'"c,; .:a E ~ s !1i:--t.on of the U.S. Wz~thcr
Bureau ! here rcplk~d,· "It
<..D '--4 :;.. ~t!bjn
large meteor, referred to as a "fireball" when o en 'U ~
Kansas City, Kan., said, "The whole sky just t1 ~ouldn'l. ") .
~· .. 00 ~
~cmed to light up like an arc welder's torch.
it enters the earth's atmosphere.
He said that althou~h so-called
,.. ~ G
~ • :.1 0~
;r United I'r~ss International ·
There was this huge· ball of fire in the sky ~ > .:.J. tJ
reported today from Clinton
shooting stars arc frequently sighted, (.Q
that tl1c balloon wn.~ released
that appeared to be about the size of a fireballs are sighted only once or twice :> . :. g from ·a . weathct .station at
·:·;.~ , ..
compact car. It was blue, red and orange and year world-wide. He said fireballs range from I

there was a terrific amount of sparks coming 1 Atllens, Ga. But Dick Foster,·
two to 10 feet in diarnctcr while a shooting .• ~hid meteorologist at. thll
off of it. It exploded just before it hit . star Is about the size of a baseball. / "'""-
n.-n .. nr1 tt
(;, ([}: !L 1 :[
JJ.' tu ) ~
/f ,
!L~Dm ·o.vz:r~1{)fL8
n /1 , ~/1r[]J V./
d }'i' . .; --;- -n - ~ ~ -r
i1, i:- ...
!..- j ll,..
~~-.~r ~
·1'1 ...
;!, :1 ;/.,1} i~ i
I ;I ~ ~·;.1u -.. ;~ .ll
snys Mark rr,,·i~z ... It ts p!;; u.)ic'c · you're-2s feet ·av;ay from it, ~nd
By M.C. t-."aylor for us t; ~.; ;;d a m ~:1 fu;--~~ ~' th:-:n you certainly ccu!cL'1't see th~m Cct ob cr 23 t 1969
lfcra!d Journal St:~If Wrikr th~ me 0 n- he i:>:i't Ci:~~~:! bJck at night with the bright light Lo ~;nn Utoh
"Tv.·cnty·-two J\·ears of in- thOll!';l n.--· in 1,:, F '~ ti n.,~<> .. coming f:·om th~ , crdt." The (Her ~:.ld-Jou:cJ!-:~1)
vestigation into the phenomena T ' 't ' · ,.! • · ··~ ·' · "' "~ · object turm!d cut to be the
o ran' to th~ nr-:-,rt:>st st:1r
of UFO's, Unid~n~ified Flyi."lg (1n·:i t..: ck, fo:- ir.::: : c::lc~, ,.,. 0 ~ 1 ,1 bar11ing c!~bri3 of 2n early
Objects, h:1s sho·.n1 that there is t,:-, ~~e nt·JU ~ 2.5 f.• tld :-r .~ J'·e~rs, a;;d!an rod~et.
no scientific tvidence for their U:e1 d i s: :. nc~ frt1:n t::e e~it t ~ to l\1arko\,itz says that UFO OKLAHO:,fA PRESS
exi.c;tcr.ce what.c;ocver," .snys Dr. t: 1e s:.~: 1 i 5 c : 1 ~ h d m il!iv~ mania v;ill c0ntL11::e, even if it is CLIPPING BUREAU
William Markowitz in a speech tim 0:, t~ t! dl ~: ~1 :ice !roiTI t :: ~ decre2s!ng. He fi~l3 that one ~
(... Ohtnhornn City, O!d P. homn
presen~ed at Utn!'l State
Uni versity bst night.
e .1 r ~h t. 1 t i ·. ~ n rr: ·1 v;: ~ it:l: i.~ :.~ .)
t i-: c ~E :· ~ .-1 ;:;:; ·:: . _.\: 1 ·;. ::h t' ·.;:-
possib!e rc: 2.::0n for st:e:~ a mania
is that ma:1 has ahv8vs been
L--· "'---------
Those who attended the I~c- Marko\\itz. But the scientist who intei.:st2d in life LT'l "?~":oth er
world, or life in tQe hereafter. A HUSKOGEE, OKLAHOHA
turc \\ith Lle e:':pectation of conducted the original ex-
!e~:-ning about L'FO's may h3\'e perimcnts set forth his ; chart prc~kced by him showed Circ. 18,021
co;r.c away disi!lus!o r. cd. procedures, and other scientists tha~ in 1~ ;:~ tht:r~ •~· a~ an averagE
."J~i~OU6h Dr. ;.tarkowitz did r.ot could check his results . of e3 UF9 re~crtil1gs per montt '1 0-9-S 9
d~ny _their ex!stcnre, h~ did ~ay -Mlrkowitz -also cited some Us ted by the USAF, in 1957 ar ~ l c;. ~j-
U1at mtertcrres.trial travel was experime~t<; that didn 't work ~.ver?.ge cf 73 p~~ m0:1th, in l~Gl

