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Claire Divas

Complete Healing From Trauma


Claire Divas

Copyrights© 2022 Claire Divas

All Rights Reserved












Claire Divas

One of the hardest parts about being human is being
vulnerable, trusting, and letting go. These are all parts of the
process in healing from trauma.
All of us long for a happier, more fulfilling life. But with
bad moments in our own growing up, it can be hard to
imagine reaching what we dream of outside the pain.
Everyone has setbacks, failures, painful things in their lives.
But these are the moments when you have to take a step
back and evaluate everything that happened in order for you
to get where you are now.
Our traumatic experiences from life can play a significant
role in how we tend to view ourselves and others.
Sometimes it can be difficult to put certain memories
behind us or get past a past event that affected our lives, but
what if the power lied within trusting the wisdom of


The process of healing from trauma, commonly used to

treat survivors of sexual assault, is not always easy. And
sometimes, making it worse for oneself can seem like the
easier option at the time.
Written with hope, wisdom, and humility over years of
fulfilling the therapeutic... "So, you messed up. And now
someone cast a bad vote on your work or you bumped into
the wrong person and they responded in a way that was
disappointing or hurtful. You probably felt like no one
understood what you were going through and it seemed like
there was no way out of this sticky situation."
Trauma can cause you to sink into a depression that won't
let go, leave your self obsessed with your pain, or have no
escaping thoughts of the tragedy that caused it. But any
trauma survivor knows there are things they can do to
improve their wellbeing and put down their dark pasts. It
can be difficult to know what you are feeling when you are
in a period of depression or in a state of turmoil. You don’t
always know how to get back to the person who you were
before everything went south. You have to be brave enough

Claire Divas

to embrace your past, to heal from trauma and not let it

define you.
You are here to make a difference in this world. You are
here to tell your story. The unravelling of the person you
once thought you were, does not define who you are now.
This article will show you how to heal from trauma by
showing that there is much more life waiting for us after the
darkness - that there is hope after heartbreak.
Trauma can happen to anyone. Whether it's a sudden,
terrifying incident or something that happened over time,
trauma can lead to lasting emotional pain and stress. It
doesn't have to stay with you for the rest of your life,
though. Stress can cause everyone to feel overwhelmed.
Everyone has their own methods of coping with stress, but
everyone benefits from learning how to manage stress and
its consequences. The effects of trauma can be long lasting.
They may not always stay with you, but they can still affect
your life in numerous ways. You can't always know where
trauma will come from or what form it will take. In many
cases, the causes of traumatic stress are unknown, making it
difficult to fully understand what you are feeling. When


traumatic stress takes hold, you can feel helpless and at the
mercy of your experiences. You must be careful not to let
your feelings of helplessness turn into feelings of
resentment. Try not to choose anger as an emotion or way
of coping with your trauma. It is possible to be angry and
still be strong and healthy. Anger, when used in the right
way, can be a powerful stress reliever that helps you cope,
but when it is used without a purpose, it can backfire and be
destructive to your emotional health.
Accepting your feelings of anxiousness, anger, or
hopelessness does not mean you are weak. It means that
you are alive and moving toward healing. Courage is the
capacity to act when you are afraid, regardless of how much
it costs you. It is the quality of being brave, not reckless.
Courage is about standing up for what is right, even when it
costs you something. It is about saying no to what makes
you feel unsafe. You do not have courage when you avoid
or avoid going through something that makes you feel
uncomfortable. Not only are you hurting yourself by not
facing your feelings, but you are being dishonest with
yourself. The truth is that it doesn’t’ t matter what you do to

Claire Divas

avoid your feelings. You can’t change your feelings; you

will always be uncomfortable when you are in the same
situation, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.
Feeling safe is about not running away. Feeling safe is
knowing that when you feel scared or uncertain, you can
tell your parents or friends about what you are feeling. It is
not about being perfect or brave, it is knowing what you are
feeling and talking about your feelings with people who
love you.
No one can make us feel safe or comfortable when we are
in a dangerous situation. That is where the real danger lies,
not in the situation itself. The real danger is when you feel
like you can’t talk to someone about your feelings. If you
can’t even talk to your parents or a friend, you can’t tell
them about the dangerous situation you are in. So, to avoid
feeling unsafe, you need to learn how to deal with
dangerous situations. Here's how to heal from trauma!


