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2022 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽初賽
2022 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Trials

小六組 Grade 6
時限:90 分鐘
Time allowed: 90 minutes

Question Paper


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請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.
Section A – each question carries 4 marks
甲部:每題 4 分

1) 11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19   12020  12021  12022  ?

A) 2022 B) 1011 C) 674 D) 337 E) 6

1 1  1 1  1 1   1 1  1 1
2)            ?
 2 2022   4 2020   6 2018   2020 4   2022 2 

A) 0 B) 1 1 1 E) 1011
C) D)
1011 2022

3) ?
11 

A) 30 B) 31 C) 32 D) 33 E) 34

4) 12 個數的平均數是 15,其中 9 個數的平均數是 7,求其餘 3 個數的平均數。

12 个数的平均数是 15,其中 9 个数的平均数是 7,求其余 3 个数的平均数。
The average of 12 numbers is 15. The average of 9 of them is 7. Find the average of the other 3 numbers.

A) 23 B) 24 C) 38 D) 39 E) 21

5) 已知兩個三位數 x 和 y 的最大公因數是 24,若 x  y ,求 x  y 的最大可能值。

已知两个三位数 x 和 y 的最大公因数是 24,若 x  y ,求 x  y 的最大可能值。
Given the highest common factor of two three-digit numbers x and y is 24. If x  y , find the maximum
possible value of x  y .

A) 984 B) 120 C) 864 D) 960 E) 940

6) 鐘面上的時針和分針會於 11 時 x 分成一直線。求 11x 的值。

钟面上的时针和分针会于 11 时 x 分成一直线。求 11x 的值。
The hour-hand and minute-hand on a clock will form a straight line at x minutes past 11. Find the value
of 11x .

A) 330 B) 165 C) 320 D) 160 E) 300

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.
7) 有一個 20 項的等差數列,當中第 9 項是 205,第 19 項是 425,求這數列所有項的總和。
有一个 20 项的等差数列,当中第 9 项是 205,第 19 项是 425,求这数列所有项的总和。
There are 20 terms in an arithmetic sequence. The 9th term is 205 and the 19th term is 425. Find the sum
of terms of the sequence.

A) 4760 B) 9520 C) 4860 D) 9720 E) 4560

8) 甲、乙兩地相距 650 公里,一輛汽車從甲地開往乙地,如果車速提高 30%,可提前 3 小時到達。

甲、乙两地相距 650 公里,一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,如果车速提高 30%,可提前 3 小时到达。
Position A and position B are 650 kilometres apart. A car drives from position A to position B. If the
speed of car increases by 30%, it can arrive 3 hours earlier. What is the original speed of car in kilometres
per hour?

A) 80 B) 40 C) 100 D) 50 E) 60

~ End of section A ~
~ 甲部完 ~

(C) 2020 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO Union)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.
Section B – each question carries 5 marks
乙部:每題 5 分

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9)                 ?
 2 3 4 3 4 5  2 3 4 5 3 4

A) 1 B) 0 C) 0.1 D) 0.2 E) 0.5

10) 32  92  152  212  272  332  392  452  ?

A) 11160 B) 6120 C) 3060 D) 3720 E) 5040

 
11) 37  54  0.0 258  ?

A) 52 B) 50.8 C) 51.2 D) 51.6 E) 50.6

12) 2022 和 212 被正整數 n 除時,餘數分別是 16 和 8。求 n 的最小可能值。

2022 和 212 被正整数 n 除时,余数分别是 16 和 8。求 n 的最小可能值。
When 2022 and 212 are divided by a positive integer n, the remainders are 16 and 8 respectively. Find the
minimum possible value of n.

A) 34 B) 17 C) 2 D) 204 E) 68

13) 有 A、B、C 三個箱子。現在把 9 個不同的球,選 3 個放進 A 箱、2 個放進 B 箱、4 個放進 C 箱有

有 A、B、C 三个箱子。现在把 9 个不同的球,选 3 个放进 A 箱、2 个放进 B 箱、4 个放进 C 箱有
There are three boxes A, B and C. We have 9 different balls now. How many combination(s) is/are there
to choose 3 of them to put into box A, 2 of them to put into box B and 4 of them into box C?