impossible within all the laws of

physics we now know.
out. Such as the Scientist \7ho an av~rage of 33 p2r m:>:1th, anc
thought he had disco\·ered N . _in 1S53 an a·:~rage of 13 pe:
uo~;~~~~tified Flyin~ .I
Speaking on the t(lpic "UFO
Mania - A Chapter in the
Solfle facts supporting the "It c1oes seer~ peculiar,' Obiect Si~jhtcd Herei
proposition that intersteller conclu~ e s - ~.!ar~:o·"'·itz, "that th
History of Science." Ma·rko~\itz , USAF sl10u.ld continue thei Unidentified Fly i n~ Cbjt>cts made the !
flight is impossible, at least fo1 l\luskogee scene Wednesday at dusk
presented a lecture and slide~ ' us with our present· knowled,.P : .,_-i.'1vest!ga ~ions cfter 22 years o
which cornpJred the s~arch for causinr- Gooseneck Bend residcn~s tu
wa·(thf-! d:3tar.ce to get out c:f ;-;;. non-ccn 2lt!.ske evidence. Th
UFO's with C~rvantrs' Don notify toea I pollee in an effo:·.t to 1den- ,
• galaxy, t!:e s;:~~d · r, ,~ ce ssary to Canad i(:. r. go\·ermnent gave u:
Quhote. a -:;aaracter who fought · . tify the "airborne apparatus. . . .
e':car •"' gr:~ v ity, a ~d t1~ physical the s ~a rch in 1953."
-windmills thinking th~y were Leota Edwards, police radto dt_s-
incap2_bil !ty c•; c :1 :· present patcher, said s!1e recci~cc~ at leas_~ s~~
dragons. I::! also refuted the techno!('ZY. "I ha\·en 't said .
possibility that signtings of · calls concermng a sll\'cr-lockl~o
interstell·:!i f1i :;hf is i m r: y~::: i',lo"
-w•- · ""t disk near the Smith's Ferry Londmg
UFO's were factual. 0 • • • •:"

