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Slime - Player Race

Resilient Slime Body

Your slime body has very few
Design Notes internal organs and is made mostly of adaptable fluid. When
I designed this race upon request to homebrew a slime you are hit by an attack, you may use your reaction to gain
capable of absorbing memories from other creatures. The resistance to all nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and
basic requirements were:
slashing damage until the start of your next turn including
against the attack that hit you. Once you use this trait, you
1. Slime
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
2. Looks like a round, transparent/translucent blob (“clear Malleable Form
You are able to squeeze through spaces as
narrow as one inch wide. You are considered prone as you do
3. Can absorb memories from creatures it eats
so. Any equipment or objects that you have in your internal
4. Can take on the form of other creatures
pockets must be able to fit within the space you are moving
through or be ejected from your body. You exit the space as a
Slime blob.
As an action, you are able to morph into the appearance of a
Through the never-ending engulfment of other creatures, the medium-sized humanoid that you have seen or consumed. You
race of slimes not only evolved to absorb the physical are still translucent though you appear superficially
nutrients of their prey but also developed the ability to anatomically correct. As a humanoid, you may wield weapons,
consume their memories. As a result, these slimes have use tools, and wear armor similar to other humanoids. You
achieved something their more primitive cousins - oozes - can also form in and out of any armor or clothes while
could not: intelligence and sentience. How exactly the slimes morphing and ignore the time required to don/doff the
learned speech and even magic remains a mystery. What is equipment. You revert to your blob form as an action or if you
certain, however, is that a former species of round blobs of are knocked unconscious. Doing so automatically forces you
translucent goop has become a capable and civilized race with to exit and drop any equipment you are using that requires a
their own quirks and abilities. humanoid body.
Slimes cannot wear traditional armor as a blob. You may
Slime traits have armor crafted/modified specifically for that form. As a
Your slime character has the following traits: guideline, DMs should consider at least twice the cost of
Ability Score Increase
Your Constitution increases by 2, traditional armor if purchasing from a normal smith.
and either your Dexterity or your Intelligence increases by 1. Internal Pockets
Slimes can form pockets within their
Slimes physically mature rapidly, though their mental gelatinous body to carry objects. While you can have several
development depends a lot on the type of prey they consume pockets within your body, they collectively have up to a volume
and absorb memories from. The longest living slime is said to of 1 cubic foot. For example, you can hold a single short sword
have been over 100 years old though the suggested average or several small pouches or a handful of arrows or a pair of
lifespan is close to 80 years. daggers. Another creature can attempt to wrestle an object
Alignment N/A from inside your body through an Athletics check contested by
While slimes can fit into various spaces, the mass of a your Acrobatics or Athletics check. You may use this trait even
full grown slime is similar to a human’s. A slime naturally as a humanoid though the objects must fit within your body.
appears as a round-ish blob but can also take on the form of a Blob Pseudopods
As a blob, you do not have versatile
humanoid between five to six feet tall. Your size is Medium. appendages and cannot use tools that require fine motor
As a blob or humanoid, your base sliding/walking control or wield traditional weapons. However, you can
speed is 30ft. quickly lash out with an ooze-like pseudopod to perform
Slimes speak Common and Primordial. unarmed strikes. Your unarmed strike deals bludgeoning
Absorb Memories
As a blob, you may consume a creature damage equal to 1 + your Strength modifier unless otherwise
of size Medium or smaller over the course of a short rest (or determined (e.g. through class features or feats).
an equivalent amount of time) and peer into their memories You may also cast spells using the movement of your
as long as they had memories. As the creature's life flashes pseudopods to mimic somatic components.
through your mind, you learn the most important memory
from their life. You can also actively glean additional
information; you may ask the DM one question, and the DM
must answer truthfully though they may couch the answer in
figurative language representative of the memory's qualities.
Once you have used this trait, you may not use it again until
you have taken a long rest.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Remove limit on morphing abilities.
FAQ Separate Internal Pockets as its own trait.
Climbing as a Blob
The slime blob form can still climb V 2.0
vertical surfaces/rope/etc. You follow the standard rules for
climbing. Settle on CON+2, Dex/Int +1 for ASI.
Increase climb speed of blob form to 10ft from 5ft.
Set Absorb Memories time to an hour or “time equivalent
Potential changes to a short rest”.
In the case that the race still feels too strong, here are a list of Remove the following from Resilient Slime Body:
“If you
possible changes. You may choose to adjust these features are knocked unconscious, you have advantage on death
individually or in combination as needed. saving throws.”
Buff Resilient Slime Body resistance to all physical
Absorb Memories Change time needed from "a short damage.
rest" to "1 hour" explicitly. Nerf Resilient Slime Body resistance to 1/short rest.
Resilient Slime Body Change "resistance to nonmagical Add fluff and DM recommendation for armoring the slime’s
bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage" to "resistance to blob form.
nonmagical bludgeoning damage only". Add explicit approval of use of slime pockets to the Alter
Malleable Form Change "don/doff armor as an action" to Self form.
"you may reduce the time needed to don armor by half or Remove unarmed strike damage from Pseudopod strike.
down to a minute, whichever is lower." Add inability to use tools that require fine motor control
while in blob form.
References: Other
Conceptualized/Written by tmp_muffin
Compendium of Forgotten Secrets (Slime Warlock Patron)
Feedback from members of The Tavern and Discord of
Oozes - Monster Manual
Many Things discord servers and r/unearthedarcana
Legend Lore/Divination spells subreddit.
Change log
V 4.0
Remove climbing speed nerf in blob form.
Remove natural armor and death saving throw critical save
from Resilient Fluids.
Rename Wound Resistant back to Resilient Slime Body.
Set shapeshift from Malleable Body to an Action instead of
10 minutes.
Rename Malleable Boby to Malleable Form.
State that shifting from humanoid to blob automatically
drops items and armor if they are for humanoid forms.
Set limit of internal pockets to 1 cubic foot (1x1x1 foot
cube volume).
Clarify pseudopod unarmed strike does 1+Str mod
bludgeoning damage unless otherwise noted.
Rename Pseudopod Strikes and Casting to Blob
V 3.0
Edit for readability.
Edit wording for physical damage to nonmagical
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
Reduce Absorb Memory questions to one question per use
(from three).
Add Resilient Fluids natural AC.
Rename Resilient Slime Body to Wound Resistant trait.
Rename Amorphous body to Malleable body.
Remove Alter Self references and simply use "morph into
humanoid" and humanoid form.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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