A) 1260 B) 2520 C) 7560 D) 15120 E) 3780

14) 在 1 到 20 共 20 個正整數當中最少要抽出多少個才能保證當中必然有兩個整數的和是 16 的因數?

在 1 到 20 共 20 个正整数当中最少要抽出多少个才能保证当中必然有两个整数的和是 16 的因数?
Among the 20 positive integers from 1 to 20, at least how many number(s) should be drawn to ensure that
the sum of two of them is a factor of 16?

A) 8 B) 16 C) 11 D) 13 E) 14

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.
15) 已知兩個正整數的積是 30240,求該兩數之和的最小可能值。
已知两个正整数的积是 30240,求该两数之和的最小可能值。
Given the product of two positive integers is 30240, find the minimum possible value of the sum of these
two numbers.

A) 324 B) 328 C) 332 D) 348 E) 352

16) 一隻蜘蛛有 8 條腿,沒有翅膀;一隻蜻蜓有 6 條腿,2 對翅膀;一隻蟬有 6 條腿,1 對翅膀。現在

有這三種生物共 288 隻,它們共有腿 2022 條和翅膀 158 對。問有多少隻蜻蜓?
一只蜘蛛有 8 条腿,没有翅膀;一只蜻蜓有 6 条腿,2 对翅膀;一只蝉有 6 条腿,1 对翅膀。现在
有这三种生物共 288 只,它们共有腿 2022 条和翅膀 158 对。问有多少只蜻蜓?
A spider has 8 legs and no wings. A dragonfly has 6 legs and 2 pairs of wings. A cicada has 6 legs and 1
pair of wings. Now we have total 288 creatures of these three kinds, and there are 2022 legs and 158 pairs
of wings, how many dragonflies are there?

A) 15 B) 16 C) 17 D) 18 E) 19

~ End of section B ~
~ 乙部完 ~

(C) 2020 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO Union)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.
Section C – each question carries 7 marks
丙部:每題 7 分

17) 1  5  25  125  625  3125   78125  390625  ?

A) 488282 B) 488281 C) 488280 D) 488271 E) 488270

18) 小艾有原子筆、鉛筆和螢光筆共 20 支(每種最少有一支),共值 145 元。已知原子筆每支 7 元,鉛筆每支 4 元,螢

光筆每支 12 元。問小艾最多有多少支原子筆?
小艾有原子笔、铅笔和萤光笔共 20 支(每种最少有一支),共值 145 元。已知原子笔每支 7 元,铅笔每支 4 元,萤
光笔每支 12 元。问小艾最多有多少支原子笔?
Amy has a total of 20 ball pens, pencils, and highlighters (at least 1 of each type). The total cost is $145.
Given it costs $7 for each ball pen, $4 for each pencil and $12 for each highlighter. At most how many
ball pens does Amy have?
A) 8 B) 9 C) 10 D) 11 E) 12

19) 有一船以速率 50 公里每小時行駛;若該河道全長 480 公里,且該船從頭到尾來回一次共需要 20 小時。那麼河道的水

有一船以速率 50 公里每小时行驶;若该河道全长 480 公里,且该船从头到尾来回一次共需要 20 小时。那么河道的水
A ship travels on a river in a speed of 50 kilometres per hour. The river is 480 kilometres long. It takes
the ship 20 hours to make a round trip. What is the speed of the water flow in kilometres per hour?
A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 D) 12 E) 14

20) 有多少種方法把 1、2、3 或 4 其中一個數填進圖 20 的每一個圓,使所有邊上的兩個圓中都填上不同的數?(即使在

有多少种方法把 1、2、3 或 4 其中一个数填进图 20 的每一个圆,使所有边上的两个圆中都填上不同的数? (即使在
How many ways are there to fill one number among 1, 2, 3 or 4 into each circle in Figure 20, so that the
two circles of each side will always be filled with different numbers? (The methods are considered as
different even we have the same numbers are in the same positions after rotations)

圖 20 图 20 Figure 20

A) 4096 B) 12288 C) 3072 D) 2184 E) 546

~ End of Paper ~
~ 全卷完 ~
Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.

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