Dr; Markowitz is a physicist ·p resent technology v·•e -arc :. . on the Arkansas River.
and astronomer from Marquette ser.ding 5~0 [.JJ~md3 into sp:1c~ ior The Tulsa Highway Patrol headquar-
University. He has a Ph.D. in every S.1 oounds we b:-i n ~ bJc~'- ters advised local police that a check
Astronomy from the University Qcoting a "Look" 'Y.Titer who into similar reports from Tahlequnh
·of Chicago, and last night r.·as invcstiga ~ ed the UFO ; shc\'... ed the U.S. Weather B ~~ reau at
sp~aking as a gt:est cf Sigmi Xi, phenomon3, ~!c.rko r;i~z s:~ : d: "It Tulsa \\'ednesclay morning relc~sed ~
the national honorarv science was frustrati r.g ar.d a:-: ~;o y ir.g to weather baBoon which "prcbably ·'
f~aternity on cam~us. Dr. h~vc so mt~ch ev i d ~r.~.: e a ~d nut drifted towaru ~1usko gee.
Markowitz has published 2 1SG7 enough proof." As for some of Several 7\Tu s}~og~e residents rep_orl-
article in Science entitled ''The the supposed proof of l-TO ed seiner UFOs in 1967 at the hc:tght
Physics m~d Metephysics · of sightings, ~larkowitz's slides t of a se;ies of l?F'O ~ightings throueh-
UFO's.•' showed fuzzy and in- out the nation.
UFO mania, says Dr. distinguishable shapes which
Marko1vitz, is comparable to tl:e were rccortd as L'FO's. One of OCT 9 .. .1969
mania abo-ut witchcraft', these hjs proven to be a ·
spiritualism, or the end of the and har.d, another was an
world. He cited many instances eliptical li ght spct.
where people have held tm- Furth2r sightings, such as a
supporta b1e superstitions wh!ch · . 19 ·~8 UFO s pott~d by two pilots,
were later dispro\·ed by science. turned out fo be c o i1: r~:dictor)
1\r,·o wdl knovm tales arc t~e and ur.bdi::·.-ablz. Dra\·;ings b}
search for the philos ·~ph~r ston~ txlth pHots shvwd differen!
whici. su:Jpo:: ~dly tumeu n1et:Jk structurt:s, and a p~ 3s~ n ~ ~: r S..'l'·'
to gold, ar.d the search for the only a n ;1~h of t: zh t. .. The y al
elher of life. reported r;h:lt tl : ~y sJ·.~ ," say!
"Scientists arc not closed L--:-::;·_:,; : .~:: ·:..: ::.-::-::..·-;:.- · ·- ·:· - - · ··.·1
minded, however, as they have I;~arko witz, "but they all cc.r.'t
been accused," says the be ri::ht. It is not unusual for
physicist. "It is a scientist's peopl~ to see something cif-
·nature to be both curious and fer::!iit th2n \vhat they view."
skeptical." Science has even Another sighting not~d was
proven the truth of some foH• t~: .::t of a woman who de scrib~d
tales, such as the "Stones from ht: r craft and said that it had
Heaven" reported in 1802 by rive~ed sid e;;. "For one th!ng,"
some. pcns<1nts and which turned says M ~ r!~cwitz' "yc:..& can't see
put to be mcterorites. Even the the riwts on an a i rcr ~ ft t:!'J::!ss
discovery of X-rays was greeted
wi.th__ . . skepticism, says
I • a, VVV

