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In the hustle and bustle of modern lives, we are facing a wide range of difficulties, especially student at

university. To the best of my knowledge , the first common problem thay face may be spreading
themselves too thin . I mean that with affording the high price of college tuition, many students must
get jobs. Finding a job, building more relationships, and taking part in extracurricular activities are hard
nut to crack. Many students try to cram all of these activities into one day and do not get enough sleep.
Without proper rest, students are vulnerable to physical and mental health problems.So the best way
for them to deal with problem is deciding what is important. Prioritize and schedule events, , social
events, and studies accordingly. Also, be aware of your options when getting a job.

What’s more , whether they admit it or not, most students will at one point get homesick, especially
those who attend a school that is far from their home. Freshmen suffer more, as it is presumably their
first year away from home.So, If they lived far from their home , they could plan to visit home once
every month. Asking friends and family by calling, and sending messages to them . These steps should
greatly assist in reducing feelings of homesickness.

Last but not least, time magagement may be the challenging problem students always face to. As you
know , for many, college courses require much more effort than high school classes did. Unlike most
high schools, colleges often pack two years of content into one year. But while the purpose of a college
education is to learn as much as you can, that doesn't mean studying all the time. It is important to
schedule time for fun and to take breaks to keep your mind fresh and clear.

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