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Q: Follow 8 steps of Decision making process and explain each step

with at least 2 examples. Develop a scenario where you apply all 8
steps in any two order placing or any two problems faced by
PROBLEM Suppose that psychiatric consultants pvt. Ltd,
Understanding, evaluating and becoming are facing a dilemma regarding the following 2
aware of the problem. areas:
E.g.: 1 Hospital managers realizing they have a 1. The clients of the mentioned company
shortage of beds. are complaining about the waiting time
E.g.: 2 Restaurant struggles with taking and for each appointment as well as less
recording orders effectively. room in waiting area.
2. The clients are having trouble in
affording the fee for each appointment.

STEP#02: EVALUATING DECISION The company can evaluate the decisions of

CRITERIA: their criteria for the following problems by:
After the problem is diagnosed, we evaluate 1. Offer patients compensation for any
on what basis the decision has to be made. wasted time on behalf of the company,
E.g.: 1 The Hospital judges how to best tackle OR Consider expanding the waiting
the problem with the available resources and area OR Hiring a receptionist to aid
budget. appointment coordination.
E.g.: 2 The restaurant evaluates the situation 2. They are offered discount packages, OR
by judging on what grounds it can make a they are assigned certain benefits of
decision. being a premium client.
The corporation allocates weights to the given
In this step the manager points out what
criteria by:
alternative seems the most appropriate and
assigns probability of selection to each
available option. 1. The clinic considers its budget as well
E.g.: 1 The Hospital considers the as current on premises personnel.
attractiveness of each solution but narrows 2. The organization judges the best long
down to either opening a new wing for term solution for both the client and
patients on the existing premises OR to the company.
establish a new branch in a different location.
E.g.: 2 The manager can choose whether to
consider extra waiting staff OR automated
ordering screen at each table OR having an
independent order recording ERP system
STEP# 04: DEVELOPING ALTERNATIVES The alternatives that the company develops
The organization invests time and money into and pursues as viable options:
the most attractive decisions, developing them 1. The company looks into how much
for possible dissection. building a new waiting area costs and
E.g.: 1 The hospital looks into how each simultaneously develops the option of
alternative will behave is selected in the long allocating different time slots for each
run. client.
E.g.: 2 The restaurant will consider the long 2. The corporation invests resources into
term ramifications of their choices and options dissecting how well their offers might
they go with. fare.

STEP#05: ANALYSING ALTERNATIVES The clinic carefully analyses its narrowed down
The organization further evaluates its available 1. The corporate judges closely whether
options without settling on a final decision. each decision would have a good pay
E.g.: 1 The hospital judges its decision criteria 2. The organization analyses the risk
nearing its final options. factor of each option before making
E.g. : 2 The restaurant carefully their decision.
Considers its alternatives analytically.

STEP#06: SELECTING AN ALTERNATIVE The hospital makes decisions after all previous
The organization finally settles on a final steps:
1. The clinic ultimately chooses to hire a
E.g.: 1 The concerned authority at the receptionist to coordinate each
hospital makes their decision on hospital beds. appointment timing.
2. The company choses to give discounts
E.g.: 2 The manager opts for more waiters. for a selected few cases.

STEP#07: IMPLEMENTING THE The clinic puts into practice its chosen
ALTERNATIVE alternatives.
The organization applies their practical 1. The clinic quickly gets to work and
decision. brings on board a receptionist that
spaces each appointment an hour
E.g.: 1 The hospital puts in an order to start
construction on a new hospital wing.
2. The clinic offers its patients better
E.g.: 2 The manager puts out an prices or installments in bills for
advertisement for service needed. specific cases.
STEP#08: EVALUATING DECISION The organization takes its time to conduct an
EFFECTIVENESS assessment of how their clinic operates.
The management after selecting and
1. The clients appear satisfied with less
implementing their choice judges whether
wait times and emptier waiting rooms.
their choice was productive.
2. The clients were dissatisfied with the
E.g.: An additional hospital ward led to evaluation of what made them
enough beds.
deserving of the discount facility and
E.g.: More staff ended up being too expensive every other patient demanded their
for the restaurant to financially sustain. discounted option.

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