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Education plays a vital role in the development of a learner.The obtainment of new knowledge,
information and the way one responds to the learning environment makes a holistic learner.It must be
uncalculated in our minds that one of the purposes of education is to train learners on how to grow
independently, how to formulate solutions of problems, how to apply what they learned inside the
classroom in their real life situations, and how to understand things and make them useful to one’s life.

The pandemic has had the world on halt for a three years now. Changes in lifestyles have become a
part and parcel of our daily lives, especially for students. With new teaching practices undertaken, new
reforms are being made from students in kindergarten to college. According to UNESCO (2020), as of
June, schools in more than 180 countries had been closed. Nations worldwide have also responded to the
desolation caused by disease and reestimated the services of online learning to face the challenges in the
educational environment. The Ministry of Education of China also required schools of all levels to respond
to the changes brought about by the pandemic and adjust the form of classes (Cheng, 2020; Zhang et al.,
2020). They started such modes of teaching as “online new semester,” “Suspending Classes without
Stopping Learning,” and “Suspending Classes Without Stopping Teaching.”

In this study,it is presented the insights of the impact of pandemic on the learning habits of
Catagtaguen National High School students due to the hit of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).It will give a
unique opportunity to identify the impact of pandemic on the learning habits of students especially the
sudden change of learning modalities.Therefore has implications for how students addressed the challenges
and new existing learning practices and distance learning during the pandemic.

Review of Related Literature

1.From face-to-face to online teaching

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected teaching and learning at almost all HEIs worldwide, with two-
thirds reporting replacing classroom teaching with distance teaching and learning (Marinoni et al.,
2020). Large-scale research involving 31,212 students (Aristovnik et al., 2020) explored the means of
delivering distance learning content among the HEIs of 62 countries and found that the most dominant
form has been online lectures via real-time video conferences. This synchronous approach was followed by
other asynchronous forms, such as sending presentations to students, video recording, written
communication using forums and chats,and more rarely, audio recording. This rapid shift from face-to-face
or distance learning accommodated social distancing requirements and economic shutdowns caused by
Covid-19 (Fernandez & Shaw, 2020; Watermeyer et al., 2020), but it did not come without significant
challenges and costs.
The sudden and unexpected global shift of online teaching caused difficulties from several aspects:
access of online systems, teacher and students competencies and pedagogies for distance learning, and the
requirements of specific fields of study (Marinoni etal., 2020). For example, restricted internet access has
presented major problems in low- to medium-resource countries such as India (Dutta, 2020) whilst
Toquero (2020) describes the suspension of distance learning in the Philippines because HEIs were not
prepared of implement online learning systems. Similarly, HEIs in countries with good internet connection
reported financial difficulties in investing in tools and online licences (Marinoni et al., 2020).

2.Personal circumstances

According to findings from Son et al. (2020), this sudden increase in workload derived mainly from
students increasing their own efforts to catch up with modules without the in-person support they
previously had from tutors and teaching assisans, proving their participation to their tutors by delivering
more assignments than were requested before. Further, invesrigations into the challenges of studying at
home suggest that difficulties in adopting studying habtis may be the reason for feelings of work overload
(Adnan & Anwar, 2020; Bao, 2020; Händel et al., 2020).

Bao (2020) also identifies an existing association between studying in isolation at home and an
inappropriate learning environment and lack of self-discipline. Several studies indicte that a lack of ICT
equipment (e.g. printers) at home and limited knowledge on its use, and even the lack of a quiet place to
study are among the negative impacts of Covid- 19. In partcular, studenst in South America, Asia and
Africa faced significant challenges with underdeveloped internet works, and the mobile phone often their
only available device for online learning (Adnan & Anwar, 2020; Demuyakor, 2020; Kapasia et al., 2020;
Owusu-Fordjour et al., 2020). As mentioned earlier, poor internet access, on some occassions, has led to
decisions to suspend or cancel some academic activities (Toquero, 2020), and has also made it difficut to
provide students with equal learning opportunities, even in middle and high-income countries (Marinoni et
al., 2020). Futher, the closure of schools has also affected households, resulting in a larger demand on
devices and the internet and causing emotional hardship of parents(Daniel, 2020; Garbe et al., 2020).
Likewise, many households have experienced employment and financial issues due to Covid-19 (Brooks et
al., 2020; Jena, 2020; Pan, 2020)