·ccr 9 - .1969
0 c.,. {J -
v .
~ t'" I'\

.5() cc People
Seen JFlying Saucers
()-\~ ~· . '. :
w I'm ·not eoL'1g to b.~ a tenc~- 2n afternoon convers:ltton
.straddl1ng sr.!entlst tonight. I with Creek Pehbles editor the l'.liSSO l.ffil ..
bel1c ...·e th~t the earth 1s be!ng · on this topic, the lecturer was St. clos¢ph G~zo .. tc-
visited by 1."ltelli~ntly con-
trolled Vt•h1cl~s whose origin
quest1onc~d as ·to what typ~ of
pGrson the "true l.P.l1ever'' is.
\DDT 1 0-3969
1s ~xtraterrestr!~l . " The opt>n- Fr1edm::m statt>d th2t UFO be- J1l.I 1 O_l~ 69 ._ __ .-L--·- ·- ··--:_ --,.
1ng p~rrtgr a ph o! a sclence tic- llevers 1n th~ U. s. come !rom. • ,.., ..... -•. ··~
: ~ .. ""~-.,.·•. 1-·-•J. !.: r.--~·-J
"· ~-~ ... ~
,~ ,,.,,...... ~.. r . .....
..: J,
~" fi
,._.h.. ...... ~~
f ::~Y - - .* r.r-\
... ~
Uon novel'? No, th~se words all levels of society, a1l pro-
echo.~d thro~gh Turner A \..XU- fesstons, and all age g-roups. · · () v"'"'q v .
J" g.
·· ">'.1.:-;. ~--'!c r- · · ·. · J··r-UJ
· -~-'~c]
-·- ~-·· ; .. '7
...... _..::1 V.~;_,
~t ........
:"l n'
.... ~ ·.-J ~· :··
tor!um last Thursd3y n1eht as
Stn.nton T. F!ledman, nuclear
He believes young~r ~ople are
usually more easily convlnced,
A rr.. .a
/ ·''1;r- · · : ~ \ {(' .::;_
r ·1 . 1
~j I) /
T ....all... -'-·
•. S .... .:. j a
in .th~ s!iy e:tSt c! SL Jo:;~ph.
. 'J
\.. r:)t
LrJ<..;r. 1•,-A'
phy~1d s t ~nd UFO b~!lev::.-r, but do0sn't consider a€:i? as any flft f.·:"!'!-'"• · .
. fl .~ ·'("C'J1',-:.....
. . ~\ r.:~ . A!} ''I1.1'1
... n''ut;~,,
~ ~- 1;. • .;...-1
S", , ._.._._,
"nh.• man
II l
began a lecture en hls favorite criterion for p:ckln~ a UFO sup- Llli u L.~. '-"......, .....,,~ ~ ... .J . ~ ~ for C:-c~~ Erot:-;~,·~ Tn::::~;
topic - flying saucr.-rs. porter. . ·: • Lines bror;ned th~ p~trol ha
Calling himself •the man ·,dth Frledm~.n
mcide th1s conclus- ~Ptr~ 8 ~~~;~ -~~",
tJ11\}' \~~.3i"0Jv.:;,U
· spotted the flash '';hilc tran:.
his !ing,?:r \m the public pulse 1on en the rosts o! his contact . ·11!n~(east of Troy, Kan. He ~~ i d
on un!dentWc-d fly!ng o~,j~cts>" with ~~opl(~ ·1n h1s lecture trav- Persons in this area who ~aw ; 1t vpp~ared .to be south of tt .a t
FriFJ:nar: went through :w1 hc·ur el1ng. (He has t ;<? en in 17 states; a brilliant objEct nash across.: area. He sa1d· the flash was at
and one-~• JlfatternpHocc.n·.r1nce this is his se~ond ~orth Caro- ihe sky . early Thurs~ay morn- : first b r i~ht, t~~n turn~d orange,
tlH~ auc!1r::nce, L~ an almost lina tClur.) The scientist said ing are 'asked to cont;lct a ; then incmere:!ed. ·.~ .
crowdw audl!orltim, that" fly- that he had b€en .. uncornfort- geolo-gy . professor· at
the· Uni- ! The brilliar.t. Ught .was sighted
lng s~ucors ;lre worthy of rny able" only one tim(~ during his versity ..of Kc:msas. •_-. ~ !.in Kansas1 ~.lls:;oun and 0~1~-
att(!J'itiou, and your attention) past ten years o: lectur!.ng-. That . Th~ profc2sor is D.!'. t{i1liam i roma.
and the attention o! just about was at a nc'.I.'S cont01·encf' in Van Schmus, \'iho is v.:.orking ·
ev~ryh..:Y.:i y else.'' New Enghmd se,: er2.l ye ars ago, with the· Smith:!Gnir:t;J lnstitu·
Frkc m:in was apparently when ncn~ of the people be - tion's . Astrophysicfll Opsen•a-
successtul in rcachlne L'11s goal l1evcd him. tory en such matt-:~·s. He l:-:o pcs
with .at lPast 50 p.:oplc ln the Talking about the hoax proh- , to c!etcrmir:e if it \':r:s a meteor- TIMES-NE\\'S
audicnc~, s!nce a b ou~ u~~t mtm- lem involved, Friedm~J""l stated ! itc · and find som::! particles of Lincolnton, N. C.
her s1r;nif1ed thJt they h~d seen that this fo.ctor hurt U1t> UFO it, if pos~iblc. i M-W-F 1, 5 82
a flying s2uct-r. 1'he sdt'ntlst image gTeo.tly, and h<:> credited ; The Pro!~ssor r~n be con- ·
raised this query durin g ~. 30.. his own former s~.:c pt iclsm : t~c: e d at his office by telc- :
minute Cit:f?st1on a.r:o:.l ?.r!.s wer partly to this factor. Wh ~ n ask€<! .1r:: ~ n ! ::~ ~l:·S3!-·: '£ 11 or ~t his !
pertod aftE>r the lecture. stu- ..,.;h:it caused .him to c:')me to I' t. .... ..... . ·.....,~-,
... .·
c....... ,l·r.~·~.,~ ,. ,., r-"'? 1• .
,. 1 ~J ~..Lv - ...,."" ~ "' \,; '·.J n r·
dents, te~chcrs, and local bel!avr in trFO's, the l E-cturer t JJrt '\'irc::~~, 1:2:1. ·· I
~.&. .. "'\,.J'"V'-1..,.1•~ .I.\ .... , , v., .
p\?ople were among the 50 p.:·ople s ~id +i1 ar 1t "kind _of gTew o:t ·1 · Tr2:;:~1 JJOnald D~~13<Jn of the 1 .Z.1,

