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Reflective Statement

With the changes that had been made under the Civil Law (Amendment) Act 2019, for

fatal accidents and personal injury claims , the changes for matters that falls under fatal

accidents for bereavements claims are much needed. In the lecture, it is stated that the

changes gives out more claims for people under the word child, which is reasonable as the

wording had given more interpretations. I find it to be fair for the person that had experienced

loss equivalent to their loss of income.

This also includes matters on where the changes looked into. It also looks into the

changes under the amount of the claims. The statute had conferred a change from ten

thousand to thirty thousand is a very nice change that needs to be observed as the change

could possibly help the victims family to move on with their lives. The changes that also

includes the term ‘person with disabilities’ is also a huge change where a person that is disabled

and rely on the victim’s income could sue for the victim as he is now included under the

amendment. The extension for the age limit for the purpose of assessing loss of earnings also is

a huge step as it shows that the lives of a person is sacred and important and the amendment

for the multiplier in assessing the loss of earnings and loss of future earning is also good where

a person who either involved in fatal accidents or personal injury claims can actually assess a

very good amount of loss if they had seen a loss (which dependency falls on) or personal injury

that could lead a person to not be able to perform their duties that is paid.

The amendments pursuant to the retirement age of 60 is also reflected in this act where

the age limit for the purpose of assessing the loss of future earnings in personal injury claims is
extended from 55 to 60. In my opinion, this should be implemented as a person that is of age

between 55-60 can now make a claim for personal injuries if they are earning so that they can

have a good compensation if anything bad happens to them due to personal injury reasons

In conclusion, the changes made under the Civil Law (Amendment) Act 2019, is a much-

needed change as it follows the trend of change that occurs in the real-life world. It is also

needed as it somehow compensates a person in which they are just and helps the victims in

their future endeavours. In addition, the changes have it that even senior persons have their

right to such claims as the act claims that the person are entitled to such claims as cases before

had restricted them from doing so and thus it would be unjust if it is continued.

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