Claire Divas

Healing from Trauma
It's hard to understand the causes of trauma, but some things
seem to make it worse. It can be triggered by violence,
abuse, or neglect. If you've experienced one or more of
these things, you might want to explore some ways to heal
from trauma. A few options are: talking to a therapist
expressing your feeling in writing going on periods of
meditation. Your psychotherapist can help you come up
with other ways to cope. Your therapist should also give
you plenty of opportunities to talk about the trauma or
Depression and Trauma. People who experience trauma
often turn to depression as a means of coping. Although it
may seem impossible to work through a trauma, there are a
number of effective techniques that may help you overcome
the depression. These include: talking about your feelings
expressing your feelings in writing getting a daily dose of


sunlight or even wearing your favourite colour. If you are

feeling overwhelmed by depression and trauma, seek help
from a counsellor or therapist. Your therapist can help you
cope with your stress and find ways to move on. It is also
possible that your therapist is a survivor of mental illness
and would be happy to put you in touch with others who
may be able to help as well.
Be aware that your feelings may be a part of the depression
and you may not feel better until you have dealt with them.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Despondency is a disposition issue. It has three primary
indications: The individual feels tragic and sad and has a
tireless sensation of bitterness.
The individual feels miserable and sad and has a tenacious
sensation of trouble. The individual might care barely at all
about things they used to think often about. The individual
might care barely at all about things they used to think often
about. The individual feels useless, blameworthy, or

Claire Divas

useless. The individual feels that the person in question is

an awful individual, has no life reason, and doesn't have the
right to live. The individual might feel that daily routine
does not merit experiencing and might need to end it all. At
the point when an individual encounters these
manifestations, look for help as quickly as time permits. As
per the National Institute of Mental Health, despondency is
a typical and genuine condition that influences a great many
individuals every year. More than one out of five
individuals will encounter despondency in the course of
their life. Since anybody can experience the ill effects of
melancholy know about the manifestations and look for
treatment assuming you figure you might be encountering a
burdensome scene.
Comprehend that downturn can strike anybody whenever,
even individuals who don't give off an impression of being

Five Simple Steps to Healing From Emotional

1. Be Willing to Heal


The longing to feel better can be your best partner making a

course for recuperation. Try not to surrender to the inner
self, which will attempt to tell you something isn't quite
right about you: there's nothing bad about you. The
responses you experience as a result of injury are just
reactions—they are not what your identity is.
2. Acknowledge Support From Loved Ones
When mending from enthusiastic injury, associate with
others routinely and try not to separate yourself. It takes a
town to bring up a kid, however it likewise takes a town to
mend an individual. Encircle yourself with the individuals
who backing, love, and regard you will be important on
your way to recuperating.
3. Look for The Assistance of Trained Professionals
You might wish to go to individual or gathering treatment,
search out well-qualified conclusions and get the assistance
of somebody prepared in the field of enthusiastic injury,
who you feel OK with and trust. Medicines might zero in on
instruction, stress the executives’ methods, the arrival of

Claire Divas

body recollections, and smothered feelings that are causing

physical and mental torment.
4. Practice Meditation and Mindfulness
Contemplation helps calm the prattle of the brain, to permit
you to encounter shrewdness, acknowledgment, and another
appreciation forever. Passionate injury gets put away inside
the body, so notwithstanding treatment meetings, the body
incredibly profits by entering neglectful minutes and having
a care practice.
5. Join Movement into Your Daily Routine
Yoga and different types of active work discharge
endorphins and cause you to have a sense of security and
stable. Guarantee you routinely take part in actual work to
assist with making good sentiments which have been
destroyed from passionate injury.
It very well might be difficult to trust this now, however
you should recollect the heart mends. Love yourself enough
to accept that you merit asylum from agony and
languishing. With confidence and readiness to make the


right strides, you'll experience new degrees of satisfaction,

appreciation, and essentialness whenever you've mended.

Claire Divas

Steps to Recovery
Understanding what has happened to you is the first step. It
is important to be able to identify the event that happened
and what effects it has had on your life. You should also
have a plan in place for any future trauma that could come
up. This may include looking into things like anger
management or ways to manage flashbacks. have the option
to discuss what occurred.
Once you have come to terms with the impact of your
traumatic event and put together a plan for how you are
going to handle any future traumas, it is time to move
forward. It is important to remember that trauma does not
define who you are. It just makes you who you are. It does
not define your personality, your emotions, or how you act.
Trauma is just a part of you, but it can be there for some
time. It does not define you. It is something to remember
when you are feeling lost, ashamed or depressed. It is also
important to remember when you are successful at what you


do. The more successful something like this is, the harder it
can be to accept. You do not want to go through all the
successes and then feel like a failure after it all. When you
are a success, it feels great to be successful. When you lose
your confidence in something, the losses can really hurt
because it is almost like you are losing yourself. With
trauma, you are not losing yourself, but it is still tough
because you know. You do not want to be traumatized. You
want to feel successful like you are in control of your life
and not like you are out of control.
I will say, though, that I do not think you are a failure for
not being the best. Your recovery is not down to you. As far
as how you think, others may look at you and see you as a
failure. As long as the people who matter to you and
support you see you as a success, I think that it is what
matters. You can never change other people's opinions, but
you can change how you see yourself. Do not let anyone
say you are a failure.
You should listen to people who have been successful at
recovery. Some of those people have been to prison and
some of them have not. Some of them were even in prison