with s 1 gh tin g cxperiencts.

From th:.t num ber only t·;~.·o
h!m" as th(~ result of rc:~dint"
1n the !!eld, shx!y!ng s1~t1~~
t, S~ a t~ HigiWI[IY Patrol here rc- · ~~!,J;:;:~~J,~Zv\'!;,1
stated th ~;.t they h3d reported ~
such ln~ki ences.
Corm r• c: nth:g on · th1s po1.n t,
the n u ch:: ~r phys1c1st sa!d the
repor\s, ..2nd talking to ob-
servers. (He was nc;~ a tr--
lie ~:er until ten y~ars 3go.)
0-' lt 5~
!"cal prol,Iern with f,t:ttlh f: tothe In sum nt?.1·y, th~? scl£>:1U ~; t
trs a bird ·\ >:; :i p1~ne. !io--i!
trut h about uJ;·o•s is a ps yc!lo- s~id th~t GF O's, ESP, ::md as- :·r.\'ntlfi ~· d (1bjec·t in tf:
lo;k ~J.l o: : ~. usiE:,t.tings a:r 0 :tc- trolog-y a:r e l!ke C!th ~ r sd z r:Ufi{" ~!,~: th:1t h~ .' 1'e·. .·n l1c ·.=-~ri!ig o":(
tua!!y vt.:ry co:n;';';On ~s ir~d!c~t­ fh:·lds in th~t · 1t t«kes t1mr ·. 1J ur mG t i i t.! J. 11 ,, L !.1-: a>. u•1':J ,,
l~i 1:'"~o1::.t o n !c...r t '.=: (' d o y~ rtt) \V o
ed by HH~ J>O.$!the respons11 of for ~oplQ to occ~ r-· t n~w facts. lf_ dur~> tht• scientist used many
corc1ing t~ inf,);-n ; c;rj ~O ! ~l'Cr~.
5-l 0~ of the r~o;lle in mv "Even cmin ~·nt s cientists ar l? -! gl'::tPhs, tRb1c'S1 :wd pktm·c~s to-~ .R0sid.:>n ts ()f !- · · i •c !. Li n e\!)
lE!du:rr~ a-:.:dic> but th e!-~ un·;,·11Hn f: to lc•.:o k ~J r:~ ·-,:: fact.s Sl!ppcni his b 21!c f. All o! this
ton first ::.:< • he '-lri gt
exists a ·b~::tte!· curt :dn' ;vh1c.h or giw up H1\dr n :::.Uon s ~ t-J\: ~ i.!liClnn :dkl!1 ·.v;:1s b:: ::> ~? :J o:~ ••rc:- ~·ilirir; y obj cd i:!:.: ' h 1
pre\·ents fnQ.!'~ t hr,.r: no-::, (l:t:F'o th !n ~s th at t!;i vt? s t.:~:, ~c\ :; i: d ~ y t)r.::0n po i·ts c;f s-i r;Ltlncs 1 t"i ~ ::; cr!ptions unmoved ir. Jol'? ;_:(• r: v,·.::cL·.c
ObS<H"V(•r.s !re m l'l"Ji O!' ti !l ~ \':~;; t prove...-:! l m p c:s !3 1l'1c· ~;; th ":: p'"' s t 0 ~ '.';h o.t P·:>c;>k ~ ;~ V i· ~.::-;; n c.r o~ S nk day. _
t ~~t·y !1:\ -.- (· .s t:: c-1--. l r; t L i.:- sky :-L:""iC:
th'""Y Ol:-$ E'r\'t..~ 1 esp\? C1 :'i 1ly ..,,.~e n 1 1\ew id e:ts cn mt: t o l)2 3 C (; ~:r t ­ . As' C;c: : ic~~:·:) 5!::-c:::.c ~, :~ _c.-
<ts is some timEs th l! c :1 s e, ed r.ot b>::-c ~ u ~L> th dr o;:.> ;>D :: .:-' :~ t s on L'l e f'!'Ot.;n d. ·" t ·J!!col ntc' n _Cit ;::-::: r' s t i p ~i :: •i c~)':
'creatun·s' :1rc: ohscr..-.:•d as die, but h:~_c:lusc· a nc--.v b"~·n e r­ \'/ncn ?.s kt>d 1: h:; ~; ;J d i'vc::· ~, !n\n .S!r (.: 0t O: t)·:~ 1 .:3 1';:' :~ c : :t 10 ·~·
we !I as m:1ch 1r:t:·s. ~ .atio:1 c:)mes up,., hC' conclude s. S<? N1 :-t flyinG s;-.-uct-r, F'~ · iedri;:: r: rjt~g up int o t'i1<· .s!:y. T ( !t? ;- hc
l'f'Sj):)n:J ;:vj b th1s \'." :?. }': ··~;o, linrc :-{t th ·. . 1"i rt~ t ~ · ~·: t~ ':.,· .:; y ,·::-
