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Exercise curs.

Chapter 1 Culture and its impact

1. 1 People in individualistic societies see themselves as independent. - True
2 People in cultures with a low uncertainty avoidance like to have as
much information as possible when they make plans. - False
3 People in places where there is high power distance expect to be
able to move to a position of power more easily. - False
4 Men share the same values as women in low masculinity cultures. - True
5 People in places with long-term orientation are likely to spend all
the money they earn. - False
6 These dimensions are rules, and you should always follow them
when dealing with people from different countries. - False

2. 2 Match tips 1-10 with the society a-j that they describe.
1 The management values teamwork and wants everybody to be
involved in the decision-making process. - Low power distance
2 Hard work is important in these countries. - Long-term orientation
3 People want to express their own opinion. - Individualistic
4 You might employ a management team of men in this society. - High masculinity dimension
5 You should give detailed plans of every project. - High uncertainty avoidance
6 You need to communicate with the top managers to get
answers and to get things done. - High power distance
7 Respect the traditions of the society. - Collectivist
8 You don't worry about the details in this society. - Low uncertainty avoidance
9 Men and women should be treated equally. Finding agreement
is more important than'winning'a discussion. - Low masculinity dimension
10 People in this society probably do not expect a job for life. - Short-term orientation

Verb Adjective Noun

communicate communicative communication
analyse analycal analysis
- un (certain) un (certainty)
avoid avoidable avoidance
values valued/ valuable value
compete competitive competitor

2 Now complete these sentences with words from exercise 1.

1 It is important for a company to show that it values the work of its employees.
2 There are a lot of other companies which offer similar products, so the market is quite competitive.
3 We use Intranet, email, and telephone conferences to communicate with each other.
4 If we want to avoid this problem in the future, we need to change the situation now.
5 The future of the company is very uncertain ; we don't know if they will go bankrupt or not.
6 Our analysis shows that employees want to have more decision-making power.
1 corporate a culture b identity c overseas
2 multinational a team b culture c company
3 cultural a differences b similarities c policy
4 business a people b expatriate c cards
5 a local b individual c abroad culture
6 a host b foreign c company country
7 a parent b international c global company
8 a relocation b expatriate c repatriation package

Chapter 2 – Technology and business

2 Match the words in exercise 1 with their definitions below. (Verbs)

1. to make or draw plans for something: design
2. to find information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time: discover
3. to bring something into existence, to start to happen; to grow or change into a more advanced,
larger, or stronger form: develop
4. to create something which has never been made before: invent
5. to introduce changes and new ideas: innovate

Noun: discovery, innovation, invention, design, development

The passive is formed by using the correct tense of the verb to be and the past participle, e.g.
used or known!!!

Chapter 3 – Motivation

1 a lot of bureaucracy company policy – Hygiene

2 rude colleagues relationship with peers – Hygiene
3 praise Recognition – Motivation
4 promotion Advancement – Motivation
5 low pay Salary – Hygiene
6 a job you enjoy Work Itself - Motivation
7 the chance to learn new skills Growth - Motivation
8 only a few days of annual leave Work conditions - Hygiene
9 not enough support in the job Supervision - Hygiene
10 an aggressive manager Relationship with the boss-Hygiene
11 getting good results Achievement – Motivation
12 the chance to manage a team Responsibility-Motivation

2 Complete the letter with these quantifiers.

I am writing on behalf of the employees. 1 some of them feel that the new pay deal is not 2 enough, as it
does not cover the rise in the cost of living. I am aware that you and the management have invested 3 a
great deal of time and effort in securing this pay deal. However, 4 many union members believe that the
outcome of the recent pay negotiations has had 5 little effects on improving the economic position of our
factory workers. We suggest that we hold a meeting of management and the union representatives in the
next 6 few days to resolve this matter.

countable: many, a lot of, a few, a large number of, several
uncountable: much, a lot of, a little, a great deal of, a huge amount of

4 Complete the sentences with the, a, an or no article (-) using the table above.
1 If it happens, it will be the biggest takeover in history.
2 _ oil prices are going to continue to increase over the next 2 years.
3 We need to hire a translator to help with the French contract.
4 Oh no! I've left the documents at the office.
5 Can you go and pick them up in _ my car?
6 It's in the cupboard next to the photocopier.
7 Could you lend me a pen, please?
8 We can't start our meeting without the CEO.
9 Would you like to come in and see _ Mr. Brown?
10 He saw a man enter the office late last night. The man had short blond hair.
Chapter 4
Human Resources

Individual tasks:
recruiting new staff
working with departments to help bring about change
advertising for new staff
developing staff abilities
informing employees about developments
supporting heads of department in getting the best
work out of their staff

1. Compensation for employees: salaries; pensions

Hiring staff: recruiting new staff; advertising for new staff
Performance management: developing staff abilities; supporting heads of department in getting the best
work out of their staff
Organisation development: working with departments to help bring about change; informing employees
about developments

1. Underline the correct future form to complete these sentences.

1 Natalia is helping / will help you if you want.
2 I am going to / will recommend you for promotion at the next meeting.
3 We are meeting / will meet the head of HR this afternoon to discuss the recruitment strategy.
4 The economic situation means we are going to have / will have problems meeting the sales targets.
5 I hope he is making / will make a lot of money when he finishes his course.

2. Complete the rules about using future forms.

1 Use will to talk about decisions at the time of speaking
and for offers and requests.
2 Use (be) going to talk about intentions.
3 Use the present continuous to talk about arrangements.
4 Use (be) going to talk about predictions with present evidence.
5 Use will to talk about other predictions.

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