Moreover,the influence of Covid-19 social distancing measures on people’s mental health around the
globe (Brooks et al., 2020; Pan, 2020) has also affected university students. The reduced physical contact
with other people, particularly fellow students in the case of face-to-face teaching at universities, may
generate negatve emotions such as boredom and anxiety (Brooks et al., 2020; Elmer etal., 2020; Ma &
Miller, 2020). Several studies stress the negative impacts of studying at home on the emotional well-being
of students unaccustomed to distance learning, reporting several reasons and outcomes. For example,
student well-being issues were found to be positively associated with an inappropriate learning
environment (Händel et al., 2020; Kecojevic et al., 2020), feelings of work overload (Arisovnik et al.,
2020; Händel et al., 2020), employment loss (Kecojevic et al., 2020), career concerns (Arisovnik et al.,
2020; Aucejo et al., 2020; Kecojevic et al., 2020), and concerns about physical heath (Kecojevic et al.,
2020; Son et al., 2020).

3.Learning Styles in Distance Learning

Some researchers focused on the learning styles of distance learners. In this sense, Allen et al. (2002)
suggested delivering courses in a variety of formats to accommodate multiple learning styles. Benbunan-
Fich and Hiltz (2003) deemed it necessary to conduct research into the relationship among learning styles,
the chosen mode of delivery, and student success. In another study Liegle and Janicki (2006) investigated
the effect of learning styles on the Internet navigation needs of web based learners, finding that students as
explorers provided a higher number of visits to linked web pages, whereas observers tended to be more
passive. Also a few of the studies focused on academic performances and learning styles. Akdemir and
Koszalkab (2008) determined the relationships between instructional strategies and learning styles in an
online graduate level course. In the study, although using different kinds of instructional strategies for
various learning styles learners’ performances were equivalent. In another study, Popescu (2010) studied
relationships between web-based educational systems and learning styles and found that accommodators
benefited more than others in the learning process. Also, Shaw (2012) found that different learning styles
were associated with significantly different learning scores. In addition, Schellens and Valcke (2000) and
Neuhauser (2002) did not find such relationships between learning style and learning performance in online

Conceptual/Theortical Framework




Distance learning

Learning habits Learning habits

Statement of the Problem

The extent to which students learning habits on distance learning change due to impact of the
pandemic.The pandemic became a huge challenge especially to students, as the deadly virus rises its
infected patient.Thus,the students hard to cope up as the learning habits they used to do before change as
the pandemic arise.

This study focused on learning habits and its impact on Grade 12 distance learning in Catagtaguen
National High School. Specifically, this study sought to ascertain the impact of the pandemic in learning
habits on distance learning of students.

Significance of the he Study

This study aims to find out the impact of pandemic to the learning habits of Grade 12 students in
Catagtaguen National High School and the effectiveness of distance learning.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Students

The direct reciptients of the output of this research are the Grade 12 students.Any positive impact of the
pandemic in the learning habits of students will provide them any valid reason to study more.

The Teachers

This study will beneficial to teachers to determine their students how frequent they study. Through this
research, teachers may purposefully discover how students cope up or change their learning habits due to
distance learning.

The Parents

The research will benefits the parents of Grade 12 students.As the parents act as their teacher due to
distance learning,they become aware how there daughter/son organize to study.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the impact of the pandemic in Grade 12 students learning habits.The data
collection will be conducted 10% of the total population in Grade 12 of Catagtaguen National High
School,school year 2021-2022 who will represent the population.This study will not cover other problems
that are not associated in learning habits.The other students which do not fall as part of the Grade 12
students are not within the scope of this research.The study would be done through the utilization of
questionnaire to the students as a survey and reference.By their strategy,the researcher will be able to know
the impact of pandemic on the learning habits of Grade 12 students.

Definition of Terms

Throughout the definition of terms such as "Covid-19," "distance learning," "learning habits,"
"pandemic," and "questionnaire" will be used.In order to assure that all readers interpreting these terms
inteded the following definitions are presented:

Covid-19- Coronavirus disease(Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS- CoV-2 virus.

Distance learning - The education of students who may not be always physically present at a school also
known as distance education.

Learning habits - The methods and means of obtaining information.It helps students to organize the efforts
to solve problems, develop skills, and acquire knowledge.

Pandemic - It is an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread across a large region,for instance
multiple continents or worldwide,affecting substantial number of individuals.

Questionnaire - A questionnaire is a research tool featuring a series of questions used to collect useful
information from respondents. These instruments include either written or oral questions and comprise an
interview-style format.

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