b~:t I k 1\' Co nev('r ~ 2 .: ~ c ::? ::r on !~ept b i; ; y [cr :t:; r.r,·::\ !::",.1!;.; ; / c,
e!t~ ;t · r ~ f~o r 13 yt:~ rs of \\·o~ k h0 t1r t c:\.~~<·· ,,_:; q ; re;:.) ;·t.:. d t'
l.: 1 f#~ <· ·:·: ~~S . 1·; ::\ i C Prt~\ ! ~l ~ Y t : :.'-:~
~:~·~ ~~:·; ·~ ':~~ -~~~~~~---/~L - -··
. (:._,_.( ~c;J's M~P, G~a-o..r-=- .:r>E.!woctf',AT e;d,.1- o/ .
I rAli F I• L
·-E ~gnr
~ De '
arecror " U~pS C.:/ ;t~ ~,. L+ : ('\'1s . ;~t-.-vv,u_ ~. ~~ho ~ +'- t~,{ ·: St<~e~ ;<
Q • . ~ J q U I
i "tlVe -an9!ea r
tr I
I !?'0:, rr n (i r--" f\1 r~ o . p rr o If.\ fl. H fl r; fE o .-.q <::).
~2 ooc1 ~Jf=~u ~O ~ rfi7rliilorDrois
. j1~fe u:""'ff@f?(Cg 7t«JJ &, __
rona .
Dy RO!JERT E. HOLDEN excited nhout tho moon lnndlng qunrtcrcd In Tucson. are dedi· ~ule thnt the genorn1 public Is The Air Foree wns a prlme a·bout the motter of UFO~. ~
t lob~-D c :n ~ c rnt ~!arf W!': t~r . that fl yin r: sJ uce rs h:we become catecl to gatht•ring information reluctant to make reports of mover in getting the report pub· As Sutherland suid. "If n pe1
; .. Gn: uenti fied what? .. b~:-k ed nnti-cli :1~ ~ ~i c. on sightings around the world in si ghtings." lished at a cost or $510,000. son takes a prejudicial view on
U c n•::m n~ police h ·~ad q u:~r tcrs. 1\lthot! J~ h the re h:1s been an attempts to verify them. "And the Air Force be "Our or~:ml:r.atlon is in de- way or nnothcr, he is only kicl
'Ti1c r c.i- rJ r ~er pc:-~:i s ted , "Uni- a p p a r c n t dt>cre:u:e in UFO "Our bi g~est concern in the damned, we're goin~ to study pendently find ing out more thnn din~ himself.
. d = ~ nt i f i c d f I yin ~ r :,j::t.:tf- , ha ve si g htin ~ s in recent weeks, there Unitt:!d States is getting people this thing," s~id Epstt'in. the Air Force is," s:tid Ep ~ tcin, "1 think the scientific commt~
y0·.! i 1 ~ d J ny rcpor!s of th em urc sUI! s o m~ r eoplc who t:tkc who IHtvc ~: tor :cs to tell to turn lie was referrinf~ to the rcder- "nnd why they wnnt to keep rc- nity in general is VJilling to b
l:1t·.·:y ?" the m:1tter quite seriously. them in, .. said Arthur Epstein, n I government's recentiy-pub- ports co v c red up we don't open-m inded about the subjcc
··: !cy. ti1at's a f, :)Od one, I Members of t\ (~ ri : tl Pi H•nom t~- ·:1 clwrtc•r member of the St. li shcd C0ndon report on tJFOs. know." b c c u use to be closc-m indc•
n' edeu a b. u ~h :o 1: :-c~tk up the nn R e s c ·a r c h Org:mizntion Lou is APRO ch apter. which di-:;counted the flyin~ snu- THERE ARE p e r h n p s still <1 bout Uf-0,; would be extre m e ~ ;
J: y." h~ c:10 rtlcd. (Af-'RO), a n a ti o n:~! group head- "Thc:-c hns been so much ricii- ccr theory. some un ~ nswcrcd questions unscientific," he emphasized.

