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Name: Maris L. Resare

Section: A21


Design a strategy matrix that corresponds to theories discussed. Fill up the following table for
your guide. All strategies and activities must be in relation to teaching accounting and
accounting-related subjects. Give at least three strategies for each theory. Each strategy
must correspond to three classroom activities. Do not copy the examples below.

Learning Theory Strategy Classroom Activities

Behaviorism Example: Example:
1. Motivate the students in 1. Group the students in a five-
problem solving activities member group. Each group is
given a unique problem to solve.
The groups are given only 10
minutes to answer the problem.
After the time given, students are
required to present their answers
in the class.
Cognitivism Push students to rely on what Students develop a questionnaire to
they've learned and figure out group or gather information at hand
ways to succeed through that will focus on analyzing
activities information and making judgments
based on it. Students will weigh
information based on the criteria
previously learned.
Gestalt Theory During the teaching and The teacher asks students to find a
learning process, to maintain set of cards of three cards. The cards
an emotionally pleasant and have one of the correct answer to
non-threatening atmosphere their accounting problem, one of
that facilitates the interchange three are shown answer, but it’s
of ideas and learning. either correct or wrong, and the
other one is unknown. The goal of
the game is to find a set of cards by
only solving it intellectually on the
spot to produce an answer.
Constructivism Students learn how to learn by Students individually solve their
giving them the training to take exercise on capital budgeting that
initiative for their own learning their teacher prepared for and then
experiences. they come together as a class to
discuss the results.

A grudge is purposefully rehashing an event in your mind long after it has passed. When you’re
holding onto a grudge, you’re hanging onto a story about an event and keeping an emotional
experience around that doesn’t need to be around,” Gerber says. It's not only about the stress
on your body, either. A consuming grudge can also influence your perception of the world. “It
can really impact your quality of life, your relationships and certainly your mood day in and day
out,” Gerber says. That’s why I totally disagree with the proposition “Hatred or grudge brings
good or advantage in life.” When you hold on to a grudge, you're clinging to a tale about an
incident and an emotional experience that doesn't have to be there, similar to Aling Biang tries
to instill hatred in Iking’s heart but he shows signs of quiet resistance. The flame of hate is
more powerful than the winds of empathy and forgiveness. Forgiveness allows us to work out
our differences. The lesson here is that our actions have consequences, and holding grudges
when those consequences are negative is harmful. Humans are prone to making mistakes and
faults, yet forgiveness and tolerance for remorse are higher human qualities. We can assist
promote mutual trust and confidence if we learn to forgive one other.

Capital budgeting is important because it establishes both

measurability and accountability. Any corporation that invests its
resources in a project without a clear grasp of the expected returns
and dangers will be held accountable by its owners or stakeholders.
The benefit of this strategy is that it allows you to make quick
decisions about when and how to invest your free cash flow.
Furthermore, capital budgeting is used to make long-term
investment decisions on whether specific projects will generate
long-term growth and offer the required returns.

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