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Assignment Instruction

Purpose of this Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to give the student an opportunity to research a topic
of interest to him or her, within the area of Government and Business. The idea is to
explore an issue that the student is unfamiliar with, and use this opportunity to research
and educate yourself.  Consider BOTH sides of the problem, and be objective in your
comments.  The paper is to be about 10 pages in length (double-spaced), plus the Title
Page and bibliography (which usually has at least 5 to 7 references cited).  Please use
Times New Roman font at size 12. Other than that, you may use any professional
format you like (Chicago, MLA, etc.).  Feel free to include charts and graphs as
This is a research paper, so it is expected that there will be some paraphrasing and
quoting of material from other sources, which is fine as long as the cited material is less
than 30% of the total.  All reports are checked for plagiarism by the SUU Unicheck

Topic: "How Hierarchies may be Detrimental to Business." 

Prof Feedback: So, if by hierarchy you mean the centralized organizational
design, then that would be an interesting topic. You could show how
generally, the more centralized a business is, the less flexible and
responsive they are to changing customer desires and competition. Just be
sure to include something about government (like the bigger a firm is, the
more power it has and the more likely to be regulated).

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