:·:::·.-c ~ !ed : the re ius t !1~s~1't been · '!"

: > d ~p h!!: of ~ood VFO si ;; h ti n ~ s

:'"! rrcc nt \': c c k ~.
····.-:.: s GAVE THi:r·! a Iandin;;
ci'. :H::!.ncc (l!1d all UFOs have
October 7, 1969
· .::: ~ ~~d ." qui;;p ~ d n ii! z ht <1ircc- O.:;.k::id3e Orceon
h :· in the control to\';t·r at L -.. m. (Tclcc;'l.. orn)
· - :·t-St. Lo t: is ·:.-l u n : c ir~ l Air-1
~ ... -~

t \.• . l .

''011. :1bout a m o n ~ h a.~ o. we

... -. . :;<; :' :l~ <:;Il ls w: ~<: n <ll1 Gd vc r- ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ B~~~~ ~~~~~
: ·; ~:· Cl:w a b:~ i~<· e r b o ~ ~l c O\'C r ~~~-~ 0 oo.oo."d~ro~o~<~'Oo>«~~c~>
~fgciiO"::;'!::l ::::.~~3:Jollo'g.roco~ ~· c~Er._,
t, ~~ 1: .: ! i~~r~ :J. t ~:;~ h t.'• 1H~ ~:.::: d . cigo.roi"cog~.:; ~· S:ii)qo~-oo-5 ~r::~ C: ~
·, r,..,.. ." \' '"" in ~ ...;.,.. l'~ :· re•·c:1 ti Ul~~ f-«!?"ro~O:,... ::l~JI.'c 2'?.:1 · ::.1~0~
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Ollowa Jcurnol, Ont.
Circ. 78,318
Scpfcmb~r 4, 1969


