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◎Ten points each. Total 100 points.

每題 10 分,共 100 分。
每題 10 分,共 100 分。

1) Compute 950÷17+7350÷51.

計算 950÷17+7350÷51=?

計算 950÷17+7350÷51=?

(A) 220 (B) 210 (C) 205 (D) 200


2) How many 0’s are there in the product of 2×4×5×8×16×25×125×625×1025?

2×4×5×8×16×25×125×625×1025 的積共出現有幾個 0?

2×4×5×8×16×25×125×625×1025 的積共出現有幾個 0?

(A) 12 (B) 11 (C) 10 (D) 9


3) Cavin folds a piece of paper twice, cuts a hole on it, and unfold it (as shown in the figure). How does
Cavin fold the piece of paper? (Look at the options below)

如圖,Cavin 先把一張紙折兩次,接著在紙上剪了一個洞,接著再把那紙打開來(如題目圖),
問 Cavin 起初如何折這一張紙?(如選項圖)

如圖,Cavin 先把一張紙折兩次,接着在紙上剪了一個洞,接着再把那紙打開來(如題目圖),
問 Cavin 起初如何折這一張紙?(如選項圖)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

4) Fill 0~9 in □ at will to complete the equation. Find A+B+C+D.

將 0~9 任意填入□內完成算式,A+B+C+D=?

將 0~9 任意填入□內完成算式,A+B+C+D=?

(A) 15 (B) 14 (C) 13 (D) 12


5) Given a square whose side length is 20cm. Link the midpoints on its four sides to form square 2.
Repeat the steps to form square 3, square 4, square 5, and square 6. Find the area of square 6 in

一個邊長為 20cm 的正方形,依次連接四邊中點得到第 2 個正方形,這樣繼續下去可以得到第

3 個、第 4 個、第 5 個、第 6 個正方形,則第 6 個正方形面積是多少 cm2?

一個邊長為 20cm 的正方形,依次連接四邊中點得到第 2 個正方形,這樣繼續下去可以得到第

3 個、第 4 個、第 5 個、第 6 個正方形,則第 6 個正方形面積是多少 cm2?

(A) 10 (B) 12.5 (C) 15 (D) 20


6) Two squares in the 3×3 grid are black. If one of the white squares needs to be painted black to
make a symmetric figure, how many options are there?

在 3×3 的正方形方格中已有兩個方格被塗黑,若想再將圖中一個方格塗黑,使所得的圖案可

在 3×3 的正方形方格中已有兩個方格被塗黑,若想再將圖中一個方格塗黑,使所得的圖案可

(A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3

7) Pick two numbers without repetition from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to form 2-digit numbers, such as 16.
How many of them are not divisible by 3?

將 1、2、3、4、5、6、7 不重複任取 2 個,排成一個兩位數,例如:16,則這些兩位數不能

被 3 整除的有多少個?

將 1、2、3、4、5、6、7 不重複任取 2 個,排成一個兩位數,例如:16,則這些兩位數不能

被 3 整除的有多少個?

(A) 32 (B) 28 (C) 27 (D) 26


8) Fill 0~9 in the equations below where each has only one number, and each 2-digit number has
to be written in the connected or . Find A+B+C.

如圖,將0~9填入下圖中完成算式,每個 只能填入一個數字,兩位數則需填在相連的
或 內。問 A+B+C=?

如圖,將0~9填入下圖中完成算式,每個 只能填入一個數字,兩位數則需填在相連的
或 內。問 A+B+C=?

(A) 16 (B) 18 (C) 20 (D) 21

9) On the table are 168 matchsticks. Elsa and Anna take away 1, 2, 3, or 4 matchsticks by turns.
Given that the one who takes the last matchstick loses the game. Suppose Elsa is the first to play,
how many matchsticks should she take away to make sure that she is the winner?

桌上有 168 根火柴,Elsa 跟 Anna 輪流每次拿走 1 根、2 根、3 根或 4 根,規定誰拿走最後 1

根就算輸,如果 Elsa 先拿,她要拿走多少根才能確保自己一定能贏?

桌上有 168 根火柴,Elsa 跟 Anna 輪流每次拿走 1 根、2 根、3 根或 4 根,規定誰拿走最后 1

根就算輸,如果 Elsa 先拿,她要拿走多少根才能確保自己一定能贏?

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4


10) Use numbers and arithmetic symbols to make the result of the equation 24.
◎Each of the four numbers has to be used once.
◎Only symbols like “+, -, ×, ÷, and ( )” can be used in the equation. Each of them can be
◎used more than once. It is not necessary to use all of them.
◎Digits cannot be combined together. For example, two 2’s cannot be written as 22 or 22.
According to the rules, which four numbers cannot make the result of the equation 24?

Ex: Answer: 4×6+2-2=24 or (4-2)×2×6=24

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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