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Modular Learning Modality in AOF Senior High School Students


The Philippines has had a tremendous era of suffering in 2020 as the COVID19
virus continues to wreak havoc on the nation's economy, health, culture and education. The
government has been compelled tocontinue banning face-to-face sessions due to the rising
number of afflicted individuals and the threat posed by new coronavirus starins . As a
result,modular distance learning becomes a popular modality for students in locations where the
internet is not really available for online learning. Abude et al. (2021) Despite numerous
objections due to the potential risk of opening classess, the Department of Education (DepEd)
and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) adopted and implemented the flexible approach
of blended learning. Modular (printed) ,Modular (digitized), online, educational
television,radio-based instruction,home schooling,and blended learning are the various learning
modes Anzaldo et al. (2021).

Distance learning is one of the educational models that today has Indonesian students
engaged. A competitive option that may have an impact on Indonesia's future human resource
development in today's learning. It is beneficial for students of all socioeconomic levels as well
as those who have geographical difficulties. Yaumi (2007). In addition, in Indonesia, according
to the report, more students may have passed but because of lack of facilities and parental
supervision during their at-home learning time some students are having a hard time.
Comparable to most Indonesian families come from low-income backgrounds and are unable to
supervise their children. Most students' learning may not be as effective as it may be due to a
lack of learning supports trouble away from home. This is a common occurrence in many
Indonesian schools. Idealized it becoming a national issue that requires assistance from all
parties to close this learning gap among students in Indonesia Putra et al (2020).

The most common example of distance learning is modular learning. The Philippines are
where in this kind of educating students. All public schools currently use this modality because,
in a poll performed by the Department of Education, this kind of distance learning can help
students learn by using printed and digital modules, and it is the most popular distance learning
approach among students this school year. Dangle et al (2020). The majority of public schools
rely on modular distance learning platforms, and online distance learning is anchored with TV
and radio-based instruction. Particularly during the pandemic, remote learning benefits those
who are unable to attend traditional classroom instruction. Distance education made it feasible
to learn. It was significantly different from a typical lesson because while incentive and
supervision were always present in the classroom, particularly in the offline classes, learning is
self-directed. Cañete et al (2022). According to a research conducted throughout the
Philippines, 32% and 22%, respectively, of the 3670 Filipino students polled reported having
trouble transitioning to new learning styles and not having dependable internet access.
Insufficient learning resources, power outages, ambiguous lesson content, overloaded lesson
activities, a lack of teacher scaffolds, poor peer communication, conflicts with home obligations,
a poor learning environment, financial-related issues, physical health compromises, and mental
health issues are all reasons why students find online learning and modular learning
challenging. Bustillo et al (2022)

In Davao, there is a need for improvement. The success of the modules in empowering
students and increasing their learning efficacy by themselves despite the consequences and the
pandemic's impact on education. Being aware that learning is become harder and more delicate
for both teachers, students and erratic environments. When teachers and students don't adjust,
module variations are affected. Anduyan et al (2020). Though many educators, parents, and
students spoke out about the problems they face they encountered in distance learning
modules. This comprises that some of the modules have puzzle flaws, which comes as a cost.
The printed modules have already been replicated and disseminated, exhausted all of the
school's funding, forcing teachers to use their own resources to buy the supplies for their
students' and parents' enhanced support-giving efforts providing direction for their child's
academic work. Anoda et al (2022).

Students should indeed stay at home because of the pandemic and will engage in a
distance learning, called modular learning modality. As a result, this study will evaluate the
modular modality's effectiveness as well as how the students adjusted to this after experiencing
it. By filling the gaps this research can also serve as a guide for our students in determining
whether or not the modular learning mode matters in the context of today's educational
practices especially in the academic performances of grade 12 students in A.O. Floirendo.

Research Questions:

1. What are the experiences of AOF SHS Students through distance learning?
2. What distance modality/ies do you prefer?
3. What are the challenges have you encountered in modular distance learning approach
that may affect your learning process?

Padmapriya (2015) as mention by De Guzman et al (2022) mentioning the utilization of

self-learning modules permits the students to learn and study independently. In fact, learners
reflected favorably when they learned science using a modular manner. Also according to
Paspasan (2015) as mention by Novak et al (2018) relatively speaking, students who used
modules improved more than those who did not. Compared the student performance in
self-paced modular teaching methods and structured teaching methods. Students had access to
the self-paced method allows students to freely work and improve their arithmetic skills.

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