·:~~ ®rru~n~~®©~ CLIPPING DUllEAU

Oklahoma City, Okln.homn

G06·~ ScoJys O~]~ch·. '~v'if©JS ~e©J~ Circ. 3,860
SEP 11.1969
A~11~~ Ou~~y Sfin Fe~~ AW©JY •9-11'-69
DATE: .............. ·---·-·····--·--··--··-·
CHAPEAU, Que. (Stnff) - So frightened she .. could not 'cd within 12 miles of Chapeau r uo siGIJ'fEn- --:; 1~ ·:,--
Terrified by an unidentified fly- move at first",'' Miss Oulctte rc- ~1ay 21, June 5 and July 13. 1 An unidcntifieci' '- objecT was
ing object, an 18-ycar-old Allu- covered sufficic11tly to !~ave the ~liss Oulette said \Vedncs- 1
sighted by numy rc-~iclents of
mette Island hotel waitress bedroom. ·· day morning's phenomenon was ! this community Saturday n l gh~

spent two hours alone in an up- ••1 went back at seven and it witnessed by Bob l\'IcLauchlin ; but the object in the sky did
stairs corridor Wednesday wait- was gone." of Pembroke anci John S~ott,
I not seem to be flying . The pllc-
1 nomenon was ol>sc>n:ed for mo:·e
· fng for daylight. The hotel propricter's wife, 16, of Ottawa, a member of the i than nn hour bc·tween 8:30 an j
"I w:is afraid to go back to Mrs. Alcide Dubeau, sa id she hotel band. · 1 10:00 o'clock ·nne! caused quite
my bedroom," Pauline Oulettc was wakened by l\I iss Oulctte "I saw this not more th<m six · a :1it of interest and a rash of
told reporters. before daylight. feet away from me and H was tel e phone calls to the weather
For half an ·hour, the girl and "I got up, but this light was real," she snid. bureau and Tinker Field Air
two men had watched the UFO so far away at the time that it "There are just no two ways Force Base.
from the parking ·l ot of Ghcz looked like an unusually bright about that." A reculiar light appeared in
Charles, a mile south of Cha- star," !\1rs. Dubeau sai.d. Stott · said tl1e small light - . the western sky shortly after
peau. ..1 thought Pauline had had made a whirrinP0 noise was j ; 8:30 that loo k ed like a blue
White and red the Iioht \Vas a bad dream and I told her to green and silver jn colo~. and - i moon behind a hazv cloud. For
...flashing quite a' bit, th:n stop- go back to heel.'' had n three-foot-long antenna 'j ; more than an hom: it changed
! i color and shape, separated,
ped flashing and stayed white.'' Later, ~1rs. Dubeau learned pro~ruding from its side. ·
,, t t b t that Paulmc had spent two ~1cLaughlin said the m a i n
s 1 then disappean·d. The object
1 wen o my room a ou h · th h II f ·d 1' • .- chr,ngecl from blue to yellow to
half past four and saw it again t ot~sd Ill c a ' a ra i to go tlgnt was bright red an~~ r~d. changed shape and took on
from the windows " said Miss o c : . ~ ashed on and off at regular th~ appear-ance of a rainbow-
Oulettc. • UFO s reportedly were sight- mtervals. colored disk; grE:'w, separCltecl ,
"Ten minutes later, a small 1 changed back and forth from
1 i hlue to green before fadin g
craft left the large one, came
into the yard nnd went from t; from the sky. I
one window to the other." r 1 The extraorc1:nClrv occurrence 11
• 1 was explained on t-he late news
- ' u on television that e\'ening. The

.. ·. . . · : -· . . q

odd lights
1 and shapes were
, ' caus(<i by ba~·iur11 wt:ic:h wr.s
· · plncNl in the atrnosphcrC' for
· ex:Jc>rimcnt~l purposes by sc ! -
entists at \\'hite s~mds, :\ew
:\lc-:-dco. It w<:s stated that fur-
ther such experiments were ex-
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