Claire Divas

for the same things that you did. Also, think about how you
have helped other people struggling with addiction. If you
have done that, then you have made a difference in
someone else's life. I think asking yourself if you have done
something to help someone else with their addiction is
much more important than looking at what people think of
I do not want to leave you without telling you what I think
is the greatest success story. I know that some of you may
not think that anyone can be helped. I'm not saying that you
will be helped, but I am saying that there are people who
have been and they can tell you what it takes. I know that
you are looking for the answer to the question, "What is the
secret to overcoming addiction?" My answer is that no one
understands until they have lived it. No one knows until
they have been there. I don't think there is a way to
overcome addiction under any circumstances other than to
live it. I know that some people will say, "That's cruel"—
and maybe there is an alternative way to say it— but I don't
know of it.


It's also true that if there were an alternative, you would all
be doing it. All of you. But you are not doing it because for
some reason life has set things up so that you all have the
choice to head in this direction or not. And I don't know
what choice you all are making, but I know the only way to
get out of it is to live through it.

Claire Divas

How To Be Ready For Recovery
Recovery from trauma is a process that can take some time.
It's important to be aware of the fact that just because your
symptoms have gone away doesn't mean that you are
healed. A lot of people who experience trauma have fear,
anxiety, or flashbacks. This is all normal and it will most
likely subside with time. Having a plan for when this
happens and what you will do when it does is important.
You can also talk to an OCD therapist about coping
methods that can help you while you're going through this
In addition to participating in various support groups and
therapy sessions, it is also important to have a good support
system that you can turn to when things get overwhelming.
A therapist or mental health professional can help in this
regard. Some people find that support groups are helpful in
coping with OCD, but sometimes you can get a little too
focused on the "flaws" in others. Your support system can


help you see all people as having qualities that make them
unique and special to you, not flaws. For example, if a
person you know has a great sense of humour, you can use
it against your fear of contamination. If another person has
a great family life, you can use it against your fear of doing
harm to a family member. If another person has a great,
healthy relationship with his or her partner, you can use it
against your fear of being alone. As you can see, all people
have special qualities that are not "flaws" at all!
Sometimes people who suffer from perfectionism may not
be able to develop "compassionate self-compassion"
because they do not perceive their own flaws as "special
qualities." When these people do not realize how important
it is to be compassionate with themselves, they may find
self-criticism is the only way they know to cope with their
wounds. Individuals who have been raised by narcissistic
parents or by other people who have been hypercritical or
controlling may have an especially hard time learning to
accept their "flaws" in order to cultivate deep self-
compassion. Even when they are in the presence of other
people who are loving and kind, these individuals may be
quick to judge others or themselves. These individuals

Claire Divas

sometimes call themselves "victims" or "martyrs" for

having endured the pain of others' neglect, abuse, or
Criticism can be a direct result of childhood neglect or
abuse, but it can also be a result of an underlying need for
power and control. As children, we learn to receive and
respond to the criticism of others. Like a mirror, this critical
voice reflects back on ourselves what we believe about
ourselves. Over time, we become not only critical of
ourselves, but also of others.
When we are criticized or judged by others, it is like a loud
voice in our head that is saying, "I am not worthy of love!"
We might disguise this voice and use it as our own mantra.
Self-criticism can be a result of childhood neglect, abuse, or
other trauma. It can also be a result of underlying issues
such as mental illness, depression, and drug abuse. If we
internalize this voice, we might feel as though we cannot
live up to it and must suffer further disappointment or
punishment. If we free ourselves from this voice, we can
allow others to see our true potential. In this way, we will
begin to experience the bliss of love! The most important


thing to know about self-criticism is that it can be changed.

The more you practice with this voice, the more you will
want to let go of it. As you work on letting this voice go,
you can devote yourself more and more fully to your
creative process.

Claire Divas

The mind is a powerful tool for healing trauma. It can
rationalize to an extent, and it can also use imagination to
create happy memories that can counteract the bad ones.
Trauma is not something that should be ignored or left
fester. Regardless of the severity, it needs attention in order
to heal properly. People with PTSD, especially those who
are isolated, should realize that it is possible to live pain-
free. They should seek out professional help if they can't
find support at home. Sometimes the only help necessary is
to find someone who will listen to what they are saying, and
give them the time they need to process the trauma. In
order to heal from trauma, it is also important for people to
learn to cope with their emotions. Trauma is a reason for
strong emotions, like anger or fear. Other people who are
not affected by this trauma may be able to see how the
victim is feeling but often cannot understand the pain that is
associated with it. An example of a way to cope with scary


emotions would be to take a walk in a secluded, safe place.

Other people can help by talking about what they are
feeling or doing.


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